
SYRACUSE While The advantages of KLIM FRESH MILK POWDERED But TO DAY MILK DARY HILA 10 quarts of good fresh milk in a can JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy. cup full of milk or a pitcher full whenever you Rudge Whitworth Cycle Agency need it Would Cut Down Pilgrim Wilkins Immigration To Sends Greetings.
United States (Continued from page 5)
farming or banana cultivation LAW. TO WEED OUT ALIEN scheme and colonization plans is IMMIGRATION.
When in town do not forget to take home the practical personal activity of the responsible heads of the American Citizens and Their with you some of the latest and best corporation from point to point Children to be Exempted.
day by day pushing things ahead DANCE RECORDS and attending to the needs of the workers. late Washington cable desHARMFUL REPORTS patch states that division of bearing in mind that the Brunswick dance Right here me say that prospective immigrants into two would not attempt to exaggerate classes, close blood relatives and records lead all others on facts. Rather, warn against other aliens. quotas for each to be fixed at per cent of the va certain harmful reports brought to rious nationals in tbe United Old records can be exchanged for new ones at a cost our notice where certain persons have been making false statements States in 1890 is propoed in a about prices paid on the plantation bill which Chairman Inhason of of only 25c. Cy.
for day labor with luxuries.
the House immig atin Com mitte will introlove to morrow, could get a couple of The measur? would supplant hundred honest hard working men BRUNSWICK phonographs and records can be seen and heard at the the present law which expires right on the job at the present xt June 30, and under which AMERICAN SUPPLY COMPANY time to sign themselves to honest testimony where they earn more igration is lipited to per cento nationals of each country 123 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panama, than what report says for day labor, sneh misleading statements here in 1910. Mr. Johnson said to night that the measure was Sole Agents for the Republic and the Canal Zone, are having tie effect of encouragthe result of two years work ing men who are not farm laborers and study by bis committee: SUB AGENCY, American Beauty Parlor, Colon, opposite the Panama Railroad nor the sort of persons capable It provides methods, declared willing to use the machet to come Station, Mr. Jobpson by wbich all socialin and become discouraged with 19 inadequate aliens contempiathe result that failing to persevere CONSEKSOMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEXO CASS ting emigration to the United till they become acqusinted with the use of agricultural and like States shall be weeded out, and at the source that the burimplements, after a trip and a few den of proof as to inadequacy CENTRAL AMERICAN CISdays stay on the plantation, they delinquency and criminal tenden TRICT, L, become dissatisfied and seek to The best Tonic in the World cies shall be placed bereafter on quit contrary to contract agreethe alien rather than on the ment, taking out unfair reports to OFFICE 117 CENTRAL AVENUE, United States.
discourage and mislead others who VIGOR TONIC PANAMA CITY.
Parents and children ot wonld by an honest trial do much American citizens would be exThis elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend better, WORD TO FAMILIES.
empt from the quota count, as Sam Rugless, and would be bona fide students, Dist. Cor. Sect y.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, word should be sent out to ministers and certain members 10. neon. Future Hope, 9104. Irish. Box Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up interested families at this point.
of the learned professions. Aliens Efforts, 2335, Pierre, Box. 1642, Cris.
a run down constitution.
We know that there are several already in the United States ha tobal.
Primitive, 33, Depass, Bocas del Toro interested families who are preparing It promotes digestion, improves the appetirst papers, would be able to ing to come over and join us over apply for the admission of husExelsior, 244, Cocke, P, Box 968. Aneon. tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system here. Its a fact that a few ies bands, wives and children within Loyal Jonathan. 98 41. Sterling, Hox who appear to have coveted the quota limitations while the aliens sl. Ancolo. DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or renown as feminine pioneers in the ineligible to citizenship would be Lilly of Panama. 2756. White. Box! times a day.
Mandingo colonization project denied the right of permanent 107 AnconC. residence.
Jonathens Daughters 9756, Ernesta Williams have already come in; white and colored, our matador or field All prospective immigrants Pride of Colon. 276, Broadhurst, P, Box 1406. Cristobal.
manager better half being one of would be required to till out a Ebenezer, 1794. Ben. Brown. Box such however take leave to say questionatre obtained abroad 1772. Cristobal. cz here for the information of our from the United States Consuls, Pride of Almiranti. 2786, Cambridge. Al.
other halves outside that if you will before wbom they would be King George, 1789. LL. Coward, P, Box have a bit more patience you will obliged to produce copies of their 92. Aneon. Star in the East. 9713, Hoyte. Box have little or no dissapointment dossiers and to make state ees. Aneon.
but will find us better prepared to ments as to health and mentality Casswillpole, 208, Scott. Box, 1ex.
Cristobal. make you confortable within a few of their parents, their means of Loyal Princess, 2007. Nicolas, Box short weeks more both by better livelihood, etc. To those whose 1708, Cristobal.
Loyal Joshua, 9817, Jackson, Guabito.
roade to get in through and suit.
answers indicated inadmissibility 16. Bocas quota certificates would be refus. Loxal Du Vid2. 921. Me. Donald. Box MULLER BUILDING, CALIDONIA ROAD PANAMA able quarters. We will ere long ed.
sound forth the welcome call.
THIRD BOLIVAR STREETS COLON Pride of the Gem. 2833, David Carlise, Cris.
Mr. Johnson said enactment of tobal, AND NOW MR. EMPLOYER.
the measure would do away wito Pride of Limon, 1829. Francis. Box JUST ARRIVED 598, May honestly close this little the division of families and with Pride of St. Patrick, 9841. Skeete. Parai missive purporting to take the form hardship 1924 Rudge Withworth Path Racers unnecesary would so, of a new year message to the ex.
reduce the number of immigrants toral: Seetry.
Mt, Gilhead. Lodge. Sam Puzles PasHigher quality bicycles with big reduction in prices pectant needy without expressing and increase the desirability of my belief that 1924 is going to those admitted. The United CALL IN AND SEE US IMMEDIATELY prove itself labor year. To you States he asserted, in emphaplai Intercolonial Tennis who have resolved to be warned by ing the necessity for the inspired record speaking of conrestriction, and for rigid Tournament ditions of our day and generation examination overseas, no longer and have decided to act justly and could be the insane asylum for conscientiously by the labouring the rest of the world, or the poor, there need be no fear. Let reform school either.
INVITATION PROM BARBADOS those fear who plan oppression and The bill is fair to all nations speculation at the expense of the alike, he continued. The most The Trinidad Weekly Guarlaboring poor and their needy relatives will come from the dian states that a letter has been dependents and others who will sell countries which bave the smaller received by Mr. Chas. Pereira, Hon.
themselves as tools and agents to quotas. The total number to be Secretary of the Tranquillity Lawn robbery, oppression and deception, admitted will not be quite so Tennis Club from the Hon. Se Radge Whitworth Sincerely yours, many as are admitted under the cretary of the Barbados Tennis present quota law, and ships Interclub Committee inviting a Our expert repair department makes old bicycles new PILGRIM WILKINS racing against time, divided team of local players to visit any make Moderate prices, Best materials used families and excess quota cases Barbados during January for the will be a thing of the past. purpose of playing a tournament. Just received latest design PALMER TIRES and RED Tubes WILKINSON Barbados suggests that Road and Racing Big cat in prices, also consult us for Tires Ho Ro Co Products Trinidad team should leave the before going elsewhere.
Contractor Colony on January 5, but this Contest.
date has been found to be unsuitand Builder able for some of the best players to take part. Further, it leaves 100, 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY very little time for making the House No. 20 IN PRIZES.
necessary preparation and gettingſ 28th NOV. STREET. Pereira is communicating with Dairymen League CREAMY MILK SAN MIGUEL January April 1924 Con Barbados suggesting that the local Box 411, Panama, R, test Ends April 30th 1924 team should sail on January 19 and return on January 31.
It is likely that eight gentlemen Plans and Specifications Free Rules Governing Contest.
and two ladies will comprise the CONDENSED First Class Workmanship local team and that practice will Each purchaser lof in commence forthwith. It is greatly DAIRY MEN Guaranteed.
Ho Ro Co Products will be given regretted that Dr. Allport, Mr.
a coupon League Little page and Mr. Blair and NOTICE All coupons must be placed cannot see their way to accompany in sealed envelope and sent to the team to Barbados. The selectiThis is to notify the public that Alexander Sanchez. General on of the gentlemen therefore will Retailer Ho Ro Co Products, have to be made from a limited EVAPORATED Mrs. Ellen Blair the Faith Healer bas removed from the Imperial Box 879. Ancon, not number among whom are Hon. Sweetened Condensed Hotel to 15th Street West, house later than April 30th 1924.
W, Huggard, Messrs, number 83, and will be happy to Packer, Bruce Hobson, The competitors sending Aikman, T, Cowan, Beauis the see all of her friends once again.
the largest number of coupons will be awarded the prizes as Kirton and Captain Owen.
mont, Alfred Pereira, Spencer from inspected nerds No charges for indigent patients.
follows: CO OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION ProducAOUE 1st Prize 15. 00 GENERAL OFFICES. UTICA, NY, US 2nd 12. 50 3rd 10. 00 REMOVAL NOTICE.
4th 50 MRS. WILSON begs to HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA 11. 00 notify her patrons and the public Three competent judges will generally that she has removed her CANAL ZONE. be appointed Guaranteed by 70, 000 farmers to check the Dressmaking establishment to coupons on May 5th, and award more spacious premises at No. Office Hours. to p. m, the prizes to the successful Calidonia, opposite Muller Buildowners. The names of the win ing, where she will be in a position Sold by ALL GROCERS DAILY ners will be pablished in this to better accommodate her numero Specializes in all the branches paper.
Icus customers.
And PANAMA CANAL COMMISSARIES of Dentistry Milk that is always fresh fresh supply is phone call away only a Spell it backwarde KLIM FRESH MILK POWDERED DISTRIBUTOR Naxwell Kelso Sales Co.


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