
Colon Cycle Track And Cycle Meet OIL DIVIDENDS GATUN COME TO THE CANAL ZONE Colon Stockholders of the Oklahoma Mexia Oil and Gas Company of Dallas, Texas have been receiving regular dividends and COMPANY MAKES MAKES PROGRESS stcne.
comparable o esses SS SS SS SS OSAE 05 15ISEX to the in IR 0:30 palr?
dawn It has now been 13 years since Colon has been deprived of its The Church of God Actitimost loveable of all games.
vities, CYCLING when their track hud to be abandoned for a poblic The members oi the Church highway. Ever since that time, of Gd, at Gatun, have beld the hungry public bas to be journeying to Panama in quest of the foot nie ly for th past excitement in tbe keen game of three tears. On Saturday night Sept. 29, 1923, we heldur busicycle sports has ness meeting at Gatua. in produced some very which taal arrangemeat Wa.
good cyclists, but they always made for the erec ing of a chapel have to face the handicap of there on January let, 1924, Twithout a track and The corner stone will be aid on never give the best account Nor. 3rd. 1923. Our dear belona of themselves. The entire sport Brr. Griffith is really on ingel ment of Colop have become discouraged with this condition fire for God and souls. Through bis undaunted zoal in pushing many of the eschists have the work of the Master, dropped out of cycledom disdoors, windows and other parts satisfied.
However, through the untiring for the chapel are finished, and ready to be compact.
efforts of the executive staff of All are welcome to Gatun, be Cyclone Cycle Club they at the laying of the corner have at last succeeded in building a track, which is now situat ed between 9th and 10: Streets and Street. The track bas an Since our Ad. appeared in these columns a week ago the possible for us to make that record and we are looking out for EMPIRE excllent lay ard is Oklahoma Mexia Oil Gas Co. have advised me from the them and their friends first.
with any on the Isthmus, with office that a new Well making more than five hundred and fifty the additional advantage of barrels of oil per day had been completed.
After having visited practically all of our stockholders in the Sunday Sept. 80, was Ministers material for building a bank States then was ready for a trip to the Canal Zone for the day at Empier; the Rev. Mulcare track, which ll be ideal all This brings our daily production to more than two thousand branch of our family who reside in the Canal Zone are entitled at St. Barnabas, and the Rev.
cyclists and from now on cycling barrels per day and we are still drilling more Wells. Our drilling to just as much consideration as though they lived next door to Surgeon at the Wesleyans in the should assume very creditable program is a long one as we have proven acreage enough to keep us in Dallas. Every Stockholder in the Canal Zone without a afternoon.
proportions on the Isthmos.
five Drills busy for the next two or three years.
single exception have either bought more shares since came or At the close of this service, the expect to do so before leave which is a most wonderful recomEvery day of the week and mortal remains of Master Boat twice daily all cyclists can be mendation Question Arises wain, the. infant son of Mr. and seen scorching the cinder in If you good people who are not in yet realized the opporMre. 1h mas Boatswain of Epacks of from 10 to 15 at a time Some have asked the question, why did come to the Canal tunity that is before you, you would pawn the family jewels pire, was Churchd by the Rer, with some very thrilling finishes Zone to offer our stock and leave a fertile field like the United and sell your own clothes if necessary in order to make a Su geon, after which a few that have brought the exciteStates if our stock is so good. start in the one beet chance you have ever had.
frier ds and children journeyed ment of or lookers to fever beat.
to the West Bank Cemetery. Li The Cyclone Cycle Club bas If you were at the head of a Company and had already paid and 20 each month until paid. 500 shares 10 cash 10 each The price is still 10c per share 1000 shares 100 20 cash rio for Interment. Our condomade definite arrangements for back to your stockholders 95 in dividends and knew you lence go out to the breaved paholding a CYCLE and ATHmonth antil paid.
would pay them many times that amount ir days to come you rents, as it was their only soa, LETIO meet on 3rd Novemwould want them to have just as much of the stock as they ber, at their new track, marking but The good die young.
If you fail to see me personally send your payment direct to inauguration of the track could handle for it was their money that made it possible for the office at Dailos stating how many shares you want in your When we see a lovely bl 1990 you to build your company and you would feel very kindly letter. You don need any blanks of any kind just make your That we tended with such etre; and the City in general is pas. toward them.
Ridely taken from our bosonmuch money order payable to the Co. and mail it in.
attention to this meet.
How our drooping hearts des All cyclists from Panama, and Our Company is in exactly that position. We are proud of THE POSSIBILITIES ARE GREAT the Linee, have begun training our record and we are proud of the stockholders who made it YOUR OPPORTUNITY IS NOW.
Rudis little grave we linger.
and will be crossing the Isthmus When the setting sun is lowfor the tirst time in over 12 Thinking all our hops have peyears to maintain the acquire ed rished.
reputation of Panama. Tbe ORR, Financial Agent for With the flower we cherished so Colon cyclists have sworn to We stall sleep, but not foruphold the prestige of ever. There shall be a glorious their own grounds wbeu sbe boasted the Champions of the Isthmus in Cleveland Lawton, Alfred Blasb, The Greek. with 510 Interurban Building WOMEN LIFE PROBBellamy and Hall for Papama.
LEM CLUB There is an additional encouragement to this sport with DALLAS, TEXAS.
the Excursion running to Colon After a period of cessation the and it is anticipated there will Women Life Problem Club of La be a great gathering to witness 990 So scoot sesso Boca was reorganized on the 4th the keen contests that have been SXSS OXOOXS0 XSS inst. under the management of set.
Mrs. Florence Smith, President; Mrs. Grant, Secretary; Mrs.
Remember, dear Colonites, that you have always murmured DONATIONS. Waller and Mrs. Thomas as committee on Functions. Among about this unfortunate state of the business transacted was a social affairs; remember you have always been dissatisfied over the Donation to the Colon Boys to take place on the 11th inst at your boys have been facing: Institute by benevolence and symRoyal King Solomon Lodge No. 11 Plans for a pic nic to be remember you bave always pathetic citizens of Colon for the of Scottish Mechanics, held at Christmas tide were also pledged your support to such a purchasing of a Boot Factory outfit AT move in Colon all you can. Now for the ogress of the Institution Colon, de Panama discussed and turned over to the WHEREAS it has pleased AlCommittee on Functions.
you have this track. Assist us under Com Watson.
mighty God, the Great Omnipotent all you can and favour us with Consul of Colon 00 to remove from our midst our your financial support as well as Pusgoso.
dearly and beloved Brother, Joshua Baptist Church Activities your personal attendance. No Brown 50 24th STREET, GUACHAPALI Clarke of the Royal counter attraction should be Henriquez 250 erod enough to cause you not Jaspe.
King Solomon Lodge No. 11, 50 The New Church Building will of and as we are be opened at Red Tank on Oct.
The Wilcox Co.
to be there.
By Evangelist Harry 50 in Session now assembled 00 Sangster bas just opened The American Bazaar.
BE IT RESOLVED: that our on Sunday and a public meeting 14th. Three services will be held training camp for this meet, and 00 Members stand with bowed heads on Tuesday night. Further paibe has apsured me he is going to Currington 50 Sunday, October 7th, 30 for two minutes, in token of our ticular next week.
give Abrahams a nice little exer. Kellso 50 deepest sympathy and respect to cise on that day and drop blm a Sawers.
20 our honoured dead and The Anniversary services in tip or two in the finishes so be Tetler, 25 SUBJECT: BE IT RESOLVED; that the connection with the Boy Scout 50 pick may it up.
Chorrillo Baptist death of this Brother has caused an Church will be held on Sunday claims he likes the society of 50 The Object of Christ Presence 50 irreparable loss to Fraternity and Sangster and will not leave his By a Friend our Lodge in general, and we cher morning. Pastor Witt will preach 00 company until the bell rings. American Beauty Parlor ish the memory of one who was sermon to men on the subject of young ahip.
But also think Scbloss has de 25. loved by all cided, as a good old sport, to get American Plumbing Co All Welcome 00 No Collection RESOLVED that we extend to attend the anniversary service.
nama division of the Scouts will back on the wheel. These boss 50 the bereaved family our heart felt The Chorrillo corps will use its bave always wished to mest sympathy and commend them to drum and fife band for the first us in Colon and they can almost Cers Auspicies International Bible Students Association God, who doeth all for the best, he depended upon for their Bakam and whole hearted support RM. P. Co.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED meeting was convened at the NIMBLEY 50 Biggest Rally Fight of the MARRIAGE 50 that a copy of this resolution be Chorrillo Baptist Church on Mon scalp be claims he can play the Co 00 Year.
sent to his widow, a copy to the day night to welcome back pasbat trick from the dine mile Garry Grand Lodge of Scotland and a tor and Mrs. Witt. Deacon Year1. 00 down. He and his team of Min. Co.
er. Baptiste, Shorty (Tawes) Inocencio Galindo Jr. Lynton. 00 Silver City, under the auspices On Tuesday October 2nd, Mr. copy to the Workman Printery wood occupled the chair and made 00 of the St. Vincent Church vs. Joseph Lawrence and Prescott, Worrell has already Miss for publication, and a copy be appropriate remarks. The leaders 00 Colon, under the auspices of the Fonnett Anderson, were joined in Lodge placed on the minute books of the of the different auxiliaries of the opened camp and the Isthmian Price Church gave brief addresses as 00 St. Joseph Church Holy Wedlock, by the Rev.
Park has been the scene of some Bowdry Co Eustace Lee.
AND BE IT RESOLVED that follows. Deacon Linton spoke for 00 breezy finishes.
WINNER TAKES ALL. Nightengale, The Bride was given our Dispensation be draped in the Church in the absence of the 25 There is some by of. new The fourth count of rotes is 25 coming into prominence, but not encouraging. suppose it is while Miss Estena Williatas acted in memory of him who dies to live the Sunday School, Mr. King shall leave personal mention for for the Mrs. Reid because it is too early in the as Chief Maid.
The reception was again. 31. 25 EDMUND REID month to get money or each side held at the residence of Mrs.
for the open air band, Deacon my next article.
CYCLOMETER The above amount has is watching the other, waiting Mitchell No. 9, Calidonia Road.
Permanent Secretary.
Smith for the Young Worshipbeen collected up to date. to surprise each other at the final The following guests were in attendpers league, Miss Gallimore count.
ance; Mr, Mortimer, Watkis, British Consulate Notice. Denniston for the Boy Scout and for the Junior Mr.
Balance wanted for the Harvest Festival Celebrations full cancellation of this All are asked to turn in all Brathwaite, Mrs. Dunn, votes with cash no later than Duncan, Mrs, Brathwaite, and Miss Nina Gallimore for the Girl purchasing.
218. 75 Tuesday the 9th inst.
Special Services will be conduct. Your donation is requested please Williams. The customary Colon would be glad if the under ing was brought to a close by The Acting British Consul at reserves. An enthusiastic meetThe latest count is as follows: toasts ed in the Salvation Army Hall, at and good wishes were mentioned ex soldiers mail same to undersigned.
Colon La Boca, on Sunday and Monday, 7000 of the few remarks from the pastor.
showered on the Bride and Groom British West India Regiment Silver City 5387 After the reception the Newly would call at the Consulate in meets on Sunday evening at 30 October 14th and 15th, on behalf AROSEMENA, The Colon Baptist of our Annual Harvest Festival Governor of Colon.
Wedded couple took the 12. 15 connection with their War The new officers are to be installefforts.
Rent Receipt Books in Span train for Gatun, and from Medals: Our many friends and well wishD. WATSON, ish and English for sale at thence motored to Colon at their ed at the meeting tomorrow Pte. Hinds, No. 16040, ers are asked to prepare their gifts. Box 153, Colon The Workman Printery residence, 7th Hudson Lane.
evening. Pastor Thrift will prePte. Walters. 15281. side.
Resolution of sympathy Public Lecture odds Court Wallace, 50 Morgan.
Corps of Abrabams NN Noely The Pa.
after Abraham Vaunall blood Total.


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