
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1924 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands What Your Hurry?
Wholesale Buy a Coventry Ensign QVEEN Har mig Western Auto Supply Co.
JAMAICA section of the parish is in the throes of one of the severest droughts ever experienced here as far as many of the oldest The Legislative Council residente can remember.
QUEEN LiHAIR DRESSING Many of the sources of water At Work supply have become unfit or Imagine yourself entirely exhausted The big with long, waving, silken Plantain Garden River is hair. Think how attractive Very little you would be. This you can running very low.
The Times of the 19 April planting can bo done at the easily have by using QUEEN HAIR DRESSING. This dresssays:present time except in the cool What your hurry in ing also removes dandruff The debate on the con and shaded places.
For some and stops falling hair. Cost only 25e a large box at tinuance of the Sugar Aid Law days ist now there bave been spending all the change?
good drag stores and was continued on Tuesday mornmost unmistakeable sigas of Brewer Hess ing. Almost all the elected memoraln, but the rain bas not yet Be to 25e Stores bers were in favour of the loans fallen.
being continued for another ear Referring to the existing state Queen Agents at least.
of water supply it must be plain165 Central Ave.
Panama City.
Mr. Nash said the government ly stated that the water is in 109 Bolivar St.
protected the banks here, instead most 908 very bad and conColon.
of the sugar industry of the stant use of such water simply colony, and the time migbt come endangers the beslih of the And save the rest when the sugar states would community It is understood be run by receivers. An Agri that representations bave from Civil Service Dissatisfaction.
cultural State Bank would serve time to time been made to the the interests of the estaies to a Parochial Byard, but for many greater extent than would the reasons the steps to have everyWe understand that consider Loan Board. Loans should be thing properly adjusted have able dissatisfaction exist among obtained for a longer period than ot yet been attempted.
the clerks of the second and It is a very shocking sight to one year third grades of the Civil Service Mr. Grabam sad that Jamaica see a number of persons of all consequent on the appointment could not get on well withou one of the watering places in the sexes and agas congregated at recently of Mr. Puckerin sugar and banana, band the early morning or at any other over the heads of a bumber of bis seniors to the post of Supergovernment should help the convenient hour waiting upon planters to keep up the industry the water that is flowing from intendent of the Government Industrial Schools. It is trua without favouring any special cial some little spring.
that so far as the salary goes party, The sugar industry would have been dead if the Mr. Puckerin does not serious.
Sad Death of Man.
Panama 60. 00 government did not come to the Canal Zone 55. 00 ly outdo those be leaves behind, aid of the planters. He was in In the Winchester district on but as Superintendent of the favour of the Thursday morning last the 24th Industrial Schools he enjoys instrat. a man died under some certain privileges and qualifies CONTINUANCE OF THE LOAN whatsad circunstances. The for emoluments which together for another year.
man whose name was given as are sufficient to place bim among Major Dixon moved an amad. Elijah Goode (about 35 years old first grade officers of the ment which was lost on division is said to have originally belonged For Terms. Call Phone 85 service. It must be rememwhile the amendment of Mr. to Manchester and had been bered however that the post Nash was carried.
residing in the above named SK6363. iso KKSSKeves earries with it the need for cerThe resolution as passed with district since the past three or tain qualification, and Mr.
out division reads as follows: four weeks with two other Puckerin receives this specia. That in view of the continu friends named Pincock and training when serving as an officer in the recent world war.
ing financial depression is the Thompson. On Wednesday the commerce and trade of th day before his demise it is alleged to to a sort of combin) with each BARBADOS will be the same as those now island it is the desire of this that Goode worked at Hordley, other thus dispensing wiih the asked by the Tramways Co. It is Council that the approval of the returning home at about six services of runners, etc. the an effort to render the system of Tours Between I, and Rt. Hon. the cretary of State o clock stricken with fever. At small producers declare they are local transportation more up to date that we bave yet had it, and Canada for the Colonies be respectfully about eight o clok he started to having much hardships. It is New Motor Bus there a as it requires more than praise to continue such operations intervals until about three o clock buying centres outside of the Service and smiles to keep it agoing, the Arrangements bave been made under the Sugar Industry Aid next morning. He breathed his wharves the producers find it patronage public must be Law, as may be necessary for last sometime about five o clock more expensive to transport 12 extended and the company by the Royal Mall Steame Packet Company to run ten Summer the contitud maintaidance of on Thursday. Pinnock reported their produce in this way, and efforts encouraged. The Belle trips of their fleet in these parts The Globe In its issue of the ville and Eagle Hall sections between Halifax, S; and the the Island to an extent not exceed statement having been takea this other expenses they find them. 14. April says. Tuesday (tool will be inaugurated about Maywest Indies for the benefit of Sugar Industry of the the matter to the Police, and a that after paying cartage and igg 100, 000 was sent on to a justicie of the selves left with very little protit mocrow will see the inauguration 16th hex.
It those feeling the need or desire is the opinion of good many here of a Motor Bus Service peace who after going over Provided that no coins be everything ordered burial.
persons that this determination between Bridgetown and St.
to travel but have not the means.
made to any estate, which These excursion rates represon the part of the companies Lawrence which, on the strength THR BANANA MARKET concerned teuds cannot show to the satisfaction in a measu: e The New Organ.
of its proposed regularity, should enting considerable reduction from the ordinary tarift fares of the Sugar Loan Board that it The banana market this week to cripple the trade as it ham result in success for both incan reasonably be expected that was rather lively around these pers the buyers and producers vestors and patrons. Reliable will be placed into effect with parts one.
This faithful as has been the tram The new Organ for the Cathe sailings from Halifax on May as any new loans required will truit of very good quality and indeed would be very regtet ways service in the past it has, dral should by this time be and again on June 6th, continuing be sufficiently covared and re high grade found its way to the table inasmuch as the banana always been felt that the service on its way from England. An fortnigtly to October 24.
The tours offer a splendid inpaid by June 30tb, 1925. wharf. The price unfortunately industry belog the leading ong, was lacking both in expeditiou preparations for its erections al ducement to those baving from is rather small for this time of around these parts at present, and frequency of transport. This the southern corner of the old the year, and there is no knowing offers employment to a very new service will more for the edifice have been made and two weeks to six months at their THE VICTORIA LEAGUE when there will be an improve large number of persons who present, as does the tramways await its coming. Meanwhile disposal, and the rates are ment in the igure. Ten pounds will stand to lose materially it service, every half hour, but the Mr Ball. the representative in sufficiently low to render the Effective Social And Educaper bundred counts and thirteen the present arrangements re public stand to reap the benefit these colonies of Messrs Walker accomplishment practicable for pounds fifteen chillings were garding the buying of fruit because it will move at the in Sons, the eminent builders, almost any class. round trip tional Work.
paid this week at the interior are persisted in.
tervening quarters of an hour is busily engaged effecting re between Barbados and Halifax ands and at the wharves oelore or after the start of the pairs to instruments around, He will cost 195, and no passports The Victoria League is doing respectively. Due to the latest tram cars at either and starts was last at British Guiana are needed. They should cer.
extensive work in Jamaica. It move made by the differen Advertise in the Workman Street near the Ice House and to the All Saints Church organ, summer tours.
will be mad, from Lower Broad where after completing repairs tainly prove to be delightful couches on many forms of social Companies operating around IT PAYS. at St. Lawrence, and the lares he returned to Georgetown.
and educational work. It enter here whereby they have entered tairs the Navy, arranges educa.
Barbadlans and the Great tional correspondence between children of foreign countries, and War.
jnculcates a love of the Empire in the the schools.
The Barbados Advocate pubLantern lectures have been lisbes a letter from the Bararranged and were given by Mr. Hallett at shortwood bados Memorial Fund Association of Broklyn, stating that a College in October, at May Pep and Chapelton in November and drive was being made to raide at Sou hfield and Cross ye ten thousand dollars to endow bed in a New York Hospital for In Febuary this year. At all the use of Barbadians as the lectures where rain did not interfere, the attendance were Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by THE NATIONAL Crry BANK OF NEW YORK memorial of Barbadians fallen in the War. For every pound very good raised on tols side five dollars is Tbese are extracts from the pledged in New York, report presented at the annual originators of the movement and meeting last week, Depository of the PANAMA CANAL directors of the Association are prominent Barbadians in New York.
and the United States Government The Canadian Bank of Com.
merce has agreed to recelve At Golden Grove.
Capital Direct Representation through our own Branches and those Capital subscriptions and the appeal will and THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in recommend itself to all who have and friends in erica and who will VERY LITTLE PLANTING CAN Surplus ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM Suroins appreciate the inmense value of of a memorial taking this form.
ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU. PORTO RICO U, SAD DEATH OF MAN URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Currency Currency Banana Market Lively: Low The WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED of recent days says:Price, Howaver, Pald For Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World Frult. The Buying Centres. About half past one o clock on Monday aftornoon most regrettable accident occured to The Golden Grove CorresponHamlet Parris, an engineer fitter dent to the GMANET Writies ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE at the Central Foundry in that paper on the 25th dito.
Trafalgar Square, which may INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM cause the loss of his nie. In common with many anappears that at the time above other part of the island this (Continued on Page 7)
ana International Banking Corporation The Happenings of Interest Regrettable Accident says:

    EnglandFranceItalySpainWorld War

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