p. 8


The Municipal DAD HERO OF THE DAY, VICTOR CIGARETTES bope (Continued from page 1)
Kingston. First, must say that am glad that there is man live as Mr Bin Alves to think of such a scheme as a municipal lottery As a true Jamaican will upbold him and hope that the Hon Legislative Council will assist him to bring it to perfection. Playing the lottery is to more dangerous to Jamale: than horse racing on cach boliday. If the lottery is allowed to play (which hope will be soon) there will be lots of money going in the Tna ury or where it is kept for public works expenditure: lots of poor people wbo are out of work would get somethiog to do by selltoy the lottery tickets; lots of Jamaicans wbo know about the lottery and who are bere and in other Republies with the hope of winning would be glad to go home to their dear native land. Lots of Jamaicans cha biast of being the proud owner of properties through the Patama lottery, which will play as long as Pagams remains. Playing the lottery is sporting game; no one bas to keel down to dice or card. In Panama cne buys a piece of ticket for fitty cents (or 2s. ora sheet of tickets for eve dollars (or and if the number he has corresponds with the number in the office it means 200 for one piece, or 2, 000 for the beet of ten pieces. There is no danger in that. will say further, Mr, Etitor, that if you were to ask the Jamai cans in the Republics, if they want the lottery to play in their Islands you would hear a thunderous answer of yes coming from every throat. Surplus money from the lottery would belp to make King.
ston the gateway of our island, a modern city. My position on the Isthmus far the last fourteen years, places me where deal with every tourist and their cry las maica is a beautiful island but Kingston is a dirty spot.
Now, let us get some money to fix Kingston first. hope the people in grera. the Lºgi lative Council Parochial Boards aud ail will stand by Mr. Alves and bring this scheme to a success am, etc. AMOS BROWN.
Cristobal, C, Republic de Panama, 23rd March, 1923.
Last Sunday was acother big Thcing event at Juan Franco race track Quite a large DUBber of tu tites and others were John S, Richie, of Jamaica, Clarence Green, promi.
present Toe starts were much well known on the Car al nent West Indian chauffeur of more satisfactory than on the Zone as a good employer, this ei y and he President of previous Suoday and on the says have smoked Victor the Pacific Club. says: had hole there were no causes for tisatisfaction nor complaint.
Cigarettes and am delighted a sample smoke of ihe Victor with thrir mildness.
The fir race created great Cigarettes and was a bit cxalt mint and surprise when surprised to find how it comun lle Dome ron, Coca Cola Azariah Caid, is one of pared favourably with the wbieb got away bid y at the Panama reputed all around other brands have prelifting of th: rir rom ped cricketers, also a bright conviously smoked shall conhon. e a winger. It will be rcversationalist. He says: tinue to smoke them.
memb red, that on the previous Sunday This sane birs: colWhen you smoke Victor lapsed bte the end of tbe Cigarettes there is no nerve William Costa, is a big tour turlong; by some of the racking sensation. smoke turites it was thought impcs sartorial success in this city.
them even when bowling sible that the young contender After smoking a sample of of Bocas del Toro could bave Victor Cigarettes he excarried off the honours of tbe Minto Neugent, of Jamaipressed the opinion, These day But this was exactly what ca smokes Victor Cigarettes cigarettes are unlike any happened.
and exclaims: Gee boys this others bave smoked will The second race was quite a is the cigarette for the chaufsurely buy this brand.
disappointment, as in the first feurs. It is mild and soothing.
instance, Chagres and Chanol.
lor were scratched, and secondly Paul, a well known Clemencia which Benjamin Dunn, one of was prime favourite and to which it was Pana ma most popular bar.
stenographer, liked and resaid that, the race was a git, bers at 19th Street and Censpected by all his friends and showed very poor performance tral Ave. smokes Victor Cigaassociates smokes Victor Ciand was completely out of the rettes and says he regarettes. He says. When ruaning Mitabai was splendid y ridden by Arcbambeau, wbo commends them to all bis pe get one of these Cigarettes was the most successful mount trons.
between my lips can work for the day, came home, the at the typewriter without rewinner in dasbing William Henry, an old time moving It is a pleasant Archambeau played the double smoke.
cochero says. With the Vicuccess in almost the same manner riding Mountain Boy in toi Cigarettes in your pocket the Fourth race.
you can work all night withThomas Gittene, a native The third race was the most of Trinidad, a successful classical and the most important plumber around this city, event on the day programme Frederick Rose, Well boys kuows bis busin ss; he also It was over the distance of 54 furlongs, the National Handicap the newest fad is the Victor knows the quality of Victor tor purse of 500, This Cigarettes. enjoy them inCigarettes because hesmokes contest brought out an exceilert mensely and recommend them them field of horses: Dad 183 lbs as a first class smoke.
ridden by Medina; La Victoire, 127 lbs, Ara ug uiz; Forget meHenry anchard, resides Natbaniel Robertson, says Not 119 lbs, Valencis; Crusader at Red Tank is a good worker 111 lbs, Blank; Avispo 96 lbs. This is the brand of tobachonest, self respecting and James; Reflejo 117 lbs, La Fuente co like to smoke, its blendwell thought of by his asQuien Sabe 84 lbs, Burke. In the first three furlorgs Ded and ed flavour is pleasant and it scciates. He smokes Victor Cinsauer nude the pace warm, is not as harsh as some Cigarettes, and says he will with Forget Me Not strong in other cigarettes. The Victor not change them for any other the running at the end of that is alright.
distance Crusader fell back and Dad and Forget Me Not were running almost together wben at the last fu long Dad went away from his field coming home an easy winner with LA Vic. oire scord and Forget Me Not third.
The seventh race of a mile and ball the next important, brought out to face the starter LA ctoire, Johnny Walker, Keene Horse Killed In Buck Dancer, Cort and Estrel The Grand Notional. The horses were successful Jy sent away at the lifting of the barrier, Buck Dancer carried LIVERPOOL: The Wh the race all his own way to the National Steeplechase, known as Grand dirbt furloi when he was cba lenged by La Victoire and resulted fatally to at least one the cruelist race in the world together they ran two furlongs borse, the American cwned SAT in company after which the Masterful. Two Jockeys are latter gradually moved away known to bave been hurt while from Buck Dancer and came twenty one of the twenty eight in an easy winner by several starters fell.
lengths with Johnny Walker Bland and Buck Dancer third.
Masterful, Foxball Keene entry, broke a fetlock in taking Beeker Brook, the most formiMarch Traffic Through dable jump of the course, and Canal Highest In any was destroyed. Roberts who was in the saddle, sustained Month to Date. knee, injuries Jockey Gibeon broke his collarbone in a Jall at another jump AU previous Canal trafic recods were broken during the Onth of March when a total of 521 vessels of all kinds, exclusive Sports In Cricket Contest of Car al equipment, transited VS. Middlesex the Canal. ibis cxceeds by 96 the former record number of uansite, On Sunday April 22 ad Middlesex JC, will meet Sports in Ships transiting the Canal from a Cup ixture at the Aerial Park Pacific to Atlantic exceeded by 13 Colon. It will be remembered those from Atlactic to Pacific. last year, the Sports defeated but tolls on Pacific bound vessels Cornwall through the terrific were greater by 128 614. 06, bowling of Earle which THIS IS MEET TO KEEP YOU GUESSING owing to the large of Government vessels which the Cornwall and they will brought about the downfall of were it cluded in the transits never forget the well played of the Atlantic game that was witnessed on that occasion. Eacle in the Isst match with Pickwick bad the batsmen Parama Baptist Christian badly defeated from his deadly LADIES FREE Endeavor Anniversary bowling. It is anticipated that the residents of Gatun will be out in large numbers to witness Plans are completed forſthe an interesting game of cricket.
Panama Baptist Young People Society of Christian Endeavour Anriversary to be held on April Locks Gates Overhauled ad and 25th, The ermmittee in charge with Mrs Irene Williams as chairman, The unemployed wire much are working untiringly to make cheered when on last Monday the event worth while and it is work was started at the Gatun sing looked forward with a great Locks in the overhauling of the deal of anticipation. Do not miss gates. The work was dor e in an IT WILL PAY YOU efficient manner.
these services, out feeling grogey. The Cigarette Without a Fault To All Interested.
the Juan Franco Race Track TO. MORROW Sunday, April 15th, 1923 Commencing at 2:15 Sharp 17. EXCITING RACES The rumour relative to the Reverend Tylerbest and his being in Jamaica is misleading. And by no means was this intended by those who made the announcement. The Reverend Gentleman is still in the Uoited States of America and in interest of his work here in Papama. By this that those who made the announce tnent wilfully did so. Rev. Tylerbest some time before leaving the Isthmus made application to the Welyan Methodist and it was decided at the last conference that he be asked to go to Luces Jamaica. But he has decided to stay in the Sometime yet and therefore has decided not to accept the appointment in Jamaica This we have received from his own pen: Sign Rev, H. Oneal Pastor io charge Premier Union Lodge No.
10, 110 For Thoroughbreds and Native horses number this USUAL PRICES BEIT The following tasolution was adopted by Premier Union Lodge No. 10110 F. at a meeting held on March 28, 1928.
WHEREAS we have learnt through the newspapers of this city that our beloved Brother David Leon, Past Noble Father and Worthy Chaplain of Lodge, passed an examination and is licensed to practice before the Canal Zone Bar.
ED that this Lodge in open ses.
sion request the Wortby Brother to retire from the Lodge accoupanied by two past Oticers, who will introduce him and he be given the reception of his Office and congratulations for bis achievement AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution te spread on the minutes and that this resolation be publisbed in the Quarterly Magazine of the Order, and the newspapers of this e. ty.


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