
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY JUNE 23 1923 PAGE SEVEN ALBOA EST EER REWED better, it any better, fortunad. 80 called wage is theirs for receipt. Ten children theirs for ownership: And their diet not Wo regular meals a day, with tea fore running, but a sizgle one cooked at any hour between a. and 12 of widnight, and ob! ained by the bounties of Providence. would suggest as sol accompaniment to th Captains proposal, the appointment of a Commission to en quiry into the Diet Scale of some the families of this island of Barbados, for testimony against those who unashamedly exploit their poverty. Herald. The best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appotite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
TRINIDAD JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy, DR 922 wards sight.
sideration Wholesale QUEEN HON UHARSANG failure, Such Laundry. LA ESPERANZA. Soap Factory uch fines.
Victim Of Painful Accident.
gunners got into action again. At Bank entered the Bank Manter some time we observed a huge ager residence walked into Mr.
The Port of Spain Gszette, conning tower of the submarine lined in his bed with paper column of water rising near the Aikman bedroom and coolly reof 2nd inst. says The Hon. and she disappeared. The Ger reading. He refused ko be disE MZumbo Lazare was the mans had registered 17 direct turbed by Mr. Aikman and only victim of a rather painfulaccident bits on us carrying away among when the Chief of Police and yesterday afternoon while other things the fore topmast and small contingent called, could be his office. Mr. Lazare missed bis hit only once below the water them to headquarters to discuss ascending the steps leading to bridge. Luckily our ship was ba induced to walk down with footing and slipped on the con line and by listing her we man some important business.
crete, fell heavily forward. He aged to neutralise the results.
sustained some severe bruises The ammunition on board was about the face and cuts about nearly exhausted. We managed the upper lip.
DEMERARA By the kind to reach Falmouth where was WILKINSON Dentist Howell quickly conveyed to the Colonia Weeks with wounds on both legs, To Legislate On he was detained in hospital for few Contractor Hospital where he was attended side and head. was bit four HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA QUEEN by Dr. Cezair (four stitches being times and many others of the Vaccination.
and Builder!
inserted in tl e mouth) and after crew were also hit.
sent bome.
Much For his House No. 20 sympathy has been expressed Imagine yourself prowess Captain Ia connection with the vexed with long, waving, silken for Mr. Lazare over the accident, George was granted a commis28th NOV. STREET, hair. Think how attractive Office Hours. to p. you would be. This you can the direct outcome of his failing wards from the Admiralty and the Colonia Secretary of Demerthe more so as it is felt, to be sion in the R. and o. question of the Compulsory VacHe also received substantial re Browne, has forwarded to pecination of Infants the Hon.
SAN MIGUEL easily have by using QUEEN DAILY HAIR DRESSING. This dressing also removes dandruff Lloyd also two goli medals, Box 411, Panama, Specializes in all the branches and stops falling hair. Cost one from Lloyd and the other ara the following motion for convonly 25e a large box at at the of Dentistty next sitting of the Ship Masters Association.
ST. LUCIA good drug stores and the Combined Count: Plans and Specifications Free Brewer Hess Whereas a great number of HOT TIME AT GROS parents have been prosecuted First Class Workmanship DR. HOFFMANN 5e to 25e Stores Hero In Our ISLET.
from time to ttm in the several Queen Agents Guaranteed.
Magistrate Courts of this colony 165 Central Ave.
Has removed his clinic to Midst.
for failing to have thei: children Panama City.
On Wednesday the 9th inst. vaccinated and have been heaviCreoline straightens and No. 39 Central Avenue. Er.
109 Bolivar St.
there was a hot time at Gros ly tined for such beautifies the hair and pro trance between La Mascota The Voice of May, 16 con Islet when the Police station And wbereas a a great number duces hair on bald heads. and Chng Kee Store, tains the following:was besieged by an angry crowd of parents object to their Often do we entertain angels and re enforcement had to be children being vaccinated on conunawares. So was it with us in sent up from Castries to raise scientious grounds, Castries last Friday when Capt the siege.
And whereas a great number George of the Olt It would appear that during of the parents who have been tower was to be seen strolling the visit of His Grace the Arch fined can ill afford to pay such. hrough our streets without bishop wbile service was going fines but to avoid being sent to any one dreaming that in him on there was a crowd outside the prison bave had to make great there went by one of the heroes church whose behaviour was sacrifices to meet such of th Great War. Tall of sta none of the best. Lance Coporal tue and proportionately broad of police bad happened to be on And whereas many people THE BEST THE BEST be is a tine figure of a man with the spot remonstrated with a complain that their children a good looking swiling face that woman who became very offensive before vaccination but after vachealth would at one lead oe to think ecessitating her arrest which citation their health has failed LAUNDRY that be was a good natured fel. was the signal for an angry and in many instancas death has Late in the afternoon welcrowd to attempt a rescue. With ensued.
got a hint who he was and im the assistance of a inember of SERVICE And whereas in England parmediately made an attempt to the detective star that was near SOAP interview him but as is usuallat band, the ofender was locked ents in England are allowed to with men who dare and do, be up and also two men who had make a declaration that they conin the city.
was prepared to speak on any obstructed the police. scientiously believe that vaccinafor Laundry and every subject except on bis night the police station was tion would be prejudicial to the Absolute satisfacexploits with ihe German sub attacked probably with the idea bealth of their children, miroes However after a while of rescuing the prisoers, and Be it resolved that this Court tion and purposes with the lp of a thi party the two men stationed there had respectfully request bis Excelwe managed to get the following to close down and send a mes lency the Governor to give direcQuick ervice.
Use it all the time very interesting narrative which sage to the main office by wire. tions to the Law Olicars of the ve put in our own words as the This call for help was promptly Governməat to introduce legislaCaptain is also a man of very answered by Inspector Davidson tion on this subject on lines simfew words: andj4 men who went up in a car. lilar to those obtaining in Engin the year 1907. We On the appearance of the car and.
were on the Tredemere Castle astle load of policemen the crowd bound from Montreal to England quickly dispersed.
TELEPHONE 629 DOMINICA PANAMA, and we were about 180 miles. Later, about midnight, the from land when early one morn Inspector returning with ing the lookout man announced policemen and the the approach of two torpedoes leaving the village quiet. Atter Fatal Motor Car Accident.
on the port side of the sbip his departure there was some tu e will be successful.
which we managed to evade. more stone throwing but this The Dominica Guardian of Interesting West Indian News Telegraph Company, and corfine their traffic to the pro Soon after a German sub time it did not last. The prisoners May 10th just to band reports posed all British route via the marine broke surface and were charged before the Magis the following. Continued From Page 2)
Direct Line and Canada, is not Report On Glendairy started to shell us with his two trate and remanded fatal motorcar accident during 1921 22 This amount is meeting with enthusiastic apPrison. inch guns.
We replied with a week. Voice.
bappened on Monday morning much below the average annual proval. The fact is that whilst inch gun that was manned before the last on the Good will receipts from this quarter. The a good deal bas been said here by y New Foundland NR.
The Carnegie Liblrary.
road, by which a man named average for the preceeding five about the All Red Line, the bulk Captain Hancock report for nere.
This gun that we had Benjamin Joseph lost his life, It years was 5, 818 53. 51 and in of the business, as far as we 1922 on Glendairy Prison appears was one that once belonged to appears that whilst Mr. Sidney 1919 20 as much as 9, 372 14. a e informed, bas been routed in the Official Gazette and is Terrible and had been The Volce of May 19th Green car was coming to Ro.
70. was received.
not via Bermada, which would once more distinguished by very used at the relief of Lady reports that the foundation stone seau, and approaching to where be nearly All Red, but has been for the improvement of conditions War and consequently was not to be erected in Castries took excited, and instead of remaining com monsense recommendations sent over the Western Union Smith during the South Atrican of the Carnegie Fred Library Bon was, the latter became 519 standpips are now in lines, at the meeting of the Coun mode of treatment meted out to happened that a few days before May by Mrs. Davidson Houston ed across it, but was not sharp in the institution, and in the quite up to date.
Now it so place on Wednesday the 15th on his side of the road way, rush general use throughout the eil of the Chamber of colony.
on 3rd instant, the opinion was prisoners. It strikes a humanita. had been reading of the battle wife of the Administrator of enough to get clear of the vehicle ex pressed that Barbados should rian note. like it because it is so of Coronel and immediately that colony, The Library is being despite Mr. Green efforts to 246, 638 gallons of rum were secure the All British route, but the caption generai the Captain there by putting the ship bow and is forecasted to be one of followed. An Inqu9st was held manufactured locally in 1922, as particlpate in the contract to unofficial. In the remarks undei adopted some of the tactics used erected on Columbus Square prevent the collision which against 359, 627 gallons in 1920 with freedom to use the alterna has the following to say: The straight to the rising sun which the finest buildings in Castries the same afternoon by Mr, 0.
It is being Riviere, Coroner of the District, and 302, 191 gallons in 1921. 240 tive route afforded by the exis Diet of all prisoners; whether manouver at onca put the Ger when completed proof gallons were exported last bence of the Western Union Com. committed for onemonth or 10 man to a disadvantage as he was erected by skilled local labour and after hearing the witnesses year and 4, 048 proof gallons pabya station at Barbados, The Years Hard Labour, is the same, dazzled by the light of the ris under the guarantem loof ihr. the Jury gave it as their unaniArchitect.
Another Lawrence the subsidy ing sun amous verdict that Benjamian ware issued for ships stores not be more than 2, 000 which Medical Practitioners be appoint manouver we adopted and which native.
Joseph met his death, through There was a considerable dehis own fault, having crossed the crease in the export trade when would be 500 more than is ed to enquire into the Diet Scale no doubt greatly confounded make such the German being paid to the poor old West of the prison and ead for the road when he was within five compared with that of 1921. In ST. VINCENT yards of the car which struck 1921 26 123 proof gallons were Indian and Panama Telegraph alterations therein as may be place where a sbell would fall bin. We exonerate Mr. Green, necessary to give long sentence ahead of us with the result that exported obtained from Ram last year prisoners greater variety whenever he missed on our Believed he was a Million the driver, from all blame, as we and more nourishlog ingre right and he altered his sigats are satisfied that he did his best was 58 321 13s. 11d. Herald. To Manufacture Bay Rum dients, diet, to suit we bad inyariable shifted aire.
under the circumstances. Mr.
In my opinion to feed man for to the other side.
Green, we are in a position to say, Wants An All British The Herald states that the potato »s, coromeal and oz. four and a naif hours doricg states that peculiar case of ten years on bread, rice, sweet This unequal fight lasted for The Sentry of May 4th is one of the most careful drivers manipulate a car in Cab e.
Bill which is before the House of salt fish with DO green food which time one of our smoke mad less furnished a little amaze. Duminica. But these accidents The Advocate of 9th May ufacture locally of Bay Rum is refined form of cruelty. It is platform on fire causing a cease town on Thursday morning. the best skill and precaution.
says that the proposition of the the result of the enforcement of But there are others, very of fire on our part. After a half tidily dressed Indian named people of Barbados should Prohibition in St. Thomas by the honest others, who live outside an hour strenuous labour and Bowman, of Mesopotamia, who is Rent Receipt Books in Spanbe precluded from using the Governorment.
tines of the Western Union It is to be hoped that the ven all their lives, who are little and the damage repaired, the millionaire and owns the Colonial Workman Printery.
prison walls, and have done so conflagration it was suppressed obsessed of the idea that he is a sh and English for sale at the.
PALOMA SOAP It was to next gun.
Commerce to The total revenue Company, in their who


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