
that have joined the class, we by the Contest Commttee, but find it necessary to make this this did not pull down Mr.
Boys Institute An Commandant Morris And arrangement in order that each Blades. He won essily in the Vo one may get due attention, cal Contest.
Mead Exchange Plat31 DAYS Th Boca Girl Roserve met Event Number niversary.
forms To morrow.
last Tuesday, and completely of the six competitors in the re argan d their club with Solo Contest for men only, the Command int Mead, the Officer Mrs Sith as Adviser, Miss number fell to four, Peculiarly Cumberland as President and As was announced in your in cha ge of the 14 and Street too, nearly every contestant had Miss Cuscingham Secretary co umid the third anniversary Corps Colon, will be visitirg this contracted a cold, thus rendering of the Institute League topk City for the week end, and will The Clubhouse cretary in the competition less acute. Pubplace at the American Theatre on conduct the Services in the Huil speaking to the girls told them, lic opinion was much divided as Sunday the 20th instant. at Guacnapali at 11 a 10 and 39 their success depended upon to the result of this contest, but Among the distinguished visitors to morrow. The Comtheir own deportment and the the judges awarded as follows: mandanwill also address the appreciation which they showed present, were His Excellency the Suuday School children at 3, 1st Cragwell.
Governor of Calon, Ex Judge o clock Commandant Made is 1or te gervices of those who were trying to help them.
2nd Smith Fernandez, Reverend 3rd Myers, Oa Tuesday night 29ch will be Burns. Major Bax Divisional of the oldest West Indian Cicer in ficer of the Salvation Army, Com. years of unbroken services.
the Territory, having done 31 The women Solo Contest went our secod Community night, down to only three contsstents at which time a good program and ultimately resulted in a mandant Mead also of the Salvaconsisting of Moving Pictures, run between Misses Car.
tion Army, and Reverend Wilkins. He is a very interesting speakSongs, Recitations etc. will be michael and Yard.
The program started precisaly er, and it is expected that quite rendered. Aimission free, number of comrades and at p mwith Mr. John Neverson friends will turn out to hear him.
In this event, both contest ants acted as accompanist at the ia the Chair, which duty he performed to the entire satisfaction farewelling from the Panama DiCommandant Morris who is her An Appreciation. organ, for other riv This was applauded. The reo all present vision, conduct the Services rults were: The Boys of the Institute in in the 14 in Street Hall Colon stva On Tuesday 15th inst. the 1st Miss Carmichael Choir form opened with HOLD at 11 a. and 30 He will 2nd Miss Yard.
THE FORT, also address the meeting at Erd a people of La Boca were given a treat by the Rev. Surgeon in the This closed the competition The program being lengthy was and Street ll on Monday nature of Magic Lantern Views and after short addresses were chiefly executed by the Boys of night, when the comrades from the Institute, and refreshened with Colon will unite. In these gather on the life of Christ with lec delivered Silver, City Cristobal and by the Promoters tures on the views (Messrs. Parchment, addresses and music.
Logs the Commandant will say The Pastor lives in Colon, and Johnston and Myers) Mrs.
The program was brought to a farewell to the comrades of the visits the churches of Panama Anderson was requested to band close at 5p. Special mention Atlantic side, as he will not have 5500, Xosios periodically, the prizes to the respective win must be made of little Witting the opportunity of meeting them As be is held in great esteem fitting style. Tho prizas were exi ners. This she did in very beham a student of Mr. Ewing again before he leaves for Ja RUDGE. WHITWORTH GYCLE AGENCY by the members of his denomi cellent and reflected great credit schoal who recited EDIN. maica.
nation because of his sincerity, to the donors and promotors.
spirituality, and his earnest Arosemena whole bearted efforts to help Gove compliMr. Cragwell, in a brief ad toem, his visit meating Commander are always de dress complimented the three Watson sired and looked forward to with promotors on the splendid exam founder of the Institute, said anticipation of much spiritual ple they had set, in working so among other things, that he was benetit.
proud to say that Colon was lead.
arduously for the community ing in providing better boys, who On this occasion, the church good, and lauded it as one of the will make better citizens when FRIENDLY AND APwas filled and the people were philanthropic venture and spirit they become men, on the ground not disappointed; for both the ever manifested in this commuPROVED SOCIETY that Panama had a similar Insti views and the accompaning lec pity, He was applauded. He tutetice, and had failed both tures were highly illuminating further pledged his unstinted times. The crowd became so Future Hope Lodge No.
and were evidently greatly ap support for any such future venelated at such a remark from such preciated by the audience.
2104 Panama District.
Ruge Whitworth a distinguished visitor, that they It is to be hoped that the Rev. Quite a few of these coveted pose to their feet We are expecting a large shipment of gentleman will come as often as prizes were left on hand, and the RESOLUTION OF CON Ohe can and that he will long be promotors had them displayed Mr. Aird of the Gatun Dis.
PATH RACERS, SPORTING MODEL, SPEED spared to continue his kindly and promised another competipensary rendered LENCE a Mandolin sympathetic IRON ROADSTERS. LADIES BICYCLES and helpful tion at an early date (about Solo which was greatly appreciatministrations to his people.
August. ed.
BOYS AND GIRLS BICYCLES WHEREAS: It bas pleased the The following gentlemen doThe Chairman then called on Chief Shepherd of the Universe, We shall be pleased to know your requirements so nated prizes.
District Scout Master Bryan of to take onto Himsel. our well 500 Elocution And Music Mr. Boyd the Baden Powell Boy Scouts to beloved Brotber Charles Small; as to be able to reserve one of BRITAIN BEST Holloway, Supt. of Locks 300 give an address. Mr. Bryan said which sad event occurred on the BICYCLES for you.
Contest at Red Tank Myric, Asst. Supt of Locks 00 In his scout craft intelligence, in 10: May 1923, and Dr. Stanley, assisting Commander Watson with 00. Connell, the boys, he also said that the Brother Charles Small the FuWHEREAS: By the death of LARGE SUPPLY OP BICYCLE ACCESSORIES KEPT IN STOCK Mears, Distr. Physician. 1, 00 Chairman had enlightened him in Pay us a visit, 3rd and Bolivar Streets, or write through CONTESTANTS WON BEAUTIFUL Mr, Andrew, Supt. of Shouls 00 connection with the existence of ture Hope Lodge No. 2104 and Box 1116, Cristobal, Canal Zone.
PRIZES. Wileon, Asst. Supt. of Schools 00 the Institute, and that heretofore the o der in general. has lost a 00 he had been misled about the use. well esteem Brother Shepherd S84S SS fulness of the Institute, knowing That as a mark of respect to our BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: The Elocution and Musical. Barnes, Commissary Red Tedk 25. Peters. M. 1) box Play that at one time there existed in Contest which came off at Rod Dolls Tank on Sunday last. proved an the city of Panama a militaristie deceased Brother; the business of. Brwn, Chem. Hal Poems of concern resembling that of the ed for the period of two minutes this Lidge meeting be suspend un alified success.
Longfellow, Leather Bund Colon Boys Iustisute.
while the brethren present. reThe unique venture has made Fuller. Jewellry) Silver Bread record in the history of the Commandant Mead of the main with bow heads as be Tray Salvation Army was next called cometh Shepherds: Community. Finzi. City Pharmacy) Manicur.
Uafortunately the attendance upon, and he in turn rendered a ing Bet.
violin solo entitled ROCKED IN SOLVED; That the Ch AND BE IT FURTHE KEwas not quite as large as was. SK Lyy. Att. 1) Pr. Silver Vases antlcipated. evidently due to the THE CRADLE OF THE. Pruner. Goms) Webster all the in pliments of this future heavy showers of rain which fell DEEP.
New Edition Dietinary Hope Lodge 2104 be raped just about the hour fixed for Mrs, Kenneth (P. Comsy. 1) rolled Major Bax Divisional Officer of in marning for a period of 30 STANDS FOR starting Gold plante over shrp pencils the Salvatio Army said in part, days; aod a copy of this resoluThe contest for the most part Mr Sealey (Photographr. 1) Kdak that he agreed with the chsir tion ba spread on the minutes of was very close and exciting in Hall (Crescent Variety Stories (1)
man when he said that he hoped this meeting, and a sopy be for nearly all the events; but Ink well (Wooden. 1) Harmonium the time will soon come when the warded to each ot the local especially so in elocation, which Cabinet Boys will have a place outside of papers for publication.
was confined to school children. Plankenborn. Balbos Court. 1)
the city limits, where they will Grades Novels (4) Broaches learn to cultivate and to produce Teacher. Parchment, one their own product, but he will CANAL ZONE of the Contest Committee pre Gamboa Notee.
also like to see the boys play a and is the sided, while the judges were good game of football, a healthy Dr and Mrs. Anderson, and NOTES.
game of cricket and be exempted As afore mentioned, all eyes Mr. Jas. Walker will be turned towards the Istfrom the vices and surroundings SAFEST MILK Resuits, Elocutiou. hmanian Park on the 30h inst.
that are so commonly seen and La Boca.
league Grade 1st. Murel Headley We are told that the Sussex heard in such cities as Colon, 2ad. Ivy Maxwell; 3rd. St. of Colon, will be putting an unCommandant Watson, founder for your home Louis.
beaten eleven on the field, while of the Institute, then siva La Boca Clubhouse AcGrade 1st. Gartield Allen, on the other hand the Gamboa synopsis of the working of the tivities.
2nd Henry Marshall; 3rd. is working hard to spring the surprise of the day. It goas Boys Institute, showing the expenBlackwood Sweetened Condensed YOU CAN TRUST THE diture of 59. 40 in the month of Grade 1st. Lilias Cragwell without saying that both teams May 1921, 48 compared with! 01 Saturday 14 girls of the 2nd. Phillipe; 3rd. Stare strong and lovers of this game, will be treated to a fine 363. 95 expended in the month of Girls Reserve from the Atlantic BLUE AND WHITE Louis exhibition of cricket.
January 1923.
Side und Mrs. Cadogan and from inspected herds Grades 8 1st.
Mrs Linder, were met at the Product Daisy The following constitutes the The Chairman then called on Chandler; Louise Walker; line up of the Gamboa team: Major Bax to close the meeting hundred of the Pacific end, and Balbua Station by over one 3rd. Parchment Burns, Captain, Archer, with prayers, after which the marched to the La Boca Club Event Number R. Holder, Clarke, BlackPanamanian National Anthem bouge The Istrumental Music, which man, Blackman, Wiltcher, was sung by the Boys.
J, Beat, Pinder, and Haynes Waller Supervisor of was the second eyent, caused Extras Nurse, St. Jobn procession was formed in front Col red Work had planned a Guaranteed by 70, 000 Farmers much speculation There were of with the very interesting program, consix contestants The piece for and King, Institute League in front, and sisting of outdoor games and test was selected by the Passengers For Jamalca.
The Baden Powell Boys Scouts in Vasper Service. At o clock judges on the spot. Unfortuthe rear. The procession wended much excitement was shown in Sold by ALL GROCERS nately. the exhibition was alarm Among the passengers, sailed its way up Broadway Avenue, the volley and hand ball games, And PANAMA CANAL COMMISSARIES ingly disappointing to all who on the 8, Sixaola Co. a ro3s 3rd Street to Bolivar Street, in which the La Boca girls out know anything about music. All yesterday for Jamaica, were Mr.
down to 14th and Bolivar Street, played Christ Church girls, the the contestants without a single and Mrs. Peart, and Miss across to Brondwiy Avenue, and 75 yards run was also very a dogan.
exception, seemed to have be Green, of Gamboa, Z, Mr.
witness approximately 200 girls com underyed and did not show Peart has served the Canal up to the Institute at 12th and exciting where it dispersed.
La Boca Mrs. Smith marching to the Station in Girl up to their real or true form. Zone Police Force for the past At 45 the girls and friends Reserve Uniform.
Refreshment were served by assembled the Clubhouse ball, Little Miss Carmichael, how sixteen (16) years. He goes on The Chorrillo Bible Truth Mrs Commandant Watson and his where a very fine service was The members of the Physical ever, proved herself the coveted well earned vacation of sixty (60)
Calture Class met with the champion.
days, we wish them BON VOY assistants, and those present en led by Miss. Jeane. The selec.
themselves immensely, tions by the girls were well joyed RESULTS.
The Calidonis Bib e Truth Mrs. Clubhouse Secretary on Tuesday Dixon evening and arranged the followSchool Rally 1st Miss Carmichael The Sanday speeches were made congratulating rendered as well as inspiring, which came off on the 10th iustant Commandant Watson and his The main incident in this part 2ad Miss Trottman The Camillo Biştist Mise Gilling bours for various classes to meet:3rd Miss Ribinson was a great success. All thanks bɔys, and hoping that the OLD of the propram was, the awardmors Tacsday.
MAN will live to see his bovs Ing of a Girl Riserve pia by Event Number to Mrs. Thompson, and Mr, Panama Baptist become useful citizens, and hold Miss Jeane to Paullne Lander Williams, Mrs. Thompson, is Miss Brown 5, 45 to 30 Girls and Women MUSIC.
one whom God endowed with the good governmental position. of Christ Church for the We higbly appreciate having 30 to 15 Men.
In the Vocal Music all those gift of teaching children, to The Institute is very much besutilal, dress and hat which Miss Jenne and Miss Collett is Thursday.
our midst, and for the wonderwho professed themselves mas whom the success of the Gamboa grateful to Governor Arosemena she made for her mother.
ters in the art, backed out of the Suuday School is attributed, she The following corps with their ful service they are rendering 45 to 80 Boys.
in his Official and Noa Official competition, leaving only Mr, is responsible for the moving our girls. 30 to 15 Men.
capacity, for the great assistance advisers were represented:Blades and Mr. Crag well im spirit among the little ones in he has rendered. The Christ Church Colon, Mr. It was a beautiful siga to Because of the large number promptu challenge was accepted this vicinity.


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