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Defeat Oxford And Essex.
As Called Scores: Vens Returns From Colon And Resumes Office.
Witnesses in Favour of Defendant. After a few days of rest and pleasure, President Bellisario PorNow Testifying.
ras returned to this city and has resumed the rein of office. During the brief stay of Dr. Porras, he NILE NOBLEWOMAN we were in need of meney and was the recipient of much kindness GARVEY WITNESS thought that, as second Vice Presi. and friendly treatment by the citi.
dent, when needed money in a for zens at the Atlantic City, more LOSE TO MIDDLESEX.
eign port, why, could spend it, particularly members of the RoLady Henriettta Davis she explained!
tary Club doing all that lies in their power Got Hor Accolade From You told these people who ent visit a pleasant and enjoyable MIDDLESEX BAT ALLing the second innings of the home account of having dislocated his Potentate Gabriel John. spend the money for new ships, stock would combination, the Col, nials, in shoulder during the previous day SATURDAY AGAINST spite of a plucky stand by Chal play, stay.
a son.
didn you? asked Mr. Mattuck, the Capital last Tuesday at the On the return of Dr. Porras to THE lenor, who again played finely, and Total (for wickets declared) 390 object, roared Garvey; Small, were bowled out for 85, Bowling for the West Indians, Lady Henrietta Vinton Davis. That leading question. railway terminus he was met by thus losing the mateh by 76 Francis took two wickets for 7i Lady Commander of the Sublime Judge Mack smiled rather wear the members of his cabinet and Put Up Total of 337 Runs in Tams.
on the previous day runs; John three for 92 and Conpolitical adherents and a large First Innings Tarilton was prevented from stantine one Order of the Nile, aud Lady of the ily.
fou 27 Of course, Mr. Garvey, but it circle of his personal friends.
playing owing to illness and so the Distinguished Service Order of Oxford University commenced Ethiopia, was the first witness perfectly all right to lead on cross. By Cable Co. To The West Indians only played 10 men their second innings, and at the in both innings.
in his examination, he said, and then he Death of Mr. Percival by Marcus Garvey Jamsies Gleaner. close of the day play had scored defence, when his trial was resumed added, another little law lesson Cunha.
29 for the loss of one wicket.
London, June The West yesterday before Judge Mack in for you, Mr. Garvey.
MIDDLESEX Indian XI. commenced the fourth Stephens (not out) 8; Taylor 36; The trial was adjourned to 10. 45 the United States District Court.
Extras 5; Total 29. Play wilkbe o clock to day. privats cablegram from New match of their tour on Saturday, First Innings 337.
continued to day the University Garvey in his opening speech to TUESDAY JUNE 5th. York received during the early when they met the Middlesex xi!
SECOND IN INGS with wickets in hand being 31 the jury plunged into matters that part of this week announces the at Lords Mack would uot allow him runs on.
death of Mr. Percival Cunha in Dales Middlesex went into bat first to discuss. He aquounced he would DUCHESS SCARED AT that city, a few days ago, Mr, and was not disposed of until the Hearne 12 prove a connection between the GARVEY TRIAL Cunha was widely known and end of the day play, by which Hendren London, June Continuing United States Shipping Board and greatly respected in Panama where time they had compiled a score of 25 their second innings, which overhis own Prosecution but Judge he lived for many years. He 337.
Mann 19 night stood at 29 for wieket Mack headed him off.
Judge Takes Over Ques always figured prominently in Bowling for the West Indians, Hill Crutchley o Oxford concluded the venture for BLAMES CLIQUE tioning of Timid Wit British activities here and did not Johns took four wickets for 52 Cuthbertson the moderate total of 178 runs.
Garvey said the Universal Negro ness runs; Francis three wickets for 86 Murrell None of the college could make a With High Titie. fail in his duties, Improvement Associotion and the stand against the West Indian atHe was over 100 per cent British Tuns, Pascall two wickets for 113, Fowler (not out)
and was a zealous Mason and the and Constantine, one wicket for Durston Black Star steamship line were tack. Bernard de 39 and Ste Lady Florence Bruce, Duch first Worshipful Master of Lodge 12.
great spiritual movements that Extras 38.
13 would help to solve the race pro ess of Uganda by virtue of rank Pacific No. He was buried with The match will be continued The West Indians made light of gram. jealous clique, twenty, conferred on her husband in the full Masonic rites in New York to day.
Total 82 their task by getting 180 runs to five malcontents out of a total of Sublime Order of the Nile by Mar. where he died win.
Bowling Challenor was in fine forme 400, 000 stockholders, had caused cus Garvey Provisional PresiWEST INDIANS DO WELL Johns took wickets for 35 runs and while Fernandez held his wick.
all the trouble, he said. dent of Africa, sweltered through Wast Indian League Notice.
AGAINST ot up scored all around the wicket.
MIDDLEand Francis six for 34 runs.
Maxwell Mattuck, Assistant an unhappy half hour as a witness The century was well in sight when Attorney The Isthmian League of British SEX WEST INDIAN. the Demerara batsman was disof Lady Henrietta who gave her jury in United States District West Indians will hold its regular First Innings 264.
posed of. Ince, of Barbados joined the accoladero Wasn eat e Met Court after admitting that her meeting Panama tonight (Satur his fellow countryman and the runs ame was on the Black Star day 16 inst) at Geddes Hall 13th With Tarilton Absent, ill, Re SECOND INNINGS, Garvey that said to you, Rise. Steamsnip) Line payroll while she Street.
ply to Homesters 337 with piled up rapidly. Ince lost his Nunes wickets when but a few runs were Lady Henrietta, and go forth a noble lady? he asked.
was working for the Negro World.
264 Runs.
Holt wanted to win the game. With Garvey, on trial with the other Organ Recital Postponed.
Challenor 20 Small in Challenor drove one to bricNohat was the potentate (GaSmall Johnson. explained the wit: officials of the line charged with 23 the boundary making his century (B) Direct West India Cable Co. mails to defraud, set up a On account of uncontrollable cirInce ness. But Mr. Garvey was pres mighty protest, waich Judge Mack cumstances London, June The West Constantine and winning a sensational match the Organ Recital 10 by wickets and three runs.
stopped with difficulty, when Mrs. which was planned for Sunday, lodian XI yesterday played their Dewhurst Strident with indignation, Gar: Bruce gave this testimony under June 17th (to morrow) at st first innings in the continued Pascall (not out)
OXFORD UNIVERSITY 1st vey jumped from his chair. Is it cross examination by Maxwell Paul Church has been postponed match against Middlesex at Lord Prancis Innings any offence, he cried, for a wo Mattuck, Assistant United States until next Sunday, the 24th inst. scoring 264.
John G. Stevens man to be a Lady?
Individual scorers were as fol.
Extras C, Taylor 182 12, 000 SPENT ON TRIP. The Dutchess became so con Mrs. Rothery And Babe At lows: Nicholson Miss Davis told of her trip on fused and frightened that Judge Home Nunes Total 85 Jardine the Kanawha of the Black Star Mack conducted the examination We are glad to report that Mrs. Holt 21 The fifth match of the tour Guise Line as Second Vice President of himself. She told him that during George Rothery and babe is at Challenor 94 started yesterday against Oxford Lyon the company Things were always the first year she worked in Gar home frane St. Thomas Hospital Small University at Oxford Knott (not out)
she said cylinder vey office, opening mails, she where baby girl Rothery farrived Ince Extras heads becoming. 45 She was mighty glad to get back, and afterwards was paid by the are hearty and Ernest seems pretty Dewhurst 10 OXFORD SCORE HEAVY Total (6 wickets)
390 Stock was sold for 19, 090 on a United Negro Improvement As overjoyed at his first born. Pascall AGAINST WEST INDIANS Bowling for the West Indians trip to Panama in 1920, Miss Da sociation, of which Garvey also Francis Francis took two wickets for 71 vis testified. Expenses of the trip, Farewell Postponed John (not out)
runs, John throe for 92, and ConGARVEY WARNED.
Extras 12, 000, were paid, Miss Davis 18 IN FIRST DAY PLAY HIT UP stantine one for 37.
said, out of the money from the Garvey as his own attorney, is The farewell of Commandant 359 FOR THE LOSS OF FOUR a mediocre law student, according Morris is postponed indefinately as Total sale of stock.
OXFORD UNIVERSITY 2nd When the boat reached Co on (Continued On Page 8)
there is no news by cable as yet as Tarilton was absent on account Innings.
of illness.
Ensigo Allen Jacobs, the Com. Phillips, From Jamaica, Taylor mandant is Middlesex then went in to bat Dislocates His Shoulder Stevens To Morrow Race Night Service For Dispen ing from British Guiana; as the for their second innings, and at the While Bowling Nicholson sing Drug Arranged Commandant is instructed not to close of play had compiled 62 rans Meet.
leave until the Ensign arrives, he for the lost of wickets, and are very important meeting of the will have to hold on and wait for now 135 runs on with wickets in London, June Yesterday the Lyon hand.
touring West Indian XI met the Knott At Juan Franco tomorrow, the proprietors of pharmacies in this further information.
The weather throughout the Oxford University Cricket XI at Bettington (Capt. usual weekly racing program will city was summoned by Mayor Pre play was exceptionally cold and Oxford, ia the sixth match of their Bernard be presented to the public. The telt last Tuesday for the purpose Wesleyan Methodist of discussing the Night Service tour.
Raikes Panama Jockey Club has succeed which was recently discontinued.
Church Oxford went in to bat first and Spencer (not out)
ei in arranging a very satisfactory on dealing with the proposals, pat Extras meeting and with things in readi: forward by the government WEST INDIANS ARE DE at the end of the day play had Very Sunday School Anniversary compiled 359 runs for the loss of ness the racing on Snnday will be Total 178 warm discussion ensued with the Service will be held on Sunday. FEATED BY MIDDLESEX. four wickets.
a big day for local turfites.
There are to be contested Alcalde and the leading, pharma The Rev. Surgeon will ately refused preach at 11 and 7, 30 o clock. BOWL OUT IN THE COUNTY FOR Nunes, Constantine and Holt Francis wickets for 58, and Bowling for the West Indians John wickets for 71 runs, entries a great deal of interest will to be coeroed into any arrange At o clock a children canta ta eight events and judging from the cists as they abso 82 IN SECOND INNINGS, BUT Are the Three Principal he centered in fully five of the ments which may tend to affect will be rendered exclusively by ONLY GET 85 IN TURN.
Constantine wickets for 20 runs.
their business and bring about the children.
Scorers events.
During the weck the track was Oa Tuesday evening at 7:30 WEST INDIANS 1st Innings.
At the close of the discussion an the pallic meeting will be hela CHALLENOR IN FORM in fairly good condition and many agreement was reached and the when there wil be songs London, June Coutinuing Challenor 13 and of the horses have done excellently. service will begin anew at the La recitations by the children. The With Small make only stand for their first innings against the Fernandes Indian. Ince Cruz Roya Pharmacy on Twelfth prizes for early attendance and the Side against home Attack Oxford University Cricket XI Small Archdeacon Sykes To reach Street and Avenue and at the efficiency will be distributed by added another 3i runs to their Holt Italian Pharmacy at No. 49 Cen Mr. Harris and the SynodiAt St Paul Church London, June At Lord score for the loss of two more Nunes tral avenue.
cal Certificates won by scholars yesterday Middlesex completed wickets when they declared the Constantine To morrow night, the Venersble in the examination last year will their second innings against the innings closed. Their score was John Lunky Sykes, new Archdecon of British Consulate Notice. be distributed by the minister. touring West Indian Cricket XI 390 for six wickets, Gaise took his Pascall the American Episoval Church The Acting British Consul at Special collection in aid of the and were all out for the small over night score from 99 to 120.
Francis (not out)
here will be the preacher at St. Colon would be glad of any in Sunday School Funds will be score of 82.
The West Indians then went in Extras Paul Chareh, Panama.
formation regarding the where made at each service.
Set the task of getting 156 runs to bat and compiled the useful Total cordial invitation is extended abouts of one Cyril Absalom, a na All are cordiallyinyited to to win, on a wicket which had be score of 388, using only ten men 388 tive of St. Ann Bay, Jamaica attend.
come more and more difficult dur owing to Philips absence on (Catinued On Page 8)
using Attorney, 22 10 120 23 23 going 25 20 is head, 26 16 38 Jardine Guise 店张1 92 93 且一晚 dull.
11 18 personal loss.
40 如即必T6强在一 36 38 to all.
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