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Passports and Permits.
Interesting News from The West Indian Islands FREE One Ejector Case Wholesale The Weekly Herald of the 19 January publishes the Toilowing: We þave received the following comunication from the Colonial SecretaryNotice is hereby given to all persons desirlog to leave this Colony that it is necessary for first aid second class passenkers to obtain passports to enable them to land in the neigbbouring Colonies and other parts of the British Empire as well as Foreign places. Passports are not required by persons desiring to land in Third Class passengers and Deck passengers will require Police Permits as at present supplied to enable them to land in the neighbouring Colonies. Similar Police Permits will be requirred by Third Class passengers and Deck Passengers from neighbouring Colonies to enable them to land in Barbados.
Barbados LUGKY (STRIKE 60 ODOS Resolation was introduced at a recent meeting of the House of Assembly asking for a sum not exceeding 375 to be granted to the Education Board for the purpose of purchasing a building next to the Wesley Hall Boys School and to make certain necessary cbaoges to the same to relieve the overcrowded condizion of the school.
16th design, Ex Service men lo preference to others wbenever qualification and other conditions were equal.
Mr Ravenor stated that he had QUEEN already taken a note of the list of men submitted, but it was asked HAIR DRESSING that the Labour Bureau be slImagine yourself lowed to submit a new list of with long, waving silken applicants as well as the privilhair. Think bow attractive ere of making the selections you would be. This you can knowing the men and their easily have by using QUEEN whereabouts more than be did.
As far as the rate of pay was ing also remover dandruff and stops falling hair. Cort concerned Mr. Ravenor said it only 25e a large box at was not possible for him to give good drag stores and any scale as most of the work Brewer Hess will be done on the contract be to 25 Store The Perfect One Hand Cigarette Case system. The following are Queen Agents amongst the most wanted em165 Central Ave.
ployees for the Scbeme and Panama City.
opportunities will be offered to 100 Bolivar St.
Carpen ers, Masons, Mechanics, Colon.
Motor Drivers, and Shovelmen with a limited number of Clerks, Storekeepers, etc.
The Cigarette Just Press LABOUR BUREAU.
the Button Jumps to Mr. Ravenor was informed that showing. What are the Clube doing?
meet You the Association kept a Labour Bureau and asked for the option of supplying. labor for the The Headmaster of the St.
Scheme. They were in a position Vincent Grammar School is also to do so and felt confident in pot Inspector of Schools. In bis only offering Ex Service men, address to the Legislative Counbut others who would apply to cil on the 8th inst. the Adaninsthem.
trator expressed a hope to be Mr. Ravenor sald that it was able to separate the two offices We will give one of these Cases FREE to anyone not a matter which he could go later in the year. He sald: The into with them, as most of the present conjantion of the offices turning in work would be done in minor is to my mind unscientitic and stages, which would not warrant unfair alike to the officer concer.
100 EMPTY the output of labour in the bulk ned and to the pupils. We have anticipated beer fortunate in the officer who In conclusion Mr. Raverornas hitherto combined the irresaid he was quite in sympathy concilable duties of Headmaster with the Association and promis of the Grammar School, and Ined to do all in his power wards Spector of Schools, but the time help. ng the cause.
bas come when in the best intersts of education, the combinaPACKAGES ion should cease, and sincerely TO ST. VINCENT rust that new arrangements may be made to divorce the incomostible posts BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Panama) Ltd.
by September Qi Xu.
93 Avenue B, PANAMA Says the Times of St VinMr. Roeves, cent, of 10th instant. FIDANQUE HENRIQUEZ co. Bolivar Avenue, COLON We are informed that arrangea native of Barbados is holder UNITED FRUIT Co. Almirante ARISTIDES ROMERO. David ments are being made for the speech to the Legislative Counc!
of the dual offiice. In bis CARL FRIESE Co. Bocas del Toro MIGUEL CONTE. Penonome playing of the Cork Cup Touro: its first meeting for the ament at Grenada la April, bu yar, the Administrator of St.
the date has not yet been Vincent expressed the hope of Smoke LUCKY STRIKE and Save your Empty Packages.
definitely fixed.
Fresh Stock received from New York weekly.
ceing soon able to recommend Immediately after the Tourna strongly the sending of one or 00:00:00 GB meat a Windward Island team two pupil teachers to Barbados will be selected and will proceed at a cost of about 50 per annum to Trinidad in respouse to an each to be trained at the Rawle invitation from that island.
In Teachers Institute view of the above fixture, we The best Tonic in the World are told, the lo vitation from Barbados bad to be declit ed. We are The financial situation in St.
LIBERTY HALL pleased to know that a Windward Vincent is most satisfactory.
island Combine will meet a TrinThe estimat assets over liabiliThis elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend 29 Street, Panama idad team. This will give us apties at 31st Dcember 1923 was opportunity of placiug 8, correct therefore not proposed by 13, 899. The Government has ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, value on the criket played by the Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up three islands and will give the change of increase in taxation.
ENGLISH CLASSES inter colonial Cricket Committee The public debt of the colony a run down constitution It promotes digestion, improves the appeby Day and by Night are matter on which to go in deciding has been reduced from 11, 900 the desirabllity of giving the to 11, 100 and the result is that now opened for the tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system Windward Islands team a place for the first time in many years Sunimer. in the Inter Colonial Tour provision can be made for ExtraDOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or nament.
ordinary Public Works to be For particulars apply on the spot to times a day.
It having been decided that the The estimated revenue for 1824 defrayed from surplus fonds.
would is BARTON, LL.
come out in Aprli, we think that 1741 on the estimate for 1923 practice should agaio be started whilst the estimated expenditure Principal) seriously it we must take any for the same period is 48, 882 plus expenditure on urgent public works amounting to 1, 815, to be met from surplus The estimated increase in expenditure for 1924 over the approved expenditure for 1923 is 8, 129. Of this sum 1, 315 is derived from surplus funds and 707 represents an increase in the Education grant. The object of this latter expenditure is to improve the financial posiHead Office: 60 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY tion of Head Teachers, assistant Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW KORK Teachers and Pupil Teachers of the Elementary Schools.
GRENADA Depository of the PANAMA CANAL and the United States Government CUP PRESENTED FOR RACING Capital Direct Representution through our own Branches and those of Capital and THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in and Generous Offer By Messers Surplus ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM Surplus Tennent, Ltd.
CHINA JAPAN INDIA 10, 000, 000 JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES 10, 000, 000 The West Indian is in.
URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Tennet, Ltd. have sent Currency curreny through thelr local agents, Mesrs Geo. Huggins Co. Ltd. splendid electro plated Cup, Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World with the request that it be preented on behalf of Messrs Tennent Ltd. at a Grenada Race Meeting. The Oup has been kind y offered to the St. AnESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE drew Race Club, it races are to he beld at Easter or in the near INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM future. On Friday there will be a meeting of the St. Andrew (Continued on page 7)
Private Academy The Globe of the January reports the following: The House of Assembly met yesterday and, after the introduction of new Bills and Reso lutions, proceeded to deal with the report of the Select Com mittee appointed to recommend for adoption the design of the War memorial suitable for the site selected. This Committee recommended tbat should be ebosen and that the fountain in the Garden should not be removed but that the wall and railings around it be set back, the garden reshaped and tbe Memorial erected on the western front outside the railiog.
By these alterations it was sugo gested that convenience for af.
fic in that busy quarter would be con considerably improved. The report was adopted and an Address passed expressing the willingness of the House to vote sum pot exceeding 3, 000 to meet the total cost of its purchase and erection. Bill was passed enabling directors of private limited liability companies to vote and be el, cted as members of vestries.
Other measures passed were an amendment to the Governor Act placing the Governor salary at 3, 000 per annum, and another amending the Income Tax Act 80 as to exempt the Governor from its provisions third Act was passed allowing imported frozen meat to be sold bere as butcher meat and the House adjourned for two Weeks.
www jur ds.
International Banking Corporation BRITISH GUIANA Georgetown Improvement Scheme PREFERENCE TO EX SERVICE MEN Assurance Given to Returned Soldiers Deputation.
Following upon. resolution passed at a meeting of the British South American Return.
ed Soldiers Association, beld in Demerara on Tuesday night last, a deputation was appointed to approach Mr. Rategor, Sewerage Engineer on the matter o preference of employment for Ex Service men. Oa the question of preference of employment Mr. Ravenor said that Lord Dunsford bad had a very lengthy conversation with him on the subject and he gave them the assurance that he would employ
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