
THE MAIN STORE OF The American Bazaar Situated on Centrai Avenue, Opposite the Cathedral Jorge Innis, Panamanian, a sailor on Tootor schooner El Norte bero. cally saved the life of a little boy on Sunday morning last, the Ilth inst While the El Norte was passing pier 3, Innis was attracted by cries for help from the boy, who Was being carried out by a big Wave The brave seaman unbesi.
tatingly jumped into the water and rescued him.
The boy was one of a number Wlo were enjoying a morning bath, and must have Ventured two for from shore The would be tragedy was witnessed by many.
Has been closed until such time as the work of repairing the Building in which it Operates, and which will be immediately started, is concluded.
club Wesleyan Dime Bank Closed Down from and Depositors of the Colon Wesleyandime bank regret very much its closing down, which, it is understood, has been made necesBury by the continued illness of Mr. Lawrence, Some or years ago this in.
stitution was brouxht into existence by the Rev. 1. Parker, who with the above named gentleman and the late Mr. Alan Thomas were the trustees. Apparently this bank has always been in a flourishing condition, and had among its depositors non members, and members of other churches.
During the period necessary for this work, the Clientele of the AMERICAN BAZAAR STORES, will be served with the customary zeal and courtesy at The Branch Store OF American Bazaar Stores Acting Secretary If there are them Rob is am Let this Letter Be your Guide 28 3rd.
10 00 CANAL ZONE NOTES The World Loves a Pleasant Man LA BOCA PARS (By the Scribe)
If we were delivering a diesertaIn by gone days there was a tion for the development of the strong and persistent claim in the better natures the races ranks of Little Englanders that the above headline would their native Island was head. represent our subject and the quarters. but for what or whom following quotation, true to nature, hiever been cleared up, and doubt Sterling (Ky. Advocate, as it is that place was headquarters has would be appended, says the Min if it will ever be. I, however, have now given for serious thought: authority to back my statement that Learn to laugh; a good laugh is La Boca Clubhouse is logically the better than medicine.
headquarters for all silver club.
Learn to tell a story; good the Zone. Here is authority Ellis, Jump suabeam in a sick room.
story, well told, is as welcome as a and a few others evolved the idea Learn to stop croaking; if you la recreation hall at La Boca when caonot see any good in the world, of a there was not another silver house on the Zone. The idea was keep the bad to yourself.
transmitted on paper and through Learn to hide your aches and channels and finally reached the pains under pleasant smiles; no grand old man Goethals, who have headaches or rheumatism.
the one cares to hear whether you not only approved the building of our clubhouse as Learn to to meet your friends with as an experimental station but was also present at the a smile; a good humored man or dedication ceremony B: Neely woman is always welcorue, but the was dispatched the to dyspeptic is rot wanted anywhere.
take charge of the station.
Above all, give pleasure; lose bo Bee. along chance of giving pleasure.
Jump. Ellis with his co.
You will pass through this world bocans, made good. And so this is but once.
another incontrovertible evidence in Any good, therefore, that you support of any claim that La Boca can do, any kindness that you can is really the headquarters for all show to any human being, you had West Indian sections in Panama better do it now; do not defer or and the Canal Zone.
Deglect it.
DON DEFER OR NEGLECT Ernest Robertson, assistant to TO BUY YOUR PACKAGE Secretary Waller of the Clubhouse, OF has been transferred to take up the LUCKY STRIKES NOW responsible position as Acting Secretary of Gatun Silver Club house. Mr. Robertson has been as.
sociated with clubhouse work for WINNERS the past five years, this being the time he will be serving as three of the Ho Ro Co Product coloured men in the Canal Zone Contest.
who know anything about clubhouse work in all its stages, he is certainly one of is of a a quiet The following are the prizes and genial disposition and should awarded to the winnors of the the authorities decide during his HO RO CO Product Contest, lifetime to consider West Indians as appeared in an advertisment eligible for the position of Secre some time pasman newspaper for tary of.
sure he would be accepted with T. Irving 1st. Prise 15. 00 acclamation by both employees and Benjamin Jono 2nd. 12. 50 patrons of any silver clubhouse on Mi a Octavis Jones the Canal Zone. Florence Bethune 4th. 50 Mr. Burrowed 5th.
last week issue of this our great Abraham Edwards Acording to a publication in Griffith 6th.
family weekly, have been promot. Arnold Thomson 8th.
ed to a very responsible position; a position which demands that the Miss. Carter 9th. 500 incumbent have some knowledge of Mre. Madrina Skeete 101h. 00 the psychology of man, man, Robert Marzie Jones rules of parliamentary procedure Catherine Garner abbreviation of letters. words, Mise Josephine Bosquez 13th. 00 nces and phrases, all of which Mrs Francis WoQusko 14th.
ane must also have a basic mean that he must Ellen Sewell 50 knowledge of the fundamentals of English grammar, mar, sprinkled with a Total 100. 00 few French and Latin words and The winners of the Contest as phrases. am not sure that am mentioned above are requested fortified with necessarry to call at the office of the means for qualifying for the job. HO RO CO Products to receive have accepted it, for have their prizes as herein stated any experienced that during the con day after the 20th instant.
whenever a Barbadian and a struction of the Panama Canal, maican started out on a job hun Barbadian Spedition first; this is due to the act that, without reservation, the LIBERTY HALL Barbadian accepts the first offer of 29 Street, Panama position, whether it was to be stationary engineer or a foreman of an ammunition dump; the reason ENGLISH CLASSES for this being that he is a firm believer in What man has done by Day and by Night are man may do.
now opened for the Summer have come to the conclusion that a man is not at all times what the other fellow thinks he is; he For particulars apply on the spot to is just what he is, and what he will BARTON, LL.
speculative. One of my be is highly messenger friends favoured mel Principa with the information that be careful what write in these these headquarters or Chorrillo, or columns for a few are laying up Guachapali would contribute readily for me; and he threw in for his to the upkeep of a monthly journal share that if want to conduct devoted to the discussion of WORKMAN super.
natural phenomena, astrology, for a course inpredictions, popular superstitions struction from the master mind who and folklore, with regular monthly very delicious dish. appreciate subject Voodooism.
originated and is preparing that editorials dealing on the popular very highly my friend friendly advice as, with Cooper, believe that Knowledge dwells in heads, Paraiso News.
replete with thoughts of men. but at the same time also believe that wisdom dwell in heads (BY FESOR)
their Miss Mary Glasgow along with too, of the fact that the bigger other relatives, sailed for the the man the better he is able to get young lady and her friends a very last week. We wish the away with things, but doubt, serioustic if were to climb the pleasant and prosperous stay up would be able to command versatility of my pen productions The Rev. Nightengale bad if 1, with my black, hands; good bye to Red Tank and to get away without drastic Paraiso folks on Sunday last. He rebuke and ridicule if slip in takes with him the good will of these columns anything suggestive all, and above all they wished him of the fact that the inhabitants of a speedy return. 00 00 00 00 7th.
99 when you whana 11th. 00 00 12th 13 just go sentences 00 a 16th these great paprating pected.
your JaTwo Seamen Narrowly Excape Drowning Situated at the corner of Central Avenue and Street Opposite the Duque Hardware Store Captain Francisco Avila and Diagialeno Rodriguez of the schooner Censura narrowly expid drowning on Sunday morn ing last, when their vessel capsized ouside tha breakwather, whill combatting the heavy seas Ladeo with merchandise to the Edward Moore Dies in amount of nearly 100 the erat set sail at about a, during the Ancon Hospital heavy rains, bound for the chagres plantation, Just they left the Edward Moore, a native of Barbreakwater a a strong wave broke bados, member of the Loyal Invin over the boat capsizing it com cible Lodge, died pletely and washing both n into in Ancon Hospital on Tuesday last the sea. They however preserved the 13th inst. The remains were their lives by holding on to the taken over to this city, and upturned sloop which dri ted interment carried out at the mount ashore later on, while the cargo Hope cemetery with the full rites 11 21 18 went to bottom of the order on the following day.
Hur heltie. COLON BOYS INSTIUIL Atlantic Athletes Hampered by Bad Weather.
To Celebrate 4th Anniversary good Dressmaking Service to the Tomorrow The heavy rains which have womens Exchange been falling for the past three at the Central Avenue The Colon Boys Institute will weeks are now proving a serious celebrate its 4th anniversary to handierp to the athletes on the apporte roth Strut morrow at the America Theatre, Atlantic side, in their training for The girl there also Addresses are to be delivered by the coming meet in Panama.
hematitches very neatly various speakers among whom will Early mornings and evenings are be officials of the Canal Zone, and times available for the majority, and her mother takes the Republic of Panama, it is ex but these parts of the day are more or less wet with perhaps a musical program is being pre a little sunshine around noon time.
pared for the occasion in which the The boys are however making Boys band of the institute will the best of it, supplementing the be represented.
little they can do with indoor work, The function is scheduled to and are confident that they will commence at 1pm in order to make good showing.
allow the visitors from the other end to catch the o clock train There is no charge for admission; Notice of Meeting DRESS MAKERS the meeting is entirely free to the No. 141 Central Avenue public. meeting of the Panama Canal West Indian Association will be MISS E, DUZANT.
held by President White tomorrow (Sunday) morning at 30 o еlock in the Lodge Hall (old Advertise Still Leads In Popularity colored schoolroom) at Cristobal Contest Canal, Zone All are invited to attend.
The third count of votes in the DISTRICT COURT OF Popularity Contest in connection with the Immaculate Conception THE CANAL ZONE.
Parish was taken in Parish Hall Cristob: Division on Monday night last the 12th inst. and showed Miss Duzant still leadin with 3296 votes. Her ROLAND JOHNSON nearest opponent is Miss Carrington, who follows with 3340, and GARMEN JOHNSON Miss Ogg coming after with 1729; Miss McDonald 1214; Miss Pearson 900; Miss Elisee 802.
Notice of Pendency of Sult The leaders are, however, ad.
Recommended for Removing the Humors of vised to take no chances, as there 10 CARMEN JOHNSON, might be a big surprise to be Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Defendant sprung on the night of the 19th Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic which concludes the contest.
You are hereby required to enter Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disyour appearance in the office of the CRICKET Clerk of the above entitled court, at eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
Cristobal, Canal Zone, in an action for divorce filed against you by above An Alterative recommended for purifynamed plaintiff, and to answer the Heavy rains on Sunday last, complaint therein on or before the 17th ing and enriching the BLOOD.
the 11th, rendered the playing of And you are further notified that if any cricket match impossible. The you fail to appear and answer the said wht weather is still on, but should complaint. above required, the For Sale at all Drug Stores there be any improvement, the plaintiff will take judgment against you by delault and demand from the court deferred cup matoh between Sussex the relief prayed for in his said com And in Large Quantities by and Victoria of the sportmen com plaint.
JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy petition which was commenced on (Sgd. CAMPBELL the 4th inst. will continue toAsst. Clerk District Court AGENT NOFTOW.
Date May 15, 1924.
Private Academy The Woman Exchange he Workman it pays in must Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD Ve.
should apply goulash of other attentive to own. am awares ladder to a point where there.
would be able to Ok


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