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evening, the zemrise. All thosBustness And Finance. Her er frumba watu habilidade Wavy Hair in Minutes Now Possible for ANYBODY to Have Beautiful Soft Wavy Hair Cricket News.
The Tie Match between the Britanie and Clovelly will be played on the La Boca diamond December 30th and January 1sta two days game, to decide the WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT winder of the Sportsman Cup.
This bould be a very interesting No. 78, New Market Street game and as cricket is praticalls at a standstill on the Pacitic Sid RET VIL DEPARTMENT it will be a welcome diversion Both Clubs have blocd in the eye.
No. 107, Bolivar Street and as it is a two days or two innings game the club winning THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY out will demonstrate its superio rity. Willie Nedriely, the gental and clever skipper of the Clavel FULL SUPPLY OF ly will have to go some in matching witu th Graham the Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, old eliable veteran of th: Britanie We ll see. Tois cap will be Cabbage, Dairymen Butter on exhibition in the Grand stand on both days ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES There will be a meeting of the LA Boca Cricket Club Sunday levning the 23rd inst, at p.
The La Boca Cricket club will Call and see us before purchasing play a scratch match on Monday elsewhere.
evening the 24 inst. on their The La Boca Foot Ball Club will for practice Thursday Musical Club, W29 brilliant wishing to join please turn out.
potnt. It was an occasion on wbieh some of the best singers BY JAMES SIMMS, on the isthmus took part. The AUTHOR OF SIMMS BLUE BOOK audierce though not large was a ETC.
very appr ciative one.
The winners were Trs. Olga Contracts, King of Boer, first; Mr.
Charles Lowe, Colon, second, and Miss Bernet of this city, Agreements entered into bathird. Mrs King won with 18 tween two or more persons to do points out of a maximum. 20 or not to do a certain thing or points under the conbined four bings should always be reduced neadings. vocalization, register, o writing It should also be articulation and expression Mr.
porne in mind that all contracts cow, 17 points; Miss Bennett, to be binding in law must be aup 16 noints, ported by a reasonable corsiderawon. contract that is not based thought that Miss Adela Walker The majority of those present apon some consideratien is void NOTICE THE ble and may be avoided by any who sang Margarit. by Frust of the parties to it at will.
bay taken a place sing contract that is not in writo aid splendidly it is leart that the winners, but wbile the lady AMAZING Dan oral contract) it support the judges decided that she by a reasonable consideration bis was to be regionini CHANGE just as binding as thought that there were som fault in were reduced to writing, Hit ner ums.
erms can be proyed by com a wayar very good sopran Mie Walker is petent witnesses and sits place in the front The necessity for reducing all ranks with tha be singers on contracts to writing lis in the the Isthmus.
fact that some of their terms may Ms. King rendition fot De forgotten tten by one or bob Da Visgeile by Dll Aqua Was of ties to it, or one party to it might high order, refiets creditawish to repudiate some parts of ly on Mr. Lacock her in its terms, or there may be some structor for the past yea.
misunderstanding to the While sh. 519 natural abiliy meaning of some parts of the for singing ner rapid developBEFORE MINUTES LATER contract. These ard many other ment in the inowledge of the circumst inces might arise. when correct regi iter, expression and they do, it is a most dificult articulation by been gained inatter for the different parties through Mr. Lacock, who is to it to resch a satisfactory con considered one of the leading clusion. Many a progressive authorities on voice production business en erprise has been on the Isthmus.
Just rub a little safe, harmless KINKOUT in your hair and within two time does it! Positively will not turn the hair red. Could not hurt the forced to the wall or to go Mr. Charles Lowe from Cola or three minutes your hair should be lovely, smooth, silky and wavy. most sensitive scalp. KINKOUT can be used as a hair grower. Full, through bankruptcy, because of the second poze winner is a very SOLD ON MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF YOU ARE simple, easy directions on each package. Comes only in green and yellow the inability of all the parties to good singer, and is particularly NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED! NO HOT IRONS! One tubes. Substitutes may be dangerous. Be sure and get the genuine. remember all of the details of a good in expression, articulation contract pertaining to it. and reg! ster. Miss Bennet who unnecesary un came third showed an appreciYour Druggist Can Get it From any of These Wholesale Dealers. pleasantness, misunderstandings able control over her good voice.
expensive law suite, and often The piano accompanists for the destruction of the busines the winners were. Mrs. Cyril CAMERON SPRINGER JEANMARIE WILLIAMS itsell you should by no means McLine for Mrs. King and Miss enter in o contractual relations Bennet, and Lydia Holder for Box 605 Box 738 Almirante, Bocas del Toro until all agreements pertaining Mr. Lowe.
to the matter have been reduced There were eight competitors Cristobal, Canal Zone Cristobal, Canal Zone Rep. of Panama to writing by competent Attor who rendered as follows: Mrs.
Betsy Alkins, THORA (Adams)
Some contracts to be binding Miss Lena Moulton, The Face is at a all must be reduced to wr! Ever Near. Musgrave. Mr.
Interesting West. move the above rus lution. They ting. These contracts come Geo. Richards, The Beavenly could tun within what is known as the Song Miss Adela Walker Mar(Continued from page 2)
Davson proposal was inata Central Council be establed to of these Statutes vary in the Ah Have Sighed me to. resto Lo ordinate the work the different states but think there Mr. Charles Somewhere who think that the Chinese immi litterent conferences which from. but the Christmas spirit (Tate. Mrs.
gration should be restricted. time to time had been held in the West to all of the states alike. These Oiva King, Villanelle (D never grows old.
Indies, and which on the All fears may now be set at embrace: All contracts for the Aqua. Master Allaa wcLean prot. leading Chinese ciliza the whole had been of the very sale and purchase of real pro Parted (Tosi. Three That propea!
entod a TIMES representative on greatest censs.
perty, contracts to charge trancs did not compete.
bursday that no such importa resulted in the definite sugg pretty dress will tend another with the debts or Mr. Whyte of La Boca tion may be expected. The diction that at the beginning of the to brighten up the Christ tions of a third person and acted as chairman for the occatation tests keep them away. year they should bold a meeting contracts that are not to be sion. Mr. Whyle gave a very in Trinidad of the diferent mas; if PLEATED the con Islands to decide how the Council performed within one year from interesting talk on the different dress will be PRETTIER. he making thereof. These must points that should be taken into be in writing to be binding in consideration in deciding good on it apart from the fact that several law. There are other provisions singing. The Rev. Mulcare that come within the Statutes of St. Peter La Boca, who of Colonies were Accordion, Side, Box and hat your Attorney will take care ofered the invocation also eulogiz Double Box Pleats. of. They need not therefore be ed the efforts of the Club in good set out here.
futhering the cause of music and West Indies, deal more ventilation and discus.
These are the general rules pointed out the physical benefits sion; and it was decided Lasting firmness and that sould be remembered and that may be derived by singing.
adandon the idea for the time be.
followed by all business men. The program was interspersed Georgetowo, Demerara, Novem. ing. Tbia proposal was of course straightness of folds are When a contract has been ente by the following: Piano selection ber 16 At the third meeting of a very much mider suggestion.
the chief features of our red into, every party to it shoula Mrs. Cyril McLaine; Piano selecthe Special Session of the Legisla They were proposiog to agree handiwork.
live up to its terms to the letter; tion Mr. Garfield Murray; tive Council of Trinidad, held in that any proposal put forth by but if one party to it defaults in Piano selection. Miss Lydia the Council Chamber on Friday the Secretary of State would recarrying out any of its terms, Holder and Vocal Solo. Miss last, Hon. T: Best, G, ceive their sympathetic attention les opconial Secretary, mov. it was probablynce to the indica The Woman Exchange Dressmakers whose to the contract mir be winners of the contest as follows he thereby releases the other Doris Evans.
party it, who may rescind the Medals will be awarded the ed the following resolution: greatest and the West Iodies it tbe pro142, Central Avenue, Panama (Opposite 20th Street. That this Council, with the wishes to do so.
First prize, gold medal; second view of encouraging efforts to posal really bore fruit in its carANN THOMAS, Prop.
prize, silver medal; third prize, establish a Standing Conference rying out, but at present they were contining themselves to the bronze medal to deal with the common affairs above resolution.
The judges were Professor of the British West Indies exMrs. Olga King Santos Jorge: Mrs. Anderson The Atoney General secordpuesses its willingness to con ed, and the motion was adopted.
and Mr. W! Cragwell.
sider sympathetically any proposal that can be teade by he British Consulate Notice WINS IN ALL ISTHMIAN SINGING Erish Consulate Notice.
CONTEST Becretary at State for the Colonies, thy is likely to es The Asting British Coasulat The Acting British Consulat Coloa would be glad of informatablish such a Conference, Colon would be glad if Theophilus The All Isthmian singing con tion as to the present whereabouts He said that it becoustic Gibon, a native of Barbados, test held at La Boca Clubbouse of Cecii Dehaney Taylor, with notice giyen st the hit would call at the Consulate at his Dative IT PAYS last Saturday evening, under of Jamajsa, stated to have been meeting, he had the honourbe earliest convenience.
tpe auspices of the Orpheus resident at Colon СА KINKOUT DID IT. GET KINKOUT AT YOUR DRUGGIST 50c and 00, in To avoid les obliga BRITISH GUIANA should be organised and carried Common Affairs of British to attend in January, that the to ADVERTSIE in THE WORKMAN
Este documento no posee notas.