
PAGE SIK THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1928 od Brunswick Phonographs and Records KLIM with you some of the latest and best BRAND POWDERED WHOLE MILK next bearing in mind that the Brunswick dance MERRELL SOULE CO.
Happy SYRACUSE Old records can be exchanged for new ones at a cost.
of only 25c. Cy.
Difficulties Experienced Spell it backwarda ar FRESH MILK POWDERED WHEREVER MILK IS USED VIGOR TONIC on cereals at breakfast them JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
a glass of milk for lunch Rudge Whitworth Cycle Agency To West Indians.
2444, the Star of Bethlebem Lodge No. The Middle Grade Bobool Guach Da and the chilSister Lodges of the Indepenpent dren of Mr. Hariss school Order of Odd Fellows, Mantwenty fifth Street Guachupali.
chester Unity, and Lodges of Priz will be awarded to win all other Orders of Friendly ners ot the contest.
Societies, in the Republic of Panama and the Canal Zone: So don forget to drop in GREETINGS: When in town do not forget to take home Chapter 14 NI porAnother Christmus tide is here, row bigot, hvis you:and in conformity with custom self. Come early and get a comwe are exchanging the complifortable seat.
ments of the season, Peace and good will. It is also customary DANCE RECORDS The year 1923 is now drawing to a close, and before you are to convey our greetings by means privileged to read our of cards bearing the thoughts of Weekly Message, the w Year poets or publishers, coucbed in will be usbered in. We therefore altruistic and bigbly favoured records lead all others take this opportunity to extend language.
Observation has to all our very best wishes for a shown, however, that in practice and Prosperous New we do not exemplify these tro Year, testations of good will and high ideals in our intercourse with each other, from which it may be inferred that our bitarts bave not been acem aying our BRUNSWICK phonographs and records can be seen and heard at the (Continued from page cards; in other words, our greet. As bave already told you, ir were an emty formality, AMERICAN SUPPLY COMPANY do everything that is posmore or less bypocrisy. It sible; bu as you can weil s a observed that, because 123 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panama, imagine, it is diicult for me of our mifest lacks of friendlito cops with everything with nese a looget ourselves and he Sole Agents for the Republic and the Canal Zone, the material have at my dispocause of our general demonstrasal. Fally 85 per cent of the tion of awhardness in the SUB AGENCY, American Beauty Perlor, Colon, opposite the Panama Railroad work that passes through my management of our affairs, we Station, bands coucerns Jamaica, and it fail to er joy the admiration and you will look at the correspunrespect of the community: an dence that is now leaving my admiration and respect to which office, you will see the extent of the principles of our various work that we have to cope with.
Orders undeniably entitie us. do it with all pleasure, and Because of the foregoing laches CENTRAL AMERICAN DISon our part, the Loyal Excelsior TRICT, L, can conscientiouly say the same The best Tonic in the World of Mr. Mc Cormack, my assisLodge No. 9308 of the Indepen tant, whom presume, you know dent Order of Oddfellowos, Man OFFICE 117 CENTRAL AVENUE, very well.
chester Unity, La Boca, c, PANAMA CITY Jamaica labourers, working has considered it expedient to in places like Camaguay, Santa depart from the conventionality Sam Rugless, and This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend Clara, Matanza, come here freof a greeting card to publisb Dist. Cor. Sect y. must say that in ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, quently these few observations, with the some instances, they put their hope that all will stop and think, Ancon.
Future Hope. 9104. T, Irish. Box. Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up cases in such manner that can take stock and make a jist Efforts. Plerre, Box. 1619. Cris a run down constitution.
assist the greatly. In many appraisement of our achieve tobal instances, however, their grie.
Primitive. 2355, Depass, Bocas del Toro ments in this community. Those It promotes digestion, improves the appeP.
vances are told in such a way who can see will see and it will Exelsior, 9444, Cocke, P, Box 948. Aneon tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system that nothing can be done for be that we bave accomplished comparatively little loyal Jonathan 41, Sterline. Box DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or Our representative tried to get We desire to urge all for a Lilly of Panama. 1756, MWhite. Box times a day.
information from other sources higher standard of living es Jonathan Daughters, 1756, Ernesta Williams 1077. Aneon, and the concensus of opioion was pec ally being alins and Negroes; Ancon.
that the Jamaica Goverament let lawsuits amonget us be Pride of Colon. 9776, Broadhurst, Box should assist in the matter. What 1466. Cristobal, fewer; let disappear the idea that Ebenezer. 374. Ben. Brown. Box was needed, was an all timo man a lodge is a place of safety for 1772. Cristobal. cz to look after the interests of Ja.
the law breaker, and that the mininti, Boens Pride of Almiranti. 276. Cambridge. Al malcas, seeing the volume of funds of the many bonest and King Georke. 780. Coward, P, Box work that was to be done, owing law abiding should be spent on 92 Anoon, Star in the East. 9728, Hoyte. Box to the large number of labourers him who breaks faith with his el. Aneon, Os who are now in Caba. The mere Order when be elects to enter Casswillpole, 1800, U, Scott, Box. tem Cristobal sending over periodically some upon the path of crime; let our Loyal Princess, 9807. Nicolas, Box one, who more or less spends bis street demostrations be fewer; 17 Cristobal. cz time in a hotel, will not solve the let our number of lodges be Books Loyal Joshua. 9817, Jackson, Guabito.
MULLER BUILDING, CALIDONIA ROAD PANAMA difficulty. What is needed is a fewer, by an amalgamation of Loyal David. 21. Me. Donald Box THIRD BOLIVAR STREETS COLON whole time man; be that man memberships and concentrations Aneon.
of efforts. Then shall we have tobal, Pride of the Gem. 983, David Carlise. Cris called Commissioner, Protector, Pride of Limon: 2:29. Francis. Box JUST ARRIVED begun to fill our places as re or anything else 523. Port Limon, C, presentatives of the gospel of The general feeling is that Mr.
Pride of St. Patrick, 981. Skeete. Para 1924 Rudge Withworth Path Racers Brice tries to do his best, but it Peace and good will and of the so, cannot be reasonably expected Fatherhood of God and the toral. Seetry.
Mt. Gihend, Lodke. Sam Pugles Pas Higher quality bicycles with big reduction in prices ubat any man will devote all his brotherhood of man. then will CALL IN AND SEE US IMMEDIATELY time to wo of this nalure there be respect and admiration, without being adegaately remufor there will be due alleviation First Lady Vice President. The nerated.
of human suffering, the building collection was then taken during Complaints have been made to of cha:acter, and the upliftment the singing of the ode, Father the local Government time and of ourselves; for the wearing of all Creation.
again; but it is apparent that gaudy and gorgeous regalias, and The audience was treated to a these complaints have fallen on the holding of oftices with high masterly address by Mr. Mc.
deal ears. It is to be hoped that sounding titles, will be justly Carthy, one of the exocutives of the Goverment will give some regarded as but frills and the No. 17 Division. Not only did assistance in the matter, so that adornments to the dress. That he entertain the audience by his labourers, who, by force of cir this Christmas tide will find us flaming eloquence. but he also cumstances bave to work in Cuba, beginning to live down an admonished the Membership of will teel that they are getting inglorious past and to strive for the Chapter as he had done in sem mething which can be tera grand and noble future is the the Division. to go into basiRodge Whirworth med British protection.
sincere wish of the EXCELSIOR ness and create place of Our expert repair department makes old bicycles new Yours in Friendship, Love, rea gnition for the race in this and Truth, part of the world. duet was. any make Moderate prices, Best materials used NOTICE A, REID, Noble Grand. then rendered by Misses Just received latest design PALMER TIRES and RED TUBES BLACKMAN, Vice Grand. Forde and Benjamin, Members of the Silver Lillies Choir, Road and Racing Big cut in prices, also consult us for Tires This is to notify the public that HUNTER, Perma after which Mr. De. Coteau before going elsewhere.
Mrs. Ellen Blair the Falth Healer nent Secretary.
delivered an excellent address.
has removed from the Imperial This was followed by a solo by Hotel to 15th Street West, house next speaker number 83, and will be happy to se all of her friends once again.
17, who was very inspiring. Mr.
No charges før indigent patients.
Hurdle then chanted a Psalm of AT GUACHAPALI CHAPTER No. 14 his own composition, and Mr.
address. After the benediction (By JONES) by the Chaplain, Howard, Contractor Sunday night the 23rd Instant the meeting came to a close by was the last of a series of prope the singing of the Doxology.
and Builder To morrow night will start ganda Mass Meetings being conducted by the four male another series of mass meetings CONDENSED Presidents of the Chapter. The under the Chairmanship of the House No. 20 Chairman on that occasion was four Lady. Presidents, one each Mr. Geo. Montebelliard, Third consecutive Sunday night. Mrs.
League and Vice President, who must be E, Aird will preside to 28th NOV. STREET, congratulated for the efficient morrow night. The feature of SAN MIGUEL manner in which he conducted the evening will be the rendition the meeting of a special Cantata by the ExP. Box 411, Panama, WULIN EVAPORATED Among those who contributed celsior Juvenile Lodge of to the program were the follow Shepherds No. The Sweetened Condensed Plans and Specifications Free ing: Mrs. Christina Taylor, wbo general public is bereby invited in ber usual clear toned soprano to this rare entertainment by is the First Class Workmanship Guaranteed.
voice rendered a beautiful Solo. these youthful talents of the from inspected herds Mr. St. Louis, General Se Musical World. Admission only Producto cretary, who delivered a masterly 10 cents. more ideal way for VERY BEST address which certainly did ending the old year could not arouse the enthusiasm and bave been suggested The loyalty of the members. Mr. E, harmonious charms of the music Trotman, Associate Secretary of the Superb Cantata will be an HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA next rendered a beautiful Solo, wind forces of the hearers to excellent topic to atrune the which was followed by CANAL ZONE a sprightly litt. e recitation from master the vibrations of the incoming Guaranteed by 70, 000 farmers Montebelliard, son of the Year of prosperity, Office Hours. to p. Vice President. Mr. Gridith There will also be an ElocutionDAILY next rendered a beautiful solo ary Contest between the children Sold by ALL GROCERS which was followed by a superb of the Excelsior Juvenile Lodge Specializes in all the branches address by Mrs. Haughton, Ancient Order of Shepherds No. And PANAMA CANAL COMMISSARIES of Dentistry KLIM in the afternoon when you make desserts for dinner for creamed soup at dinner time USE Holiday Activities was Mr.
Bell from Division No.
KLIM Last Roach reka vene then closing Dairymen League CREAMY MILK WILKINSON FRESH MILK POWDERED DISTRIBUTOR Maxwell Kelso Sales Co.


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