
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12. 1924 PAGE THREE The Negro Caruso. Rum Roeners Scandal: abou convey America fastest growing cigarette The fact that so many thousands of smokers are changing from other brands of cigarettes to Chesterfield, confirms our belief that smokers do appreciate real tobacco quality, Ligge Myers Tobacco Co.
Much after the fastest stepping come will ROLAND HAYES RISE TO FAME.
BRITISH PERIDIOCAL SOUNDS NOTE OF Roland Hayes, the phenomenal WARNING tenur who has bad such wonderful sucers in the many concerts which he has been giving in In connection with the rurEurope during the last iwo racing scandal operating along seasons, during his coming short the American coast in wbich the tour of two months in America Lomaka was toe latest seizare, will include recitals in New and of which publicity wis York, Boston, Chicago, Balti made in a recent issue of the more, Washington, Richmond, WORKMAN, the London OVN Raleigb, Nashville, Louisville, seas Mail in its issue of Providence, New Haren, Phila December 2nd, comments editordelphia, Pittsburg. Buffalo, and tally tous:other cities. Captain McCoy and his Hayes, it should be stated, brother ruun ruoners of object to being referred to as Tomaka have og re!
elit Th Negro Caruso. He says heavy bail in the United Stand be is just Roland Hayes, aciding They were arrested in a vesel that, the day find it necessary with British registry, flying to be palmed off as an imitation British flag, outside the thra:of anybody in the world, that miles limit by the United States day shall quit singing Prohibition Fiotilla LIFE AND CAREER The people of Great Britain An account of Roland Hayes. have not the smallest sympathy lite and career shows him indeed for Prohibition in itselt. Bat a sel made artist. He spent they do feel that this activity of.
his childhood on Georgia farm of his mother, who the small the rum fungers and bootin using British bases was born in atery. He went for buge smuggling operations to school and worked tara ought to be checked. They rewith his Toronto onto gard the proceedings of these brother, for the family means sentry who are scarcely ever were very limited He wma British subjects. as verging on perpetually singing at worwe won the scandalous. The Profit of and at play, and the remarks of smuggling goes to the great bis friends on his voica stirred American business Organizationz bim in an ambition which he beblad the run runners. The scarce dared express. He went odium of it is placed on the off to Nashville and worked his British nation. It is a constant way through the Fisk Univer source of friction, and it ought sity, gleaning all the vocal train to be removed. If the hardy ing that institution afforded.
seafarers of Gloucester, Nagwant to He was sent to Boston with the sachusetts, Fisk Jubilee Singers, and it was the United States they should be alcohol in the deadliest forun into here that Arthur Hubbard heard bim sing, this inusician was so required by our authorities to do struck by his remarkably natural under their own Anericia voice that be took enire charge bases.
of bis development.
In Canada, the Dominion GoRoland Hayes debut was in vernment has been able to reach Symphony Hall, Boston, in the an anicable understandtag with winter of 1917, this and a few the United States to put down appearacces in other cities smuggliog, though a great part brought universally hearty en of the Domminion has now prothn am and commendation. nounced against Prohibition for ncouraged, Hayes as Canadian citz ans. Waat Canada eiduously pursued bis studies has done the British Govern named him Chesterfield and in 1920 sailed for Europe. meat should be able to do. Taat AT BUCKINHAM PALACE there are difficulties to be overlanded in London unknown The Bahamas readily be admitted cigarette in the country.
and a recital which he gave Britisb possesssions which and Bermudas, attracted to mediate attention. nerican rum runners have the It was shortly followed by a royal used as their bases both enjɔy a summons to appear before King larg measure of self government.
George in Buckingham Palace The Bahamas draw a considerand this put the seat on his fame able revenue from the Castoms Theaceforth the public crowded duas ou imported and exported to as many recitals as be could hau give, and each would be followed bquor; and if that revenue disappared taxation might have to be parou columns of increased. But the Bahamas lie lo an open letter published in so near to the United States, at th English nowspapers Roland distance of only about 60 alles wrote. One of the things that struck that their Legislative Assembly from the coast, of that country, me most forcibly and one which might not unreasonably be asked enjoyed to the full was their to enforce on the smuggling pop Majories extreme simplicity. ulation some respect for interm. liness and human regard. national From the moment was brought comity.
into their presence realized Certain of the difficulties, but that was with friends and not all, would be removed were FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS COR WILKINSON Advertise in the Workman. during the time was before the regreement. ratified for the them home. of British vessels PORATION.
Contractor IT PAYS. shall never forget the joy which the three miles limit were there that bour afforded me and the line presumption of smuggling.
encouragement they gave, which Unfortunately the negotiations at FOR SOUTH AND CENTRAL ched a stage where any stateand Builder me for the present in progresu have been AMERICAN COUNTRIES.
delayed by the fact that the Dentist Howell soal have set out to reach.
meat could be made publicly. At was also greatly honored United States Government has to the office of Dillon, Read and Co. House No. 20 that their Majesties expressed ascertain wbetber the proposed Being Formed in New York to who had been mentioned as the probable head of the offering an interest in the parpose for agreement would be approved by Develop Electrical Resources.
28th NOV. STREET, HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA which have come to this coun the Senate and declared consgroup, a similar statement was made SAN MIGUEL CANAL ZONE. that of giving the inhabi titutional by the United States Most of the money in che new Box 411, Panama, R, tants of Great Britain a futher Supreme Court. We cable despatch from New opportunity of koowing the Ne they will be pressed forward, so York, dated December 18 states corporation, it is understood, will that a dollars corporagroe capabilites in of to get of grievance which American money. The corbe tion to visit the land of my fore between the two great peoples.
resources of South American establishing power stations unfatbers of Negro musica West Indies made the entrepot is being formed here, it became strategic points where and Central American countries der its own management at First Class Workmanshlp Specializes in all the branches ing the orice purpose of study We do not want to see the British water Guaranteed.
of Dentistry and, as far as am able to assist of semipiratical enterprise by inknown yesterday. It is proposed power is uvaliable. It was sald in its development.
ternational adventurers of the to raise the money through the that participation by corporaCONQUERS PARIS.
most distasteful type, who abuse flotation of stock issues in the tions and investors in the terri.
the British Flag and British Musical Paris soon heard of hospitality to break the laws of tories so served would be asked.
United States, Great Britain, this new figure of the English a friendly nation.
France, Switzerland, Holland and South America, according to concert halls, there followed an Bessibly. for Electric Company, which bydro electric development. As invitation from the French conmanufactures all manner of elec. yet, these resources have barely ductor, Gabriel Pierne, wanted him for soloist at the Co England, France and Germany prical equipment, is back of the been touched.
proves conclusively that plan. The new company will be No information was given yeslonne Concerts. Such was his in are taking a warm and curious known as the American and terday as to when or in what troduction to Paris, and a public interest in these strangely, these Foreign Power Corporation. amount the initial financing which proved as enthusiastic as disturbingly beautiful folk songs London of the American Negro (as Full detalls of the plan, it was would come. It was suggested said yesterday, have not been that a unit of the American and Vienna was his next objective. though Dvorak had not used finally settled. It was stated, Foreign Powers Corporation com And again the reception of the them in his New World Sym.
mon however, that the company would non stock would first be placed English and French capitals ploby quarter of a century have rnational backing. It is on the market, this to be foilowed was repeated as the French ago. Roland Hayes knows proposed to sell both preferred later by more common stock and significance.
were delighted with his utter their origin and and common stock and the sale then by preferred stock The command of their own language From him the words have vivid the characteristic of an initial block is expected dvounts, it was said, would This text book is used at the Public Bible Study and melodic style, so were the meaning; moving are deeply critics of entirely upon bow fast Vienna with bis singing melodies The Electric Bond and Share the work was carried shead. The TUESDAY EVENINGS, to 30 of the German Leider. Surely when his richly mellow voice total, as now planned, will not Company probably will play Among the best a severe test and an eloquent sings then.
part in the project. This com exceed 500. 000. 000 dollars, at At the Bible Students Hall, 156 Ancon Ave. proof of his mastery of the lyric that he sings are: Rück Me idiom of the two languages.
Jelie. Scandaliza My Name. pany is a subsidiary of the least unul the yarious power And may be obtained on the premises or through mail by Convict Song. Swing Low, General Electric Company, which uaits have been placed on a HIT WITH SPIRITUALS.
addressing and making money order payabla to Luis Evertsz, Sweet Chariot song, O, Give owns 100 per cent of its commou money making basis.
Box 863, Arcon, When Hayes sang before the Me Your Hand. Shout all stock. It is operated, however, King and Queen both were pro Over God Heaven Someindependently of the General How collections at your church, Price 60 cents each foundly stirred by the Negro times Feel Like Motherless Electric Company Brudder Jackson. spirituals. they questioned Child. Dar No Hldin At the offices of this company Well, we ain nebber bad to stop All are welcome to the study.
him about them, and pressed Placa Down Dar. Steal Away.
it was said yeeterday that in de middle of collection to go na him to sing all of them he knew. Go Down Moses. Sit Down developments had not yet réa empty tho boz. American Boy, And so it happened that and ve Got a Robe. Exchanged hesterfield praise.
Hayes CIGARETTES hope that tion to develop the electrical poration will begin its Work Plans and Specifications Free Office Hours. to p. m, social art and that of the finite a tarda nos ambitter the relations The Harp of God se bo Millions Now Living Will Never Die 800n.


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