
THE OWRKMAN, SA CRDAY, MAY 19, 1923 PAGE FIVE EVERY DAY DECEMBER GOOD MURETSOE th EBRUATS) 311 DAYS Lodge: 1 00 OCTOBER 100 SAVA TE 30 DAYS APRIL demanded LUCKY STRIKE TOASTED 31 DA Watson ALL THE TSEPTLAS CIGARETTES ISnony YEAR ROUND to SAνα ΟΕ ettiINNS ol sbade can ATLANTIC SIDE. FOR SALE Bis work on earth was exceed: Complete Satisingly. and will live with us forever; and be Colsa vysInstitute Two Ford Jitney Busses it further Resolved. that our faction.
31 DAYS Charter be draped for a period of three (3) months and that a PLANNING BIG CONVENTION In good condition, 1922 model, copy of these (RESOLUTIONS (By WYNTER. UNE 10, 1923.
Self Starters.
be sent to the BEREAVED visit to the Colon Boys will be sold at reasonable relatives, and friends, a copy to League Institution will at once Tarment of the Colon prices.
the Workman. a copy to be convince the most doubtful of Boys Institute has planned to spread on the minutes of the the possibility and usefulness APPLY TO: of the Institution.
hold its first convention on June Commander Sunday 10, at o clock in the JAMES FORD We beg to remain yours in the Watson did not place before the at the Flower of th: bond o! love and true Fraternity residents of Colon an impractiNear Silver Clubhouse, Isthmus Lodge. between 6th Bros Jas, Weeks, Illustrated cable scheme of social reformaand 7th streets on Broadway, Gatun, Grand, Joseph Lynch, Deputy tion. He did not at the begining Master, Kenneth Pric. created bigh sounding titles, Colon, bullet big salary, nor did Arrangementere under way rot. Hubert received a he abuse the white people nor to make this convention a large wound in the shoulder also.
Gamboa degrade the British Government accessful one. It is being Peyrot is a white Frenchman for the imperfections of his race.
held in the interest of the Bays of 32 years of age and his death Commander Institute and its chief aim and it is stated is the sequel of a un was and is Gamboa Beaten By still a loyal British soldier who apobject is to demonstrate the great der world trouble.
OE SAVA hic of the undertaking and Clovelly.
preciates the value of discipline and that is the reason why he its welfare and growing Mother Day has succeeded so well and is responsibilities into the hands Again Clovelly met and being assisted by all classes of of a competent Board of TrusThe ces iTarper Corp of defeated the Gamboa C, on the the community in bringing the tees, which it is planned the Girl Regarres in Colon stva 18 Istinian Park grounds. Owing League to a standard of auct at the convention celebrat a others Day in the ΧΊας to th fact that this match was ciency which has given satisfac.
Persons of repute both of the A. on Friday evening the last of the season between tion to the highest and most Canal Zone and the cities of the May 11tu Ole of the most in.
the two clubs, it was the desire valuable opinions in Colon and Republic will be specially interesting fawrea of the evening Gamboa to administer a Cristobal.
vited, and from these it is was the giving of presents to the crushing defeat to Clovelly.
hoped, that the responsibilities of Mothers by the Girls which There are 61 boys on the The captain of Clovelly won the Trusteeship will fall.
register. These boys iattend It might showed thic love and appreciatoss and sent Gamboa to bat not be a day school on the premigenerally known that tions to them.
YOK Chala McIntosh and Ellis started ses daily wbile such persons have pre.
They receive The programe was very inspirtrandling for Clovelly and be three nutritious meals Are ferred to remain in the RUDGE WHITWORTH GYCLE AGENCY tween these two Gamboa for: taught the cardinal virtues of from the inciplency of the working especially the address given midable batting team fell for bonesty and truthfulness and it of rescuing the boys and pro by Miss Collick. the for for 2: for 16:5 for 39: is a surprise to know that boys viding for them, the said noble Secretary.
Too much praise and apprecia40: for 53; for 54, At this who once pest the city with vagpersons have contributed to its tions cannot be given to Mrs, upkeep upstintiogly.
ron the Ons hand demon who been so well reformed that when Ellis Shad. Cadogan and Mrs. Lauder who It is expected that sixty two bave taken such an activa interlived up to his reputation by ever the commercial people of lodges alone wil be sending dele est in the Girls taking the last two wickets, Colon need a good, reliable, hongates to the convention, beside thereby putting an end to Gamrepresentations from such or.
boa innings for the small score est boy for an employment or to ganizations as the churches, the CANAL ZONE of 58 runs.
make a message, one is invariable taken from the home, and up health department, Chapter Blackman 21 was made by to the present in not one single NOTES.
of the American Red Cross and good bitting although he was instance has any of the boys others. ropped twice. Holder, and proved himselt a failure.
Arrangements are being made Gatun. Thompson also succeeded in Rudge Whitworth talented to bave present some The treasurer of the home is a reaching double figures, scoring boy called Northover, about 13 singers and select music with We are expecting a large shipment of 10 runs each.
addresses froin men well known Nathaniel Price Died At years old. He keeps the funds McIntosh slows and mediums and checks the account of all the in the community for their hon PATH RACERS, SPORTING MODEL, SPEED est interest of the things mak. Ancon Hospital.
IRON ROADSTERS. LADIES BICYCLES were very destructive to Gam other boys who are news vendors boa as he captured wickets for when it is considered that this ing for the welfare of our people.
boy receives on an average about It is with sad regret the death After recess Anthony and 30. 00 per day; it can be readily of Nathaniel Price one the oldMass Meeting.
We shall be pleased to know your requirements so est employees at tho Gatun Looks Miller were sent to defend seen how much good the insti.
as to be able to reserve one of BRITAIN BEST Clovelly and so well did they tution has accomplished.
is chronicled. The deceased was BICYCLES for you.
succeeded that 26 runs were In this beneficial and huOn Sunday, May 3, the Flower 40 years of age and breathed his registered before Anthony was manitarian work, greatly assistof the Isthmus Lodge hall present last the Ancon Hospital on bowled by Holder. Lindsay was ed by Governor Arosemena and ed a business like appearance, Saturday 12th inst. at 30 a. LARGE SUPPLY OF BICYCLE ACCESSORIES KEPT IN STOCK next man uy, and stepping out the Municipality and corporwhich was caused through a Mass Mr. Price was a native of the to hit one of Holler treacher ation, toere be Pay us a visit, 3rd and Bolivar Streets, or write through no Meeting, held under the auspices island of Barbados and came to ous balls was cleaned bɔwled. tangible reason why the of Royal King David Temple the Isthmus quite a young man. Box 1116, Cristobal, Canal Zone, 32 1.
Friendly Societies and other No. 2, and the Rose Garden No. 1, He was employed by the Panama in hunar of Bro. Canal for 13 years and was very 463 e03 Sambleton followed and before organizations in Colon should not James Suprema Grand reliable and prompt to his job, another run was edded Miller assist in pushing forward this Seribe and delegate from Jamaica, As a mem er of St. Bernard was taken at point by Clarke of great work on behalf of the Pinder. 32 14, children of West Indian parents. under whose jurisdiction Lodge S, he was the lodges are working endeared to all Farquharson Partnered You are doing well CommandBro. Reid arrived on the Isth. the officers and members and will Sambleton and this pair took ther Watson. Push forward and mus on May 2, and during his be long remembered in fraternal score to 47 when Sambleton fell win the confidence of the comsojourn amongst us has had a very circles.
a prey to Jamsie Bisckman. Imunity. With the assistance of 47 15.
that distinguished patriot and busy time.
His remains were taken fo philanthropist Señor BY TAKING Pacheco On Monday, May he sailed Gatun on the noon train of the Meintosh jvind Farq harson you will accomplish great things.
for Bocas del Toro in the interest same day, and on Sunday the Tie partnership added 15 rung of the Lodges there and returned Lodge of which he was a frithful and Montosa was taken by Joshua off holder: 62: 5: men by himself. he has only one Every man measures othar accompanied by Sister Matilda funeral rites in an impressive and Brown, a member of Royal King satisfactory manner. WONDERFUL CURE FOR Olli o? joined Furquharson standard, when a man ridicules and fou u were addd wh: certain traits in other men, he David Temple.
This journ. tenders its sympa.
On Tuesday, May 17, his mis thy to his bereaved mother in BLADDER IRRITATION theliti web wlad by Black ridicules bimself. How would he 66; 6; 11.
know other men were contempti.
sion was ended and he sailed the Barbados and sincerely hopes that same day on the steamship she will be comforted in her sorEllis followed an ruas came ble, did he not look into his own Sixola on the return trip for row.
It Contains East India Oil of Sandal Wood freely as when the 7th wicket heart and there see the bateral Jamnica, the land of his nativity.
and other ingredients fell the score read 102: 7: 13. things?
We wish him a safe voyage and Degree Ceremony At St.
For Gambou Holder captured hope that he has benefitted by wickets for 20 runs. Pinder Isthmian League To Hold Bernard Lodge.
the trip. wickets for 23 and Blackman Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours Meeting for 20. For Clovelly John Star of Paradiso Lodge No. 14 wickets for runs. McIntosh Loyal Perseverance To will hold an initiation for 35 and Ellis for 18. West Indians will hold their The Isthmian League of British BUY BOX TO DAY Meet ceremony to night at St. Bernard Principal scorers for Clovelly regular monthly meeting this Lodge hall when several members AT THE were Anthony 17, Ellis 15 evening at Gaddes Hall, East 15 regular meeting of Loyal will enter into the sacred mystories not out, Miller 14. Fuentes Street of the Pilgrimage Degree.
CHORRILLO DRUG STORE 12 and A, Farquharson.
Perseverance Lodge No. 10105, will take place at the of the Order are cordially invited.
Sirs and Ladies of Kindred lodges No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
religious had to answer amen Flower of the Isthmus Lodgeroom, on Tue day, May 22. Members Ceremony to commence at p.
Red Tank Paraiso Division to all he said.
will be guided accordingly.
No. 534 ring and heart inspiring address Certainly it was a most stirSuccessful Dance at Club for his home in the United States, IN MEMORIAM.
and the tremendous ovation Royal King David Temple House, gave a treat to the children in this The Hon. High Commissioner, which Commissioner Bryan retown, To Meet.
On Tuesday afternoon Chas, prior to his departure the little Bryant, visited the Red ceived at the conclusion of his Whereas the Almighty Father Tank Paraiso Division No. 534 address was a true token of the The dance held at the Silver oces were treated to ice cones. in bis ininite wisdom and mercy A. on the 11th and made way it was received. The comThe abovenamed Lodge will Clubhouse on Friday 17th last was frisco and cakes and they were has called from our midst a stirring address.
in glowing hold its regular bi monthly meet an unqualified success. Martin much delighted at his kindness. Brother Nathaniel Price, and.
terms of the straight forward ing at the Flower of the Isthmus Jazz Band was in attendance and Tank Hall laudable way he found Loigeroom, on Friday, May 25. made his sweet strains of Mr. Houston was very genial Whereas we pause to cherish the was aglowing when the Commis end Canada bene Wipinion Gatal, music while sioner an this Paraiso out in full forces Business of an Corom people are wait the. wazoees from will be long remembered by the travelling through this vale o ciable andience listened to the Cambion conducting their learning Members requested to popular jazzers and of a. He memory of important nature will be dealt tailor had the latest hits residents here.
tears. He faced adversity with a Commissioner as he expounded This announcement was recalved over smile and surmounted his daily the aims and objects of the with thunderous applause.
Champion Waleott, and was very problem with Brotherly love no much admired for his latest stunts.
suffering came within his notice (Middlesex Vs United)
The other speakers were the The audience included a great Ex Secy, Mr. Myers and unheeded, for he gave, even Shooting Affray In Colon.
Baptism though in giving he himself had number of non members even and the Vice President Mr. R, pot, what more are the teach enemies of the Division, but Morrison. These preceeded the. Oace more the lawabiding inMiddlesex of this town ings of our Father. Surely bis there was not a soul so dead High Commissioner. The Ex secs habitants of the city of Colon bas At the home of Mr. and Mrs. will be journeying to the windy efforts then were not that was not inspired by the beea shocked with another shoot. Williams, their infant child was city on Sunday when they will Therefore be it Resolved Call of The Hour as trumpet. also read the credentials carried ed by Commissioner Bryant.
by the High Commissioner.
ing affray which has resulted in admitted to Baptism at Colon. cross bats with United in that we the Officers and MemIn his calm deliberate and the instant death of Felix Peyrot After the ceremony quite a pleasant the St. Clair Cap Competition on bers of the St. Bernard Lodge The spesker kept his hearers forceful way introduced the Com a Frenchman by Fred Laverson. evening was enjoyed at the home Camp Baird oval. From what can No. 15 M. express our spell bound for nigh hours missioner and presided over the This sad event occurred last last when the usual toasts and good be seen and known about the condolene to his dear relatives and he did not fail to intersperse meeting wishes Sunday night on Bolivar Middlesex they are friends, may The High Official taught the the place of many hier reet happy parents.
themselves in action. As to fort in th. Thoughts that it was jnnctbans, which created intense the audience the words and tune stated that bring the bacon home. Earle but the earthly remains that we laughter tragedies. It is The Commissioner of the hymn God bless Peyrot and another Frenchman Mr. Houtson Treated is filled with confidence he can laid beneath the silent clouds of proved himself a worthy Negro President This was sung most known as Alberto Hubert were hold United in their place if his the valley, and that it was but Missionary, a marked student of lustily and whole heartedly. It is Gatun Children, engaged in a very heated discusteammates will only perform the noble spirit of him wbo was Theology, History, Phsycology to be hoped the Commissioner sion and it is alleged that Lwork in the field and not be so dear to us all has passed away on and Logic. His principal weapon will be able to return to the Diviverson drew a gun and emptiid Mr. Houston, the carpen. careless as in their last three to a higher place, there to receive of attack, and defence was the sion ere the end of this his first five shots into the body of Pey ter foreman, before his departure games.
his reward, Holy Bible, and thus the most ound of visit.
Reid Very much Treat Yourself the stered DR. SANGER CAPSULES our


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