
Urinary Disorder CIGARETTES ll say it again it the best cigarette Interesting West. Continued From page 2)
thusiastic in the discharge of his responsite duties, had been latterly inery bad health, and only left here for a vi it to the island two or three months ago after partial recovery from long and trying На was a sound expounder of the Gospel as he knee it, and in his walks througb life was exem: lary. His task aces not die with him, as the duty of leader will fall to DR. SANGER another. Idem. CAPSULES have cured millions of men.
Passenger Dies Of Heart Failure.
British Consulate Notic The Globe of the 12th ulto The British Vice Consulat states that the sad death of Mrs. nama would be glad to hear of the Marian Dummett on board the whereabouts of Charles Hansa schr Eidie Theriault while on who was last heard of in Panama.
voyage from Demerara to this island took place on Saturday West Indian Cricketers.
night last. The facts as by a contempory are as follow:The vessel left Demerara on The Cricketer, of Sept. 1, the 6th Instant and deceased who publishes the following: was making the trip for the George Challenor 101 against benefit of her health, had previ Norfolk, at Norwich, was his ously arranged for a stay of six eighth three figured score weeks with her daugbter and the season for the West Indies.
other friends at Barbados. Her collapse was due to heart failure team, in bowling Falcon, in John of the West Indies which was known to her imme Norfolk first innings at Nordiate friends as the source of her wieb, sent a ball 48 yards.
illness. The fatal attack came upon her when the vessel was Lieut. Col. Challenor, only 150 miles from Barbados, who has been scoring so well Aldershot Comand she expired peacefully a few recantly for minutes after wards.
mand, is a brother On the arrival of the schooner team, and his presence in the Challenor, of the West Indies on Monday morning last, the latter side would undoubtedly body was taken charge of by strengthen it considerably. His Rev. Bruce, Superintend early cricket was played in the ent of the Christian Mission, and West Indies, and in days gone Revd. Hoyle of the George by be appeared with success for town branch of the Christian Leicestershire. In South Africa, Missiɔn, of which the deceased too, he assisted both Western was a member. The burial took Province and Natal, and he also place in the evening at the West took part in the game in India, bury Cemetery. The service and during the season of 1902 3, tatives of the Christian Mission or against Ceylon at Madras.
was conducted by the Represen. scored 216 for Madras Presidenassisted by the Revds. Wingrove Ives and Brath waite of the Pilgrim Helin989 Churcb. nada from practising. Oaly men good gathering of friends and registered in England were entisympathisers attended the fu tled to practise their profession.
Up to July Grenada was among these colonies. At a special meeting on the 17th August the Le.
GRENADA gislative Council, in conformity with a des batch from the ColoMEDICAL REGISTRA nial Minister, passed an amendTION ACT AMENDED ment opening the colony to persons graduated in Canada and the United States as entitled to To P(mit Graduates From Cabe registered. The amendment is nada And said to be consequent on the blacklisting of Grenada by the In some of the West Indian step which was denounced by British Medical Association, a Crown Colonies the dic Re Hon. Horsford and Hon gistration Acts are so passed 18 de Freitas.
to probibit medical men garduated in the Uniel States and Ca. Continued on page 7)
of George ever tasted!
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