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THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1923 PAGE SETEN QUEEN LYNTON 0:03. LE DEPARTMENT New Market Street DE THAIR DRESSING Imagine yourself with long waving, silken hair. Think how attractive you would be. This you can easily have by using QUEEN HAR DRESSING. This dressing also removes dandruff and stope falling hair. Cost only 25e a large box at good drag stores and Brewer Hess Sc to 25 Stores Wholesale Quees Agents 165 Central Ave.
Panama City.
109 Bolivar St.
ALBOA EST EER REWED RETAIL DEPARTMENT No. IU. Bolivar Street THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY QUEEN FULL SUPPLY OF Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, Cabbage, Dairymen Butter ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES Dentist Howell Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere.
Laundry. LA ESPERANZA. Soap Factory PALOMA SOAP Treat Yourself Office Hours. to p. Gdeon, Cus os of Portland, and Governor with their respectful DAILY other vell known members of request that the Governor in the community. The memorial Cuncil o not give his sanction Specializes in all the branches which will take the form of a to aay ban for the purchase of of Dentistry clock tower, will be located in Air Park or any other prithe market square at Port Anate land for addition to the tbe tonio. li will be surmounted city, of Gorgetown at Bernard a booking office to Cuba. wi a cross. At the base there present tim.
On the li wer floor, were the legal will be a slab baring the names. Bei chambers of the Hon. of the Gorious Dead from payers of the City of Georgetown Be it Resilved. That the RateSmith who is in England for rest Portland. field gun which in this meting assembled reand change.
was captured from the Teutons que:t and authorise the ExeccTHE BEST THE BEST Toe fire fed on the timber and will find a resting place near the tive of the Rate parers associasoon the adjoining premises No. monument. Various committees tion on their beball in forward in which Mr. Sanguit have been formed to assist in respectfully t) His Excallency LAUNDRY QUALITY etti, Solicitor, bad offices was carrying through the scheme the Governor and to the several ablez: The Fire Brigade res. Herald)
Elective Members of the Court ponded with promptitude to the cf Policy the vote of censure just SERVICE SOAP call and with a strong pressure essere BRITISH GUIANA porwald This their urgent appear pass on Mayor ard also to Jor water, the flames brought under control after the in the city.
to th Gvarner and Court tuo buildings had been partially for Laundry destroyed.
Policy to atford tren the nic sAbsolute satisfac10 Washed Over sarv protection in be fou e by building to the North owned by Mr. Solic tor C. Gorge.
so amendin: add enlarging the board purposes tion and sections of the Georgetown was also damaged.
Town Council o dina ce No. 43 The fire fighters wer: at work of 1918 dealing with the DisFRON. CINVICT Quick Service.
Use it all the time until after o clock in pouring ESCAPED qaliticauion of Coucillors. to water on the premis squad PRISON ONLY TO FIND of pclice did duty on the fire zone make it a part of the duty of the WATERY GRAVES.
Supreme Court inflicting the The Hon. Smpson, statutory penalty of Two HunComo issioner, was present The Demerara Chronicle of sitting on any Councillor guilty dred and Bitty Dollars for each shortly after the outbreak, and assisted in directing the opera.
recent date, says:of TELEPHONE 629 trading or contracting with the PANAMA.
At present under detention at Council in a sun xceeding ve tions of the firefighters polica headquirtrs, Brickdam, Hundred Dollars within twelv is French refugee named Building Operations In Ourema Elouard Sapience. The months, where the conduct of the Councilor is flagrantly Montag. Eay.
is the le survivor of a party of vicious to expange the name of Interesting West.
eleven which left the French the offendin Councillor from the Convict Settlement for Venr: Register of Municipal Voters for (Continued From Page The Northern News of the zaela some weeks ago in a small a term not exceeding five years 15th inst, says: boat. Shortly after they had put and if the said Councillor The work of re building the out to sea they encountered bad to be the Mayor at the time of happen JAMAICA BY TAKING fire swept section of St. James weather and within twenty four the offence, to increase the Street which was consumed on bours the party was reduced to penalty to Five Hundred Dollars DR. SANGER CAPSULES Celog carried out rapiảly.
the morning of July 15th is four. Heavy seas broke over for each sitting or executive act their skift and washed seven of performed by him as Mayor after For a National Spirit The old buildings are nearly them overboard e Sabsequently commiting the offence, and to WONDERFUL CURE FOR all frsured, but those on the late leaving Sapience the sole ty as Municipal Voter to tes a similar increase the term of non eligibili DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE ON PAROStrand Street side of the block, BLADDER IRRITATION CHIALISM WHICH OBTAINS IN and which did not carry Insur occupant of the skiff. On the years.
ance, have not yet been started which had left this port two 23rd ultimo, the schooner Daisy THIS COLONY.
and may be a long time doing so.
Sodays previously came acros the DEMERARA MEDICAL It Contains East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood The same applies to the skift with its solitary occupant, The Herala says it is report.
RESEARCH ed that obrrespondence has passand other ingredients Market Street fire which occur. drifting in the Atlantic Ocean red a week later.
ed Tetween the Secretary of building touched is the bazuar of the Lightship. Captain Sim DAVON GOLD MEDAL AWARD East South State for the Colonies and the owned by the St. James Benefit mo Governor of Jamaica on the spirit Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours of the schooner, Building Society and which rescued Sapience while the skill mons, skipper of parallem which obtains in carried insur His Excellency the Governor was allowed to continue its aim of Demerara has made regularance.
the what a representative of BUY BOX TO DAY a neat structure, and the to port yesterday and Sapience medal of the Davson Research this Journal has beard, the Duke Soares pile, especially it made was handed over to the police Prize Fund. The medal, whib of Devonshire feels that someAT THE double floor building gives authorities, thing should be done to develop CHORRILLO DRUG STORE promise to be worthy of the is awarded every three years; as given in 1917 throug the thought on proper lines in Jamailocality.
ca. The Colonial Office authorities No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
BEL AIR PARK SCHEME. liberality of the firm of Messrs are aware of the fact that large Davson Co. Ltd. to commemsections of the people of the Public Service Co. Ltd.
orate the completion of a hundCITIZENS PROTEST colony do not show anything like AGAINST red years of active association PURCHAEE.
desire to view questions of with the colony. The medal is moment from the angle of what The Herald states that the awarded to the Government is good for the country as a ucit management of the Jamaica Pub Punitive Resolution Carried. medical officer or other medica)
of Empire.
lic Service Co. is negotiating practitioner, who in the opinion with the local representative of of the chairman and members of This is a matter that has been large automobile coocern to proUnder the auspices of the the committee, has contributed causing a good deal of concern to We specialize in Palmer, Dunlop, and Constrictor vide a number of motor busses Georgetown Rstepayers Asso most towards the health and thougbt ulmen and women in the Bicycle Tires and Tubes An extensive line of which will be used by the com ciation and chairmanship of the welfare of the colony by original colony; and now that the matter high class accessories always on hand pany in conjunction with its Hon. Brassington, public medical research has been brought to the attention work. The of the Colonial Office, it is likely meeting of landlords and tenants first award was made in Saptramway service.
was held in the Georgetown tember, 1917, and the second in that at the next sitting of the Service Co. pro Town Hall last Thursday night September 1920. For this year Legislative au uncil a statement poses to use motor vehicles over to consider the proposed pur the award will ba made in the will emanate from the Governroutes in certain districts from chase of Bel Air Park.
ment on this important matter.
wbich requests have come or an course of the present month.
Dal extension to those areas of the After much discussion the The Committee of the Fand are It is understood that the Duke tramway lines. The motor busses following resolutions were Proffessor Sir Harrison, the of Devonshire has suggested to will be used along the ord Hope adopted Surgeon General and the Hon.
the Governor that responsible Road from Cross Roads and in men and women should be asked it Resolved: That the Mr. Farrar.
Be of to direct their energies into that districts to the west of Halfway Ratepayers of the city channel which will make for the Tree to determine whether or not Georgetown in this meeting WILKINSON building up of a strong public the traffic on those routes is suf assembled enter their protest opinion in the colony in other Rudge Whitworth ficient to warrant the company against the purchase of Bel Air words, to encourage all sections extending its electric tramway Park or any other private lands FOR BEAUTY, SPEED AND STRENGTH Contractor of the inhabitants to think on system, as so many persons de at the present time for incor sire.
City poration with the Rudge Whitworth is the first and last word in Bicycles of constructive lines.
Georgetown until the Thomas and Builder All our Champions RUDGE IT War Memorial.
Lands bave been duly taken up Duke Street Fire and occupied by the inhabitants Aspiring Champions are RUDGING IT of the city.
House No. 20 JOIN THE CROWD Plans are under way for the Be it Resolved. That the 28th NOV. STREET, The Herald of the 22nd ulto.
City erection of a memorial at Port Ratepayers of the of Pay us a visit at our new Show Rooms SAN MIGUEL says: Antonio to the sons of Portland Georgetown in this meeting Box 411, Panama, P. Last Saturday afternoon fire PANAMA MULLER Building, Calidonia Road who fell in the Great War. The assembled do hereby authorise burnt out the upper floor of Nc.
COLON THIRD BOLIVAR STREETS Hon. EfFfrench is the moving and request the Executive of the Plans and Specifications Free Duke Street where Messre! PO, Box 864 Ancon 1116 Cristobal spirit in this laudable movement, Rstepayers Association on their DaCosta Son conducted and his efforts are being ably behalf to forward these Ruso First Class Workmanship Guaranteed.
real estate business, and Mr.
supported by the Hon. lutions to His Excellency the From my av The Rudge Whitworth Cycle Agency The Publie so
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