
Purer, Richer, Creamy Milk Stationery and is the DAIR (MEN SAFEST MILK for your home Matine and address 11 am YOU CAN TRUST THE A, F, VIGH PENGALE Peist ia chas Independent Order Of MILK Oddfellows Dairymen Label 6:30 am CO OPER odust GENERAL OFFICES. UTICA, NY, USA ASSOCIATION, INC Repair Service CHURCH SERVICES (American Episcopal Chureb. WitSavior)
St. Paul Church, Panama Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on sppilca am, Holy Communion WALROND, the office Central Ave tion. Correspondence on all matters 10 sm, Choral Matins nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
10 21 an Holy Eucharist and mon All copy for publication must be STANDS FOR Dean Meredith Box 74, Panama 3. m Oigan Recital INK written on one side of paper only, and RATES OP SUBSCRIPTIOS must be accompanied by the name of 5:30 Holy Baptiem 30 Choral Evensong sermon One Year 40 U8. Cy the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months 20 NIGHTENGALE Rector Hon but as a mark of good faltb.
Three We do not undertake to return St. Alban s, Paraiso.
One 25e.
rejected correspondence.
11. Holy Eucharist sermon 12. 30 Holy Baptism AT THE The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS p. Church School 30 Eveusong and address WORKMAN PRINTERY SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1923. NIGHIENGALE Priest in charge Central Avenue and Corner S. Matthias Mission Las League Sabanas Street, Panama City.
DLRENEN SLEAGUE Sunday School pm 15 Evensong and address Sweetened Condensed It is indeed pleasing to note, from West Indian news.
St. Peter Church La Boca.
papers and even English periodicals, the great interest BLUE AND WHITE being manifested of late by Great Britain in her overseas Choral erlebrition of Holy Communion from inspected herds possessions, especially the British West Indian islandsMANCHESTER UNITY, Holy Baptism am these unfortunate, misgoverned and neglected but neverFRIENLY SOCIETY. tany and Holy Eucharist 11, a. theless loyal Brit sh possessions, have hitherto undergone Sunday School pm a period of depression, and oppression untold of, during Coral Evensong with Sermon at 7:30 Loyal Pride of the Isthmus the last half century of years.
The Holy Communion will be celebratLodge No. 7980.
Since the dethroning of king Cane Sugar many years Guaranteed by 70, 000 Farmers Monday and Tuesday at MULCARE. Rector, ago, caused by the invasion and capture of the British marSt. Barnabas Church Empire WHEREAS. It has plensed the ket by the bounty fed continental beet root sugar, the West take unto Matins sud address 11 a.
Supreme Grand Master to Indian islands have been gradually reduced to a state of Sold by ALL GROCERS Sunday School 3, himself our beloved brother Andrew James which sad evint occurred on the penury and dependence from wbich they have never been And PANAMA CANAL COMMISSARIES Chore! Evensong and address 7, 30 28th April 1923. and able to extricate themselves to any financial standard.
JT MULCARE Prics in charge WHEREAS. By the death of our Cane sugar, it is generally known, was the staple Bartholomews Church Las brother Andrew Jimes the Pride Of product and in many instances the only product of Cascadas The Isthmus Lidge has lost a devsted the majority of the islands, and during the years prior to 11 am Matias and address member, and the Manchester Unity.
the discovery and manufacture of sugar from beets, the Sunday School sterling Oddfellow. former commanded reasonable prices in the English and Eveaing Prayer and address pm BE AND IT IS HEREBY REEuropean markets, the islands flourished with pros. MULCARE Priest in charge SOLVED: That a mark of respect perity and there was never the need for these colonies Panama San Miguel Arosamena to our deceseed brother, the business of this session he suspended for the to seek the financial aid of the mother country. But, on Streat Bui ding 25 space of two minutes, while the brethren the glutting of the various sugar markets by the bet For the convenience of our customers we maintain a Baptism by the sea 30 am stand to order as Oddfellows with bowed sugar which being bounty fed, was able to greatly underSunday School p. co heads; sell cane sugar, the West Indian planter found it absolute Repair Shop for the repairing of gas stoves. All Holy Communion 8:30 pm AND BE IT FURTHER RESOVLED: ly impossible to compete and was eventually compelled to Bailey Pastor repair work is handled on an actual cost basis. This That the charter of thi. Lodzo be drapthrow up his hands, as the then market price of Church of God G St Coloned in mourning for a period of Tairty means that when you buy a gas stove from us, you sugar could not defray the cost of productiou.
11. 30 a 7:39 Gospel Sermon days, that a copy of this Resolution be Sundy School 3p.
spread on the face of the minutes of The wholesale manufacture of sugar by many of the are always sure to get parts when needed, as well as Sis Brewster Pastor Evang this meeting, a copy forwarded to the islands was consequently neglected and planters in disgust bereaved relatives, and a copy sent to New Providence began to turn their attention to other by products, such OUR INCOMPARABLE SERVICE each of the local papers for publication.
as coffee, cocoa, etc. as a means to back up the loss in Gospel Sermin 11. 30 am 30 Sunday School pm cane sugar. But it took much time ere these minor indusCHAMPION JACK DEMPSis Elliot, Pastor.
tries could be rared to realise any financial benefit; and If it is done with heat you can do it better with gas Gatun C, SEY.
while the grass were growing the horse was starving and so the colonies actually became baukrupt and were forced PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY Gospel Sermon 11, 30 a. 7, 30 Sunday School pm to drag out a miserable existence to the present day.
Will Give Up Boxing As Pro AT YOUR SERVICE George Griffith The British confectioner and sweet meat dealer bad fession And Turn To Businass.
not yet learnt the lesson of self preservation and self prowwwww tection, and be therefore grasped at the cheapest bot Salem Christian Church 3rd St. New York Cable despatch necessarily the best article from a competitive standpoint, Sailed For The United American Legation where he Broadway Colon states Jack Dempsey, the world cbampion, and so bought beet root in preference to cane sugar, not heavyweight States.
has served during the offices of Sunday Morning Service 11 30 a yesterday elected president of realising at the time that he was enriching a foe, in the four Minister covering a period Sunday Evening Servece 30 pm the board of directors of the guise of a friend, who would at some latter date use it as of over tilteen years with absolute Monday Believers Praise meet ng 7, 30 Last Monday Mr. Norman Satisfaction.
an offensive means against bim, vide the late European Fenty of this city, who was em.
Tuesday Grand Western Coal Mining young people Leagu Wedne day Bible reading 7, 30 Company Utah.
It is understood that Mr. Fenty Thursday Caoir practice 800 ployed at the nerican Legation.
Mr. Jack Kearns, his manager But it took a world war to shatter the open minded left on the Santa Elisa for the resigned his work here to an Fiday Prayer meeting 73 was appointed secretary and treapolicy of the Britisher and awaken him to a sense of his United States.
swer an urgent call: the United Re P. R, WILKINS, Postor in charge surer of the company, which is States, and if ciroumstances responsibility to sell first, his own oext and then any capite lised at 500, 000.
Mr. Fenty was an active mem make it necessary for him to reother. If the late European war has taught Great Britain ber om te Paule Cebiorch errades mair; be will be joined later by Ebenazer Church Building No town where the company mines Castlegarte, the small mining anything, at all, it has taught her the lesson that her West a prominent figure in the frater bis family.
ral world, being a of 85, Calidonia Road, Panama are situated, is to have its name Indian colonies hitherto neglected, and mis governed by Court Wallace, No. 9111 O, His many friends wish him Sunday, Il am Morning Forship changed to Dempsey City, a too parsimonious autocratic officialdom from Downing Until the last moment. Mr. abundant success in the land of pm Sunday School The champion has invested his Street even under the smart of depression and oppression, Fenty filled his post at the the Star and Stripes, 30 Evangelistic, eervloe savings in the mines and says were still loyal to the core and ready at the sound of the Monday 30 pm Believers meeting that he intends to devote his life bugle to take up arms and make unselfish sacrifices in treated as badly as you were over the Sugar Bounties, Wednesday 30 comments on ighting as a profession, although Tuesday 7, 30 pm Christain Endeavour to business. He will abandon men and money for the defense and protection of the it would be just as well if you were forgotten, but it is cocain portion of the word of God he will not refuse to defend his Empire under whose glorious banner they enjoy liberty, impossible for this contry to forget itself any longer in elected for that purpose title.
equality and justice, if nothing else.
these clangorous and storm ridden years. say without hesi Thursday 30 p, Choir practice But time and patience accomplish much, and the agi tation that, if we do not shoulder our responsibilities with Friday p, un Junior Christian Eadeavour Wilson tation for a better form of representative government a brave heart, we deserve to lose the loyalty and attach od 7, 30 Prayer meeting Paraiso 11 am Burle 30.
started recently in many of the islands augmented by the ment, which have never wavered in fair weather or in foul Rev. Odlo, Pastor in obarg Rawlins sending of forceful deputations to Downing Street has under good treatment or under bad, of these old colonies Gatun 11 am 7:30 Niebola Colon 11 am Josh Boyce 7:30 Dash undoubtedly caused some stir in Great Britain of the British Crown. do not say that there is any weak Nazaren Christian Church Rev. BURKE Supt.
and seems to have commanded the attention of ening as yet of the old ties. On the contrary, the colonies Ghuachapali Panama.
British statesmen to give a keener and closer glance have shown themselves unconquerable in their affection 11 a, M ring workip into West Indian affairs. And already there is a for the old flag and foolproof against the worst stupidities p. Sunday School The Salvation Army move by the British Government to meet these islands of Downing Street, They owe much to the adventurous 7:30 pm Evangeliatic Service 30 Prayer meeting half way in their quest for better representation, in their and enterprising spirit of American capital and organising Tuesday 530 m, Junior Christian Eades 30 Believers 10 a. Sunday School local legislature To the keen observer who has followed power and they freely and gratefully acknowledge it, but 11. am Holiness meeting the trend of political affairs affecting these colonies, that has not made them shift a cable length from their 7, 30 Senior Christian Eodes your. pm Sunday School 30 Salvation meeting recently, there seems a general awakening of a new spirit old moorings. They remain firm and fixed in the fellow Wednesday Prayer meeting GEORGE MORRIS of determination throughout the entire group of islands not ship and communion of a greater empire, and they do not Toureday 7:30 Choir practice Commandant.
to be satisfied with a balf loaf and so the flame for full re intend to be shunted.
presentation is still kept flickering.
As a en and observant journalist statesman, Rev. Neal Pastor in charge Seventh Day Adventist Church Major Wood Commission to the islands last year, Lord Burnham readily grasp the great opportunities and 3rd. STREET BROADWAY, COLON when an abundance of valuable information affecting their advantages of these Islands so long neglected which if Seventh Day Adventist Church welfare were obtained, the recent visit of Viscount Burn developed would be of great benefit not only to the Islands STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, Sabbath (Saturday) 45 sm bbath School; 11. 15 am General Worship ham, that eminent and far sighted English Journalist, to themselves, but would also be a wonderful outlet for the (ndar Isthmian Park. PANAMA. 30 nm Young people meeting Jamaica recently, and the present tour of Mr. Fisher in the expansion of British commerce.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab 30 Vespers interest of the projected British Empire Exhibition to take Sunday evening 30 Prese ing Servica place in Great Britain next year, are all signs indicative of activities being devoted to the colonies are but the pioneers Young People Meeting: 30 and bring a friend.
Must it then be taken that these attentions and bath School; 11. 15 am General Worship 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm. All are invited to attend these services, coming events cast their shadows before them.
for the investment of substantial British capital in the Vespers.
Viscount Burnbam, since his return to England has islands thereby promoting the growth, expansion and im Sunday evening at Reading Wesleyan Methodist not failed to embrace every opportunity of bringing to the provement of these long suffering but yet loyal British pos. Claws. All are welco no both young and notice of the British public the great possibilities of Jamai sessions in the Caribbean? The realisation of such old. 7, 80 m, Prosening servise Pansos11 a. Mr. Louis Lindo ca and at the same time, he deplores the fact that the West enterprise would undoubtedly open up the opportunity for 7, 30pm Elder Burke Indian islands have been so long neglected by the mother attracting back to their native homes the large number of Christian Mission of Panama Colon 11 Reid 7, 30 Rev. Surgeon Country. We quote his own words in reference thereto, West Indians who are idling here on the Isthmus and Panama 11 a, m, D, McCəlin 7:30. La Boca 11 am Me Johinoon Speaking at a dinner given in his honour by the West In who would gladly return home but drende todo o marling Chorillo 11. 0m Bewater 30 ca. NewProvidence ll a Me. Moodie 30 pm Mr. Alird Huris dian Club in London on his return from Jamaica. there them means of Paraiso 11 am Mr. Fuller Some of you may think that, if you are always to be a livelihood.
La Boos 11 am Trotman 7:30 Empine 11 am Mr. Headley was

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