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WORKMAN PRINTERY Wedding Cards, Christening Birthday Cards, Ball Cards and Programs VIEWS OF BRITISH PAPERS Correspondence We do not hold ourselves responsiblə ON THE RHINE PROBLEM. for the views expressed by correspon deals British Must Cut Clear of Rhine Tangle TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN Mr. Editor: Kindly permit mej Or there Will Be Another War.
to occupy some space in the columns of your valuable paper for the purpose of enA Direct West India Cable is little hope that France will re lightening certain well known despatch from London, dated ceive the British proposals fa individuals who are supposed to July 16 ays. Poincare vourably, but deprecates an atti be intelligent in the community, speech at Seolie bas aroused tbe tude of despair.
and to erradicate all misrepresentawith less than the best deepest disappointment in Eo: ANNOUNCEMENT IN COMMONS tions of the M. its land where it had been hoped origin, and its aims and objects, London, July 16. Mr. Bald. created by them in the form of against bope that the French emier would unbend at least win announced in the House of propaganda, bviorely for the gt tiv in response to Mr. Commons to day that he would purpose of inpr ling the progress Ba win cordial gesture. communicate to the United of the Dis leniti Group No. 57, States for its information, the of the Art Mystical Order The majority of the morning draft of the reply he was pre Rosea Crucis, at present operating poers deplored this die hard paring to the German repara: in this city.
atti ude and express only a tions. Mr. Baldwin tatenent forion hope that a settlement is was made to Ramsay McDOL. also take the opportunity of fet possible. The Daily Ex ald the leader of the Labour op. inf. rming the public that it is.
prees alone voices the growing position in reply to tuu latter the policy of the 10 demand that the British Army questions.
of Occupation shall be withdrawn Lodge or individuals, for and that France be left to padrights to supremacy in originality rile hesiwn canoe on the Raine NVITATION TO JAM VICA. among Secret Orders are indisput.
while England bends all ber Dergies to the building up of Java da has been invhed by Notwithstanding this precedent, trade within the Empire.
Barballus to enter the West In it will not tolerate, or countenance The paper claims that unless dian Cricket Competition. any such violence, especially from England cuts clear of the Rubr letter to this effect has been re parties who are not legitimately tangle she will be drawn into ceived by the local Cricket or otherwise acquainted with the another European war.
Council. It states that the crick aims, and objects, laws, usages, BAD IMPRESSION. et tournament will be held at and regulations of the Order; and London, July 16. bad im Bridgetown early next year, and in most cases have never heard of Colon pression bere was made by that Jamaica should send a team its name prior to the advent of Poincare in the address he de bados, British Gulana and Trinito meet combinations from Bar this Group.
livered at Senlis yesterday, dad. will be remembered This Medium is not intended which is generally regarded as that last year Barbados won the to create di harmony and ill will of reparations an indirect reply to the outline Cup in the matches played at among ole friends who wery hon policy made by Mr. Baldwin in acted the they Georgetown did; but rather to warn them of the House of Commons last The invitation will be dis the detriments derived by persons Thursday. There is a widespread cussed at the next meeting who commnt too freely on matdis position to treat it as an in. of the Cricket Council. Local ters they know nothing of, and to tended rejection of the views cricketers Sre enthusiastic spread the light in a world of which Mr. Baldwin projected over the prospect of Jamaica darkness.
The only favourable comment entering the West Indain CrickLike all other great movements, in this morniag newspaper is et Tourname it, step which made by the Morning Post some of them bave been urging for the liberation, education, ena good assortment can be had at the which favours maintenance of the for some time, ut there is one lightenment and elevation of the Entente at all costs. It declares dificulty in the way of this Human Race, Masonry met with that the only policy promising colony sending a team to Barba violent opposition and persecution satisfactory resslts for Great dos early next year. As stated from those who did not underBritain is whole hearted Co above an Eagli team is coming stand its teachings and objects.
operation with France to force out to the West Indies, and it is will now cite you a graphic Jern any to pay.
understood that Jamaioa will be and authentic part of the History the first colony to be visited by of the Ancient and Mystical Order The Daily Mall, another pro this team; and from the view Rosea Crucis The claim has alFrench paper, does not comment point of several cricketers, it ways been made that the The Times thinks that will not be possible for Jamaica is the oldest fraternal or Se Poincare speech was unfortu to send a strong team to Barba cret Order known to man. This nate, and prrtests his assump dos next February and at the claim makes the Order antedate; tion that Great Britain no longer same time meet the English Freemasonry and the latter has supports the Treaty of Ver team with an eleven that would always claimed great antiquity.
sailles, declaring that this Gov. do credit to this island.
Here again the casual, eye, the also a choice selection of vepment differs only from The matter will be discusses deepinstigator is confronted with France in selecting the best by the Cricket Coudcil in due a mass of details purporting to the method of getting the treaty obcourse History of Freemasonry, but gradaully classifying themselves The Times, however, refuses Creoline straightens and label inexact and indefinate.
into twogroups which one may to believe that Mr. Poincares utterance is final.
beautifies the hair and pro Righthere is where some of the The Daily News fears there duces hair on bald heads.
mysteries become clarified.
Rosea Crucians claim, and can prove that the Order of the Free and accepted Masons is an off spring of the and for this reason its origin is so veiled and indefinite, except to those who IN SPANISH ENGLISH bave passed throuh the Scottish Rites. Because of its franknes, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS.
publicity and public propaganda, AT THE Freemasonry has grown a Mail Address: Box 44, Ancon Canal Zone Office 46 Cen. Ave. powerful organization, overshadow ing in the public mind, all other The Best of Everything for Everybody. secret or fraternalorders.
On the point of its connection INSTUCTIONS Clear. Quick and Thorough. 400 COLLEGES buy with the M. Freemasonthese Lessons for their Students. VISIT OR WRITE the Schools ry is very silent. It traces its Office in Panama City.
anitquity to Solomon Temple and refers to characters whose Technical and Industrial Department, history, if not actual existence, are. Architect. Automobile Work cloaked with doubt. Its published Architectural Draftaman Airplane Engines history, is very esoteric. Blue Pent Resding. Plumber and Steam Fitter mystical although its actual his Of every description Building Foreman. Foreman Plumber Concrete Builder. Sheet Metal Worker kosea crucians, is a living testi Contractor and Builder. Steam Engineer monial to the truth of the noble Electrical Engineering. Marine Engineer principles of Brotherhood which Electric Wiring Refrigerating Engineer underlie Freemasonry. So closely Electric Lighting. Chemistry are the two orders allied that Electio Car Running Pharmacy many of the great exponents of the DESPACTH. Telegraph Engineer Navigation one are active workers in the. Telephone Work Outdoor Sign Palnter other. Freem soonry has acknow Mechanical Engineer. Agriculture ledged its debt to the AT THE. Mechanical Diafteman. Fruit Growing by adding a Rosaecrucian Degree. Machine Shop Practice Live Stock and Dairying to the Ancient and accepted Scot. Toolmaker Poultry Farming tish Rites making the 18. It has. Civil Engineer Mathematics; also established Societies Rosi Surveying and Mapping Radio cruisana in England and various Gas Engine Operating parts of the United States to which nove but an adva. ced Mason may Business Training Department.
apply for admission. Salesmanship Businese Spanish In these Rosaecrucian Socities, their own. Therefore let no word greater re aetion among Masons or IT IS TO SMILE. Advertising French as in the and 18 cer that has been written or may be other fraternal bodies to urge a few change from. Banking and Banking Law Foreiga Trade tain elements of the Rosaecrucian written in this connection convay of their unofficial and over zealous one thing to another, finishing up with Higher Accounting. Stenography and Typing Initiations and doctrines are used the idea that Rosaeerucianism has writers to limit their journey to a high buildings. Certified Pub, Accountant Teacher The American thought he had them. Bookkeeping. Common School Subjecte (in the crudes form resulting from any feeling other than kindness retrospective view to the known tradition by word of mouth, since and real love toward its ca paths of historical accuracy all beaten when he said there was a Business English High School Subjects the legitimate Lodges of the building in New York so high that it pricious and arbitrary offspring, JOHN ST. LOUIS have the correct work) and it has demonstrated in many. Private Secretary took a person at least twenty four hours to get to the top.
And Many Other Courses. Sure, said Pat, there a little and the tendency on the part of these Brother Masons in such deways its debt of gratititude and building was working on sometime grees and societies is to practice filicsl love towards the RoseacruIM? TANO ago in good ould Dublin, when one Name.
and emulate the noble rules and cian Order.
Saturday morning about eleven o clock, doctrines of the C, dropped my hammer from the top.
Address Certain criticisms and comments and sure and beyorra when went to Notwithstanding their know work on Monday morning the thing hít seems inevitable, however, in order Correspondents are resques. me on top of the head!
Mark the subject you wish to study and write your name and Address ledge of many of the Masonic to justify fully our claims of great ed to send in their contributions Mail the coupon to day for free Catlog.
Secrets all real Rosaecrucians, respects the Mason oaths and or antiquify and it is the hope of not later than Thursday even 11 you like beautiful hair use secrecy as religiously as thay do the writer that these will have no ings to ensura pablication.
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