
Chesterfield OF shot. eeThat no fish story!
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action in 2OSECUTION PART IN RE. behalf of the condemned man that VIEW OF WHOLE CASE there was a shadow of doubt as to whether he actually fired the fatal THE SHADOW DOUBT.
Mr. Justice Rigby Swift, the HOW RELATIVES HEARD NEW3 Judge who passed sentence of death, described the crime in his BY LISTENING IN summing up as a deed that sent a thrill of horror through every The Evening Standard. of decent citizen. an assassination London, dated August Ist reports without the slightest justification.
the following: Mson in his defence admitted The decision of the Home Seere that he s present when the murtary to reprieve Alexander Camp. der was committed but denied bell Mason, condemned to death that he fired the shot.
for the Brixton taxicab murder, and commute the sentence to When found guilty he deliver ponal servitude for life, has a remarkable speech from the deck created great interest among the in which after protesting his to public and in legal circles alike. cence, he said: We are able to throw light on cannot gay am surprised at the reasons which induced the the verdiet, was sure that, taking Home Secretary to take this the evidence at its face value, would be found guilty. have The news of the reprieve first nothing to say against the verdict.
reached Mason relatives in Seot. am quite satisfied with it. have land through a listening in set.
had fair trial Mison is 23 years of age, and THE NEW PLAN has well to do connections Bathgate, Scotland WIRELESS.
How Crown Officers Went Over REPRIEVE NEWS BY Whole Area of Crime, The news of the reprieve was received with pleasure in Motherwell, Mason native town, where Despite the fact that the jury 50, 000 people are stated to have regarded the evidence against the signed the petition, prisoner as sufficient and that the Conrt of Appeal concurred, it is Mason uncle, who resides at understood that both the legal Cleland, received the news by dvisers to the Home Office, as wireless and immediately got into well as Sir Richard Muir, who communication with the reprieved conducted the prosecution, and man grand parents, now staying Sir Archibald Bodkin, who ordered on the Ayrshire coast. They were the prosecution in his capacity all overjoyed at the news.
as Public Prosecutor, reviewed all Mr. John Robertson, who the circumstances after the court worked hard on Mason behalf, proceedings on hearing the decision, immeGOING OVER THE GROUND diately left Glasgow for Ayrshire to inform the relatives. further step was that a new pla: for the whole area of the crime was drawn up by professional draughtsmen and with this Richard Muir traversed the whole plan Sir Archibald Bodkin and Sir grouni on more that one occasion.
The Home Office also asked for certain other details from the authorities at Scotland Yard, and a most vigorous inquiry was made by the Law Officers who advised the Home Secretary The following points were given the greatest consideration:1. Was Mason alone at the time of the murder? The plan upon which evidence was given DR. SANGER 3. The evidence given against CÁPSULES These three factors resulted, after due consideration, in the millions of men.
Home Secretary deciding to grant the reprieve All along it has been claimed on Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield cigarettes are of finer quality and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette.
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    Death Sentence

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