
MU Sweeping o er Many You Get Value FOR YOUR MONEY WALK OVER SHOES made the e This New Year and begin to Save.
TOR WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1924 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE 2nd and Clerk 3rd. Time minoThe last event for the day called Why go through the trouble of preCommander Watson at forth speculation, Panama.
Cycle and Athletic eyele scratch Only 11 started in paring your Milk and paying more this race and at times the pace Sports WAS Very tame, Smagster being the Commander Watson of the money?
principal pacer. Oa the 14th lap, Buy Colon Buys Institute visited Sangster darted away and on pas Panama last Sunday for the BRAND purpose of attending the mass CYCLONE CYCLE TRACK, COLON ning the stand for the 45th lap, Davis equalized. Abrahams and meeting of A, Chapter Omphroy in close pursuit sprinted 14, and also to me the it is cheaper; it is safer and all February 22nd a 24th.
all they had but Davis gained NSWEETENEO nany mothers la Panams who headway on Sangster and conclu ready to use.
ong waited to see him ia con ded the first day sports with nection with placing their bɔgs Friday, the 22nd inst. found Davis 1st. Sangster 2nd Abrahams the Institute at Colon.
every athlete and cyclist in the 3rd. Time 28 mins. 54 5 secs.
Exchange the labels for toys and Aluminum Pots at To quote his own words Conbest of shape ready for the pistol, Sunday 24th minde? Watson states, On my The forces of nature seemed to as Davis was confideat of winning day of doubt the was arrival in Papa na city the Arst have been in sympathy with the all the all events in his class while Sang surprise had was the great sports for the day is the sun shone ster had the same confidence.
contrast between Panams and bright, and a pleasant Nor westera Abrahams kept a still tongue in Solon in the number of unruly Colon or the land. wise head and Panama breese WAS noys disturbing tha peace of maintained bi: bat city, as compared with the The spirit seemed to have been peace of Colon.
with every athlete, do or die doubt.
The half mile had 12 facing the Many parents name to me desirink that many surprises were sprung. The track was fenced around with starter and at the crack of the should take their boys to Colon temporary stand built up but pre pistel Sangster stole the start and some came weeping.
made gocd his get away. Davis cautions were inadequate to pro.
thought that the Colon Boys vent intruders from gaining free made a mighty effort to equalize Costitute was a free home for admission but was overtaken by Omphros poys. do pity the parents for At 12. 30 the alard was sounded and Abrahams, resulting in Sang observed many of the boys for the 100 yards dash. six start pter 1st. Omphroy 2nd and Abra have passed the age of bending ers dashed with the pistol but hams 3rd. Time min. 12 and are fast approaching man.
Gordon succeeded in gaining two sece.
The first race having been won yards at the finish, resulting in At 89 visited the ball Gordon 1st Stephens 2nd and by Coloa, made the TERROR at Chapter 14 and was Clark 3rd; time 10 more determined, and he was warmly received After the The quarter mile dash was all determined in winning the other usual formalities of the servica The 100 yd: excitement when eight faced the races of the day.
starter. The pistol tired and Cecil) Stephens fighting him hard for first were gone through by the Chypoff with Gordon flat lain was introduced to the Abraharo darted with Sangster place with Clarke third. Time 16 members by the President. The gathering and Davis. They tried hard to was fairly large. 3 5ths secs.
pade a sbort address, for tlmo overtake Abrahams but this young.
would not afford me to explain In the mile Scratchmen Ex ster was riding with all his life like When You invest in demons had taken possession of cluded, Grossett of Panama wa to them the great movement of the him and be finished 1st at the tape confident of winning, so was Abra the Colon Boys lastitute and the Sangster 2nd and Bryan 3rd. hams and when the pistol fire progress it bad made since its Time 35 5 mere each man seemed to have beer establishment spoke for 15 The Boy half mile had only waiting on the other, Thing ininutes and touched on many entries but three rood boys in the completion of the same Charli up in the 3rd lap and points. At the conclusion of my address, the President ask Charlie Abraham, Charlton Mor that the collection taken up that rell and Ferro. Charlie Sashed to the front with his nove afternoon be turned over to mo good with the start but war lap sprint and was never attack for the Boys Institute to which overtaken by the other two on ed until passing the tape, winning passing the stand. Ferro was in in fine style, with Grossett 2nd an there was not a dissenting yoice.
the rear and on attempting to dash Walters 3rd. Time mins 12 5th The President further asked that the coll:ction on every third to the front, crashed into Morrell seconds.
rear wheel and sustained a fall, the mile handicap open was ar Sunday of the month be donated BUY PAIR to tbe Boys race finishing with Chas. Abrahams exciting race with 100 yds, jump Institute.
Fate And Morrel 2nd. Time min. Poraba moram photoY Scratch. Charlie Omphroy, Sangster an The President, in the name of organization then asked me 23 secs, to convey to the boys of the Io nodicial stitute the greatest sympathy of seated by good contestants, fut started trouble in the 1st lay Chapter 14 and wisbed it all Brett proved the strongest and was taken up by Walters; in the Gnished 1st with with Gordon 2nd 3rd lap Bryan went to the front success in the future.
Stephens 3rd. Time 24 sece.
with Beech and Lasarus tearing On Monday night Communder There was much speculation over for a get away from the scratch Watson called the boys of the the lemile cycle novice as the boyo men, but Davis was bot on theri Institute together and informed them of the kind action of the in this close are so bunched that trail and equalized in the 5th lap it is hard to pick the winner. Omphroy darted two Inpe of ho officers and members of Chapter 14. After listening carefully, Everyone bad a good start and the pace the race finishing Davie lat, the boys gave three ringing race was well teamed. Charlie Sangster 2nd and Cecil abraham: BRANCH cheers for Chapter 14.
Abrahams passing the stand on the 3rd. Time mins. 45 5 secs.
3rd lap darted his sprint for the was won by Commander Watson takes this bill and got away from the crowd, Brett, Stephens 2nd and Clarke medium of thanking the officers finishing on a two lap sprint first, 3rd. Time 58 secs.
and members of Coapter 14 for toe kind way in which they en Walters second and Bryan 3rd. Mile Scratchmen Excluded Time min. 51 secs amid great was next and this race was full of tertained him at Panama.
applause the first race won by excitement and amusement.
On Abrahams on the track PANAMA COLON Charlie Abrabams The mile open scratch was the darted away on the last lap and CANAL ZONE NOTES next big event and with nine being confident of winning easily entries, the start was pretty relaxed his sprint, and was pipped warm one, Omphroy setting hot at the tape by Walters, by not La Boca Clubhouse Dace in the 5th lap which elimi. more than 12 inches, resulting nated several riders. Sangster then Walters 1st, Charlie Abrahams 2nd 2nd, Bryan Samuda, Gittens, basis in order to determine the took up the lead with Davis in and Grossett of Panama 3rd. Time The finish of this race marred G; and Bro vn. Tyler. amonnt. It was further dec ded The Woman Lite Problem held close pursuit. In the 7th lap Sangs mins. 28 3 secs, the entire day sport as the public Toe following lodges were that the mat er of death claims its regular monthly social on last ter darted with Davix in close pur The 880 yds. fiat was hard at was deprived of a most sensational repre eated: Flowar of the Isth be adj vuraed to a future meet Thursday, Februfry 14th. They suit when Sangster sustained a fall, the start, but Walker of Panama Goisb, and damages caused through mu: Bros. Smith and ing to be held by a special cor. had as their invited guests, Rev.
Abrahams took away with a great showed himself the best man on the fall, Hinds.
Mulcare, Teacher Walters, Mr.
aprint and was confident of a set the finish and won, Brett 2nd and Special comment should be Unity Lodg9 Nɔ. 3, Bros ELECTION OF OFFICERS Roberts and Secretary Waller.
away, but Davis overtook bim, Stephens 3rd.
The members of the Club are finishing Davis 1st, Abrahams 2nd made on Cecil Abrahams who won McD. Applewhaite and Omphroy 3rd. Time 15 mins. 40 called forth great excitemert. was in the best of form and The grandest of all the events the mile in the first day. He Williams The following officers were working hard for their Model Lyal Nalson 19, Bro. elected to serve 88 District Show which they intend to seca.
Favorites between Davis and through all the races showed strong Osborne.
officers for the year 1924: Bros. exhibit on Thursday evening, After an intermission of some 15 Sangster were divided. 12 faced fight with Davis and Sansgter: Anchor Lodg? 80. Bros. Williams, DGM: Smith, April 24th.
minutes. the mile Cycle scratch the starter, and on the sound of Omphroy, who had dropped out of Thoma and bro, M. A. Allman, The Girl Reserves on the Pacific minutes. Olun dem. sangster and the pistol al darted on. aprint. cycling prominence gave the pub Philips Pos. GiaSKOWE Star of Agron 31. Bros. and Osborne, GT. side will hold their monthly Rally were each of the big class They were installed by Bro. o Saturday evening, February surprise as was ning. Omphrey got away with but things became very tame after believed he was out READING OF MINUTES.
Walter James, im 23rd. Among the interesting events the start and made the pace lively which few lively paces were set but proved his prowess in the 2nd mediately after election. that will take place will be a play while Abrahams took the lead in with the people yelling for their day sports, coming 2nd in the regular PLACE OF NEXT MEETING staged by th Balboa Girl Re3rd Bell lap Sangster serves under the auspicies of Miss tained in the lead and Bavio da favoritetunto me to the front. 75 hall mile cycle. Charlie Abrabama, ball yearly session was read and laps like. from It was decided that he next Dorothy Reed.
ted like a shot from 2: gun but appearances, riding it is a different ments, second and put up. from who won four out of his six engage confirmed.
COMMUNICATIONS AND BILLS place of meeting will be la Pana: Miss Butler who was with us at could not equalise until Sansgter thing. There were many signs of tough fight with Cecil Abrahams, ms under the auspies of Loyal our last Rully will be with us this passed the tape, race finishing retirement in the face of many and Omphroy for 3rd place, which This took the shape of report Nelson No. 19.
Saturday and will give us another Sangster lot, Davis 2nd Omphroy cyclists who were encouraged to be lost. This boy of just sixteen from the District Secretary The meeting was adjourned at instructive address on Health.
is being watched by all which gave a synopsis of the 15. 30 We kope the Girls will Rally to their colors and be present in full took the lead with Walker in near Davis on the of In the 440 yds, dash Brett again on the completion of the 70th lap. and gives promise, if he sticks to working of the District durlog the year.
numbers this. The play hoobado bue Brett gained steadily Pieta mile to be complejom bich he dhe me the become an of our best to per several remarks from s. Council to Moot. wiem ope thatagatur day Dook until Brett lot. Stephens 2nd. Gordon Sangster, like demon had takeu but was out classed by Charlie Several other communications he reached the tape finishing maintained. On the rathchlap cyclists in the near future. Wal.
owing to the Balbos Girls having ters made several brilliant attempts the delegates it was accepted.
to leave to take part in the Ans ård.
members can Carnival at o clock.
possession of him, started to sprint Abrahams, but he also gives pro wore a dealt with concernedanner reminded that there will be rewho fail to be presented out those With Silver cup at stake to be for all he was worth; Davis, how mise of being a good boy in the satisfactory to all concerned.
won times donated by Bates ever, being on the inside hand near future.
meeting of the Past Grand AUDITOR REPORT Masters Council No. 9879 tonight good time.
Co. of Leicester, the boys of this would not permit him to gain class were somewhat excited, but ground. Omphroy, Chas. Abra!
The books of the District (Saturday) at the Flower of the Imprisoned in a Trao and dashed Walters joined the the pistol settled the excitement boms, Bryan Cecil Abrahame and Isthmian District Grand Lodgo Secretary and District Treasurer Anthemie deeroom, near the to America Theatre.
with a quarter of a lap ahead. He chase.
London, January 31. Henry Unfortunately, through I, o. of be correct by Bros. Smith. takes placa at this meeting. Williams and McD. AppleComstock, aged thirty one was was overtaken and Beech made over excitement of the crowd, part rescued by a search party of police.
the trail bot. Ray Lussn was not of which had been standing on the On 8sturday night, February The WORKMAN Printery has re man and farmers near San satisfied with this pace and he innur circle of the track, one man 16, 1923, the regular session of ADJOURNMENT moved and is now located at 93 Antonio, Texas, after being imdarted away in the 10th lap after bat caught Davis in the sprint, and the abovementioned District No. The meeting was adjpurned at Central Avenue, opposite the prisoned for ten days in the hollow which things became tame until in endeavouring to avoid it Inst was held on the above date at 30 a. for retrestiment Cecilia Theatre of a giant oak tree.
Charlie Abrahame mounted the control of his machine e nd sustain St. Charles lod geroom, corner of Comstock, who had been without bad fall.
frade on the 14th lap and dashed ed RESUMPTION Abrahams in 10th and Streets, Colon, under or water during his imprisonThe WORKMAN News ment, was in a state of collapse.
away from the crowd and was never avoiding him also lost control of the susplcles of the Flower of Os resumption the roll was reovertaken after, the race finishing his machine and was thrown in the Latomus Lodge No. called and all present answered paper can be had at the fol doctor who was called, preAbrahams 1st. Walters 2nd state of unconsciou ness, The following district officers to thelr names as at the opening lowing places: scribed food in small quantities.
and Lasarus 3rd. Time 11 5ths several others suetained falls were present and answered their of the session.
The Variety Store, Chorrillo.
The man told his rescuers that he mile flat open was started Sangster avoided the fall, Omphroyames Nelson, Tae first item dealt with was had climbed into the tree in searth with warm paco but things who had ridden into the one 9. Allmaa, the question of death benefits. Lindsay Place, No. 2, of shelter, and had fallen into the became tame until the 4th lap. embankment regained the track Nard, Allwan, After a look and protracted Street, San Miguel.
hollow. His cry for help was heard Walker eliminated many and with Bryan and Beech in dobe and James, debate it was decided that all Mareh, Barber, 55, Cali oaly when he was in the last Iniabad far ist with Jeammarie pursuit. Sanguter lat, Omphroy Smith, lodges should be put on a similar donia Road.
Jstages of exhaustion.
You will be surprised at results American Bazaar Stores the finishing lap food while


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