
When in doubt SMOKE Strollers 六要 66 Stationery There Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR ex officio.
The PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1924 NOTICE Mirror Making Service All members of the Life Law THE WORKMAN Benevolent, are hereby sum. ones made to order; also the silverOld Mirrors re silvered and New moned to attend a special meeting ing of mirrors taught at reasonable on Thusday night the 11th, inst at prices. Call at No. 6, 15th Feb8 for the purpose of transactPublished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies to all. Failure to attend. will, in write to Brown, Section 7a, ing business of grave importance rary Street, Gunchapali (not far from the Salvation Army Hall) or VALLOND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all matters the absence of a reasonable excuse Panarua.
venue, Panama, de of public interest invited. written) result in a fine of twenty stamps for reply.
Please enclose cents All copy for publication must be Box 74, Panama five ceots.
written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of (See page 20, Rule 27 Sec. and be guided accordingly. One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Six Months. AUSTIN, 20 tiun but as a mark of good faith.
Three Secretary 6Ce.
We do not undertake to return reOne 25.
jected correspon ence.
The 1 Quality Cigarette The Epworth League Tuo ulberty of the Press Is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS The Epworth League of the In the Zone SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1924.
5cts. per pack Methodist Episcopal Church at Guachapali has been quietly NK 66 Republic 10cts.
doing its share of the work among he young people of the community for the last six years UNJUSTIFIABLE DISCRIMINATION or more. The object of the League is to train the young EDUARDO VALENCIA people to express their thoughts, to cultivate the habit of reading AT THE Every once in a while somebody on the Canal Labor Plaza Santa Ana the Bible daily, to seek for them WORKMAN PRINTERY Union starts yelping about nning the aliens and suchselves and help others attain, like rot which, whenever it is beard, causts a dispassionate the highest New Testament Distr butor for Panama resentment on the part of the people who feel the inferenstandard of experience in life.
tial significance of the propaganda. Canning the aliens are three sections of St, Matthias Miss! on the ague, ie, the might sound like a big phrase and there may be many who In Junior, Las Sabanas.
termediate and Senior. These Cburch School take it to be a big mouthful, but to all who know better it are divided into four departis nothing more than a boax.
ments; eash in charge of an 16 Eredrong and Address, If the labor unions of the Panama Canal had had real officer of the cabinet. The power there is no knowing where their swatting would P. NIGE IENGALE Priest in charge officers of the present cabinet end, so far as the aliens are concerned. They would put are, Mr. Cyrus Wilkins, President; Miss Violet Chandler, 1st the aliens (West Iudians particularly) cut of every position St. Peter Church, La Boca.
Vice President, Dept. of Spirit in the Panama Canal or ailroad service, except the low ual work; Miss Iris Vaughn, 2nd Holy Communion 30 a.
and menial offices in the Sanitary Department. Sometime Vice President, Dept. of World Holy Baptism 30 ago they detitled the colored Clerks and labelled them For strengthening the BLOOD Evangel D; ss Mildred At. Mattin, Liany and addren at 11 am. office helps and messengers. Then, they started playkinson, 3d Vice President, Church School p. o.
ing a game in which the st Indian was the implemen.
Dept. of Social Service; Mr. Choral Evensong and sermon 30 Dalrymple Systett, 4th Vice Recommend. for Removing the Humors of Vujous dei artments discovered that they could dispenie On Mond y, Wednesday and Friday with the services of aliens, and that it sh uld be done, at Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, President, Ptof creation there will be Divine Service at 7am.
and Culture: Mr. Hubert short addresses will be delivered by th OUC, because they were a meuace to the safety of the Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Morrice, Secretars; M18 ane Rector at each service.
Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disruce, Treasurer; Miss Elsie Keyser, Junior League Super. MULCARE. Rector.
Now comes Gompers in an infamous document which eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
intenden. Misses Lilian wlkins St. Barnabas Church, Empiro Je hopes to get favored by the Congressional body of the and Gladys Chandler, Pianist Morning Prayer and address at 11 am.
United ales say ng that the aliens are holding positions An Alterative recommended for purify. and assistant pianist, respective Church School and afirmation Class and offices that ought to be filled by Americans. Gompers ing and enriching the BLOOD.
ly, and Mr. Levy Latty, Member, p.
made a better showing when he was here a few months Evensong and address p.
League meets every T MULCARE Priest in charge ago, and we trea ed bim with due courtesy in these For Sale at all Drug Stores Tuesday night at 30 and dise umns We thought he would, by bis subsequent action, misses at 30. leader is St. Bartholomew s, Church, mert all that we said. We have been deceived in the old And in Large Quantities by selected for each meeting.
It is Las Cascadas man.
his duty to read the lesson for The Litany, Holy Communion sermon If Gompers had visited the canal fifteen or even JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy the meeting and explain it, then 10 45.
call upon each member in turn Church School and Confirmation Class twelve years ago, he would not likely have ever uttered such AGENT to answer questions in connecimpolitic and los ile statements against the aliens. He tion with the topic.
at 30 pm would have seen that the clerks and straw bosses did all answering questions, the newBesides Evening Prayer and Address at p.
of the work and were indispensable while their bosses hai Round The World Liner compose the Dollar, Steamship bers are expected to express MULCARE Priest in charge a breezy time. He would have known that the aliens Lines round the world service. their thoughts on the tople, The wire the people who made up the difficult daily reports Passes Through Canal.
liners, and are among the finest in for business meetiog, and once 3rd STREET PROADWAY, COLON ind time rolls while the bosses signed their names at the the world. They were recently for a social meeting; in this bottom without taking the trouble to find out whether the BOUND FOR LOS ANGELOS built and acquired for this service, meeting the program. be COD Sabbath (Saturday) 45 to bbath reports were wrong or right. In those day the a iens and AND SAN FRANCISCO.
and in sign and equipment the sists of songs solis aud duets, Sehnol; 11. 15 mm General Worobip their bosses were friends, tried and true. But the times seve ships are identical. dia ogues, recitations, games, 30. Young people meeting 30 in Vespers have changed; the work is only routine now; adding The President Garfield of machines and vpewriters, calculating tables and stereo the Dollar Line, in command of Sunday evening 30p. Preaching DRAINED HER CRANKCASE!
The topic for the next meeting In: The Eworth Lagu Service. All are invited to attend these type forms make the fixing of daily reports and records Cantain Lowry, arrived at litle xirl from the city had been Ta. Luke 22: 21 27. Tais is rervices and being a friend.
uke 2: series on that is why the pitiable subterfuge of their be ng a menace Vanna, and after a stop of six questioned as to what kind of time World Service of the League the Seventh Day Adventist Church STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, and Churcb.
the Pacific Coast ports and yu don even know how to milk a to the Far East, through the Suez cow.
ton by Mr. Gompers.
The pablie is welcome to any (nent Isthmian Park. PANAMA. mee lug of the League, bbath (8. turday) 45 a. SabIt is quite easy to talk about removing West Indians back to New York on June h. Bet do, she said.
Oa beior preted for part! eulars as to bab Sobool; 11. 15 General Worship out of offices and replacing them by American citizens. The trip will occupy about four bow it was done, be reprisd, u take LUCKY? WHY NOT? 80 Spanish Class; Not regarding the selfishness of the propaganda, the de months.
the cow into the barn and give her some Young People Meeting; p.
sign of it is exceedingly malicious and unjustly discrimin Modern Magellans to day can breakfast ford and water, and then you sad health now relied were the King Tu Vapere, Ring wura manera all over the world. Abandone Eunday Evening 80p. Preaching ating. It is too evidently preposterous to be practically start twice a month on that voy drain ber crankenre realized. In the first place, it will b: a question of ec pomy age that the early portuguese navi: per to the wearer. SEND attend these services and bring your ymbola Chich bring Servie. You are cordially invited to with the Government. The removal of West Indian aliens gator found so difficult and perilous SHE WASN THAT, for the Dollar Line has inauguund string the of your fingre friends, and the replacement of them by American citizens will rated a world service with fort Mister Jackson: Yo husband. am preferred 15 Postap stampe seerpted. Orders mean the bringing into the tropics men unaccustomed to hightly railings, Every fourtex a o hin but sewed off erah, Sabonetako Baptist Church this clim ute who would have to get transportation, forth days. Dollar Liner will pass Jubnuing: bettah tun away and metry GRIFFIN SALES SERVICE 3421 South Wabash Ave.
Colon 11. mo. Pastor Thrift; and back, in the indispensable annual vacation. m a big nigrob!
The through the Panama Canal going me Chicago, IL. 30 P. 715 Rev. Surgeon, Mro. Jubasing: way, big bigPanama Canal faces, already, a serious difficulty in the ever westward, Cho rillo 11 De on E, L:wie; matter of reservations for the long list of vacationists who Seven magnificent sister ships gah. nin no bigaermis. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. 15 Pastor Witt.
Corozal Road 11. Leader Tait; are always going up to recuperate their deyitalized constitutions. If aliens are pushed aside and Americans Our Patrons and well Red Tank 11 Daen Stewart 15 Leader Galimore.
The best Tonic in the World employed in their places, the great trouble of providing wishers are hereby notified 15 Dokoon Yearwood.
transportation, up and down, will be an unpleasant and unthat the office of the WORK. Empire 11 fa. Pastor Witt; p. m, satisfactory experience for the Panama Railroad, which, MAN PRINTE has been Rev. Buogle; 15 Descon Cumwe do not believe, they would like to meet. Then, the removed and is now Jocated Gatun 11. Deacon Smith; 15 mingo This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
question of quarters and the increased cries for free houses, in more commodibus quarters Mise Barnhouse.
free fuel and free light! We wonder at what rating Mr.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, at 93 Central Avenue, op Pueblo Nuevo 11. Descon Linton; Gompers and his Union would place the American clerks Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up posite the Cecilia Theatre, 15 Mr, Minto, It must not be taken for granted that every unionist a run down constitution.
where we will be in a New Providence 11 a, m, and 16 in on the Zone is in favor of the silly and unkind proposition.
supplied It promotes digestion, improves the appeposition to better accommoThere are those who believe that the suggestion is harmful date patrons, tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system to the aliens, and their views are at variance with it. These THE CHURCH OF GOD.
men feel that it is unfair to seek and urge for the introduc DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or tion of any measure that will lead to unjustifiable discrimi4 times a day.
Church Services.
Colon and Streats. Gospel meet igs at 11, 30 30 Sunnation against aliens. The aliens bore the heat and brunt day. School at 3p.
of the struggle when the canal was under construction. American Episoopal Church) Sis. BREWSTER Pastor Evengl.
The thousands of tourists who have visited this country. Anglion Communion) Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meeting and even the hundreds who have been here this very week, FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT at 11. 30a. and 39 m; Sunday School at pm.
would never have been able to come here, and if they did, St. Paul Church, Panama Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH would never have left alive, had it not been for the alien ployees and co workers. Both British and French citizens Holy Communion New Providence. Goepel Meetings at West Indians who cleared the jungle and reclaimed the are entitled to more generous treatment than is offered in 10 am. The Litany 11. 30 sm and 30 Sunday swamp and put the guit in the death dealing mosquito. the proposed replacement scheme.
10, 21 m, Holy Eucharist sermon.
School at Besides, the West Indians here are of either British or It would be silly to argue that, all things being equal, Church School Si ELLIOT, French nationality. We know the friendly feelings which American citizens should not be given the preference 30 Cloral Evensong sermon Red Tank, Csal Zoue Sunday School avowedly exist between the Americans and the French and and privilege of employment over all others, but to oust NIGHTENGALE Rector at p. sad Prayer Meeting at between the British and the Americans. The proposal of people who have been Xlling certain positions, simply upon St. Alban Church, Paraiso, 30 on Friday night.
Teacher GRAY Mr. Gompers to eject West Indians from clerical and other national considerations, and to put others in their places Jul. Matino, Litany and addrowe Panams, Aronmens Street, House 25, respectable positions, if carried out, will result in the dissi unaccustomed tɔ the conditions, temper and temperature Churoh School San Miguel Gospel moeinge pation of the confidence which, as citizens of friendly of the country would be, to say the least, decidedly 30 pm Brennong and Addrone 11, 30 and 30 Sunday Behool at 3p.
countries, they have always reposed in their American em prejudicial and unjustifiable. NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge Bidor BAILEY, Pastor etc.
Tour desire to be lucky to love marriage, business, money silverold ring with the King Tul MONEY, wend your address When the ring.
from all countries must be accompanied by 75 VIGOR TONIC JAI ER MORAN American Pharmacy. pm


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