
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATÙLIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1924 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands JAMAICA The Exodus to Cuba GOVT. WILL INTRODUCE BILL TO INCREASE ALLOWANCE OF BANTIAGO CONSULATE, FREE One Ejector Case can be your even though you have short whey hair bow.
kitchen long. mooth and wavy. QUEEN bok al good drugstores and Brewer Heas se to se store, Wholesale Queen Agta.
155 (antral Avenue, Panama CHT: TAFSL, Colon.
LUGKY STRIKE (From The Herald. It is reported on what is regarded as good authority that the Government intends to bring up the vexed question of the treatment of labourers who go to Cuba at the forthcoming session of the Legislative Council with a view of getting targer amount voted for the Consulate at Santiago than that which it at present receives.
From time to timo reports are made as to the inadequacy of protection afforded labourers who go to Cuba in search of work. Only a few weeks ago alergtby article appeare this journal 10 Bupport of these statements. The Trouble bas been that the funds provided for the Consulate at Santiago are insufficient to meet the expenditure the work entails and the Government has therefore decided to assist in the matter.
With this end in view it is learnt that a bill will be brought forward at the forthcoming session of the Legielative cil. Just how it is proposed that the extra money should be raised is not definitely known, but there is a reason to that a certain amount will be deducted from the money lodged in the Treasury by each emigrant to Cuba, and this amount will go towards the expense of the Consulate.
We will give one of these Cases FREE to anyone turning in 100 EMPTY Coun believe LUCKY STRIKE a Lands For Ex Fighters GOVERNOR WANTS ESTIMATES OF ROADS ETC. FOR PRESENTATION TO COUNCIL.
SEKS Augustus Green wore engaged at premises belonging to Mr.
Louis Hamilton at the northeastern corner of Tower Street and Luke Lane, digging the trenches for the foundation of building. From what could be learnt on the scene of the occurrence a line of the foundation trench ran parallel to the rear of a kitchen wall and chimney on OR lape, Sterling and Green were premises one door bigber up the CURLY HAIR digging in the hole. whilst Morais was shovelling out the dirt, and it was suddenly observed Just us QUEEN le Dr.
and watch your hair grow that the rear of the was The Perfect One Hand Cigarette Case remove dandruft, fepe full cutting away. Morais barely bad ing bal. Cost only be a large time to give the alarm and as far as Green is concerned, the next thicg he knew was that there was a tremendous crasb and all about him was dust. He had made a quick move from bis Just Press The Cigarette origical posi ion on bearing Look out! but not that he was the Button Jumps to alive to the fact that he was North Street and the ares enclearing himselt from danger closed by live along North meet You 11 was just a lucky move that Street, Glenmore Road, Oumber prevented sharing a similarland Line and Lincolg Road as late to Sterling, wbo it was dis far as Portland Road, down covered bad been crushed by the which it goes as far as the Talling wall and chimney and was Windward Road and returns covered up. digging party got westward along the northern line to work and as quick as they of Ward No.
possibly could be body was No. WARD recovered from the debris, acd was removed to the mortuary whol ales above Ward No. Ward N3. comprises the where some time after the Hon.
Dr. Lawson Gifford, trom Smith Village on the west to Elletson Road on the east.
per erforu ed tbe post mortem xamination.
No. WARD The police were early on the Ward No. comprises the cene and to statements from remaining part of the City, that Morais and Green, also frem is to say, the area above WindEl zibeth Young, who, it is said, ward Road from Elietson Road was employed to assist the men on the West to the limits of the in clering the trenches. The parish east and north.
PACKAGES accident created a mild exitement in the immediate vicinity, and in TO a short time a large crowd had TRINIDAD gathered on the scene.
BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Tanama) Ltd 93 Avenue B, PARAMA Limits of City Laying of FoundaFIDANQUE HENRIQUEZ co. Bolivar Avenue, COLON tion Stone.
TROPICAL AGRICULTURE AT Smoke LUCKY STRIKE and Save your Empty Packoges.
The following descriptions will Fresh Stock received from New York weekly.
supply useful information reTRINIDAD garding the limits of the different oooo ooooxcxec Sess0 Ockes city wards. Toe particulars have Trinidad, Jan. 15, Yesterday been obtained from the Corpora afternoon in the presence of a tion Map throngh the courtesy distinguished company of of the Town Clerk. labourer named Sterling who vistors to and residents of the The best Tonic in the World was working with others at WARD No.
Colony, His Excellency the Gov.
this place, was knocked dowa by Ward No. 1, comprises that ernor laid the foundation stone a felling chimney and cwered. part of the City below of the Imperial College of Tropia When he was rescued it was starting from a point on the cal Agriculture at St. Augustine.
This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend fou ad that life was extinct. The seashore to the west of the Greek Supporting His Excellency in body was taken to the mortuary Pond following the line of Kings8 the platform were: Sir Arthur ed in Debility, Nervousness, Fema e Weakness, and post mortem examiration ton Peo until it reaches Darling Shipley. co. E, LL. Sc.
Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up was performed by Dr. Gifo Street, then up of the Governthe corner of Spanish Town Rond ing. Body of the College, Sir a run down constitution thence along Francis Watts, G. Sc.
It promotes digestion, improves the appo. Labourer Kiiled by Falling from Queen Street, through the Principal of the College, Dr.
Parade liar deus, siong Victoria Director of the Royal Bil, MA. Sc.
tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system Brcki ork.
Avenue and the Wind ward Road Botanic Gardens, Kew, Profes DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or till it reaches the sea at Rockfort sore, Cha es Sterling, a labourer, Gardens. Ballou, Sc. times a day.
Hataland, Sc. Hardy, cmo mely end at a No. WARD few u es to 11 o cloc, on the Ward No. compripes the read Dunlop of the AgriA. Turner, Sc. 31st o January. Deceased, along maling par of the city below cultural College, Dr.
bith Cuals Morais, ard) the Spatish Towo und as far as Witbycomba, Sc. Mr. Cheestan, R.
e. Mr. At er addi esses by Sra.
Shipley and Sir His Excellency the Governc.
watts, ddressing the audience said Sir Arthur Shipley, My Lord, Ladies and get tlemen, before make any remarks, it is my duty to read to you the contents of a letter wbich bave from His Ryal Highness the Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Prince of Wales (Applause)
Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK or New TORE It reads as fellows: May Congratulate the West Indies upon all that is denoted bs this act of laying the foundation stone of the imperial College Depository of the PANAMA CANAL of Tropical Agriculture, whose begirnings were under discusand the United States Government sion during my visit there in 1920. am glad to think that by Capital Direct Representution throug our own Branches and those of Capital the efforts of the West Indies and THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in this great plan of scientific reand search and Agricultural develop Surplus ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM Surolu.
ment for the trojica has to day become an accomplisbed fact. 10, 000, 000 CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SBTTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES 10, 000, 000 and am confident that in its ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE UBA future it will realise the aspira PERU PORTO RICO tion which we all share not only URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA for its own welfare as an instituCurrency curreny tion, but also for its influence on the development of this British Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World After the able and interesting addresses which we have listened to by Bir Arthur Shipley and Sir ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCF Francis Watie, His Excellency continued: have no little di tidence in attempting to make INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM any remarks this afternoon on a (Continued on page 7)
line Rapid progress is being made in connection with the scheme for providing lands for the exBoldiers, and it would not be Burprising that before the end of the present year our ex.
fighters will bavo stretches of Virgin soil allotted to them.
As mentioned lp our last issue a deputation of the Comrades Association waited on His Excellency the Governor at King House They pointed out during that conference with Sir Leslie Probyn, that the ex.
contingent men were anxious to get lands for cultivation, and His Excellency promised to do all ne could for tham.
In pursuance of that promise we learn that His Excellency has caused letters to be written to the Hon. Claude Espeut, Director of Public Works, and General to have estimates prepared of the amounts pecessary for the surveylog of certain stretches of land, and the construction of roads in the parish of Portland.
His Excellency asked them to try and get this data at the quickest possible moment as he is desirous that the matter should come forward before the next session of the Legislative Council which meets very shortly.
JAI ER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Mr. Baker, Surveyor Aspletne Francis International Banking Corporation received woman Stabbed In Campbell Town.
Campbell Town was thrown into a state of Excitement on Wednesday night when Ira Tomlinson, a resident of that village.
is alleged to have wounded Mrs. Lillian Robicson.
On Thursday Tomlinson was arrested by Acting Corpl. Bell, in the Alpha premises on charge of wounding with intent, He was taken before Mr.
Robinson, for Kingston, yesterday and remanded untii the 7th Inst.
Fatal Accident.
An accident of a distresslor nature which ended fatally occurred on Thursday last at a building belonging to Mr. Louis Hamilton, situated at the corner of Tower Street and Luke Lane.


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