p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1924 OUR SPORTING PAGE Hairy Wills Obstinate against Dempseyler the farmer any time or any place in the built.
would be were under but suclng.
What Some of our Readers Say receive 200 000 dollars for about is ready to box Firpo LAST SUNDAY RACES Re Criticism Tomorrow Races.
succeeded in beating Firpo the United States, said (By KING)
Mullins said yesterday that he told Rickard we were ready Tv morrow is a big day in Paoa.
The ninth meeting of the Car. REFUSES 69. 000 FOR TWO FIGHTS had declined this proposition and when talked with bim yesterms. It is Carnival Sunday and the nival Season was run at Juan insisted on accepting both bouts day. But want the bout arThe elements of criticism carnival meet will be run at Juso Franco on Sunday afternoon. The usual crowd was greatly angment. Is Not Keen On Fighting Any. for Wills on a percentage basis. ranged on a percintage basis, so depend on the two principles of Franco. The Jockey Club has This counter proposal, according far as Wills is concerned, and ed one Before Getting At a fair spriokling of persons Beauty and Truth, one of wbich arraaged a fine programme of nine to Mallins, did not appeal to want a definite guarantee that it is the final end or objet of study races and it is well they should for from the Windy City whr, like the Dampsey. Rickard and the negotiations Wills best Firpo, Harry will set in every one of its pursuits. Panamanian royalty will be repre.
thousands in Panama, have been were temporarily balted, with a crack at Dempsey and his title. Beauty in letters and arts; sented. Seventy nine horses are captivated by the halo which radiates from Juan Franco. The New York, January 16. An the understanding that manager The Dempsey bout is our of life which has prevailed at Juan ces.
horses were well matched which oder of 300 000 dollars for two and promoter would meet again particular objective. want this Truto, in history and the scien eatered and judging from the bus for Wills above all else. If he musttight Firpo first that match critic is one who is critical of the week a glorious time is Franco during the early mornings kept the crowd guessing from houts in which the services of within a week.
beginning to end and greatly Harry Wille, v Orleans negro Harry Blauluss and Babe will be arranged, whether it is one why is able to determine anticipated.
enhanced the day excitement heavy weight title challenger Cullen, Newark promoters, who for a guarantee or a percentage. what is graceful and what is not There will be two four and two he programme opened with a were sought, has bren rejected operate id the 113:h Infantry Elther arrangement will be ac one who is qualified t) jadge eix furlong races for natives and five furlong race for native horses by Paddy Mullins, manager of giment Armory of clans one which was won by Wills, it became knorthwestec Dreamland ParkNewark, under have assurances that there will the beauties and faults of a imported horses.
and the ceptable to us in the end if we wih knowledge and propriety of and three fives aad two sites for Torre laguna of St.
Santa Clara, day. The fact that Mallins de the incorporated name of the be no oficial interference with a literary performance, producSportsmen The feature events a six furlong who had made ber debut on the clined this offer, which was National. race for imported horses of class previous Sunday winning the usde by Promoter Tex Rickard, yesterday entered the bidding bout between Harry and Dump tion in the fine arts, and so on.
sey Our conduct of business bere Burlesco, recent arrival from was an.
with greatest.
Aidhe the e tents were noucell the proposal ohe bad Newark promoter connect to send that ayb. Pick will come who are cooperate vodoo. and colours are mate: Francisco Mariano The intend to see Rickard again needs to be criticised by those South America, will the the Julia Primera Handicap, named made to Mullins in a conference ference with in when this kind of criticism is The other entrants are Manus, in he nour of the charming queen of bold Friday afternoon in the lat ers headquarters at the to some agreement then.
the Colon Carnival, th: Elida Prince George II tel, and Mul. Pioneer oftered 100. 000 life will take a more encouraglog Psabertas Primera Handicap. Lamed in ing made known the fact that he dollars for Wills to box Ton The distance is such a Pown beautiful had reje ted a guarantee offered Gibbons, Paul light heavy. Firpo Wills Bout For upward treod.
to give each horse a boncur of our fair chance of Elida, Quren of the Panama him by Richard for two bouts weight in twelve round bout July 19.
We are lortunate in having is expected.
victory and a very thrilling finish con template for May 1, at Carnival, and the Colon Handicap for Wille.
great weapon in the form of the Dreamland Park.
The race which perhaps is likely In the Julia Primera, a mile Naw York, F:b. The pro. weekly pa jer, the WORKMAN to be the most exciting is the fivo mee for imported horses of clust re still being carried on how Blau uss and Calien asserted posed Firpo lls byxing match but it he usefulness will only be furlong event for imported horses such notables no Lisorjero ver. Rickard plans to conduct they were prepired to make a will be helt July 19, either in felt when we use its columns of class Twelve Ane horses are Factor Ruso. Consul, Dad, Word a tout between Wills and Lui similer offer to Gbbɔns, Mullins Pennsylvania or Connecticut, it intelligently and with good intent entered including such birds as barrier. After a comparative with the understanding that the sideration.
Girl, ard Chileno assembled at the Angel Firpo some time in Jals, ok this propval under con was announced by a spokesman bave noticed, with pleasure, the Chomba Lora, Yankee, Mullins al 20 and for the syndicate promoting the addition to that paper of Buck Dancer, Tonin, Tigre, Chileno, of General Gomez to victory in the Juck Dempser, world bear. ideration a similar offer of a 125. 000 will hard strugsle, Consul bore the silk finner of this match will meet nounced that he had under con match. stadiun seating Musical and Sporting Page Wood Girl and Confetti.
This and consider this a valuable ad certainly will be some sprint. Tofine time of 44, and registered the weight champion, in a bout in quirantee for Wills to box Firpo It was understood that Morris. dition. In reading trough the morrow bein confetti day watch first important win for the Vene September. Both bouts, accord at Dreamland Park on July for ville, Penn. and Hartford, Conn. pages, bovever, tind that to the out for Mr. Espinosa Confetti in zuelan contingent.
ing to present tilans The Elida Primera was a severheld in the Polo Grounds.
Blaufuss and Cullen.
consideration, with inteligeot mind the caption does this event.
furlong race for imported horses Mullins and Rickard are expect WANTS IRON CLAD GUARANTEE.
the selection favouring the forin not cover what is really Alta Mae who beat ber field in expected th, greater er, which is opposite Trenton, for part of the seven furlong for imported class of Nine horses faced to confer again this week in par In announcing his rejection of Ja on the Dºla ware river, the the starter and a most sensational in effort to reach an understand. Rickard offer Mullins en Afty five miles from New York with columos is taken horses of class on Sunday last up will again meet them in a six furfinish anticipated, the most fer ble was and was not to be. It was surprising phasized the fict that he wag City and thirty five miles from uninteligent attemps to long venture and so will FlapMAKES COUNTER PROPOSAL.
if not disgusting to rote how Alta desirous of staging a Wills Firpo Poil delhi, reached by two rail criticise. While intelligent per and Doris Mortoo in a distance According to up overs criticism is of five furlongs.
Mre, who has blown yesterday bout on a percentage basis, and roads and several excellent high and constructiva at the added for her that he wanted an ways.
ox and a half journey on the levelopments Rickard, The native events will be as weicomed by all peoples revious Sunday, defeated her fiel Prince George Hotel conference, iron clad guarantee that it Wills The spokesman suid the syndi as West Indians should not be usual interesting and carry with in a seven furlong raer. Capitana it which wills, incidentally was buttered the South American cate would post a 50 000 guar an exception to the rule, our them the promise of some large pocis.
who is rapidly regaining form present, offered Mullins 100, 000 into submission, he would be as antee within a few days with a feelings should not be practiced The following comprise made a gigantic effort at the finish dollars Wills end of a boutured of a bout with Dempsey local bank and that Firoo would upon for the woims and caprices tho and took second mcrey.
gainst Firpo, and a contract for the title against danger of put a forfeit of 25, 005 in a of who so ever will, through the entries: Wills would otticial interference.
Buenos Aires bank.
medium of the press.
First Race furlonge, Purse very pretty roce was the Celor providing that 25 Poro Puro 118, and ChoHandicap, a six furlong event for lito (Thundercloud) 82, Zapo 114, imported borses of class After a Kissing Cup 113, Jack 110, and rapid process of elimination, Medi Flor de Lis 80, Spearmint 99, Dina on Buck Dancer and Teran on vala 99, Capault 96, Chilmark 76.
Chilero were left fight it out Second Race furlongs, Purse and a terrible struggle was waged 150 May Be 114, Casey 111, between these two fighters; but Menelik 108, Frutero 104, Pachis superior endurance prevailed and (Torrelaguana) 104.
good old Chileno was acclaimed Third Race furlongs, Purse victor. 200 El Corneta 126, Urama 124, The unruly Flapper, after a long 111, Estrella 101, Quien schooling started and won the Sabe 99.
Sabants Handicap paying a pool Lewis Brent, who hails from Cyril Laudus of Bridgetown Lewis Thomas of Manchester Pourth Race furlongs, Purse of 20 80 and Tio Cucho a ither Christ Church, Barbados, resides Barbades, resides at La Boca, and Jamaica declares that nothing 300 Alta Mae 126, and Super belated graduate from the muiden at Street San Miguel, and employed at the oil house. Bal pleases him better than smoking Gloria 112, Toujours Debout 110, class paid the handsome puol of employed at the Material and boa says, In smoking various Victor cigarettes as they are in Plaudellis 109, and Antonieta 92 26, 30.
Construction Department, Ancon, brands of cigarettes am very deed a most mild and pleasant Frou Frou 109, and Oh Pab 98, RESULTS.
says. am truly delighted with pleased with the results get from smoke.
Starry 104, Capitana 98, Sanctuary Jockey Club Hardicap, fur Victor Cigarettes, they are the best Victor cigarettes, and have de87.
longs Torielaguna 1, Ben Battle cigarettes have ever smoked.
cided to smoke them always, Thadeus Stockley of Ewarton Fifth Race furlongs, Purse Pocl paid 60.
Jamnica, residing at 21st street and 150. Roamer 118, Zapa 106, Juan Franco Handicap, fur George Brothwaite of St. James Duncan Hammersmith of Vicemployed at the dry dock says, Jorgs. Lipue 1, Rialto Pool Barú 105, aod Bajareque 92, Lisadro 98.
poid 40.
Barbados, resides at Carlos Mennever feel so contented as when toria Trinidad, resides at Red doza Street in this city, snys, Sabanas Handicap, furlongs Tauk and employed by the Sani smoke Victor cigarettes; they give Sixth Race. furlongs, Purse 400 Burlesco Manus 135, smoke Victor Cigarettes because Censul 1, Factor Ruso ool me a real sensation of pleasure.
tary Department of the Canal they are the most enjoyable smoke Zone says smoke Victor Sasafras 118, Dad 110, Don Juan paid 70, Elda Primera Handicap. fur have had for the past months. cigarettes constaatly and up to the Frank Lawrence of Kingston present have found them a most Jama ca, resides at 22 street longs. Alta Mae 1, Capitana Seventh Bace furlongs, Purse Gunchapali where he keeps a small Pool paid CO.
agreeable smoke. 200 Neptune 128, Decinueve 128 Stephen Buckland of St. Phillips, tailoring catablishment, and gives Vedrines 112, Flapper 109, Chagres National Handicap, furlongs Barbados, at La Boca and emsatisfaction to his many clients, 108, Fulera 92.
Tormer 1, Baru Poul paid ployed at the Balboa Restaurant, Samuel Cooper of Port of Spain declares that he will not smoke Eighth Race furlongs, Purse declare that he smokes Victor Trinidad, resides at 14th street in another brand of cigarettes but 400 Chomba Loca 130, and Buck Handicap Junta de Carnival, Cigarettes and is much gratified this city and employed by the Victor as they give him all the Dancer 114, Estrella de Panama furlongs. Chilenc 1, Buck Dancer with the pleasure he derives from Panama Labour Syndicate states, pleasure he needs 121, and Retams 100, Yankee 118, Pool paid 10.
that during his long period of and Chileno 110, Tofin 114, and Muiden Handienp furlongs.
smoking he has not experienced Ernest Knight of Chapelton, Santa Clara 100, Tigre 111, and Tio Cucho. Contraveneco any brand of cigarettes to equal Confetti 100.
Joseph Warner, of Bridgetowr, Pool paid 26. 30.
Victor Jamaica, resides at Darien, where Barbados, resides at Street he is employed at the Wireless Ninth Race furlongs, Purso and employed at the Casino, states, Station, states that he has no 100 Eléctrico 106, Contraveneno that he mokes Victor Cigarettes BIG 106, Zapote 106, Aristócrates 104, George Doyzell, a native of the limit to his praise of Victor Cigain preference to all other brands, and Júpiter 102, Indio 102, and Isle of Spice. Grenada, resides rettes. He has smcked them conbecause he finds them a mild and at Corozal, and employed at the and Cholo 102, Carta Blanca 98, stantly and is perfectly sure they mellow smoke.
Lunatic Hospital states he enn cannot be surpassed Bob 96. Talisms 92, and Guaraaffirm that Vietor cigarettes merit guao 100, Cantina 90, Chance 88.
AT Lester Oswall of St. James all that has been written about Moses Stephen Alexander Barbados, resides at La Boca and them in the WORKMAN, as an enIsthmian Park native of Bowden Jamaica, states, MUSICAL NOTES works at Pier i8 Balboa, states, joyable first cluss smoke.
that his only brand of Cigarettes that Victor Cigarettes are his are Victor because they suit bis favourite smoke, ih y excell all the Fri. May 30, 1924 Whitenere Sharp of Westmore.
taste and are mild and pleasant to (BY LEACOCK)
other brands he has ever smoked.
the finish.
land Jamaica, resides at La Boca What are you going to do about and employed at the Material sud your special gift (your voice. The Isthmian Park will be reWilfred Glasgow of Christ Construction Department, Balboa Jonathan Gonzales of GeorgeRoland Hayes was a waiter, he opened for athletie sports on May Church, Barbados, resides at La 30th, 1924, through the efforts of Balys certainly prefer Victor town, Demerara, resides at Paraiso found himself with a voice, went Boca and works at Pier 18, states, cigarettes to any other brand of the Beneficent Athletic Associaand employed at the Pedro Miguel to Europe and had it developed.
that he is an ardent smoker of cigarettes. find them most locks says, Victor cigarettes are tion. which was recently organized Now he is demanding all kinds of Victor Cigarettes and always finds pleasant of all the cigarettes ever an enjoyable smoke and am money in return. We have shown for the purpose of festering athletsmoked, them a most agreeable succke.
ics ard wholesome sports in the you our ability with the green never without them. They are en: joyable at all times of the day.
Republic and the Canal Zone.
members of Hello New York, This association is greatly inwe showed you what we can do in George Phillips of St. Phillips, Nathaniel Latiboucliere of Cos.
four months with your voice, we Barbados, resides at La Bora, and delted to the Panamanian GovernHubert Antonio Rosseau of tries, St. Lucia, resides at 20th ment employed at the Couling Plant Street West, a fisherman and who Port of Spain, Trinidad, resides at showed you first class results with making this venture a possibility. says, have been smoking for is very successful, says, smoke 3rd of November street Guachapali Mrs. Olga King voice in year, Victor Ciparettes and can state nearly 14 years, but must confess where he works at his trade as a we showed you a beautiful little All athletes are therefore asked that Victor cigarettes are a marvel voice in Miss McKay in sis shoemaker, states that he smokes to prepare themselves in every from experience that they are the months. Come over to oj Street in themselves as a mild and Victor cigarettes and finds them in right kind of smoke when you form to take part in all the events No. 10, right now and we will on that day to be able to deterpleasant smoke.
a class by themselves.
need a good diversion of pleasure.
decide a career for you just the mine championship.
same and at very little cost.
For further informotion apply to SEL RETARY Beneficent Athletic Assn.
Advertise in the Workman Box 853, Ancou, Phone 690, Panama, IT PAYS 110. 12 40 Athletic Meet a The Cigarette without a Fault


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