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PAGE SIX THE WORKIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1924 Interesting West. Continued from page 2)
JAMAICA KLIM House Rent Receipt Books IN SPANISH ENGLISH WORKMAN PRINTERY Factory will be lossted at Golden Grove, near to Wi. chester. All tbe preliminaries have been settled sati factorily NO far. The Sugaldusry Aid Board ws able to give useful information, particularly in respect to those estates in which th Burd is concerned It is exoreted that the factory will be built in time for Dext year crop.
Prize Banana Has 17 Hands.
Large Crowds And Excellent Exhibits.
the Crea through the good ofices JA ER MORAN American Pharmacy.
a glass of milk for lunch Rudge Whitworth Cycle Agency KLIM in the afternoon when you make desserts for dinner From far and near risitors The Herald uaderstands that thronged into the town Porus at le co ning session of the to attend what was u doubtedly Legislativ Council bill to resbumper Agriculu. al show laet triet fartber immigration of ChiTuesday.
nese into this island will be inShe went by the early train troduced from. Biokslon, and the traits ar It will be remembered that riving the later in the day also TA THE during the first session of last pectators. Toe large year a bill, was introduced by one number of motor curs and bugof the elected members, but the gies was also responsible for the Government did not approve of very large attendance.
it and it was thrown out, the obThe beautiful grounds of the jection to that bill being that so ne Arcadia Pen presented a picof its provisions were too drasturesque appearance with the tic and it passed would therefore diferent enclosures some for live be disallowed.
stock, some for poultry, some for Following closely on the in minor exbibits and even a place disease.
troduction of the Jamaica law, for the snow ball vendor.
Fresh outbreaks are reported The best Tonic in the World the Canadian Government passed The Red Triangle Band from in the Liguanea Plains.
a law in June last year, which The Director of Agriculture is Kingston under has been allowed, and is now the Bandmaster on the job.
Grayesandy, discoursed sweet law of this land; and from what All suspicious cases must be can be gathered it is this law.
music which was much appre promtply reported.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
altered in details to meet local ciated.
Read below what swine fever The Porus Show was beld requirements, that will be introed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, and how you can treat afflicted under the auspices of the Man animals.
duced when the Jamaica legischester Branches of the Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up lature time List week end, word reached assembles some Associated, and was made islaod us of the outbreak of swine fever a run down constitution.
or bog cholera in several of the It promotes digestion, improves the appeFrom what is stated, a copy of The Governor being unable to districts of the Liguanes Plains. tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system measure bas been be present to open the show, bis Kt is known that the disease secured place was ably tiled by the Hon. nas existed for some time in the DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or of a well known Canadian instituA. Nash, e, for the Parish of St. Thomas, and also in tion. Unlike the Jamaica bill times a day.
parish. Introduced by Mr. parts of St. Andrew. These already referred to, the CanaHendricks President of the reas have been put under dian law does not apply to ChiShow Committee. speech, welted that in the western section Mr. Nash in Da quarantine, but it is now repornese already domiciled in the obort, well Dominion, but it absolutely precomed the people and come vents other iminigrants entering of St Andrew, including Hall Year. It present, a bappy New the country except those of a has ou was the first show held under way Tree, the malady is reaping certain class and under essential a rich the auspices of the Matchester not yet been quarantined.
Branches Associated and he The first siga of the disease is Failure to recognize the interboped from year to year, the ference of vested rights of the show would improve in quantity mal refuses to eat, and death Chinese citizens already residing in the and quality of exhibits, but the takes place in very short time.
in the island was one of the obpeople should cooperate to ensure jections to the bill advanced last success.
Tbe remedy is simple, but the MULLER BUILDING, CALIDONIA ROAD. PANAMA April; as it licenses were refused Mr. Nash made touching refe. case must be taken in hand at THIRD BOLIVAR STREETS COLON them those people would have to rence to the death of Messrs an early stage. dose of Virus wind up their alfairs. Martin and Pala run for hog cholera. These is first given, and then one of Se.
JUST ARRIVED The coming bills, as said, will che two men versed in the generally complete cure.
not interfere with Chinese al agricultural interests of the 1924 Rudge Withworth Path Racers These articles can be had from ready in the island, but it will be Island Three cheers were given for Hope at a cost of about 6.
the Agricultural Department at the most effective measure yet Higher quality bicycles with big reduction in prices introduced to stop the influx of Mr. Nash.
It is quite apparent, however CALL IN AND SEE US IMMEDIATELY Chinese into Jamaica.
that the people who suffer through loss of their pigs are The exhibits were of very bigb ignorant as to wbat the disease Knutsford Park order and reflected credit on the really is, and what course they Island generally and on Man must take to treat these Races.
chester in particular. Toe minor The first move is to report the exhibits did not fail below the matter to the police, as failure to standard set by successful shows do this may mean a fine of 50 NODDING MASTER SCORED of the past.
the under the law. The right treatDOUBLE VICTORY.
Exhibits of borsekind, cattle, ment will then be administered by poultry, sheep and goats; pre the Agricultural Department, to serves, corn, sugar, cocoanuts, whom the police will report the The chief characteristic of the citrus fruits, kola, pine apples, matter. It is not certain bow the Rudoe Whirworth Knutsford Park New Year cocoa, coffae, annatto, ground disease bas been introduced into meeting was a very large attende Our expert repair department makes old bicycles new ance larger than any of three provisions, and handicraft, were Jamaica. One theory is that loof an excellent nature.
days of the December meeting. It any make Moderate prices, Best materials used fection catne with the important The bunch of bananas that of some Red Duroc pigs from Is quite clear that the reduction of the admission to the Grand took first prize in the class bad America but the veterinary sur Just received latest design PALMER TIRES and RED TUBES17 hands, and was about five geon Dr. Lockett, is of the Road and Racing Big cut in prices, also consult us for Tires Stand, from six to four shillings feet in length.
is responsible for the large turn opinion that pigs which were fed before going elsewhere.
On the cattle special mention with garbage from a city hotel out as also the large entries in each event.
must be made of the exbibits contracted cholera from this fodom from Great Valley Pen. In der The contests were indeed very fulfilment of the last request Whatever the source of the dikeen and several exciting conof the late Mr. Martin his stock tests and keen finishes were the exhibits were sent to the show. that the pigs are still dying, hock sease may be, it is quite true order of the day. Nodding Master Four of these took first prizes, the small settlers are suffering.
in spite of his welter burden carand one second. One of his in ried him prize beifers weigbed over 800 port all suspicious cases and the Dairymen League CREAMY MILK The two events in which he comThe proper course then is to reibs. while his fat steer which Agricultural Department peted thus securing a double will took the first prize weigbed look after the rest.
victory for the day. Sanctury alnearly half a ton.
so won the double event in fine The exhibition in the riding style.
enclosure was of a very bigb CONDENSED On the whole the meeting came order and shows what Manches CENTRAL FACTORY FOR to a very successful termination, ter can still do in the matter of St. THOMAS and seems to infuse new interest borses.
Zeague among turtites.
Mr. John Barclay, Mr. Cradand wick, Mr. Rowland, the Secre WILL BE LOCATED AT GOLDEN tary, and tbe Agricaltural The Man who would Inspector worked hard in order GROVE to bring about such a fine show a EVAPORATED Kill all Port Royal and the Show Committee must be The Syndicate that is interes Sweetened Condensed congratulated ting itself in the St. Thomas Sugar Factory proposes to spend is the DEATH HOUND LET LOOSE, between 850, 000 and 400, 000 Swine Fever In St. 10, 000 ton factory, and in the purchase of Plantain Garden, GAMINTAS Peaceful Sleeper Bayonetted to River, Cheswick, Stokes Hall and Andrew Too.
Death On Xmas Day.
VERY BEST and a portion of Golden Grove, Toe Syndicate will also lay down The preliminary enquiry into HOW TO DETCET THE a light railway in connection with the charge of murder, preferred the factory DISEASE.
against Rupert Smalling, a Later on the Syndicate proposes soldier of the resulted to extend its operations to the Guaranteed by 70, 000 farmers in his being committed for trial in the Kingston Circuit Court The Times states that swine barish of Westmoreland that is, Fever is epidemic in St. Andrew certain preliminary difficulties which opens next Monday.
as well as St. Thomas.
connected with mortgages etc.
Sold by ALL GROCERS Evidence showed that Small settlers are losing buns can be overcome.
Christmas Day, while dinner dreds of pigs through The proposed St. Thomas And PANAMA CANAL COMMISSARIES (Continued on Page 7)
cases for creamed soup at dinner time USE KLIM FRESH MILK POWDERED DISTRIBUTOR Maxwell Kelso Sales Co.
SYRACUSE on this y
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