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PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1924 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands FREE One Ejector Case Legislative Council.
The Perfect One Hand Cigarette Case QUEEN ha LUCRET STRA We will give one of these Cases FREE to anyone turning in 100 EMPTY LUCKY STRIKE PACKAGES from apy Laundry. LA ESPERANZA. Soap Factory TRINIDAD LOUSO preciatiny, and Soutbe: dramstic circle will be the poorer by 22 her departure.
Openin. of San FerQUEEN SiHAIR DRESSING nando Electric Light Imagine yourself Works.
with long, waving, silken MEETING POSTPONED.
hair. Think how attractive you would be. This you can easily have by using QUEEN Under the headline Southern Incon. e Tax Proposals in HAIR DRESSING. This dronsMotes. the Weekly Guardian Abeyance.
ing also removes dandruff and stops falling hair. Cont of the 22nd ulto. says: only, 25e a large box at The 1o mal pening of the good drug stores and San Ferrando Electric Lighting At a me ing of the LegislaWorks bas taken place, and San tive Council beld on the 14 Brewer Hes Fernardo is Low to be numbered instant, the second reading of be to 25 Stores Wholesale smong the towns that are the Income Tax Bill was post Queen Agents electrically lit. The heavy and poned on the suggestion of Sir 165 Central Ave continuous downpour of rain on Heurs r; and His ExcelPanama City Saturday, greatly marred the lency stated th he would sum109 Bolivar St.
e spectacular side of the function.
mon a Special Meing of th Colon.
The ideal setting would bave Just Press the The Cigarette Council on Friday 21st instant ben a bright and sunny day Button Jumps to meet to consider the matter farther.
when a fully representative You The Govercor has decided to the rare brake postpon for the time being the tered gathering of San Fernandians have could bave been there to witness further consideration of toe Bill, and is said to the important official beginning and in conseqjence did not suun tucked the brak sman with of the Lighting scheme. In mon a special meeting of the piec of iron. The brikeana Council for Feiday as proposed. badly beaten his had the attendance was large, and spite of the weather bowever, represeаtative of the TRINI and ch. Chub werk fra neither the ardour of speakers DAD GUARDIAN who made in loss of blood. he might or listeners was dampened by quiries into tbe matter wa on to his asiant uitiitto trun the showers. The specially pre informed that under the rates reached Pnl where si na pared platform and dias on the in the Amending Income Tax tion was at onc Caken in bud outside of the Power House was Bill of 1923 it is proposed to by. th state and the would be not used, and instead with the reiar arrested and locked up the raise 64, 500 and ergines after being started bad adoption of last year rates at the Sation bulary to be stopped so that the Mayor it is estimated that 50, 000 will there.
and the Governor could be heard be raised. It is understood that The wound man was attendas they spoke in the Power the Gvernment has potponed ed to by the of Siparia, House from the stairway over the discussion on the way bill and orderad to the Coloni! the engine. The reception with the obj. ct of finding out pital, Port of Spain, the followaccorded the Governor was a TO whether the extra 14, 500 can ing day. It might be menti ned be most bearty one, and be won the be collected general that the train vaas were heavily hearts of his large audience BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Panama) Ltd. revenue next year. If there are laden with Xmas suppli:8.
when he expressed the firm con: no reasonable prospects of rais.
viction that the scheme would 93 Avenue B, PANAMA ing this sum it is understood FROM THE ROYAL be a success.
OR that the increased rates as drafted in the amending GAZETTE FIDANQUE HENRIQUEZ Co. Bolivar Avenue, COLON ordinance will be adhered to by The plant bas been running the Government otherwise the Thursday, December 13, 1923 every night since then, and a regular light! ng supply has been Smoke LUCKY STRIKE and Save your Empty Packages. Government will be content to maintained exact the rates in the schedule The number of Fresh Stock received from New York weekly.
of the 1928 Ordinance, Tae Governor has been pleased houses to be connected to the to appoint Mr. Harris to NEW Besos cseck system is COMMISSIONERS OF growing daily, in fact act as Magistrate, St. Gorge understand that the Electric INCOME TAX (East) and Mr. McVorran Lighting Department is finding It is understod that the posts to act as Clerk of th: Peace, Mait difficult to make conections as of Commissioners of Income Tax Ristracy, St. George. Vest. duquickly as they are wanted. do will not be filled in 1923 as pre ring the absence on leave of Mr.
not think that there need be viously. The Colonial Treasurer de Varteuil from the 7th to fear that private consumers are will be called up in to perform the 21st cember, 1923.
not going to use the electric the duties of First Commissioner lighting for their homes in large of Income Tax without extra salThe Governor has been pleasenough numbers to ensure ibe THE BEST THE BEST scheme being a paying one. ary, and it is expected that the ed to Colonial Auditor will be called Savary, Barrister at law to be appoint Mr William have already noticed that many upon to perform the duties of member of the Committee of small buildings are being wired to receive electric current, and LAUNDRY Second Assistant Commissioner Law Reporting.
of Income Tax at an increas make bold to say that within a a pay of 200 per annum, very short time the number of Moreover, the offices of the InThe Governor bas, subject to houses in wbich electric lights SERVICE SOAP come Tax Commissicners willgbe the aproval of the Secretary of are installed will exceed all ex.
returned to the Treasury Build State for the Colonies been pectation in the city.
ing and the Government antici pleased to apoint Major Walter pate a saving not only in the Harragin to be Crown Counsel The coming of electric lights to Absolute satisfacperformance of those duties but with effect as from the 1st in the rental of public buildings.
January 1924, by the opening of all business purposes re tion and places to 10 o clock each night ATTEMPTED TRAIN Mons. Tellier has notified from Saturday last. One or two the Government that Mr.
of the principal stores in High St Quick Service.
Use it all the time ROBBERY: Majui will act as Consul for have been opened for a few nights France during his abs 24ca.
but as a whole the High Street BRAKESMAN ATTACKED AND merchants have not made the BEATEN.
JAMAICA fullest use of the permission granted them by the GovernWbilst the 85 train was on munt. The Provision shops, and TELEPHONE 629 PANAMA. IR.
Liquor establisments have been its way from Debe to Siparia on The Sad Death Of Saturd y last, man open all the time. On the whole it has been a sort of holiday week in San Fernando. Large crowds are on the streets every Staff reporter of the Gleanigbt, and until late. Bares and per writing to that paper from cars have been going around more frequently at night than in Sav la Mar states that Leslie the past and electric lighting, it Delvaille, a prominent and popular young man of this town, would is going to change who was employed at the Parathe habits of San Fernandians in dise Dyeworks Factory, met a the matter of going early to bed.
From the depths of darkness the tragic death yesterday afternoon town bas come to so much light Cathat not even though the moon Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City beritta River.
Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK Mr Devaille who was ap18 at its brightest can the street proaching his 28tb year was lights be turned off, In time, fond of shooting, and generally suppose, economy in street spent his holiday in this lighting will be practised but for time. Yesterday accorditg to repastthe present it is demonstration Depository of the PANAMA CANAL port, with a party of friends be that counts.
was on the river stalking birds.
and the United States Government The unfortunate young man was Residents of the South are exevident y thingy and requested tremely glad that Major Har Capital Direct Representution through our own Branches and those of Capital oue of Le companions to hold bis ragin has been promoted, but and THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in they are very sorry that promoRun wbi e be dipped up some and water from the stream, but the tion means the departure of Ma Surplus ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM jor Harragin and Mrs. Harragin Surplus party addressed pointed out that from San Fernando.
bis bauds were wet and be miget CHINA Both of INDIA 10, 000, 000 JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES them threw themselves heart 10, 000, 000 tarnish the gun to hold it. DeARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA and soul into Southern life, and PERU PORTO RICO vaille bent over the side of the U, cance to get a drink, when the not only bad bumerous friends URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA but they bave exercised a great Currency trigger of the gup, which was currenty.
loaded, apparently caught on a influence for the betterment of tbwart in the boar, dischargir the community. Every important the weapon. The puzzle was up movement had their warm supCorrespondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World against the young man breast.
port. Major Herragin too a pointing to bis heart, into whicb prominent part in many public the charge tore its way. Lord meetings, and the Girl Guide have mercy, cried out Delvaille, movement in the South owes ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE and immediately fell back dead very much indeed to Mrs. Harbefore his borrified friends.
ragin organising ability. As an The funeral which took place 8pteur actor Mrs, Harragin bas INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM this afternoon. was one of the tsioat wbich the public bas allargest seen in the Town for ready had an opportunity ofap (Continued on Page 6)
QUALITY for Laundry PALOMA SOAP enA Young Man Seem International Banking Corporation JAPAN IW
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