
PAGE THREE What Position Do You Want?
BRITISH GRAND NATIONAL Walk Over Shoes ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied with less than the best BUY PAIR TO DAY AND BE SATISFIED American Bazaar Stores Panama Colon STATIONERY!
a good assortment can be had at the WORKMAN PRINTERY Wedding Cards, Christening Birthday Cards, Ball Cards and Programs also a choice selection of MENU CARDS INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS.
Mai. Address: Box 44, Canal Zone Otice 46 Central Avec ue The Best of Everything for Everybody.
Horse, Aged 13, Owned by (Stephen Sanford, First INSTUCTIONS Clear. Quick and Thorough. 400 COLLEGES buy In Big Jumping Classic.
these Lessons for their Students. VISIT OR WRITE the Schools Office in Panama City.
REMARKABLE FEAT Technical and Industrial Department, Architect. Automobile Work Man and Anlnial Receive Architectural Draftemsa. Airplane Engine Showers of Congratula Blue Prat Rendio Plun. ber and Steam Fitter tlons In Which King Joirs Building Premsa Fan Plumber Concrete Builder. beet Metal Worker atractor and Builder. Steam Engineer London, March 53 Stephen Electrical Engineering. Marine Engiorer (sobuy) Sandford, son of John Electrie Wiring. Refrigerating Engineer Sanford the wall known sports Electrio Ligh ing Chemistry man and breeder of thoroughEleet ie Car Rupning Pharmacy bred horses at Amsterdam, Telegraph Eoviner. Navigation oas the distinction of being the Telephone Work Outdoor Siga Palater first American to win the Grand Mechanical Engineer. Agriculture National Steeplechase in the Meebaniel Daftaman Pruit Growing eighty three years of its running. Machine Shop Practice Live Stock aod Dairying This youth stood nervously Tookmaker. Poultry Farming amidst a tbrong of 100, 000 includ. Civil Enginrer. Mathemation ing King George and Queen Surveying and Mapping Radio Gas Engine Operating Mary, at the Aintree course, near Liverpool, to day, and saw Business Training Department.
Sergeant Murphy, is thirteen year old bors borse, galo bome an. Salesmanship Business Spanish easy winner of the greatest. Advertising Freneb jumpiog race in the world. Banking and Banking Law Foreiga Trade Srgt. Murphy, well handled by Higber Accounting Stenography and Typing Capt. Bennet one of the Certified Pub, Accountant Teacher most popular amateur riders in. Bookkeeping Common School Subjects England fenced in a tree, bold Business Maglish High School Subjects way Orer the most difficult and Private Secretary dangerous jumps in Europe, and after being well up throughout And Many Other Courses.
the course of miles 826 yards came away in the stretch to win Name.
Age by three lengths.
Sir Malcolm Mcalpbine Shaua Address Spadab. a twelve year old jamper, which won the Grand National in Mark the subject you wish to study andywrite your name and Address 1921 when he was the only horse Mall the coupon to day for free; Cotalog.
which did not fall in the record field of thirty five finished second and Major Dedburst Corjurer 11. an eleven year oli horse third Twenty eight horses started and only seven finisbed. J, Widener Duettiste, one of the best jumpers ever developed in the United States. Foxball P, Keene Masterful and Cochran Libretto, the other American entires, came to grief. OF THE RICHEST JUMP.
The Grand National has a gross value of approximately 10, 000 which make it the rob est jumping raca in the world: Sergt Murphy was quoted at carried in stock 100 to 6, 8baun Spadah at 20 to and Conjurer II. at 100 to The Aintree course has sixteen jumps, fourteen of which fine Selection of are taken twice, There are 10 easy ones. It is a severe test, and the victory of the thirteen yearold borse, which has earned many friends throughout his racing AND days by his gameness and his boldness in jumping, drew forth mighty cheer from the crowd.
Young Mr. Sandford face JUST RECEIVED was a study. He was serious one ininute and all smiles the next as many crowdel around ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY to offer congratulations, Sergt.
Murpby is an English bred horse by Gen. Symons Rose galt.
SHIRTS TIES COLLARS year ago be fell in the Grand National but was remounted and BTC. BTC. ETC.
finished fourth.
King George rge and the Prince of At THE PALAIS ROYAL Wales flined to the red onthul.
which greeted the remarksJ. PERREIRA ble achievement of the thirteen horse in winning such a race over such a hazardous CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA course Sergt. Murpby was trained for the race by Blackwell, father In law of Jellis, the dat race joc.
key of much skill, He too was showered with congratulations as it required much patience to the old fellow up to such a remarkable performance. The borbe carried 167 pounds to 175 on Shaun Spadah which was top weight.
BY TAKING The morning was bright and sunny but heavy fog settled over the picturesque course just greatly obscured thə running. WONDERFUL CURE FOR Shaun Spadah and Sergt Murphy alternated in the lead the first BLADDER IRRITATION turn of the field and practioally had the race between them all the way.
It Contains East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood and other ingredients FOR SALE Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours One Stuvessant Piano In 1 Condition BUY BOX TO DAY No reasonable offer turned down.
AT THE For particulars apply at CHORRILLO DRUG STORE WORKMAN PRINTERY No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave: ome SSMA sis nislqx9 1901. Panama City Central Ave Street Only the Best Men Furnishings English Woolens House Rent Receipt Books White Linen Drills IN SPANISH ENGLISH AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY JOB. PRINTING year old Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH bring Treat Yourself AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY DR. SANGER CAPSULES ORDER BOOKS FOR FRENDLY SOCIETIES Kept in stock at the torso wenig WORKMAN PRINTERY OVER Desmo 1905 35 SOME JO


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