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THE WORKMAN SATURDAY AUGUST 25, 1923. PAGE TBRIE Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd. sesise sisesex Sex sos Cenlraj American District NOTICE TO 5H IREHOLDERS Brunswick Phonographs and Records LOYAL ORDER OF ANCIENT SHEPHERDS Stationery Lodges.
Interesting West. well, was unanimously Comm trip. An What Position Do You Want?
have Building bim An extraordinaay meeting of Shareholders of the above named Company will take place on the 3rd of Septemper at p. at the company preinises.
Merhers of Lodges interested are cordially iavited and asked to send along one or more members with the usual representative.
JOHN KING Act. Seety.
AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Ugavoidably absent, when there Central Avenue and Corner question of appointing Headcame up for consideration the Street, Panama City.
master of the College in succession to the late Me. Somers.
PHONE 454 Cocks. On the motion of Sir William Chandle, seconded by Sir appolated the post. Continued From page 2)
were six na plicants two of whom were cal.
natives of Antigua, of minicl, of Monsterrat, of Damer enting on the appointair, of Trinidad and of st. ment, the Veeirly Illustrated Lucia. Of the 212, eighty five observes the were sent to Pelican Isiand. O! By their action in unamimous the e 85, all but nineteen werely appointing Haskell to the Barbadians. None of the men Headmastership of the school on sento to Pelican Island had been Monday, last the Governing Body previously vaccinated, but the of Harrison College stultified Health Oficar carried out this themselves.
precaution later in the day.
It Mr. Haskell possesses so There was no sickness on the pro enimently snperior qualificaof the men reached tions to all other of the sixteen here in good physical condition candidates who applied for the and, indeed, superior to that of post as to huve caused the memany of the batches which re bers o! the Byard to deam it turned here last year, Their waste of time to consider any of financial position was moderate the others qualifications, then but there were hardly any of we contend the Board was cogulthem penniless. short 6:00, the vacancy occurred and should sant of his qualifications when due to extraordinary large fires, and an unusually protracted bave ex rcised their rights then drought, reduced the term of and not have gon through the employment somewhat, but, we solemn farce of advertising for understand, that most of the a man and putting all these men were in a satisfied frame of gentlemen to the trouble of answering the advertisment. O: It is hoped to continue the even if he was considered quite service fortaightly, and by Octo capable of filling th post, as he ber to have all of the men de was the man atready in the Board service, they would sirous of returning home back in their native lands. The onmber been justified in appointing of these is estimated at well over thousand.
But to have been fully informIn December the boats will be ed of this beforeband and still offaring accommodation for the go through the farcs of adyerreturn of such persons desirous tising, so as to save their faces of working on the 1924 crop.
as it were, the Bjard not only made themselves ridiculous, but have tended to throw discredit on the colony bonati des in such matters for the future.
That the Board wera cognisant of Mr. Haskell qualifications is (From Weekly Illustrated proved from the fact that over a Tuesday July 21st. month ago Prof. Albuquerque At the meeting of the House those for the bupetit of his hearposition to rehearse of Assembly on Thursday the ers at a post prandial spe. ch Attorney General presented which was ven tall publicity.
message from the Governor forwarding a despatch received We not questioning the from the Secretary of State for value of ih sº, but we conteni it the Colonies showing the salaries they wera such as th y were the uu το Indian Colonies and Bermuda advertise.
In comparison with their reveous We cannot do otherwise than and population. The Bill which congratulate M: Haskell on his proposed to arrange for the preferment and warn him that it performance of the duties of the is his task to maintain the high Oficial Assignee by reverting to record set by his predecessors in the old system of appointing an otice.
outsider to be paid by ecmmis From the littla we have seen sion, was postponed as the At. of him he has impressed us as an torney General intimated to the unassuming gentleman, but one Hous: that the Executive Com who seems to be able to hold his mittee had under consideration own and should keep up the dig. Bill to, nity of the school, and we trust another scheme.
amend the Miscellaneous Taxa its standard of learning too.
tion Act, 1921, was passed.
Some further progress was Motor Bus Service to Bush made with Registrations of Daaths Bill after which it was Hall.
agaia adjourned in Committee.
The Volunteer Force Association Residents along Bank Hall and Bill was postponed, as the pres Bush Hall will welcome the news ent Adjutant and Staff Oficerſ that from the beginning of Auof that Force, Captain Shepheard, gust there will be a motor bus Is leaving the island, bie term of plying for hire between the City three years having expired, and and Bush Hall as far up as Mr.
it was not thought advisable to Simmons proceed further with the Bill ought to meet fully the need for shop. This service until his successor arrived. The House next turned its attention been sadly felt in the past.
a means of conveyance which has to a Bill to amend the Locomo motivas on Highways Act 1902, and the Locomotives on High TRINIDAD ways (Amendment) Act 1915, and after a lengthy discussion came to the conolusion that some other amendment should be in.
in Legislative Reform cluded in the measure, therefore this Bill was again adjourned in Committee and the House ad DESPATCH FROM SECjurned for a fortnight.
RETARY OF STATE, The House of Assembly.
Prid, of St. Patricks Lodge When in town do not forget to take home No. 2841, Paraiso Rep.
with you some of the latest and best Under the auspices of the above the Pride of St. Partrick Lodre: No. 2841, was instituted on the DANCE RECORDS above date. The entire ceremonies, were performed by the bearing in mind that the Brunswick dance District officers, Viz, Bros.
Iogram, PCS, Mc, Murray, Sam Rugless, Sect records lead all others Geo. Browa. Dist. Treas, assisted by Bros. Liscott, and Mason both PCS. in the presence of over 300 members of the sister Old records can be exchanged for new ones at a cost On the right of the 23 55 candidates were regularly iaitof only 25c. Cy.
ed; the 24th the first degree was confered on 49 members, 25th, the 2nd, degree was conferred on AMERICAN SUPPLY COMPANY the same number 27th the third DISTRIBUTORS degree was conferred. 28th the Lodge Hall was dedicated, the Sarance unyieled, and the officers 123 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panama, were duly installed and the Lodge was declared duly opened under Comoxes under the jurisdiction of the District Officers installed for the term.
July December, 1923. Bro, Correspondence Headley, Sis. Smith. M; Bros. Skeetes, Per. Sect; We do not hold ourselves responsible Treas. Agard, Sisters Bullen, Elect. Sect. Lee, for the views expressed by correspon Webster, Lavares.
duts. G. Lee G; Hinds, INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, S; Bro. Davidson, THE VOICE OF Straker, Chap. Lord.
Mail Address: Box 44, Ancon Canal Zone Office 46 Cen. Ave.
Ford, Blades, Host. Bro.
The Best of Everything for Everybody.
ISLAM. Liscott, and founder.
was appointed Instructor.
these Lessons for their Students. VISIT OR WRITE the Schools speak; and those qualities the ProOffice in Panama City.
Mr. Editor. Permit me the phet Daniel possessed. We learned Technical and Industrial Department, space now crave in the columns (that Daniel was a Hebrew, but of your valuable paper to clear up may ask what religion or doc Architect Automobile Wok some erroneous statements as well trines did he follow we also learn. Architectural Drafteman Airplane Engines as some prophetical interpretations that Jesus the Christ, was a Syrian Blue Prot Reading. Plumber and Stesm Fitter heaped upon Moslems, the world Jew what religion or doctrine did ForeAD Foreman Plumber over; by one Mr. Aural, in the he also follow; as well as Moses. Star Sheet Metal Worker. Concrete Builder Herald of the 12th Abraham, and all the knowa pro Contractor and Builder. Steam Engines instant. As a true Moslem, phets. Electrical Engineering Marine Engineer highly congratulate Mr. Aural for For our enlightenment, Mr. Electric Wiring his experiences in the Oriental Aural, can you name us one Refrigera ing Engineer Electric Ligh ing Chemistry world; this gentleman as far as of Eleet ic Car Running the Prophets, who communi Pharmacy learn from his article characterized cated or did receive Divine Com. Telegraph Eayin er Navigation himself as a prophet, and one who munication through the Hebraic Telephone Work Outdoor Sign Polater has traced antiquity to and from Language, also David the Prophet. Mechanical Engineer. Agriculture the decade. But with all of his and what phase, or mode of re Mechanical afteman. Fruit Growing experiences along with his pro: ligious and sacred actions did be Machine Shop Practice. Live Stock and Dairying phetical interpretations, see that Toolmosker. Pou try Farming Mr. Aural is lack of knowledge for adopt; when one wants to offend others without a cause, we must. Civil Engiorer Mathematics he spoke of things he knows noth first know the laws, otherwise the. Surveving and Manping Radio ing about.
laws will know us; then again. Gas Engine Operator Ths writer is undoubtedly a well we must know how, why, when, Business Training Department.
real man of the Christian Bible, and for what reason intellectually. and one who dwells strictly on we vibrate these laws, these are Salesmanship Business Spanish Daniel Prophecies, but (Mr, the Moslem principles; but you. Advertising Freneb Aural) it seems as much reading know Mr. Aural that you have. Banking and Banking Law. Foreign Trade made thee stupid; for yon told us started a flame which you can Higher Accoueting. Stenography ani Typing Jesus the Christ is the same never extinguish. My advice to. Certified Pub. Accountant. Teicher Michael, would like to know you learn well, inculcate and. Bookkeeping Common School Subjrete from yon sir where was Jesus 250, practice the things you preach, be Business English High School Subjects who lived at that age? then ag in an ta manevelk and on your return; 000 years ago. was he the Michael not a Bartimas, and stop being rivate Secretary but. to And Many Other Courses.
lightenment as we are heathens, when the supposed whale shall an age? and how many ages have vomited you upon the dry Name. Age has the world survived? name them: laad, after sleeping its bowels, tell us which of these ages you are three days and three nights, and on Address speaking of that we can correctly your return to Panama, then your answer your biblical interpreta eyes will be opened to behold the Mark the subject you wish to study and write your name and Address tions. Now, Sir, since you have secrets of the prophecies of Mail the coupon to day for free Catlog.
touched our garments, we will de Daniel the Prophet, and the fend our material and spiritual Moslem world.
bodies, we are not prepared to will further advise you to stop waste valuable time and intellect in rambling around seeking for tilt dancing, pay attention to the what we have not lost; for Mos sweet voice, as does the heathen inner silence, listen for the soft lems in all the world history, has Moslem And never been controversial to any what Jesus the Christ or JEHOreligion, nation, state, or creed. SHUA BENPANDIRA of whom you But there are others just like you, speak is saying toyou, and in who feel because of their greed to conclusion beg to remove your eat us up, to slander, degrade and feet from the ground you stepped to cast all manner of injustice on for even angels feared its path.
upon us, when we do not do it to them, or deserve it. What all In another issue we this for, the heathen asked. Is it you revealed food for your soul because of our intelligence of the conviction, stop war and plunder.
one true supreme and only God, The Heathen, the Creator. Allah) and one true ABDULLA, and only revealed book. The Quran. as we do not speak For the Moslem World.
through inspiration, though it is Saturday, August 18th 1923 good, but rather through revelation, you speak of the words Prophet by an angel can you tell us pine what Dentist Howell language did the angel reveal the things you spoke of, and in what tongue did Daniel interpret BY THESE MACHINES it?
HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA Mr. man keep in touch with modern times. All kinds of maWas it not in the Arabic cha racters, the automatic writings came CANAL ZONE, terials in stock for your shoes.
through, and is it not true that the WATER BOTTLES, DOG COLLARS, SCOUT BELTS, ETC. prophet Daniel interpreted the PAN AMERICAN SHOE REPAIR same writings in the Hebrew Office Hours. to p. language to the people; Mr. Aural, Plaza Arango, near Central Police Station. what cause the men of that intelDAILY FICE, Proprietor, lectual capacity not to be able to read the writings on the wall. Was Specializes in all the branches inot not because they were blind, of Dentistry Don forget to visit my new Shoe Store in Centra and could not see, deaf and could Avenue right next to the Alcalde Office. fine selectio not hear, and dumb and could not of Shoes for Ladies, Gents and children, at prices speak. just as you are) for a a certainty if a man has the eye of Creoline straightens and to defy competition.
soul, he sure will see and the ear, beautifies the hair and pros he must hear; the tongue must Iduces hair on bald heads.
was in a carsity you shall hear SOCAR will give SHOES MANUFACTURED AND REPAIRED The Headmastership of FRANCHISE COMMISSIONS Harrison College.
Government Instructed To Proceed with Legislation.
At a meeting of the GovernIng Body of Harrison College at The Guardian learns that which all the members were the Government has received a present except His Lordship despatch from the Secretary of Bishop Berkeley, who is absent State for the Colonies approving from the island, and Mr. B, of the recommendations of the Hart, Church warden of St.
Michael Parish, who was (Coatinued on page 7)
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