
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY MAY 19 1923 PAGE SEVEN ALBOA EST EER REWED Only the Best Men Furnishings English Woolens White Linen Drills same of Dominica and St.
Vincent Change The best Tonic in the World Administrators VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend MR ROBERT WALKER, WHO ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, WAS AT FORMER ISLAND GOES TO LATTER Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
VIEWS OF NEWSPAPER It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system Mr. Elliot Goes to Domini DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or ca Where He Has Releaved times a day.
Mr. Nosworthy JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
The St. Vincent Times of April 5th says. Mr. Robert Walter Administrator of Dominica, who is now in England, has been appointed Administrator of this Colony in lieu of Mr. Elliot wbo goes to Dominica. Mr. Walter is the second son OF of Major Walter, and was educated at Worcester Colleg, Oxford, and obtained 1st class classical Moderations in 1894 and 3rd class Greats in 1898.
He was Secretary of the Govern carried in stock ment of Wel bai Wei 1602 13. WILKINSON Dentist Howell Evening School Colorado Secretariana a British Honduras 1914 20 Administrator Dominica 1921. fine Selection of Contractor CHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL We understand that because HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA CALIDONIA of ill tealth Mr. Walter sought a and Builder CANAL ZONE, transfer to a Government with less intricate problems to solve House No. 20 English, French, Spanish, than the Dominica AdministraAND 28th NOV. STREET, Office Hours to p. Latin, Geometry, Algebration, and that he had been hela DAILY SAN MIGUEL many good friends in Dominica Box 411, Panama, RP Specializes in all the branches TERMS MODERATE on account of his honesty of pur JUST RECEIVED pose and general good natured of Dentistty Apply to simplicity. He is not credited Teacher at School, Monday, with having sbown any ability at ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Dominica which was due to the Plans and Specifications Free OLD MIRRORS Wednesday and Friday great disadvantages under which he laboured in that Colony but it SHIRTS TIES COLLARS First Class Workmanship is said be means well.
We take the opportunity of Guaranteed.
TO LOOK LIKE NEW ofering to Mr. Walter a hearty At THE PALAIS ROYAL Apply At: Professor Jolly, Pianist welcome to St. Vincent and hope Creoline straightens and begs to noufy his patrons and that his stay in the colony would PERREIRA No 37 Calle Espinar, the Public generally that he has be conducive. At the bautifies the hair and proremoved his residence and is at time we, with no desire on our CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA duces hair on bald heads.
Calidonia, Ponan a. present located at Nc 8J Street. part to describe gloomy pic ture of his new sphere of duties, wish to assure him that St Vincent in comparison with Don is no bed of roses.
We have here very serious In Last Will He Asks God The 50c. Middle problems government to solve which require an Adminis tia lor of the greatest tact, re.
Grade School To Deal Leniently with sponsive, steady yet yielding, easily approachable and determined to do his best at all times His Imperfection. The United Methodist Church for the benetit of the commu.
Isthmian 50c. Middle Grade nities of the islands.
a good assortment can be had at the School organized for the uplitt of It is trug that Mr. Walter ALSO REQUESTS MASS AS TRIBUTE Colored Children here and placed will find the public treasury in FROM HIS FRIENDS CHIDES within the easy reach of all cona healthy state, and the Press PROBATE COURT FOR ITS ditions, which is opened at 21st and members of the Councils STANDARD OP MENTALITY.
Street Gauchapali Panama under ready to give him all help necesthe direction of the Rev.
sary for the improvement of the Lincolo Neb. An unusual Anderson, and efficiently taught present conditions; but he will document is the will of Th mas fairly started.
by his three teachers, bas been tind also the press at least the Doyle, for many years a Times vigorously opposing brilliant and successful member Much has been ecently exbim in any waste of public of the bar ot Nebraska, Mr. Duyle pended to provide suitable seats funds which he may incline to was an outspɔken leader a nong and desks and sufficient toilet commit the Catholics of the State, and accomodations for the school.
It is now igiving some trouble. number of capacities. Parts of the we will be stocked Between May and July next. is the Cotton in with also a choice selection of There is the question of upam document follow: special books, when the higher ployment and emigration. Some commend my soul to the grade of the school will be rething must be done encourage Almighty God, invoke the pray solved into technical studies.
labourers to remain at home. ers of the Blessed Virgin and This being a faithful philantro There is also the question of the repose my trust in our merciful phic institution appreciates any developinent of or establishment Saviour to deal leniently with me donations towards its upkeep of local industries. These are recite the five mysteries of the made to the superintendent only pointers which will lead Mr. rosary guidance for my dear wife addressed to Ancon Box Walter into the store room of and children.
problems which are laid aside commend a simple funeral awaiting the arrival of the sub and casket not to exceed 100. C. ANDERSON, stantive officer administering ihe government.
desire no flowers. Let the tribute from my friends be a mass for If Mr. Walter is prepared to the repose of my soul Each even FOR SALE take the press into his confidence ing before reti reing for a period IN SPANISH ENGLISH and disclose to them his views of thirty days after my death One Stuvessant Piano and perhaps discuss with them desire the members of my famithose views before putting them ly to recite the five mysteries of AT THE In 1 Condition before the general puble; and it the rosary and invoke God he would regard the members of blessing upon my soul. No reasonable offer turned the Executive Council co equal The will recited that he desirdown.
with him, we venture to predicted to leaye all his estate to his that he will bave no cause to re wite; trusting her to deal fairly For particulars apoly at gret his administration in this with their children and continucolony.
the will said: WORKMAN PRINTERY Central Ave Street We again offer to Mr. Walter. Now, dear Lidde, something on behalf of ourselves and read tells am speaking my farewell Panama City ers a hearty welcome to this to you. Believe me, it is the hard 1sland.
est duty ever had to perform.
You have been all the world to appoint my wife executor of my Mr. Elliot who goes to Domin me. The most serious regret in estate without bond, and guard ica as administrator will relieve the thought of dissolation is the the interest of my beloved wife Of every description Hon. Noswortby, who bas been acting in that position and separation from you. Look after and children from the ravages of return of of the children. See to it that tors.
middle of this year.
DONE WITH NEATNESS AND they are well grounded in Now Mr. Probate Court, Christian philosophy. May they please do immortality of soal in ever remain steadfast in adher future rewards and punishments DESPATCH erce to the Holy Catholic Church in tha efficacy of the Catholic NOTICE Goodbye. Should speak fully Church in all things spiritual the sentiments which tbrill my pertaining to this world; that the AT THE soul the world would mock when mass is the most efficacious apI am gone. Believe me, with peal the world makes to the powe Attorney David Leon hss every libre of my being am in ers of Heaven opened up temporary offices at tensely and uncompromisingly The will was written out in MA No. 107 Central Avenue upstats yours, Doyle own band, and made old St. Paul Church building. Judge of the County Court, minute disposition of his effects and personal estate.
Telephone number 1050. please heed my request that you STATIONERY!
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