
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1923 PAGE THREE. The he Open Forum:Chesterfield of that question. That no fish story!
It the best cigarette ever tasted.
cost not any hegy Sabbath, precept.
We do not hold ourselves responsible Christian Sabbath. That event is for the views expressed by correspon the inauguration of the Christian dents Church and the fulfilment of His promise to give the Holy Spirit TO THE EDITOR OF THE WORKMAN permanently to reside in Sir. For several weeks now was horn on the Day of Pentecost Church. The Christian Churc!
there have been appearing in the by the coming of the Holy Spirit Star Herald articles propogat. to abide with her and to fit her for ing the Seventh Day Adventists the work of evangelizing the world, peculiar teaching, especially in and the Day of Pentecost wasthe respect to the Sabbath Day May first day of the week. How signal ask the privilege of setting before was God approval manifested, the religious publie through your 3000 soils were born again that columns the cloristian viewpoint day filled with the Holy Spiritd question seattered in all directions to have no desire nor have the the glad news to perish time to enter into any newspaper humanity.
controversy with that or any other sect. All wish to do is to The Council of Jerusalem wis put as clearly and concisely as held in the year 50, about 20 years possible the reasonable and comafter the founding of the Christian mon sense view of that question Church, That Council was called as the Christian Church for nearly to settle disputes which had ariseu 19 centuries has unde stood it.
regarding the attempt to compel am not concerned with the of Moses What was the decision Gentile Christians to keep the laws Creation Sabbath, the Patriarchal of Sabbath, the Jewish sabbath, the of that Council composed Mohammedan Sabbath, the apostles and others? Let us not Buddhist Sabbath or any other forget that from the Day of PenteSabbath. My concern is with the been keeping the first day of the the Gentile Christians had Christian Sabbath.
sabbath. Now defy any man to quote Council of Jerusalem knew of it one single instance on which Christ and yet what did it do? It dit enjoined the keeping of the sy Seventh Day Sabbath. You will greatly. you cannot go to ay to these people you are erring Beaven other nine commandments, but you must repent, you must now never once quoted the fourth. All begin to keep the seventh day of He said about the Sabbath was the week as the weekly sabbath.
that He was Lord of it and It No, that Council said let us not was made for man Mark you. Lay avier burden on these the Sabbath, in view of His known to keep from fornication, from but people ledge that the day would sooa be things strangled and from things changed offered unto idols. Surely those single instance where Christ kept what the mind of Christ was and defy any man quoting a apostles in that Council kaew the 7th day as the Sabb: after they would have instructed those His resurrection. Before His people accordingly. Bu: nothing death and resurrection, as a Jew is said on the subject, the Council He kept the 7th day as the week approved of their keeping the first ly but after His surrec day of the week.
tion there is no record that He ask in the name of all that kept it even once. All His appear is good and reasonable can any ances among the disciples (and that was for religious purposes. door into the kingdom of heaven is sane man believe that the only except for the ascension were on the observance of Saturday as the.
sabbath? No matter how His eaumple is wortis ollowing land is much more valuable the genuinely a man is converted, no matter how holy a life he lives, no matter how devoted he is to God, no 13 defy any man to quote matter that the Holy Spirit dwell.
single passage in the New Testa eth in him, he cannot get to ment enjoining on christians the heaven unless he keeps Saturday, keeping of the 7th. diy as the as the weekly sabbath, unless ho Weekly Sabbath, while there are believes in all the pervertions many passages indicating that the which God word has sufwhole Jewish economy had been fered at the hands of these abolished, the most empatic ones people to make out the most flimbeing the two passage a few of Saturday as the Lord Day.
which we sy ease possible for the observance weeks ago, anything more grotesque and puerile as the expo The teaching that obthe before come across. Blotting out, Cae salvation sweeps away the of God Holy Word have never servance of Saturday as the weekly sabbath is the vital element in that is, abolishing, eſtacing the handwriting of ordinaners, nailine of the Holy Spirit, the entire tench atoning work of Christ, the work it to the cross. We were told that because the ten command ing of the Work of God as to how a sinner is saved. No wonder the ments were engraved on tablets of stone, those could not le nailed to resurrection of Christ is igaored. MADE CRIMINAL THEO, WILSON, Cable Address As am not ashamed to write Traffic in November, 1923 e eross, but what about Paul Manager TECWILSON. Jamaica teaching on the subject in under my own name, more not SEVEN YEARS PENAL SERVITUDE All codes used.
Corinthians III, 11 that that ashamed to let it be known who which was written and engraved on am, sign my name and give my The number of commercial who FOR FIRST OFFENCE.
Address all communications to the Manager, transits through the Panama Castones was done away with? What official position.
nal during November, 1923, was was written or engraved on stones, KISSOCK BRAHAM, Harsb sentences which used The Jamaica Private Detective Agency 030. To addition to commercial not the ceremonial laws of the Jews. Superintendent Panama Colon to upon offen transits there were 10 transit: Which day of the week has Circuit of the Weslyan Methoders were severely criticised at For Investigating Private and Confidential Matters of small launches on which toll attained the most conspicuous dist Church and Resident Ministhe London Mansion House.
were paid but which are no place among the other days, which ter at Panama.
Mark Bennett, 88, of independert taken up in the commercia stands head and shoulders above means, pleaded guilty to steal All kinds of Secret Service Work executed by Experts traftic, and 25 transits of Govern the others for importance? Surely Since the above was typed ing articles worth half crown Divorce matters included.
ment vessels, making the total there can be no two opinions, the which the oft repeated statement is another article has appeared in from a store in Queen Victoria transits for the month 471. Th Street. Accused pleaded that be office: 1342 North Parade Answer must be undoubtedly the For further information daily average of the commercia first day of the week. And why? made and in the most offensivo suffered from kleptomania, and Kingston, Ja.
the prison doctor declared that Address Box 1143, Ancon, transits was 14. 53 and dails What is the most glorious event in maaner that the Emperor Constanaverage 15. stealing had become a habit with the history of this world? Which is tine changed the weekly sabbath the event before which all other from the 7th to the 1st day of the him. The police stated that Benevents nett had been a criminal since 2, 058 188. 61 on the 436 com surely it is the resurrection of truth in this statement and those 1864, when, as a first offender, he was senter ced to seven years mercial transits and 39 00 on the Jesus Christ, the completion of His who make it if they have any 10 launches, making a total of glorious work of redeeming knowledge at all of reliable Churck penal servitude for a robbery in 2, 058, 227. 61 The amount 01 Can creation com know that they are saying humanity.
a dwelling house. In 1870 he tolls collected in November, 1923, importance with the re what is false.
received another term of 10 years on commercial traffic 2, 058. surrection of Christ? Can the What the Emperor Constantins and in 1882 one of 12 years Sir 188. 61 ranks next to that of deliverance of the children of did was to decree that the 1st day David Burnett declared that no proves conclusively that judgt nowadays, thank God!
July, 1923, 2, 124, 830. 02, which Israel from the Egyptian bondage of the week shall be the National is the highest since the opening come within reasonable distance to or Civil Sabbath. Day of rest)
would give a man seven years for of the Canal.
a first offence. By that savage the deliverance of humanity from throughout the Roman Empire.
sentence defendant, then a young Daily average collection of tolls the thraldom of sin. Are we therJ.
man, had been made a criminal for November, 1923, on all traffic fore to relegate the day which comesure of this glorious event, for life, and bad spent all his was 68, 607 59 and daily average the British Consulate Notice.
days in prison. It was difficult Christ, to a on commercial traffic only was place among the common da: of to know what to do with a man 68, 606. 29. The average daily the week and exalt the day that Colon would be glad of informaThe Acting British Consul at of his great age, but he undercollection of tolls was the bigb stood that he was a Jew, and be est since the opening of the Ca commemorates creation and the tion as to the resent whereabouts would try to obtain admission at That in July 1923, was deliverance of the Jews to the Cecil Dehaney Taylor, a native for him to a Jewish home for old This text book is used at the Public Bible Study 68, 542. 90.
premier positiou? Surely common of Jamaica, stated to have been sense dictates, reason demands resident at Colon people.
TUESDAY EVENINGS, to 30 that the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the most glorious event in REMOVAL NOTICE.
At the Bible Students Hall, 156 Ancon Ave.
CHRISTMAS GREETING the whole history of humanity IT IS TO SMILE MRS. WILSON begs to CARDS.
should be commemorated by the Little Luise was lost on the street observance on the recurring day of and was brought into the police tation.
notify her patrons and the public And may be obtained on the premises or through mail by generally that she has removed her addressing and making money order payabla to Luis Evertsz, Friendly Societies, Lodges and the week on which that event the offi pero tried in every way to learn Dressmaking establishment to Box 863, Ancon, other organizations are hereby nober Dame Fiaslly one of the officers more spacidus premises at No. Price 60 cents each tified that we have just received a God has indicated by an event said, What Dame does your mother Calidonia, opposite Muller Buildfine assortment of Christmas Cards of the most tangible kind and of call your father? Why, said Louise, ing, where she will be in a position All are welcome to the study.
for printing Christmas Greetings. the most far reaching issues His very innocently, she don call him any to better accommodate her numer: Call early at the Workman approval that the first day of the name; she likes him. Litera y ius customers, Office and pick your choice, week should be kept as the Digest.
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