
ADVERTISE store of 200 was Sasa HEADQUARTERS Bicycles Bicyle Supplies licking Was THE SACRED CANTATA DISASTROUS FIRE AT Under the Palms. SOUTH QUAY will be rendered at the La Boca Clubhouse Complete Destruction of Railway Main SAT. MARCH 15 7, 30 tenance Office.
By the La Boca Wesleyan Choir APPROXIRATE LOSS OF 40, 000.
Admission 25 cents Reserved seats 50 cents, Children Half Prise.
The Port of Spain Gazette of January 6th reports a most disastrous fire which occurred in that Colony as follows:For Sale an entry through the cocoa store But for the splendid work of from which point of vantage ONE ROLL TOP DESK the Central Fire Brigade and de several feet of bose tachments from the Harbour and brought into play on the build in good condition Street. the which though of long Gre that broke out in the Railing, Wemained apparently indomi: No Reasonable Ofter Refused way Maintenance Office early table under the strain. Water yesterday morning levelling that was also let on from the yard the of the Samne can be seen at of Mr. Albert Lucien besides Mr. Francis Mendes while the Isthmian Undertaking Co effecting severe loss to the joining buildings would have mission Agency of Mr. Egbert Brigade broke into the Com(Maritess Factory. been attended by very fearful Francis in Charlotte Street happenings judging from the and attackad the northern side Calidonia Road proximity of the business places of the building where the fira When all particulars can be arou and the nature of the rag obtained.
stock which provided an enticing moored dine hottest. The splendid work by feed for th: angry flames. The the clever plans for not only loss suffered as far as the building and the stock in trade are quenching the flames but also for the sum of 2, 470 divided concerned runs into upwards of saving the adjoining building follows. 1) 20 for the fittings 40, 000 apart from the valuable Mendes and the dry goods busi. 1, 800 for the stock in trade to of the main building (upstairs. records of Government plans IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS tracios atlecting the kindness of one Ramgosingh adjoin of the produce store. 3) 800 for way. The origin of the fire while the dry goods establish furniture of the latter premises, ing were drenched in water the Cocoa store (4) 50 for the remains unknown XSSSSShe brim ses first given to milway to the was treated the del whole concerned to Mr.
the Harbour Station at msimilar manner.
tice in a Lucien.
The work of by Constable 525 Daniel wto was the Considerable damage was done Brigade No. beat and moute hampered greatly to the produce establishment of WE ARE on by after Sgt. Black, Lee Ool.
Rui: stamp de created in the yard to water especially at the back and the general Mr. Mandes by scorebing and der and six men arrived on the scene with the box hand reel.
the back of the premises where the fact that this building was FIRST ON THE SCENE a number of dray animals were saved lies in the sturdy wall that stabled; but after strenuous separates the two pre zíses.
The Harbour Section took effort the stables were cleared. The dry goods establishment their post in lower Charlotte By degrees, portions of the wood too of one Ringosiogh adjoining Street and opened from south work of the upper storey fell in the Mendes store also suffered FOR portion of the maintenance office and in the seething glare of the is insured with the Patriotic Life Quay of the bere where the tire appeared to have tire could be seen the foar iron Insurance Co. for 500.
broken out the forked tongues uprights with their cross virs in fendish glee against glowing red and surmounted by Francis suffered both from fire The agency of Mr.
the windows and root of the a crest of palo crimson light and water and remains unrebuilding that stood out distinct in the con cogaisable.
Shortly after, the box reel, figration.
Strange to say the crowd that stationed in Frederick Street TRYING MOMENT.
gathere to watch the tire was a arrived on the scene with two Constables in charge and it Somehow or other there was scant one in comparisou with the ordinary turn out on such like orcukut into play from the same some delay in turning off the occasions, and by their exemBut the flames were electric current in that part position.
of beat oi destruction and the the city; and Constable Maxime plary behaviour the police ware conflagration spread rapidly all had narrow shave when the allowed to devote all their time over the building despite the wire burst under the weight of to the fire. And as the stolid strenuous efforts of the fire torm The wire happened the water and fell in its live aprights of the building overto topping charred walls gloomed Cord Tires tighters to stay it. Fed on oil and Tubes skin plans and such lik material fall around the motor reel being out against the still morning air that adorned the walls and ledges wanipulated by Maxime, who has som telling of the migbus of the Railway o. fice the tire was about to get it out of the happenings, aad when there was was able to get a firm bold in way, when the spray of water nothing to attract the most the minimum of time. Toe Can falling on it acted as a conductor curious except an occasional flare tral Brigade arrived on the and in the second fully 20 feet or the crack of a falling beam, scene about 10 minutes after of bl zinc wire was witnessed the spectators wended their way simultaneously at 08 by the there was a general panic among Gorrie Bank.
the alarm which was given them racios u) the street when the homewards with the sorry tale was shut off. At this bebind them of the ruins of the mong proud building formerly known.
tower watch Coast. ble Farrell SOUSSE 8, 000 and tha Harbuur Station and it the crowd of spectators wh was then that the difficult task gazed on the fire from at least JAMAICA 150 feet away the heat would of FIGHING THE FLAMES allow them no further and it really began in dead earnest. turned on that sone were en. Overseer Struck was only when the lights were couraged to the scane six men lett instantly closely The fire got under control at followed by the Dennis turbine about 135 o clock and so masterDown on Road engine with Cpl. Gare ble and ly was the work of the Brigade two men, Maxime and Mascall that the premises below the Rail ASSAILANT DECAMPS IN SPANISH ENGLISH with the truck and breaking way Ofice apart from being WITH 90.
implements, the chemical engine scorched and water damaged, with Lce Cpl. Dowridge and remained intact. An attempt was tha Superintendent Inspector made by Mr. Tomlinson ent to the Glaner writing on The Golden Grove correspondWalcott and Sergt. Major Jones. District Eagineer to save the the 1st inst says: The charabanc from Headquar plans but he was forced to reters arrived with Li Col trace bis steps in the face of To day a most dastardly and Wilson Deputy Inspector Gene ove barefaced act of robbery with ral, Sub Inspectors Liddelow pressed mog odds. The water Violence was perpetrated in and Phillips being also in attend pressure was reduced to 100 lbs. broad daylight on the main road net and the flaming building between here and Bowden, near ance. detach ment from the (cop storey) was reduced to the border of Phillips field and Besson Street Constabulary burning skeleton from which Station also attended with the sheets of galvanised Iron and of the Co. The victim is Pleasant Hill Farms, properties hand hose ani gave valuable as masses of wood work fell uuder Mr. Scarlett, overseer sistance.
As the full force arrived the Chemical engine was subse He was returning from Bewden the pressure of water. The of the Bachelors Of every description Hall building was seen to be envelopin times that angrily rose la guerols despatched back to the with a bag containing some a Asst.
DONE WITH NEATNESS AND all directions as it oftering bold tendent remained on the plana ninety pounds of money in his de flance to the last arrivals; and by and it was only after 210 bugey and travelling slowly. He intense was the heat as the the flow of water began to cease an unknown person and the was attacked from the reer by DESPACTH crackling and hissing increased and a hose or two was kept missile used was evidently that it was only by sheer diot trained on the embers in the stone thrown in at his head, AT THE of pers verar ce and devotion stoking derelict.
striking blm down and precipito duy that the men were able THE LOST INCURRED.
to stick to their respective posts tating bim on the road in an where they were ultimately kept The whole building at the cor unconscious condition. The bag cool by the spray nozzle from the ner was owned by Mr. Albert with its contents was taken away Buick. Realising the gravity of Lucien who sometime ago let the by bis assailant, wbile be regainChe task before them the Bri upper story to the Railway ed consciousness slowly.
gade promptly got into action authorities for Draughting and The first person to arrive on and while the Buick fell in line Malatenance Engineer Depart the scene was Mr. Burke, with the Harbour Section who ment. The premisas upon which of Holland, who assisted the Interesting West banding of the Grenada Government if put into effect. ment Band; it is reported that never slacked and worked from mortgage is held by Mr.
Jose wou aded gentleman and lent he traffic Island, the Dennis is for a sua ia the vicinity bim a man to acompany him to (Continued from page 2)
the Bandmaster bas been given opened up from the Marine of 35, 000 is loaured for the sum the doctor, Other persons came en una viable task, according to British Consulate Notice. Square Charlotte Street viinity of 000 with the London and antchifter including Messts Race Club, and members are the Administrator reply to lbsof Fire Insurance. Hitobins and Davis.
asked to attend. as very im questions asked in Council by water pressure was got up. as follows. 1) 3, 500 the por The matter was promptly reportant business the Mr. Lewis. He has been asked Attacked at three sailent angles tion where the fire originated, ported to the police who have agenda to be discussed. to submit proposals for the con Information as to the where the flames were confined to the (2) 1, 900 for the locality of the arranged search parties. When tinuance of the band within the abouts of Leonard Fullerton, about building where they had origi Cocoa Store and (3) 600 for the seen by the writter, Mr More About The Band, limits of an annual vote of 200. 15 years old, and his three orphan nated and since there was no shed in the yard and out offices Scarlett was bleeding profusely The West Indian says it will brothers will be appreciated. Eliza question of running wild the including storeroom the whole from the wound received. Much be interesting to know what pro. McLeod of Duenzs Vale, Clarks dames shot upwards for the entirely demolished. The stock sympathy is felt for the unforAs the outcome of protests posals he can submit that will Town, Jamaica, is a relative (Aunt) root which caved in about 20 in trade was insured with the tunate gentleman who is very made against the proposal dis not be a discredit to the Govern of these orphans.
a. The Central Brigade forced Caledonia Insurance Com jang quiet in his demeanour.
BATES Phone 85 Western Auto Supply Co.
power House Rent Receipt Books WORKMAN PRINTERY JOB. PRINTING property ed WORKMAN PRINTERY is on


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