
With a ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMANIT PAYS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS Bicycles Bicyle Supplies the platform Messrs Clyde will be given a complete replica site fully equipped and erected, Williams, Woodbine of diamond digger pit from the sum of 50, 000 Tho Ford, Chenery, Phillips, the interior showing the pork engineers stated inter alia:Redman, Carter and Robert knockers at work washing for Although in Bt. Vincent the Arthur.
diamonds. Over twenty tons of conditions are different to those The Chairman explained the diamondiferous gravel have been in Barbados, we sre of tho present position and after some sent to England in connection opinion that the manufacture of discussion Mr. Cbenery suggest with this pit and men from sugar in small factories of the ed to the members of the Com. British Guiana will demonstaste type described in paragrah (8)
mittee that in preparing the Act how the washing for stones is can be carried on remunerative whicb it was proposed to submit done.
1y but not perbapa with quite the to the Legislature it should be DIORAMA OF KAIETEUR. samé success as in the case of stated that all shops should be One of the chief features of the Barbados, wbere conditions are compelled to close for one ball Colony section will be the very favourable.
day each week, the day to be southerp entrance displaying a dio Engineering and maintenance chosen by the diferent class of ramic view of Kaiteur Fall. cost would be higher than in business model has been prepared by a well Barbados where owing to the Mr. Clyde Williams sug known scenic artist, Mr. Bernard local conditions they are kept at gested that instead of the word The illusion of falling water from very moderate figure, and the Shops the word places of 741 feet the height of the Fall, will cost of conveying canes to the business should be used: be portrayed by hidden electric factory would be bigber than it This amendment was carried liebts thrown on the Fall through is in Barbados.
wben put to the vote and after revolving mica disks.
We have to make it clear vote of thanks was moved to the One of the most attractive shows however that the cane cultivaChairman by Mr.
Harmon Red will be the sugar and Agricultural tion would have to be very man the meeting terminated.
The centre piece of much Improved and increased this court will be a pyramid of so as to insure a steady and sugar, Demerara yellow crystals, ample supply of canes of good BRITISH GUIANA Wereiser til be a model of one few outstanding exceptions the 13 feet high on 26 feet base quality to the factories.
of the principal sugar plantations canes we saw were not good Outstanding Features Blairmont, showing the factory, enough to be treated in a buildings, railway and river modern factory. The quantity of Plans scebes.
scenes, of cane grown per acre should In addition to other models not be less than 25 toos an the The British Guiana delegation demonstrating important indus sacrose content of the juice not to the British Empire Exbibition tries of the Colony the Demerara less than lbs. per imperial gallon. The roads would have wbich opens at Wembley next Bauxite Company will show month, Is headed by Brigadier working model of their mining to be made wider and the road General Rice, e. and factory operations on their beds and surfaces carefully Representatie Mr. bauxite property at Mackenzie attended to so as to enable the Hohenkerk, Forestry Officer, City. The winning of the mineral transportation of cane and proAssistant Representative; Mr. will be pictured exactly also its duce along them to be successG. Green, Colonial Secre conveyance to storage houses, fully carried out by motor bor ries as well as estate secretary: Sgt. Major etc.
carts, Paply, chief commissionaire very pleasing display will The management of the factory Corpl. Greene, assistant com be made by the gold and diamond is also a matter of considerable missionaire: Mr. Humph exbibits. Messrs. Triefus Bros. importance, the manager and his rey, Government road oficer, well known diamond dealers, are stad must be carefully chosen, Potaro, in charge of the putting up a special exbibition of success in a large measure de diamond pit; Messrs. Dar selected British Guiana diamonds peoding on the personnel.
gan, Young, Webber, Other exbibits will include Additional West Indian News Gomes, Tulloch, Gor: balata, timber, of which the don, Aird and St. Colony forests provide an (On Pago Six)
FOR Aubyn of the Demerara Boy Abundant supply, including the Scouts Association.
world famous greenheart, and DR. HOFFMANN party of Aboriginal Indians whole of the exhibits cover various other industries. The Has removed his clinic to consisting of twoman with these ground spaca of over 10. 000 No. 39 Central Avenue. En are also Among the intransit passengers. quare feet.
trance between L1 Mascota It is the intention of the Com The British Guiana Militia mittee to establish model Band will provide another novel and Chong Kee Store, village to demonstrate life ty. The Band comprises the Bandamong the natives. General Remaster and twenty eight InstruTHE SACRED CANTATA is also carrying over a collection ments. The Band will remain in Under the Palms sentative types of the fauna of the Exhibitioa. four weeks British Guiana with the object engagement has been secured will be rendered at the of arranging a miniature 200. from tbe Mata Exbibition The Militia Band, which will Authorities, to play in the Maio La Boca Clubhouse also perform In the British Exhibition Band stand. her Cord Tires Guiana Court during the expo engagements are being booked SAT. MARCH 15 30 sition, was unable to sail by the for the band to vlas, both in LonBy the and Tubes same opportunity due to the don and in the Country.
La Boca Wesleyan Choir limited accomodation The Scouts are going to work Iogoma. Arrangements are as attendants at the Exhibition Admission 25 cents US, however being made for the and each bas been told of to a Reserved seats 50 cents, Band to fail at an early date. certain exhibit and has been so Children Half Price.
In an interview with a repre instructed tbat be will be able to sentative of the Trinidad give intelligent answers to in.
Guardian General Rice said. quiries addressed to him. Ii time and opportunity allow NEED British Guiana has evers shall, of course, give the Scouts intention of making its sec an opportunity to contribute to tion as attractive as possible the lunperial Scout Jamboree to with the main bope of showing be held in conjunction with the the general public of the Empire Exhibition.
the vast possibilities of this xhibition beglected good deal of money bas Just received! The latest General Rice said. Althoueb brochures and also on a special been expended in attractive in WRIST and POCKET many things will be shown, exhibition e py of the Handbook which through lack of develop of British Guiana brougbt up to Watches: Distinctively designed cases with accurate IN SPANISH ENGLISH are non productive date and illustiated with very present from a commercial point ly timed movements.
latest of view, the idea is that with the photographs One of Pathé Freres cinema Timepieces of which any necessary development every thing can be made commercially operators has spent nine weeks one may well be proud, at productive.
in the Colony taking special tilm unusually low prices.
The British Guiana Legisla Colony and, he also took photopictures of every industry in the We anticipate your visit ture he added had voted a sum graphs throughout the Colony of 22, 000.
The first vote was including some un que ones of and will be pleased to 20, 000 but with the addition of Kaiuteur at the foot of the Fall show them to you wen the Malitia Band and twelve Scont attendants, the fund was In to all of increased His assistant is Mr. all the commercial industries Hohepkerk, Forestry some 000 feet of film was taken Oficer, the two Commissionaires of Kaleteur Fall and the sur122 CENTRAL AVENUE Of every description being Sergeant Major Manly rounding scenery. This will and Corporal Greene, also be a ubique film, taken tor PHONE 692 the first time from the foot of JUNGLE SCENE the Fall.
DONE WITH NEATNESS AND Dealing with the exbibits In order to make the native Public Information.
General Rice said: As far as Indian village as natural to life possible everything in respect as possible party of Indians DESPACTH of the British Guiana section, and their wives and one child Liberty Hall, 29, St.
including the tea Kiosks and the is being taken to England in the AT THE Band stand, is going to be built Ingoma.
This Spacious and Comof British Guiana material. modious Hall suitable special feature in the centre of for Concerts Dances.
the ball will be a jungle scene erected by Rowland Ward the ST. VINCENT Apply on promise.
famous taxidermist, and the animals and birds of British Guiana will be shown in their Central Factories For Sale natural life. In addition, large number of animals and For St. Vincent.
birds from the hinterland will go ONE ROLL TOP DESK Interesting West can be built of it, still less apy The Half Holiday Move towards making a native Indian in good condition form of sculpture.
village. The animals and birds ESTIMATED COST 50, 000 ment. Continued from page 2)
are now in the Ingoma.
Upon the wall and over each No Reasonable Offer Refused arch are arranged sprays of lo besides the Io response to the request of bougainvillea to lend a graceful animals are over 200 palms, the the St. Vincent Government, public meeting was held at first relay of some 600 which Messrs. Consell and Simpson Same can be seen at the beautiful smoothness, touch, softening the severity of the A. Hall on Thursday have been subbed to form the local engineers, have submitted Isthmian Undertaking Co quality not usually associated the grey walls, wbile the canes, afternoon to consider what palm grove outside the British a report on the question of the tbe ferns, palms and other growing should be done in respect of the Gaiapa section of the pavilion. erection of central sugar factor(MATTRESS FACTORY)
mind of the average Englishmar, plants add reality to the arbour, agitation for making business Inside the palm grove will be ies in that colony and have given Calidonia Road who think of it simply as a which bears in gold, the letters places close half day per week. the Band standard the tes as an approximate cost of each rough branching ses product, RevGodson took factory When all particulars can be and cannot imagine bow bouses BARBADOS, LAND OF SUNSHINElchair, and there were present on Alongside the native village mended, with all buildings and obtained BATES RACING on the Phone 85. Western Auto Supply Co. WATCH)
Colony House Rent Receipt Books Inent WORKMAN PRINTERY all the addition you call.
films JOB PRINTING Fuller Jewelry Store WORKMAN PRINTERY the Ingoma beside


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