
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 21 1922 Strike of Railway. Advertise So WoW de 33 extra process CE It toasted at work. quality PUBLIC were SAFETY THE WORKMAN (Continued from Page 1)
decision could not be departed from Rates for Advertisement on applies Pablished on Saturdays by BN WALACND, 81 the omloe Central Ave slon. Correspondence on all matters The Director invited the ade and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest tavited.
beads of these departments to IT All copy for publication musi te conferenca in bis office. With Box 74. Panama RP eritten on one side of paper only, and LUCKY of RATBB OP SUBSCRIPTION mun be accompanied by the name of refused this invitation, as they rere ecmm lolcatins with the vis of it Ope Year 2:40. cy the writer, not necessarily for publicaBarn bw Empire, there will be no SueGovernor 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith STRIKE Bix Months THE FINAL NOTICE. dar schon Ev. Three 60e. We do not undertako 10 rotun MOLOR 25c.
rejected correspondence CIGARETTE One This has been exhibited to all!
no concerned in the Ranning sheds, Panama San Miguel Aros:naa Locomotive workshop, Goods Street But ding 25 Theberly of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS sbe is. Gaild Rs. Parma.
Dent ways structures, and in Bipin by the res 30 SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1923 addition copy of this was Sunday School 3D Josted outside the Locomotive How Commuoia 8:30 pm Supe io tend offie, the Buley Pastor AGRICULTURE NA DTHE ARRIERA Work: Maragar Ofice and in Church of Got 3 Colore the Station Master office in 30 2 7;30 G»spel Son a PESTS Kingston Ssadwy School 3pm.
One WHAT THE NOTICE SAID The totidcation rsads to part: Sis Brewater Pastor EVARE correspondent from David, in the province of Chiri(a) That all employees whdeNew Providence qui writes complimenting us on our repeated editorials sire to return to duty may do so Gospel Serma 11. 30. cn 30 exhorting cultivators to stick to the soil so as to be able to without break of service not sunway Sch 2013 pm withstand the pressure of the present crisis brought about later than am on Saturday Sio Elliot, Pastot.
by the deplorable economical conditions now confronting the 14th inst. on the understand Gitun the great majority of the inhabitants of the country.
ing that their pay and conditions as to overtime will be as recom. Gorpel su 11, 89. 7, 30 The question of agricultural development for this mended in threys of the Sunday School p in Republic as a means of offsetting the impending labour Regrading Commission, and George Griffith crisis has been so often belahoured in these columns that in brought into force as from the has actually become a chstnut.
ist of April 1923 Salam Christian Char3r3 st.
There is absolutely no excuse to offer by those re(1) Taat emol wees who fail to take advan age of this ofar wil Broadway Colon sponsible for allowing the vast stretches of fertile and not be taken back excipt at the virgin soil in the interior of this republic to lie waste, The climatic conditions in practically every district role discretion of the Governana Sunday Morning Servico 11. 30. employed of the country is congeniable to labour and the soil adaptsubsequently will lose their pre M301 Biliovers Praise meet ng 30 able for every sort of cultivation.
vious service and their wages Tesday yung people Lava 30 will be at the new com nencing wataoday Biol) readiag 39 In the province of Chiriqui, especially, which it is rate recommended by the Thursday Cvoir practise 803 generally conceded consists of the largest agricultural grading Commission. iday Prayer moting 30 areas in the republic, the climate is said to be most healthy. Toat thì employees who Roy R, WILKINS, Pastor in charge and salubrious and the soil suitable to the easy growth of bayo absented themselves from every staple product. Irrespective of the strict of works since Sunday night the Boquete, all sorts of garden products and other veg? b instant will not receive piy Ebazar Chirch Buildin3 tables essential to health and even life itself can be made for any ti ne they have not bien 85, Calidonla Rad, Panama to grow in the province of Chiriqui, for the mere This notice was issued with Thia asking.
the approval of the Government Sunday. Il am Morning Forship There is however, one little drawback, and a very and followed a meeting to the pm Sunday Schol annoying one at that, which cultivators suffer in this disPrivy Council on Tuesday. 30 pm Evangelistic, tervloe trict and that is the prevalence of the La Hermiga It has also been stated that Mady 30 lievers meeting Arreira Pest, a destructivce ant which blights the growth the men who resigned did not Tuesday 7, 30 in Coristain Endeavour of plants by devouring the leaves as soon as they begin to This gives 30 bloom but this can be easily overcome by the co operation pərty in their possession, such cr sin tio of the word of Gis a delightful elected for that pur noso as rule books, regulations, lanof cultivators and the local government.
terns, fags etc. nor have they Thursduy 30 m Choir practice Some years ago writes our correspondent, a drawn the two or three days Priday p. on Junior Christina Balew vur decree was, issued by the government urging land owners impossible wages that were owing to them. and 7, 30 Prayer mieting and cultivators in the republic to co operate for exterminatDSS Rev. A, Oslo, Pastor in charge MAIN CAINED to duplicate ing the pests on their holdings and during the period while At the Kingston omice a squad the decree was in force but a scant few, if any at all of of 30 policemen constantly Nazareno Christian Church these pests were noticeable around. But to day there is patrol the premises, while focus headlights in the shops and Ghuachapali Panama.
more need than ever for the aid of the government which yards made vigilance possible.
II au roing worship has the assistance of the kind and energetic United Provision was promptly made 7:30 Ev sagelistie Service p. Sunday School States entomologist who is always ready and willing to to ensure the proper running of Monday 30 Balievers moting help the cultivators in combating the destructive pest as the train thus: also other diseases detrimental to cultivation. Some pensioners were in Tunday 530 m, Junior Christian Eadeo vour, He deplores the fact of this great hindrance to the Sexstis0 SASS ylted back to work as drivers. 7, 30 Senit Christivo. En leaybur greater development of agriculture in the Chiriqui, and no Drivers who have retired Wed seaday. Prayer meeting doubt many other districts where the pests abound; and and were engaged in private Toursday 7:30 Choir practive urges that a free distribution of the scientific drug used services have been brought back. Priday 7, 30 Open air meesing for exterminating the pests be supplied all land owners Editor of Dominica Notice. Running Inspectors and Rev. Neal Pastor in charge and cultivators and then let the decree wbich bas been in sbed Inspectors (the men who Guardian are teaching the drivers) bave seventh Day Adventist Church abeyance be enforced. hereby beg to notify the pub baen put in charge of trains.
The park Carmen is cited as convincing proof that lis that my wife Beatrice Binds Three first class drivers who STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, the pests are easy of extermination. This park it is REACHES 64 th BIRTHDAY, having left my home and protecclaimed was once a veritable habitation for the destructive tion without my consen! do naver went out at all, are still in till in (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
ant but through the energy and determination of a Promi We beartily, congratulate ore any debt or debts she may con ruaning, andestaps were being bath Seboal. 11. 15 am General Worship not bold myself responsible for All have Sabbath (8 sturday) 45. Sabnent young lady of the city of David who took the initia brother quill Me. Hilton Steber tract.
Sigoed, tive, the park has been transformed into a beautiful re editor proprietor of the Dəmin taken to get the banana and 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm Young People Meeting; 30 o.
general merchandise traffic in WALTER HINDS, creation resort and has become an enviable boon to the ica Guardian on having reached normal conditions again.
Veepers city of David, and stands out as a lasting monument to the bis 64th birthday on the 19. Sunday evening at Reading Marob (last month. Mr. Steber Nə night trains bave been clow. Ast are woloom. both young and young lady who led the campaigo in exterminating the is indeed nearing his span o NOTICE running, old. 30 to, Preaching Survie destructive Arreira which was once the nemesis of the lite (three serre and ten) alloted HOW BOME MEN ARE AFFECTED park: to man. And although probably Attorney David L900 hss scording to the finding of It would seem that our correspondent contention growing weary with years, the opened up tmporary offices at the Rograding Commission: Washyan Methodist and appeal deserves more than passing notice and there Guardian has not lost any of the No. 107 Central Avenue upstairs First Class man in the wock Pansos 11 am, Bro. J, Reid into are stubborn facts why the competent authorities should thirty years ago. And this told St. Paul Church building. shops who were receiving 80s. 7, 80p. Me. Alired Haris Telephone nu nber 050.
per week as salary now receive Colon 11 am Rov. C. Surgeo look this grave situation square in the face and at once proof positive that years have not 59. a cut of 26 per cant.
7, 30 p, in Rev. Surgeon join issue with the cultivators and landowners to rid the dampened his intellect neither The out on Sunday overtime La Bics An Me. Waltere country, generally, and the agricultural districts, particu. hazırduous work weakened the went to the minion newspaper from double pay to time and p in Mr. Luis ado ly, of these destructive pests and so assist in the develop fingers, grasping the pen which altice, then the property of Mr.
played such an important and R Lockhart, as printer ball, a loss of 31 per cent.
New Provid:non il mn Mr. Harris ment of the only possible salvator of this most important impartial part in shaping the apprentice; so that on that day Libyu rers Taose who were Parsis) 11 am B7 Rhody republic agriculture.
destinles of the httle island of next month he will b; fifty years getting 26. now receive 189. Empire 11 Suppid Run Dominica since the founding of printer 1jabil srian, Then, on and in some cases 17s.
the Guardian, the 29. of month, The Dom Baptist Church In referring to the occasion of inion Guardian will be celebrating NEED FOR NEGRO the 6th Anniversary of its daunt it is considered (zmong other its thirtieth anniversary. When CHURCH SERVICES Colon I1 sm 15 Pastor Thrift less pilot the Guardian of the things connected with the career p. on Anniversary progta a 15th March observes thus:Chorrillo 11 am. Dacon Melatosh of the paper) that all these years (American Episoopal Church) 15 Pastor Witt There seems to be a pressing need for Colored Medicos It goes without saying that The Guardian has been carried on Corozal Rond 11 a Doncon Yearwood in the United States as the subjoined late cable despatch many of his friends will, on hat under the same old policy of Pial(The Third Sunday after Easter)
from Washington dated February 24th will prove: 16 Daacon Linton day be greeting him with the Insticis, we think that Mr.
Pueblo Nuevo 7 Baptis nal Servion Need of colored physicians; dentists and nurses among turns, especially proverbial many happy St. Peter Church La Boca. 11. Dancia Linton the negro race in the United States is so great as to make with concerg y those who visteber bag the right to be proud great difficulty of his achievements, and ot exand address if a. Empire Il a Dəncon Cummings 7:25 Dan Brown imperative the proposed additions to the Medical School of of replacing bim when the time services on this dual anniversary Sunday School 3, o.
Howard University, officials; state ia appealing for comes for him to make his fiosl We are glad that a Committee of Choral Evensong with Soemyn at 7:30 Red Tank 15 pm Deacon Yearwood Now Providence Deacon Broom 185, 000 to be secured as the remainder of the public exit from the scene gobis active influential gentlemen has already share of the endowment fund, to be raised by July 0ties as a journalist, But two other buen formed to do the honour to St. Barnabas Church Empire New Gatun Thursday 30 Pastor. Tarift. MULCARE. Rrotor Cativa Supplied analversaries in the career of our the occasion.
MIn the request for assistance, it is emphasized that Editor will soon be following the Morning Prayer and address 11, the Federal Government provides only one tenth of the one which we are now announcyou like beautiful hair use Confirmation at pm Shortened Evensong followed by Holy Christian Mission of Panama current expenses of the medical school, and that this ap ing. On April 22nd 1873. Mr. Bte.
Sven Prayer and address 76. Chorillo am Bolle 30 J, Rawlins Pansms.
propriation might in any year be stopped entirely or ber (then still going to school) Grobline hair producer.
greatly decreased, as Government assistance is not a matJT MULCARE Prior in charge La Boca 11 C. Cragwell 7:30 S, ter of law.
Association now places the medical school in Class A, rt teeni C, Taylor Statistics show that there is one colored doctor to such colleges having a 25, 000 income exclusive of fees, Bartholomews Church Las Parsino II. J. Trutma 30, C, A; Cragwall every 3, 194 of his race, one colored dentist to every 20, 560 the money being neeessary for research and allied needs.
Cascadas and one colored nvrse to every 4, 039.
Gatun 11 am 7:30 Sie Thor The standing of the school will be lost if the campaign is Morning Prayer and Holy Communion Calon 11 Bro Grant 7:30 Job Boyce Officials further explain that the American Medical not successful, it is stated.
11 a. Rey, W, BURKE Bupt.
satud DE TETO of said bis Mating vo


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