
Big Sacrifice Sale race. TO REMODEL STORE)
FOR 10 DAYS ONLY in Commencing Monday, March 31st Walk Over Shoes This American Bazaar Stores THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 1924 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE For the Cause that Lacks Panama Canal West Assistance.
Boys of the Colon Indian Employees TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN Institute.
Association M, Editor: Permit me space in one of the columns of your valuable weekly to refer to an Some of our friends are speaking VISIT AR POSTS AND article appearing in your isso as if they are without hope. They SUB BASE.
of the 8th inst. dealios with the are not prepared to make any more women of the Negro effort to help themselves, and we Commander Watson and a num am sure that the writer are about ready to go ander and ber of his boys including the band knows bis people and their need; be crushed by the wheel of provisited the Submarine Base, Fortit is therefore for him and others grese. We think it a very sad and Randolph and Fort Davis on Sun who are aware of the facts aş put deplorable state of ind to way list the 31st inst. At each forth by him, to create an objec oneself in, and we want to dis.
place the car in wbich they rode tive which will supplant the presuade our friends from continuing was stopped by the Sentinels and sent a craze. To this end it If it were a fact that we afterwards permission for entering have decided to open an evening could do nothi to improve our Kranted by te Commanding class beginning April 1st at present condition, we should have ſtiers. Lively airs were played Victory Hall No. 155 Hudson suggested that we made short by the band, and the men of all Lane betw. en 10th and 11h work of ourselves but, happily: ranks, privates, non commis. Streets, Colon, wh re both men we know that it is not a fact. It stoned officers and officers turned and won of the Ngro race is true that we have been kept out in large numbers to see the may improve themselves in tb ir down to a very low level (or have boys After visiting Fort Davis spare hours. Mrs. Estelle kept ourselves down to it) for they proceeded to Gatan and held Parker, will handle the ladies very long time, and even at wide an open air mass meeting in High division and Gibson principal intervals when we have tried to lift street. The sound of musie quick of Victory School will supervise our bead it has been regularly ly brought out the the whole is a time to bumped people, and in down. Nevertheless, short time a full congregation was action and and not high soundthere ar openings in the situation listesi to the voice of Com. ing paper talk. Parents and mander Watson which will permit our rising, if we. FROM 00 Among the guardians will be pleased to quit lifting our head blindly, things he told them was, that he know that Gibson has added The association is designed to find the openings in these barriers.
did not thiok that white people a lady teacher to his staff and generally, hated Negroes. From with such valuable aid success SUITS, HATS, It is to be our mentor. We believe SHIRIS, NECK TIES, this condition of abandonment to his experience at the Institute, he is undoubtedly assured.
is in a position to say that the For particulars relative to the which most of us have given up White prople sometimes belp evening school, call at Victory COLLARS, BELTS themselves is but temporary, and the colore people more than they Hall (apstairs) any day of the our association is eager to make a help themselves, and most of the week fron 10 to And other Articlestonumerous to mention short shift of it. As Pope says, opposition to Negroes come from Respectfully, Hope springe eternal in the Neuroes.
human breast, It is really that GIBSON, Commander Watson has 40All must be sold to make Clearance which makes life worth living: Promoter, nounced that he will be running without it one had better be dead.
AN EXCURSION, through the We are therefore hoping that canal on the tug Favorite on SACRED CANTATA fellow West Indians will continue sunday the 20th instant. The At Christ Church by the sea to cherish in their system even the tug leaves Colou at o clock in smallest spark of that emotioa 80 he morning, and special train necessary to life: we are hoping leturning laves Panama at pm sacred cantata entitled GethI be east of the return trip is 200 Rev. Vine Hall is an.
semane and Calvary by the that very soon they will realize their duty to themselves and their The boat will leave Cristobal at PANAMA dependents, and join tne ranks of 30 nm, to fucilitate passengers nounced to be readered by the malo our association; we are hoping that out from Panama on the first train choir of Christ Church. by the sea the association will grow in usefulThe Special train will leave Panason Palm Sunday, the 13th inst at ness and influence, that through it ma for Colon at p. p.
a way may be found for the return Residents of Panama desiring Master Allan Mclean, soprano; Soloists for the occasion will be to the West Indies of our surplus to avail themselves of the exeur Mr. Chas Lowe (medalist) alto; The Church of God CANAL ZONE NOTES Girst of its kind and many beautiful Eate for the better training of our Model Show And Dane. The population, that provision will be sion will use the special tickets Activities.
from Panvins to Colon on the Mr. James Facey, tenor; Mr.
gowns will be exhibited by the children, that our wage standard regular train without additional Francis, Duss; ladies. Among those taking part will come to be regulated, not by cost, ar return by the Excursion The service is iadeed an attractive The dedication of the new HEATH ACTIVITIES in the contest are. Mesdames the price of a few coarse articles of Boxt. Refreshments will be sold one, and the choir is working Chapel at Gatan, will enke Robinson, Thomas, Amil, Lindo, subsistence, but by the quality and Cumm nder Watsou will be faithfully to make it a thorough place on the 20th at 30 Taylor, Corben. Gittens, Olga quantity of the service we reader.
Penami on Sunday the 13th and success.
Minister from other local churches Red Tank Clubhouse, King, Cumberland and others, We are hoping that our association will sell tickts at Chapter 14 of Ailmmission will be by program will be taking part in the cere Good Jazz music for dancing. will, by sustained argument and the Uuiversal Negro Improvement at 25 cents each.
money The officers and members All are welcome.
Seven convine ing facts, successfully preyoung lads of the Association commencing at pm of the Young People Social et Phyniel Caltare clss at the La Sunday the 27th. at 3:30 an sept the inoral obligation due us in In appreciation and on behalf of Mrs Alice Cookhorn leaves Colon, nnd streets have mas. Boes Clubhouse dropped out of excellent Ea ter season novelty these parts. The world has adi the good work being done by by the children of vanced beyond theory of Commander Watson among the The Isthmus, and recitations, that are to be used at Rod Tank on Wednesday the kiddies. good program will be ciafed by the old political economboys of Colon, the public should in their entertainment on the 12th. 26th alto, bent on lowering the make it their duty to patronize Mrs. Alice Cookhorn, Prima ard are all expeeting, by the colours of similar members of rendered, Mr. Neely who is ist: far as human labor is him widely in this matter.
Donna of the Color Choir was givende farewell pattern with the story ofreciadeservice are ind oor baseball times se pare many friends and well wishers of themthe sociation Bocetos under Wesley Divine assistance, to fill the house the red Tank class in a game or leaving them Isthmus for good will come nedid Von Sunday next (6th. at 30 on last the 25th welcome to these. on schedule at 30.
Cricket (ulto. by the members of the Tbe visitors as is customary were La Lodge hall La. on choir at the toission house, 7th sent in to bat and contributed It has also been rumored that Sundey the 13th also. It is being and Sreets.
Literary Meeting Held SINCLAIR CUP COMPETITION runs for beir first innings: the Secretary Waller and wife will be hoped that ari open air meeting will few musical items, light refreshments, games and the preleaving this community shortly. We be held in Cristobal on Sunday home team then went in and trust therefore that the people of morning, 13th. Our usual cordial Every one who attended the fell for two runs; this caused the La Boca will show their apprecia invitation is extended to all con.
Owing to the sad event of the sentation of silver plated bowl second meeting of the newly formd Cliford Built, President of ing program, and the bapps the the 31st M»left their de internet. Be care teren de cette and bouquet. com pula delle beven Colon Literary Associstion held on building air castles which went tions by coming out in large numbers cerned.
Sunday the Comp tition, on Saturday the yet sad gatheri dispersed at with the satisfaction of having had second innings up to the end of 29th ulto, the game in this con 10 30.
enmewhere around the neck.
a good past time and with hearts the game. The Red Tank team nection for Sunday last the 30tb, Mrs. Cookborn left on Thurs full of expectations for a sucressful showed real supriority over the THE FATAL BLOW wish bim a speedy recovery.
was abandoned day the 27th for Jamaica from career ahead visitors. striking, slurging and wbich place ebe Inteods to sail at Topics of an interesting and covering all bases to other words At Cristobal Silver Clubhouse a later date to New York, there to important nature were discussed they were just running wild Atlantic Sportsmen Mr. Durrant of the Dredging Saturday, April 19th Division bad beep granted leave join her brother ind nephews, and to add to the delightfulness of for home runs seemed to have Competition.
of absence which will go into SALVATION ARMY NEWS the occasion, there were recitations been the order of the night.
effect some time this month. It by Messrs. Japal and At the eod of La Boca This play has been staged with is understood that this vacation The match between Victoria ITEMS Bourne, Violin solo by Master C, and Pickwick was Rodney, and the solo The End of seventh innings they threw in the great success on two occasions at will be spent in the sunny south.
commenced on Sunday last Victoria, the first to bat, made Isthmus to take charge of our son, all of which were well ren who counted them out by in composed of members of both races new Officer has arrived on the a Perect Day, by Miss Ander sponge. The Director called on the La Boca Clubhouse and was Good luck Joe: the Official scorer, Arthur Jones witnessed by a large audience the excellent total of 110 runs. work, carried on in our large Hall dered.
nings, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, for a total and they all admit that it is an noma from Ancon Hospital MonMrs. Billy Boyce returned Grarees heading the bat with at 14th and Streets, Colou. The The subject, The Most Useful of 14 against Red Tank 24 with excellent and attractive play.
25, Cotton 22, Lyne 20. It was Officer is Ensign Purser, a single Plant To Mankind. was lively one innings to bat. The losing The comedy. Before Breakfast day last.
a walk over job for Victoria until young man, with wide Army ex debated by a party of four inde team is hoping to make a better is a side splitting affair from start Niles got hold of the ball. The perieuce.
His last appointment was pendents. Mr. Gaskin carried the sbwing in the return match on to finish.
Quite a few are gone out of the 6th wicket fell for 110 and he in Port of Spain Trinidad, and he vote, introducing the Cinchona, the La Boca Diamond, The main play is a melodrama in Bil Business we wish them succeeded in keeping the score has also hell other appointments in from which Quirine is derived.
Certain of at that four acts portraying love, trickery long stay out, and trust that tha members The next meeting is scheduled to per that Island.
other wickets for no runs. nsign Purser has a fine voice take place on Thursday night 10b. Paraiso club sat through the robbery and kidnapping. It is a they will be more attentive to rare treat.
their church in the future.
Pickwick replied with 62 runs, for platform work, and will be a Joe leading with 30, and acceptable speaker.
an April at 780, instead of on Monday came and watched the boys play The General and Business Sec.
keen interest, and what The West night as formerly.
Sobere following with 12 Indian community will be interest ever were their deductions of retaries of the Bureau of Clubs Professors Blackman and Mathe players on both sides they and Playgrounds were among some TOV The game will continue tomored in the fact that his brother, THE SALVATION ARMY, seem to have arrived at Do other of our white friends who saw the son music class is the latest ad.
who is also a Salvation Army Off Sussex and Middlesex will cer, is nu laboring away in Nigeria LA BOCA, conclusion but a decision to stop play and are willing to testify at dition in our musical world. We congratulate them and ask that also comience a match tomor. West Africa, where the Salvation Red Tank mad rush to victory any time as to its worth, row on the oval of the latter at Army has a very flourishing work.
Every one should try and avail they be be a little more bargame.
He gets news from there all the which will be given in our Hall. on old timers were seen wetting it at Cristobal Silver Clubhouse on Dont miss the big Demonstration view, on Friday night last certain himself of the opportunity of seeing monious.
time, and no doubt will be able to Friday April 11, at 7, 30 m, in the diamond on the Paraiso floor Saturday, April 19th.
Why bas professor Blackman Pastor Thrift Goes on give quite a bit of information, aid of our Annual Self Denial with perspiration in vacated his seat in the St.
from time to Effort.
Alban Choir?
honest to goodness game of inPARAISO The splendid hall, of which the The Choir are now very busy door baseball, Allan Durant who Ensign has charge, has been making preparations for the oc is directly responsible for the Mr. Martin the musical skipR:v. Joseph Thrift. Pastor of thoroughly renovated, and a fine casion, some of the latest planta: above decision told the Physical ticing for their usual Easter Pead in last issue of this paper St. Alban Church is prac per was much pleased when he the Cristobal Colon Baptist Concrete Vestry has been added, tion songs will be in full swing, the Director that he had come to the Church sailed on Wednesday which has been finished this week. songs and dialogues will not only rescue of the Paraiso team and services and entertainment. cf Miss Welch the young pianist last, the 2nd inst. on board the The building has been admired interest you, but will make you he would see to it that bie home of Paraiso. The skipper worked Panama Railroad Company by all who have seen it.
steamer Girgas for. It is hoped that very many town make things complete. Tank Ro me is still hard from start to finish with all Several of the local talents have Yolley ball champions; Billiard usurping.
classical piano music to make the United States whºre be in friends will make the building their promised to take part, tickets are champions and also indoor baseher a successful pianist. And tends to spend a well eared regular place of worship; Lieuten now an sale, get yours early. ball champions months vacation, and join ant Cyril Gale, who has been On Sunday 13th, which will be Our popular shoe maker Mc. In we are wishing her success Mrs. Thrift who bas been there second in charge of our work in Palm Sunday school children will can do it.
Bravo! Allan, show them you Fullwood is now practicing base in Sam King vocal class and ball.
for sometime.
Bocas del Toro for over two years, march around the town waving We wish him success in trust that the skipper will soon the pitebing world.
urn out some more scholars, At the close of the Vacation has come as a second to Ensigu palm branches, at 3, just as good or better in the they will both return to the Purser, and these two young men And at 7, 30 Major Bax, the La Boca Clubhouse good old Paradise.
should be able to give a good ae. Divisional Commander will conOur very esteemed and popuDuring the absence of Mr. count of themselves. Major Bax duct the Altar Service on behalf of lar Lock Superintendent, Mr.
Thrift the Rev. Witt of the conducted the welcome services the So Denial Effort.
Two great events of the season, Holloway has been con nice little sermon last Sunday Teacher Osborne preached a Chorillo Baptist will administer last week, and a very hearty time Friends are invited to come, and Saturday, April 26th, 7:30 to 12 fined to hospital since last week, night All his the ordinancas of the church.
hearers went Bas experienced bring their gifts.
o clock grand Living suffering with a fractured bone away feeling satisfied.
80 with a real time, Red


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