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number our readers by battaspeak from week to week with the satisfaction of knowing that our works will be INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS carried to the remotest corner and. Continued From Page 3)
Nor is the numerical test the only one that can be applied to and the other towns and villages number of cases there. On hi che circulation of a paper like have been placarded with the reporting the fact Quarantine burs. It has always been our following notices :was immediately imposed. peculiar pride to link our readers ALASTRIM bond of with ourselyes in a All during this time we have friendship, and if anything this Tois highly infectious disease. had tree communication with the cie has become stronger during prevalent in Martinique and infected island One imported the past twelve months, Dminica, is now threatening case has develop That case correspondence St. Lucia One case infectio proved conMartirique, and developing in and it will not be at all suº must bave bad many contacts, elusively that the publie are nore and more looking to John Quarantine Station, Rat Island.
Prising the disease. It has beer friend, and if this fact adds to All persons who have come demonstrted, rot only esponsibilities it brings its own from Martinique during the Antigua but in gland where ncouragement, month of March, should re small pox was quite recently port immediately to Colon the kept under end stamped out At all times we welcome criti.
Panama Port Health Oficer Di. that the only sure preventi ism and suggestions from the King, or to the Medical ou and the only in eans of combat public; indeed we want every cer of their District; also alling the disease is vaccination ceader to feel that in a very real persons who have had com mi All the Medical icers of the sense the aper is his or hers, cation with 83. Jeremie Street, colony are ready to do the neces und that the wish of the individCastries. be house from which ary free of charge. The only als who make up our vast circuLe case oa Rat Island was rc thing asked is where possibili atoa is thlu we seek to serve levity, a bitter tragedy was er. posed to divert their z from iles have already been roped in to moved could report to the Blixe ehalde. com Should we get people the right to Jastice and out with weary applications to house, fearing perbane to be can only say that the poor For the acted at West Bromwich. Worn the brutalties of the slaughter these spiritualist Sunday schools prevent waste infected not only would one class 5Truth Vaccination is a sure and suffer but all class would.
the Ministry of Pensions, an sickened by scenes of whose mites have our sympathy. They certain presentative of Alastrim. Tais is a matter that effects the FARCE AND TRAGEDY. ex soldier discharged from the existence they have an easy would be far better employed and as performed by Medical The truth is that in even on Sundays, in playiug outOrdicer ber this colong with out sich abe wille des too poor peeso ses will join in condemning the made an end of the unequs through carelessness of clumat ing themselves as normal chilArmy five years ago, threw bim suspicion, Upon self on the railway line so many. either door otherwise sequent care, is harmless to the only the disease is to prespecto scenes which took place last struggle against red tape and ness, the vilest cruelties are dren, untroubled by the shadowy pers)ps, but its appearance week in the House of Commons bureaucratic delays.
individual and who we coub inuupes would drive away our trade and the ordinary citizen, waiting for of the time, it appears, he had ledge of these horrors which suxxestion that is selected nama For most practised, and it is the kaow science of spooks. The further tecting to the community. Persons who have not been course the poor man who has no big important things that need are only be enticials would have fresh effort.
on been to a pension, stimulates the reformers ber of children are being the past 12 months, should re reserves would suffer more than doing, views such performances bothered their beads su ticiently actually trained as mediu ns is the rich.
with utter impatience and dis to get at the facts, and in due killer, which stuns the The metbod of the port at once to a Medical Officer.
humane still more disquieting. Notorianimal ously paychic exparimentors are Alastrim spreading rapidly would It is up to all bilike to keep: Red Flag and other revolutione caur emiy as happened after the bebore endorsed on highest strain and the vaar hiat of sucha The excited of course they say is slaughtered subject a degree ruin the prosperity of all classes.
close watch on bis neighbours ry doggerel will do little to poor fellow was dead, he award scientific they co authorities and a child is that It can be prevented by widespread during their rounds and while persuade the country that the was issued giving him a gratuity already in use on the Continent outrages the norm. mind.
carrying on their common task. But there is another side to the tive for the past three years.
Labour Party is fit to govern of and a pension retrospec and in some parts of the United Government Oficer.
and report any tblag suspicious The present day tendency to where Commenting on the above the they see to the Bealth Officer, question.
enlightened treat child ea lika grow up cal authorities have adopted the propla bəfore thay ar out of the Voice observes as follows. Dr King or to the nearest This was the sort of scandal um 14 by law of the Ministry nursery eds careful watching.
The nation, do Alastrim made its appearance dical Oficer.
has not forgöten its pledges to that the Opposition and are not of Health. It is high time that If it continues wa mw tind that the ex Service men, and there is in Jamaica some years ago and who with up to the end of November las: tant and we commend it to the in Wmacy thensand of cases these week, and the fact that they sory turoushuut the land.
2h on matter is most impor a wide concensus of belief that them had in their heads last sor narbod wes de compul we have destroyed the y su a of risiak generation before they year the latest figure procura: consideation of all.
CHILDREN AND SPOOKS arrivat manhood, and nation bl. the Government of that col pledges have been so niggardly afterwards thought tit to play fool is neither here bor which has lost the spirit of interpreted as to stain ony bad spent 20, 000 in the at There are many worse things youtnfalness is on the high road tempt to stamp it out but to no honour for all time. Strong in there.
that can happen b) a child than to decay. the same com nonavail.
conciousness of popular support, THE SHAME OF THE SHAMBLES. to be pusbed from London to sense let us keep our thougats of the Opposition seized the occaSome months ago Dominica It has been argued lately that Brighton to perambulator. death to ourselves and let chtlbecame iofected and, according mates to defeat the Government, cruelty to anima is is sometimes ocasionally the exposure of the dren learn the insaning Chife to the Guardian although the es due to want of thought rather risks in ay ba worse even thing attempts to pierca the veil of mind and the new wine of succe33 to unknown untroubled by these nerve rackGovert ment supplied lymph free went straight to their heads.
a charge of two shillings was doubtless true in regard the the maltreatment of the body tha unseen.
made by the Medicos for yaccioOver the sequel it is better to slaughtering of animals for and we have little patience with WIVES AND WORK.
ation with the result that the de about and the spectacles of food, and animal lovers should theritorganised nofort of the sease spread throughout the be utiring spiriturlists initiate children At a tima when a million nen Island, but it is now reported to sisted by a few ebullient Tories, efforts of the Duchess of Hamis into the steaies of their are vaialy saking for jobs she 1922 be subsiding. Antigua became bebaving like a Bank Holiday ton and Miss Lind at Hageby strange cult question of married wonal us crowd infected and immediately a cru CURLY HAIR Heath, wbo bave focused public a tenThe truth of paychic pheno wars earners 18 bound to raise sade was started and vaccination minus the good temper usualiy tion upon the crueld:s insepar mena may be a fit subj ct of bitter feelings. The problem displayed on these festive occa able from the present methods investigation by scient tic ex: calls for clear thinking was made compulsory. The re.
In tult is the desease was stamped stans, was an unfortunata piece of slaughter.
Just use QUEEN Hair Dreng perts and a legitimate matter of many cases the wife works of ghd out in a comparitiv ly short time of silliness that is bast forgotten.
your hair grow interest to grown up persons in necegaity to ek: oat hac h19 and cl en bills or health are now The duty of remembrance lies still more determined move general bus surely no man or bad earniaga; to placa ORL 1: ned.
deener; 19ihe business in the direction of reform is towman la his or sanses up her efarts woud bstod Apparently this deserse has every tzin, no nittee to what te made by Sir Arthur Sairley would wish deliberately to tease courage acting an1 föster been widespread in Martinique political party ho belongs to Bend, wh) in a week or the minds of growing youngsters illicit relation. Tas sia my for some time. When on his way press home the charges of two time, will invite the assen with these baffling problems of be said of the married wonen to attend the Quarantine Conven injustice to the ex Servica men Bill enforcing the universal uşe altogether too far morbid, too although of the House of Commons to a life and death. The subj. ct is who go on working from choica, tion lately held at Barbados, Dr Oily base ingratitude can forget their number, of the humane killer. With all uncinay, too for removed from balieva, are ca aratively few.
Edmund Braucb, the representa their claims.
our heart we wish this measure the wholesoma jys of life for the Cartainly the ideal view is that tive of the Leeward Islands Almost simultaneo usly wit If you like beautiful hair use last week scene in Parliamen the success it deserves.
landed in Martinique and disimpressionable mind of the calld. which regards wifehood. with covered that there were a large Preoline hair producer.
and in sinster contrast to the The publle la general are dis If it be true that 18, 000 juven. Continued on Page 8)
American Bazaar Stores in to Kingdom our the tban on Hamstead can be yours, even though you have short wiry hair now.
Watch long, smooth and wavy. QUEEN removeo dandrut, te a large box at good drugstores and Brewer Hoss se to 350 Store Wholesale Queen Agth, Panama City Colon.
ng hair. Cost ol hec W3


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