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13 of ADVERTISE Come How Do You Know The New Departure Bells. is NEW (DEPARTU synte plant must die Interesting West. hehe bars Purrently accepted Deputy Chairman which offered him a Westall, Chairman; Mr (Continued from Page6. in Grerad. Ifwatil bad Mesr. Cadet, Harris bopes of ot being found paying and Honourables Degazon, quantities here, he app 101ment de Ninvizibe and Geo. Williams of a Gsoloxist would be been in time for the Cork Cup Dost enthusiastically ace aimed. unanimously pressed:The following resolution was Tournament, but it will be seen We cannot tel yet what is or at that umu what it is going to has been the school teaching this Boerd desire on behalf of Resolved: Lat the members of be.
experience of the new cober. themselves and of the community to The question of reserving an place ou record their heartiel regret ares for Cricket at the Park met dith and their profound sense of sorrow with the sympathy of the Trustees, at the loss that has befallen this wbo, however, re ST. LUCIA quested to be supplied with town and the ecmmunity by the further details. It is fels that receut death of Mr. Gordon for a long time a member of the the Trustees are willing to offer Hard Lucked St. Board every possible accommodation to And the Boari desire also, to Dake the Park wbat it is desired Lucia.
to be by the public.
convey their deepest syuu puthy to his family in the bereavement which they have suffered and to correspondent, writing in sympathise with them in their Death of Mrs. th Votce over the Senature great affliction.
Stewart Callender, Doctor of De Freitas. Dental Surgery, Pa.
animadverts thus:Not a Qualitled Dentist in it. of Rs.
It is our painful daty to record Ooly tooth pullers. And; They the death of Dora the beloved are all coloured. Bar one. ORGANIZED IN PANAMA wife of the DeFrietas, What a catastrophe.
which to place at Dugaldston Europeans, and others, are at about o clock 09 December compelled to travel to Little Eng. der of Ithiopia and African Join the Free and Accepted Crland otherwise known as a Righte. purely Negro Organitime on a bed of affliction from monly known as Barbados tonade Kings, Pricces. PoterThe Oder that bas The deceased was for some land of the Flying Fish or com zuion.
which, however, radiated ber have their Gate of Good Health tate tates, the world over; cheerfulness and put in good order.
Coristian nas made men other experiences. Twice was she the Could you not Mr. litor write aces; come and learn the object of expert medical and to either, or all of the ghly cient and Divine Teachings: is surgical a tention in Engiand. Qualified Surgeon Dentists io the Order of Duvid, King Her Daubter, Mrs. Duncan, tho neighboring Island, telling Solomon, Hiram, Ninr the IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS recently hurried from England them that their Services are Might, and all the ancient Itbioto her dside to satisfy the badly needed here, and that the pian Priests very human Gesire of a loving streets of St. Lucia are flowing BOKS 333 and learn the ancient with Milk and Honey, and the wisdom and gain the knowledge mother heart We hope to put on record in a pavements are made of solid gold su ibat sou may unravel the che future issue more than Perfo ce some of your this vine understanding; it is wat note in reference to the death of Gods and those plac din High beritage by birthright; seck it a good woman, who was in turn Authority uld Biss you: u and Gelp solve the Ithiopian a good wife and mother, Many It is said that a He is an es problem; culture the solutio; people, we are when sential adjunct to persons bevine bring back prosterity to you reminiscent of her kindly acts Lawas, Hobouses etc. especial children; it is yours ani theirs and deep consideration for those during drought. But a by divine right. Go to it, the tine in distress, for many a day, will Hose is good for nothing it not is now call her blessed to the Hon. n its place and handled egatls.
For further particulars, call or Frietas, ber devoted bus If placed too bigh where the write Dc Grand Mast band, who was chief in nursing pres ure of water not House No 3, 21s: Street, GoachaThey have a tone her during her illness we know sufitent to wodite that the heart of his world has through give the plut what pall, or Plan Omce o NU. 9J.
That all their own caved in ber children and is necessary for its sustenance ancon Casal Zone.
relatives, sentiments of pathy will flow in an unbroken St. Luct is at the present stream from all classes in the Practically ad. Who is respn Announcement community, but we do feel it in eible for it! Who good enough TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN our heart to say that none will to pull St. Lucia out of the ne more deep and sincere than Quagmire and put her on her those of the West Indian.
Baragua Sugar Company, Baragua, Camaguey, Cubi, January 8th, 1924.
New Headmaster of Boys Death of Mr. Gordon Not having heard of, nor from School, my wife Ms. Margaret till (nee Margaret Hunte) since she in town.
Our readers will be interested Removes an Old Landmark from left my home and protection, aeto ar that the Government has the Educational Life of acompanied by another man in offical information of the apOctober 1916, the undersigned the Colony.
pointment of a Headmaster of no longer consider that have a the Gr nuda Boys School, and wife, and intend to marry again, as that To st Indian, it is There has passed away on Sun provided for in British law.
made to appear, got the first day the 9th of December, says the (Signed) DANIEL IFILL.
pews, even before the authorities. Voice of St. Lucia of the 15th Mr. Herbert Athur Baier, we alt, one of the landmarks of Saint are in a sition to tate, come. Lucia, and a corner stone of Educfrom a post in the Falkland Isation in the person of our Mr.
SEX SEXSE a. ds, wh re he was Geologist, Gordon. Thomas Doddridge)
Born in Jamaica, and trained it We a the Mico Training Institution at LIBERTY HALL Kingston, Jamaica, he came to 29 Street, Panama teach in St Lucia as a Micot er in 1861, while he was still a youth The first field of his labours ENGLISH CLASSES Was River Doree, where he taught by Day and by Night are for.
was transferred to Castries where now opened for the the best part of his life was spent Sunimer for the next sixty years ia edu eating the youth of Castries.
For particulars apply on the spot to During that time he majority of influential St. Lucians BARTON, LL many of whom have occupied, and Principal still do some of the highest positi.
ons in the Colony. They know that he was the able, kind, and Ho Ro Co Products NOTICE THE considerate school master. who made it possible by the training he AMAZING Contest.
gave them to acquire the positions they held and to become useful and А free prominent citizens, 100, 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY He was appointed Registrar of IN PRIZES, Civil Status in 1869, fifty four years ago, and carried on this work to the very day of his death. January April 1924 ConMr. Gordon was a man of the test trds Apr 30 1924 high test character, and his influence here was of the very best. His example was excellent and although Rules Governing Contest.
he did not hesitate when the neces. Each purchaser of in sity arose to fight for what be con Ho Ro Co Products will be given sidered to be his rights, he was of a coupon.
a very conciliatory disposition. 2 All coupons must be placed broad minded and sympathetic BEFORE man, he showed by his behaviour Alexander Sanchez. General netic in sealed envelope and sent to the Roman Catholic children Retailer who attended his school, which was Box 879, Ancon, not Ho Ro Co Products, supposed to be Protestant. No later than April 30th 1924.
attempt to influence the religion of The competitors sending the boys was ever made; on the Just rub a little safe, harmless KINKOUT in your hair and within two time does it! Positively will not turn the hair red. Could not hude contrary on the days when Roman the largest cumber of coupons or three minutes your hair should be lovely, smooth, silky and wavy. most sensitive scalp. KINKOUT can be used as a hair grower.
Catholic boys had to sttend he will be awarded the prizes as SOLD ON MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF YOU ARE simple, easy directions on each package. Comes only in green allow ligious instruction, they were al 15. 00 NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED! NO HOT IRONSI One tubes. Substitutes may be dangerous. Be sure and get it!
ways promptly despatched. Any misbehaviour there was reported 2nd 12. 50 10. 00 3rd ad the delinquent punished by 4th 50 T, Gordon This may sound like 11.
Your Druggist Can Get it From any of These Wholesale Dealers. minor detail in the life of 00 man, basis was very clear indication in Three competent judges wil. his character of spirit of concilia be appointed to check the CAMERON SPRINGER JEANMARIE Lion and toleration upon which he coupons on May 5th, and award ied.
the prizes to the successful Box 605 Box 738 Almirante, Bout at a meeting of the Castries owners. The names of ths winCristobal, Canal Zone Town Board held on Tuesday 11th ners will be pablibed in this Cristobal, Canal Zone Rep. of Pana sost, the following were present. paper, We stock the largest and best variety Call phone 85. Western Ante Supply Co.
Private Academy achWavy Hair in Minutes Now Possible for ANYBODY to Have Beautiful Soft Wavy Hair taught the 떠 N.
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