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RELIGIONS THE 1924 DESTRUGTIVE FIRE AT AWAKENING CARNIVAL CROSS ROADS, JAMAICA Revivals Break Out Follow. Turns out to be Greater ing Healing Meeting Held Success Than Was at by Rev. Raglan Phillips First Anticipated.
Causes Property Damage of Over Says Among Other Things that la Correspondent The carnival has come 50, 000 Through Lack of Water. Writing Servei Tarrades Grundet som er andre has her generan Panama Canal is in Wrong Place.
says: voted a huge sucress, at the Following the healing meetings spirit which greeted its advent. Gleaner under date February 9th says:finish considering the lukewarm The Jamaica Gleaner of March 1st reports a disasA Correspondent from London writing to the Jamaica trous fire which devastated a large area at Cross Roads oa being held by Rev.
Phillips and his Light Brigade Enthusiasm and ex itement the 29th ul! o. thus:at Bluefields and st Sav. la Mar, started with the arrival of Queen London Feb. According to Gosport.
In the still hours of yestrdnyCyril Smart was saved, The revivals have broken ont at each Elida Saturday morning ca her the present programme the Special The new British Government is frorning when the residents of the tenements to the west were, place and some remarkable things arrival to declare the freedom of Servic Squadron which consists of going to cut 091. 000 of the cruis naval stimite for the coming vicinity of Cross Roads were slum. however, consumed and then the are taking place, especially at the the city during the four days of her the mighty ba bering peacefully there arose the fire spread to the fine residence first named place where the reign of joy and mirth And from the battle cruiser Repulse, and the financial year, ant takes the duty thrilleries of fire! fire! woman of Mrs Ernest DePass. In less the moment she was handed the five light cruisers Delhi. Danae, off the sugar. It is understood that meeting began than keys of the city, the frolie and fun Dragon, Dunbedin and Dauntless the cut will be largely made in had gone to the Old Lion Bar prem no time the whole building was Some people are throwing away began, and waxed greater and will arrive at Jamnien on the 26 administrative votrs, and the ises to get some water when she enveloped by the all devouring their ornaments and some females greater with every succeeding July next and remain till the 30th, reduction of pensioners who are perceived a huge tongue of flame flames. Some of the furniture in are burning their clothes without bour until the wee hours of Wed when it will lave for Halifax and drawing pensions and pay for proceeding skywards. No time was the house was sived, bit despite having been told to do so.
nesday morning.
Quebec It was thought that the varion servica as well.
lost in communicating the discov. the efforts of the fire fighters the No building can be obtained ery to the Police; and in a dwelling could not be saved. At It is believed that the programme Squadron would make som West Triumphal processions through: Ludian calls, in addition to of light eru ier building will be short time many of the residents one time the fire looked as though large enough to hold the crowds out her domains were made by, Jannica, but the official pro proceeded with, though the niin the scene. When the fire was firt home Its progress was, however, sometimes broke ouage that while serpentine and confetti theo in and arouud Cross Roads were on it would also spread to the Gore that gether and listen hour after Queen Elida each day necompanied gramme makes no provision for bor of ships to be built will be hour to the simple, homely and by her court and mails of honour, observed it could have been got arrested but not without litanie over a lɔnger period.
under control, but there was no efforts of a band of willing workers. the pleadings of Sister Mary Coore, jocularly, along the principal two years commission of the light naval base sehene and all the evangelistspe k; especially to battles waged furiously, though the last week of Novemberthe in connection with the Sinz upore Toward the close of the year Fors) for, nothing ha en done water in the hydrant: and there FIRE BURNT FOR TWO HOUR, asister of Rev. Coore, who highways during was really no one on the scene who could pull The fire, which was discovered says that she was only a stam evenings and at nights in the Parks cruiser Curlew Captain Stanley reports of the Government inten adjoining buildings to prevent the clocheatrept arter past three nering litil girl until God bap, where well organised banesatis Holbrook, MV will expire tions were less or more intelligent o clock swept the area mentioned tized her with the Holy short and persed appropri te carnival musi.
The comission of the light anti iption. Nothing definivite from spreading.
the first businessmen who turned in about two hours, and it was not loosened her stammering tongue.
cruiser Colombo, Cantain Wolfe bus teen arivel at nor will be till Ench succeeding day outdid its Murr on the North nerica the Colonies are ag in consulte out on the scene was Mr. Heory Of course the Before the end of every predecessor in enthusiasm and ex. and West Indies Statiǝn will expire NAVIC STATON IN are and Navy Care, a few doors below and wi the rising sun, what the penitents and we got so exited day, when Queen Eli la I, the on the 15th Mareh next.
The There is so ne chuckling here in knot slow, will take the place naval circles at the fall of the here were then scores of willing aren was converted into a scene of is with difficulty they can be res march through the city in her of the Mine on the North Panama Canal during the recent to arrest the progress of the one to block of buildings des she was upening the meetings Seristie Yn design and significance Orinon le is being fittel out at dengan lebony serpiloty tehen who were there ready desolation. Many hail gone there trained from bawling aloud, and stately turtle hell tlost, which is American and West Indies stationeration by the US navy. It throwing themselves on. generally conce fire. But what could they do troyed by fire; but around there some church mesubers and exposve seen in the most in the course of a few weeks. The has long ben kow here that the There was no water and when the Carnival. To Divenport.
Canal suppose and that Fire Brigade came from Kingston che many weeping men and their chilchen, shelterless and with officers have been confessing that adequately describe this misterWhen the Elehth Licht Cruiser Beriment dering the pil think it coult not stand ngrinst a bomCross Ronds Pol. ce they also flames. And there is no doubt their positions and have been Mr Roberto Lewis, would send the West Inches ports, the sloop: VAiphoned for by their by of the The canal strategically in the were nable to do anything. Oi a that progress of the fire could have asking the Lord to restore unto writer back to delve in ancient lerian, Commander Bruime wrong place an. the most Rilline. truth the whole affair was most ben Allayed if there was water. them the joy of their salvation.
heart rending. There men stood The Hon. A Simpson, the history. But it is sufficient to Gardivne, and the defen lere could not hill either by and saw their buildings and Commi sioner of the Kingston and ing have ako taken place to the 1921 Carnival was a combination are undergoing rofit at Bermuds by Squadrons which no existing Many remarkable cases of hral state that the Queen float in the taris, Commander Johnston, ent of the water less supported stock.
It ww. true, the stocks were St. Andrew Municipal Corporation astonishment of many who have of art and taste rarely seen in They will be out of hands by the nail power could spure if engaged was on the scene quite early; but witnessed it.
a Paralyzed people these days and in this place.
16th inst, after which they wi in a life and de. th struggle Raved, but heavy articles of fur even his presence did not bring the have been carrid in, bren anoint. The grand Procession on Tues. proceed on patrol north and south to learn that there is no intention In the it is satisfactory niture and tistures could not be water earlier than it carne. The ed with oil and prayed for, and day afternoon did not come up to removed At the outset of the fire lesson of the fire has taught the have afterwards walke! about the standard of past years in LT, COL HEALING GOES ON of reducing the Rival forces of the at ost 100 pallons of water would people of Lower St. Andrew two rejoicing in God love and His magnitude but the itcats that took HALF PAY North Amrica and West Indies. Healing Station, or th gurrison at there was no water and so the things: The first is the crees ity healing power. Many have come part, with a few exceptions, were formerly or the West Ladin Regia Jamuan? Bermula. smai flames leapt from one John Hunt the second, the establishment o miracles are not yet over, but that of an increased water supply, and to the conclusion that the days of all beautifully designed and ment has just been placed on half though thesgirrisons are, they are quickly consumed Harper shoe. Cross Rosuls. date fire br gode at strikingly significant, and it would maker shop, demolished Chorg is the day of simple faith in God: des ribe each separately. Suftice command of the 1st Battalion Duke work and could be easily rength.
Loy grorery; leapt over to Joy (Continued on Page 8) and they quote the scripture that to say, they were all appropriate of Wellington Regiment atlened if nee ls be.
when He cometh will He and leat grandeur and uiguity to Kee laundry establishment and in a short time the two storey St. Paul Day School the find faith on the earth?
grand occasion.
building where Mr. Both at Bluefields and at Sav.
Kaiphat St. Paul Day School has just anna la Mar it is ouly the Salva: booths, were very serut this ear.
The toldos or tamborita dancing The Pacific Child Ipublie that jers, mockery and carried on a tavern busiess was completed its first munth of operation Army that are willing to lend nival, but the few seca wre of a slanders were the foremost charge ren Institute, terstis of the people. Bat to day enveloped in mars of flames. tion and the report is more than what do we see and hear? The Willing hands tied their utmost 10 sime people are saying Watson for remove his tro billiard tables, his great tiyingin Seventy five pupils their buildings for this revival. As higher order than one previous were years We take great pleasure in giving ever.
piano and other valuable furniture. have been made since last week, hundreds of people who would he order maintained throughcut publicity to the following article The fire bad put the electric lights and it is expected that the en account of lack of acccm mordation. exemplary and the local police must promoter of the Parlic Children ren futur, and this great Republike am appealing to you in the cannot on the four days of fiestas was indeed from Mr. Harris, Director and nam of God, yourself, your chillout of commission and the task rollment will increase next week before Mr. Kalphat beram hopeNightengale, who be congratulated on this occasion Lustitute located at 15th February lie to rise and do your bit. The less. It was only possible for him with the assistance of Mr. Joseph teen bind for many years brought for having little or not. ing to do. Street, Go chapali. The move. length of daysas do read TO SAVE FEW THINGS Hogia and Mr. Ashton Gilkes a Bible to show the people hel on a whole it is gratifying to ment is certainly a most necessary of those old Patriarchs ar not but the bulk of bis stock and the formed the teaching staff for the could once more read it after he record that the Carnival of 1924 one and Mr. Harris deserves the experienced nowadays. What shall whole of bie furniture were con first month.
had received his sight. The people which was at first slated to be a wholehearted support both finan your boys say of you when you sumed by the all devouring flames. The Rev. Nightengale yesterday are testifying drily as to healings palpable failure, as compared with cially and otherwise from the are deal and what will you leave By this time the spark and burn appointed Mr.
Hoyan as Principal rereived, and are giving God the other Carrivals, turued out to be entire West Indian community for them when you are about ing embers began to fly helter of the school with Mr. Gilkes as glory for doing what some say He a most enthusiastic and brilliant The article which is highly inter to die? Death is certain, sure and skelter and most of the tenements his assistant.
cannot do nowadays.
Then prepare your boys in the Old Lion Bar, the Dunbar Mr. Hogan is a certificated am to state that His for the future calling.
premises, and those vccupied hy teacher from Barbados and has had Honour the Mayor of the city. In the many receptions, Banquet Mr. Kalphat were soon in the grip considerable experience in that Meeting of Panama Canal News Items. Don Leonidas Pretelt has signed a Hall, Anniversaries, and other of the all devouring fames. It was country. On the isthmus he has contract with me to turn over all places of musements, we boast of most heart renting to hear the held several clerical positions, but Association the boys who are aud sball be com the boys of t) day who shall be the poor women and children shrieking the new appointment places him Hubert Williams, the chauffeur mitted from time to time to in. men of tomorrow. May ask for help. Some of them succeeded back in his proper element. He is who rode Louis Gaynor to death prisonment to be tutored and what heve you done or what are in getting out some of their belong a hardworking and energetic man, There will be a meeting of the few weeks ago on the Corozal cared for. certain fee is being you doing to make them be whit ins others nnd to flee for their and his earnespess and ability as Panama West Indian Road, was convicted of involuntary arranged which is very moderate in you desire? Faith without work is lives. By this time there was a exhibited during his month of trial Employes Association on Monday manslaughter and sentenced on the its figures. This goes to educate dead. You say that my boy atstrong gust of wind and in the bave led to his appointment. night the 10th inst at 30 Ist instant by Judge Wallingford and subsist them.
tenaing school. Teachers who Kalphat block a grocery shop Mr. Gilkes is well known in at La Boca. All interested are to thirty months imprisonment in It is very regrettable to state have the task of training the bays kept by Josiah Henry soon caught Panama as a promising and rising asked to take notice and be on the Gamboa Penitentiary. that the natives whose children of this city can verify the fact that fire, Building and stock were young man, who also showed great time.
are less a nuisance to the West very few of them retain their quickly consumed, then the flames ability during the month His apIndian settlements are doing all good manners and training, after leapt over to Mew Kee Yow pointment in also well nerited, grocery and he soon shared the The staff will be increased with IMPORTANT NOTICE.
Fort Davis was the scene of that lie in their power to foster they have left school. The Master apparent double murder and at this Institute, while the people then becomes their playmates, and ſale of his neighbour. The Misses the growing enrollment. The Rev.
tempted suicide in the early morn from the various West Indian that where your labour is lost. Let Alyerarga e dry goods establishment Mr. Nightengale will supervise the It has been brought to the ing of Thursday the 6th. Mes Ser Islands who were taught, one may us make a new start and put this was the next 10 catch, but al. work of the school and teach notice of this office that a young geant, Heslin and Smykowski, say from their cradles, to honour, programme over. As England ex: though the building was destroyed certain subjects, for the time being. man by the name of Nichols is cook, are the dead, and Sergeant love, respect and to obey, are pects every son of the soil to do they were able, with willing assist meeting of the Board of going around Panama claiming to John Broderick who is believed to waging vain and countless propa. his duty so also every son of a ance, to save a large portion of Directors of the schoool will be be a runner for the WorkMan be the culprit is lying with his face gandas against the work rather mother in Panama expects you to their stock. The fire was now called some time next week. Office; we therefore take this ala ost shot off in the Ancoa Hos than assisting to build it up. do your duty toward their future located in the block of buildings Persons desiring to have their opportunity to inform our patrons pital. No details are to hand but The past history of the Colon welfare. This Institute opens day owned by Mr. John Sinclair, and children and their wards enter and the public generally that we it is thought that following a Boys Institute is not a hidden and night. For particulars enquire it was with difficulty that the this school might make application have no runners on the streets and quarrel or during a fight Broderick mystery. The things now seen for Harris, Ditrecor, Don major portion of the stock of the at the school any day during the that the young man in question is shot the two men, and sensing the were not reached by sudden flight. allow the police authorities to hardware establishment of Mr. week.
in no way connected to this office, danger, turned the rifle on himself. The commander Watson sated in bring you possible.
it esting follows:pleased Canal a


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