
THE WORKALAX, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1924 PAGE SEVEN Leadership AA COVENTRY ENSIGN CYCLES ALBOA EST EER REWED The to vide obelter for the engines. The playing the National Anthem, contractors bid also uodertaken after which the Governor to despatch with the engines accompanied by bis the tirst class engineer to supervise Inspector General and staff, tbe erection. They would further inspected the Guard, to the ere be responsible for the eficiency strains of the Constabulary of the engines for a period of Band Music one year from the date of thir The demand for The Council Chamber was erection. With light addition the specially decorated for the engines would be able to produce occasion, special seats being the electricity required for provided for persons invited, and driving the pumping plant in the general public of whom co. prction with th: sewerage there was a very large attend scheme. The Helns had cost soce indeed. In fact the 85the corpora ion sum in the semblage in the gallery was a vicinity of 65 000. It was therdistinguished one, and gave fore considered that the present is growing daily: Why? evidence of the wide Interest transaction was good bargain.
in In connection with the It because of their functions of this sort.
sewerage scheme Humph presence of a considerable numreys stated that he had declined leadership. ber of ladies added to the to allow the Contractors to occasion the gay colouring and install the outfall pipe without touch of a brilliant social stair.
bis supervision, since be con.
The Governor message sidered bimselt responsible for COVENTRY ENSIGN3 are Council was full of Interesting the success of the schne. It was possible that he would not now the leaders of low watter, and we shall deal with some of his points later on.
remain in the colony for a PRICE, BEAUTY, This is the meeting at which longer period than one month. STRENGTH and COMFORT Mr. Sobrian took his seat During his absence his son, Mr.
as an Unofficial member for the Homphreys, would be bis in riding first time. Three other Unoffi.
locum tenens until the arriva cial members, it was announced, of an engineer from Bagdad. Coventry Ensigns are built were re appointed for the Mesopotamia, who had just com for those who demand the further period of a year.
pleted for the Colonial office The impression in our minds extensive works in that city.
most for their money. after reading an account of the Mr. Humphreys added that he opening of the Trinidad Legisbad detinitely decided to lay th lature is that occasion was taken sewerage pipes in the alleyways, to mark the event with every provided the Council would possible di play of dignitied sanction a small expenditure ceremony, pomp, and impressive show. Prominent persons for the purpose of storm water conservancy.
invited to be present, and a large The only exception would be number of others, non invitees, in Cumingsbury where the manifested their interest by residences were near the street.
Some persons may Here it would be cheaper to lay wonder at all this display, but the pipes at the side of the we do not think that it was in streets, making one, excavation to carry the sewerage pipes any way out of keeping with the importance of a legislative body.
Certainly a touch of picturesbelow and water drains above as was done in other parts of the queness and colour would add world.
interest to the dry as dust Toe Council adopted the redeliberations of mary of our port of Mr. Humphreys, resers.
public bodies. The West Ining the question of expenditure dian. on storm water conservancy for future discussion.
COVENTRY ENSIGNS are ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS Coventry Ensign were attending: House Roni Receipt Books IN SPANISH ENGLISH WORKMAN PRINTERY marketed for the protection Commercial Propaganda JOB. PRINTING for WORKMAN PRINTERY Brodie Private Academy a Floating WATCH)
of served.
Sensational Libal Suit of the man who has other demands to meet. ITALY INSTITUTES Threatened.
NOVEL IDEA Writ Served on Wesleyan No better bicycle has Floating Exhibition to Visit Of every description Ministers.
South America ever left a British FacDONE WITH NEATNESS AND ANOTHER FIRM ALSO CONTEM tory. We invite your Post War conditions, and the PLATING ACTION of careful inspection. dustries, which had been devoted DESPACTH (From Demerara Chronicle Feb. 5th)
exclusively to the manufacture of materials needed to win the Yesterday quite sensation THE War. into AT enterprises was created in etroles what it became known Western Auto Supply Co. obabilitati as the commeren op the various Allied States, have that a in the Registrar Office against three No. 8, STREET compelled European countries to adopt novel means to advertise members of the ministry of that Body by Mr. Sampson, Phone 85 their goods, so as to regain that trade which had been lost during Solicitor, or on behalf of Messrs. Drawer Ancon, Rainer Ltd. claiming the four years devoted to the saving of civilisation. The latest 5, 000 damages and the suppres.
method of advertising of this sion of The Wesleyan Greetkind has, evidently, come from Interesting West.
Italy, the government of which NEED scheme have bad the rights whising for libel contained in the they are ad vised they have, ig comments on the recent Xmas last number of that organ in the bis organised Expored by the Municipality or by com bibition of Italian goods. For competitions.
The clergy men (Continued from page 2)
any body eke?
this purpose the steamer Italia. mention in the writ are Reve. Ibis is what the Georgetown Barrett Brindley, General LIBERTY HALL the Compania Trasatlantica there need be no litigation. We Town Council are tryiog to do by Saperintendent of the Wesleyan 29 Street, Panama advices received by the local Italiana, has been selected. From have been losing money every attempting, willy nilly to erect Churches in the Colony, Sunley day by operating this line ana Just received! The latest is what is going to lead their own power station. This Watson, Manager, and agents of the line, Messrs.
rather than repair the track in Orsini e Hijos, she left Spezzia on in WRIST and POCKET litigation between the company The Morley Thompson, Editor ol this street we will abandon the the 15th of his month, for a proWesles an ENGLISH CLASSES Greeting. Watches. Distinctively de and the Town Council and not copies of the writ were line and pull up the track.
tracted cruise in South American Is there then a possibility or signed cases with accurate the Church Street track which, on Revs. Brindleyande Watsen by Day and by Night are waters having on board this litigation between the Town ly timed movements.
as bave already now opened for the Floating exhibition, organised by Council and your company over has never paid its way, has only yesterday. Mr. Tuom 3son who the various Chambers of Comis at present in the City did not Sunimer.
any other matter? ergaired our Timepieces of which any been kept going at a loss for the receive bis copy up to last kindred merce, in Italy, as well as representative.
one may well be proud, at convenience of the public, and evening, and it is presumed that For particulars apply on the spot to societes, all under the Royal Besides a full, SEWERAGE TROUBLES unusually low prices.
it has been forwarded for ser and interesting collection of vice to Essequeho where he It is quite possible that litiga.
samples of the principal prɔducts We anticipate your visit BARTON, LL.
of Italy, there will be on board, tion may eventually have to be and will be pleased to Georgetown Improvement It is also rumoured that Principal certain distinguish persons, resorted to between the Town show them to you en another writ is in contemplation Schemes.
representatives of sciences, Council and ourselves over maiby one of the other tims which letters and arts.
ters in connection with the offered substantial prizes during To be able to more effectively sewerage scheme, replied Mr.
their Christmas trade.
Gray. You will perhaps rifurther the object of the cruise Fuller Jewelry Store MR. HUMPHREYS REPORTS Public Information.
the vessel is sailing under the member that on the occasion on which the Government proposed 122 CENTRAL AVENUE TRINIDAD naval flag of the country in the installing a Delco plant at the Liberty Hall, 29, St. guise of an auxiliary cruiser public hospital, it was point PHONE 692 Preparations For Sewerage and, in this way, she will be able Works.
This Spacious and Comout by the Attorn: y General to derive all the facilities etc, Trinidad Legislature.
that this would encroach on our modious Hall suitable wbieh warship is entitled to in franchise. We had not the the various ports at which sbe for Concerts Dances.
Hon. Mr. Nelson Cannon on DR. HOFFMANN slightest hesitation to waiving will be Friday last presided at. special BRILLIANT OPENING OF 1924 right aud communicated The exact date, on which this Apply on premises our Has removed his clinic to meeting of the Georgetown Town SEASON with the Government to that vessel will be calling at Port ofeffect. The Georgetown Two No. 39 Central Avenue. En Council held in Jamera oonSpain, is not as yet krown; but Council however, has consiste to trance between Mascota Humphreys, consulting engineer sider the report of Mr. Howard SOCIAL AFFAIR further particulars will be given out, just as soon as they shail ly ignored us to their proposals and Chong Kee Store, to the Council, in connection with For Sale to erect a power station in con have been received. Port ofthe sewerage scheme.
The first meeting of the 1924 the with sewerage Spain Gazette.
scheme. We consider that toe There was a full attendance of session of the Trinidad Legislathe Council.
erection on this lower station tiva Council took place with ONE ROLL TOP DESK Additional West Indian News fringes on our rights under our but we have been consistently Mr. Humphreys stated that much pomp and ceremony on in good condition (On Pago Six) Guard of franchise, ard Daturally if the and unintentionally ignored.
to the hardening of prices 15th instaat.
Council persists, as seems thuir in the English markets he had Honour composed of one buoSCARING CAPITALISTS AWAY.
intention in their present at.
been compelled to draw on the dred policemen was drawn up No Reasonable Offer Refused titude of ignoring the compioy This is the kind of treatment Crown Agents for the sum of outside the Council Chamber, altogether, we shall ba bound to meted out to capitaliste by a 450. 000 for the purpose of accompanied by the Constab Same can be seen at colony which is crying out for making advances when placing ulary Band; whilst a mounted take the necessary steps fur capital. Is it going to prove an orders for machinery, thus taking escort of thirteen men met His Isthmian Undertaking Co moeters to the wearer. SENDI protecting ourselves.
incentive to capitalists to invest advantage of low prices. Orders Excellency the Governor and (MATTRESS FACTORY. will not say what we migh thsir money in this colony when for new engines for the Water Lady Wilson at Government have been prepared to do bad we they learn that capitalists who works had been placed and this House and escorted them to the Calidonia Road been approached, va tha ma. ter. bave invested three quarters of item Involved the expenditure of Council Room. Upin His ExThe sluple fact is that not only a million dollars in an electric 15. 000 This sum would cover cellency arrival, the Guard When all particulars can be GRIFFIN SALES SERVICE have we not been approached ligbting power and tramway the price of a steel shed to pro gave the Royal Salute, the Band obtained Government you call.
nection owing Tour desire to be lucky in love marriage, busine and health my now be read Wear the King Tu Ring worn by mang muul all over the world. bandome serold ring with the King Tul symbole which bringe ID NO MONEY, end your addres and string of your age When the ring compethe Postman only 31, 85, preferred 15 Postage stamp teepled. Orders frugall to countries aurtenihy 175 Satisfaction ratow Don Dolay. Send folay.
433 South Wabash Ave Chicago, IL


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