
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAFCH 29, 1924 3SSSSSSSSSS THE WORKMAN Panama Capital Friendly Society Hall Stationery While soup Strollers Rroes 66 66 BIBLE LECTURE Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica The Manner and Object WALIOOND, at the office No. 33 Central tion. Correspondence on all matters Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
of Our Lord Return INK Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and IN THE Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of tine Year 40 Cy, the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three ble.
We do not undertake to return rene jected correspondence.
SUN. MARCH 30; 730 AT THE The Liberty of the Pross is the palladium of our rights. JUNIUS Speaker: CRAINBOW WORKMAN PRINTERY SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1924.
Of London Erg. and Brooklyn, OUR ECONOMIC SITUATION.
Come and hear the Scriptural statemen St, Matthias Mission Las Sabanºs, concerning this great event harmonized. pm Church School few years ago, souy kitchens and other charitable Learn the reasons for Rejoicing, 30 pm. Evensong and Address.
institutions functioned under the direction of certain because the Deliverance of the AP. NIGU PENGALE Priest in charge religious bodies, and Major Bocock, Superiotendead of the whote Human Race from Sin Santo Tomá Hospital Che cries which arose under the and Death is at hand.
St. Peter Church, La Boca.
inevi ahie reduction of the Canal labour force, on the one (FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT)
hand, and through the collapse in the Cuban sugar trade on the other, produced a telling effect upon the economic UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Holy Communion 30 am.
situation prevailing at that time.
The International Bible Students Association Holy Baptism 30 Litany, Holy Eucharist sud Sermon.
The pay car cea ed to run for hundreds of men exactly Children Service 3p. the same time, the money orders ceased to arrive from uba. Families accustomed to the ring of coins on pay day, Seats Free No Collection MULCARE. Rector.
and ti ose accustomed to the registered letters from over St. Barnabas Church, Empire the sea: all met, at the same time, the terrible experieace Sows SocS53SVSESC SS SS SS 490950sos There will be Morring prayer, Litany o depression which arose from the stopping of the channels MINISTER UP IN ARMS and Address at 11 am.
through which their support flowed.
Children Service p.
AT INFLUX OF DARK Just at that time, the government of the Panama CROWD IT IS Evening Prayer and address p.
Canal struck upon the happy idea of relieving the tenseJT MULCARE Priest in charge ness of the rituation in a practical way.
Maintained and Guaranteed St. Bartholomew s, Church, kitchens and other forms of charity could afford temporary Wonders If There will Be Las Cascadas reli f, they could not solve the problem of unemplym nt Separate Heavens For Morning prayer and address 11 am which had gripped the whole Isthmus. Children were White and Black, THAT Children Service 30 fed and old folks were taken care of. humane public Evening Prayer and Addrese at pm contributed liberally to lighten the distress which had The CHICAGO WHIP, an ind MULCARE Priest in charge overtaken the labouring asses, but something permanent pendent Weekly, in its issue The Summit Mission had to be done the 15th March publishes th: Morning prayer and address at 11 a.
The allotment of lands to settlers, under special following: Church School p.
licenses of the Government was the one big effort to solve Hope that there will be a white Evening Prayer and address at 3p.
the problem. first, as in most untried exigencie. a heaven and black heaven so MULCARE Priest in Chare, sceptical spirit got abroad among the people and there was that he would not be compelled to spend eternity with considerable indifference to the proposal of the Goveroment dark cloud of dirty are the only Cigarette of High THE CHURCH OF GOD.
to cultivate farms within the canal area. But enterprising was expressed in his sermon Colon, and Streets. Gospel meetmen took hold of the offer and walked into the jungle with Sunday morning by the Rev. Grade Quailty sold at hatchet and hoe.
ings at 11. 30 am 30 SunCharles Swartz, white, pastor day School at pm.
The result is that there is now a colony of industrious Porty first Street and Grand of the First Presbyterian Church, 5cts. per package in the Zone Sis. BREWSTER, Pastor Evengl.
farmers at Chivo Chivo, where farms of bananas and crɔps Boulevard.
Gatun, Capal Zone. Gospel Meetings of marketable vegetables and fruits are cultivated. uver The Rev. Mr. Swartz recently Republic at 11 80 sm and 39 Sune fifteen hundred licenses have been granted to land holders assumed the piatorate of the day Sebool at pm.
Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH for farm purposes on the Canal Zone, under this scheme. church, succeeding Dr. Chalmers This means that fifteen hundreed families, more or less, Sever York Covert. He came here from New Providence. Goepel Meetings at EDUARDO VALENCIA 11. 30 am and 30 Sunday have sought permanent relief from the economic depression School Plaza Santa Ana at pm.
According to witnesses who by going in for farming, and after all has been said and were present at the service San Sis ELLIOT, done, the Canal Government should be congratulated upon day morning, Dr. Swartz aimed Distributor for Panama Red Tank, Canal Zoue, Sunday School their practical foresight in making an offer that bad for most of his remarks at the at p. aod Prayer Meeting at its ultimate end the improvement of the economic colored people, who have bought 30 on Friday night.
homes and settled down in the Teacher GRAY Panams, Arosemena Street, House 25, still it must be admitted that conditions to day amɔng the irritated that his parish had been While everything is not yet what one might desire, neighborhood of the church.
He appeared to be very much San Miguel Gospel meetings at 11. 30 a. and 30 Sunday labouring classes are better than they were three our four engulfed by what he term :d Behool at p.
years ngo. There are fewer cases of destitution, by far, this dark cloud.
Elder BAILEY, Pastor.
and less house to house begging. Tne farm settlements on He said: There are four probthe Zone and the road construction in the interior of Pana lems, the Jews, the Mexicans, Seventh Day Adventist Church must be attributed. The San Blas plantation and the Agua force us to make sacrifices and ma are the two great factors to which the improvement the Indians, and the Negroes.
These problems embarrass us and 3rd. STREET PROADWAY, COLON For strengthening the BLOOD Dulce sugar bussiness have, in a moderate way, helped the sell our property.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath School; 11. 15 am General Worship situation, and due recognition ought also to be given these The influx of this dark cloud enterprises which showevery promise of becoming per in our community cannot but Recommended for Removing the Humors of 30 p, Young people meeting 30 pm Vespers manent industries, and the more we have of such indus irritate us and embar rass us.
Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Bunday evening 30 Preaching tries, the less acute will the labor question become.
This great unwashed and high Tetters, Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Service, Subject: Millions Now Living Now, the question is, what immediate outlook is there ly perfumed crowd of Negroes Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Dis Will Die Twice. This is an important for the rest of the labouring element for which, at present are invading our homes and eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
subject and you should not miss it.
com muoities.
there is no employment? There are rumours atloat that something very promising is behind the horizon, and that Negroes must be solved.
The problem of these dirty Seventh Day Adventist Church An Alterative recommended for purify. STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, in the very near future ample employment will be found for ing and enriching the BLOOD. near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
every labourer here who is now unemployed. What this for the colored and the whit? Or Will there be a separate heavan Eabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabparticular something will be is not yet given out to the will their complexion chang so bath School; 11. 15 sm. General Worship public, but it has leaked out that some sort of construetion that every one will be of the For Sale at all Drug Stores 80p. Spanish Class; work in connection with the canal will be started son. white color?
And in Large Quantities by Young People Meeting; p.
If these rumors prove to be true, the economic situa. However, if we have to live tion will be tremendously improved and we shall have full with them in Heaven, we must JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy Sunday Evening 30 Stereoptireason to be thankiul to Providence for the dispensation accustom ourselves to this diffican Lecture. All are cordially invited to AGENT.
attend, which might come that way. We long to see a day of general prosperity, in which every section of the comIn every woman there is a heaven and munity might have enough of the necessities of life that The safest place for a man to live is Church Services.
Baptist Churches The husband gets the hell and a bell.
bring comfort, independence and integrity in every home. the other fellow the heaven.
within his Tacome.
Coloo 11 am, and 15 Pastor (American Episcopal Church)
National progress depends upon national prosperity, and Thrift; 45 Y, there can be no such thing as national prosperity with any (FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT)
Chorrillo 11 a. Deacon Melatosh; Good advice never fills the belly of a Keep your girls from begging and you one part of the population in a condition of want and hungry man. 15 Baptism Service by Pastor Witt; will keep many tears from your home.
St. Paul Church, Panama Corossl Rosd 11 a. Deacon depression. There must be bread and meat and clothing Holy Communion Lewis; 15 Deacon Yearwood.
and home for everybody before the nation can boast of Red Tank 11 a, Deacon Smith; prosperity and complete happiness.
workmen. About fifty per cent of the unemployed are 10 sm. Matine 15 Mr. Gallimore.
Whatever comes to break the long spell of unemploy heads of families, or are responsible, in some way, for the 20. Churcolor Setaobariat sermon. Gatun 11 a. Teacher Smith; mSchool ment which has played over a large part of our population maintenance and support of others. For many years they 30 Evensong and sermon. 15 Teacher Drummond.
Empire 11 am, Deacon Linton; 7, 15 is welcome as an agency of good. If it is new work on the have failed to fulfil their obligations, not because they Preacher, Bishºp Morris Deacon Lipton, Canal Zone, we hope that it will be opened up at no dis shirked them, but because lack of work make it impossible Services dairy in the eburch at Childrens services on Wednesday and Pueblo Nuevo 11 a. Pastor Witt: tant date from the present. The force is ready and wait for them to do so. 15 Deacon MeParlane.
ing, and it is well prepared. The magnitude of the work, The rumour of the probable employment for our labour Friday at 8: Confirmation Class Monday at 30 Now Providence Supplied, These who have and Wednesday after Eventong.
as hinted, might be greater than the present supply of local ing people is one that interests everyone.
labor could meet, and that would be a better omen than been and still are engaged in social service work or relief NIGHTENGALE Rector Salvation Army.
the contrary. But efforts should be made to ensure the work in one form or another will be glad to see the timest. Alban Church, Paraiso. LA BOCA CORPS satisfaction of the laboring people here before any other when those of whom they bave been taking care be given 30 am Prayer meeting.
consideration presents itself.
an opportunity to take care of themselves, while the Spirit 7:45. Holy Communion 11. m, Holiness meeting. p. Sunday School It would indeed be a fine thing for Panama and the of self reliance will be rekindled in the minds of those, who 11. Matins and addres. School Zone if such work could be started as would really require per force of depression were obliged to surrender themselves 30 Ereusong And Addrene p. Open air meeting, 30 Salvation meeting a force large enough to include all of our unemployed to the hospithlity and charity of friends. NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge I, BENNETT Enrigo.


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