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Governor Towner Advocates the Bill in Congress to Aollw the Islanders to Elect Their Own Ruler in 1928 Fine Progress Reported in Education, Sanitation and Economic Development.
JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
utes in CALL IN AT desire forest ex GIFTS THAT LAST WHEREAS, it has pleased Almighty God to take from us our beloved and worthy deceased Brother JOHN NOT THE LEACOCK, who, departed this life on May 20th, 1921, at 7:30 at Newest, Largest, the Ancon Hospital, after about tour weeks illness, and and was intered on Oldest, Smallest, Nay the 21st in the Herrera Cemetry by the officers and Members of the but probably the most widely Isthmian Star Lodge No. 13, Inde: known pendent United Order of Mechanics Friendly Society, of San Miguel, Pan.
Jewelry Store ama City, Republic of Panama, with full honors IN PANAMA RESOLVED, that this Lodge on No street acidress May 24th, 1924, in session assembled neceseary at three consecutive meetings, stand with all with all heads bowed for five min.
DR. HOFFMANN in silence, in respect for our esteemed Brother, and that our Dis.
es Has removed his clinic to pensation be draped in mourning for No. 39 Central Avenue. Er. Thirty days. The deceased was a member of this Lodge for Sixteen trance between La Mascota (16) years, and up to the time of his. death, stood as a ka ght of the and Chong Kee Store.
Order, owing to his earling, which roerow prevented him from attending meetPublic Information. ing regularly, or to hold Office, but was always ready to pay his dues for Liberty Hall, 29, St. everything when called upon to do so.
Be it further RESOLVED that a This Spacious and Com.
copy of this ressolution be sent to modious Hall suitable his sorrowing Widow in La Boca, who TO for Concerts Dances. now stands bereaved of a dear and Apply on premises loving husband and father. That a copy be spread over the face of our minute Book and that a copy be sent The WORKMAN New to the Workman Office for publicaLaper can be had at the fol tion.
lowing places: May his soul rest in peace.
The Variety Store, 76 Chorrillo (Signed) TOPPIN Lindsay Place, No 2, Secretary Street, San Miguel Marchi, Barber, 55, Chi. Advertise ia The Workman donia Rond.
IT PAYS The Workman BOOK STORE No. 93, Central Avenue ASSORTMENT OF GOOD STATIONERY SOUVENIRS, per that he Affairs take place is years The following article taken from the New York TIMES has been sent us for publication, and to which we direct the attention of our many readers:Porto Rico will have almost com self government wherever it is justiti plete control over her affairs it a bill ed. For these reasons believe Porte now before the House is enacted. The Rico should have the right to elect bill would permit the island Territory her own Governor.
to elect its Governor in 1928. Gov. The Porto Ricans do not ask to ernor Towner and leading men of be separated from the United States.
Porto Rico appeared in Washington They are not asking for independence.
recently to agrue in its favor, and they want to continue as part of our they impressed Congressional com territory: so their mittees with the belief that the grant, tension of self government is not for ing of more autonomy was justified the purpose of becoming an indepenby conditions, and that it would lead dent republic. That is not in their to a better feeling among the people minds. But as our States elect their o the island, who in 1917 became Governors, so they ask to elect theirs.
citizens of the United States and en. To grant their prayer will bind Por rolled 400. 000 men for the World to Rico closer to us as a friendly War.
Men who advocate greater self Education in Porto Rico has been govrnment for Porto Rico say that a difficult task. But let it be remem.
Der finances will be in such shape bered that in the last twenty years by 1928 that she will be able to illiteracy, has been reduced from 90 sustain herself. They reason that she per cent, to 50 per cent; that now should therefore have the same there are about 2, 000 buildings for privileges as an independent state school purposes, with about 200, 000 under the United States. They doubt, pupils enrolled and 3, 000 teachers however, that she will ever wish to employed, and that the Government join this country as a State, there spends anually 4, 000, 000, or about being many differences, racial and 37 per cent of its budget, for educa sentimental, to prevent.
tional purposes Autonomy has been granted to Por. Progress in Many Lines to Rico slowly. In 1917 the people In sanitary progress Porto Rico were entrustd with the power to make has made great strides. The total their own laws, and the only evidenco mortality rate in 1898 was 11 of American rule in the island today 1, 000. This has been reduced to 18.
is that the Governor and the members Better conditions and beter methods of the Supreme Court are are appointed will undoubtedly result in still greater by the President of the United States, reduction. In my judgment the Porto Ricans The economic and commercial are entitled to the proposed extension of the island has been of self government, said Governor Progress. The total value of exaffairs of the island for a year, and 17. 000. 000. In 1920 it was 247. 000. for a year. And ports and imports in 1901 was but before he was Chairman of the 000. The value of exports from Porto House Committee on Insular Personally think that the islands 1920 it was 150, 000, 000. The total Rico in 1901 was only 8, 000, 000. In will in time become a State in the amount of trade between Porto Rico Union. When shall the future to determine. and the United States in 1901 was 12, 000, 000. In 1920 it was 223, 000, It is my opinion that our duty is to 000. The value of sugar exported from grant to every Territory subject to Porto Rico in 1901 was 4, 000, 000, and our jurisdiction the largest measure in 1920 it was 98, 000, 000.
or sell. government which the people These items give an indication of are capable of using wisely. We are under obligation to do so, according the marvelous material development to the very fundamentals of our Gov. in twenty of the island ernment.
history. It would seem impossible to That being true, it seems to me equal this progress during the next a that, having evidence of the progress two decades, but it is certain that and the development that have been large and steady increase maintained. The resources of the made in Porto Rico in her twenty. isla BO great that with intelfive years under American rule, and ligence and energy the limit of prohaving knowledge of how well the duction will not be reached for years people have adjusted themselves to to come.
every step toward autonomy, we are warranted in allowing them to elect their Governor. Since 1917 they have made their own laws so well that the veto power regarding general laws has been rarely exercised in Porto Rico by the American serving as Governor. The laws now on their statute books are their own laws. The Porto Ricans had ORDER OF ROSAE CRUCIS a difficult problem, for the basis of all FUNCTIONING, their laws is Spanish, and the manners and customs of the people were still Spanish when we assumed con The public in general will be trol. They have superimposed upon pleased to learn of the recent that Spanish foundation our Ameri official opening of the Panama can laws and made the Dew Grand Lodge, Amenotep No. 57, Ancon Panama, Ancient Mystical harmonize with the old, Order Rosae Crucis, at No. 5, 21st doubt if the people of any State Street Guachapali, Panama, RP.
in the Union, working under the same conditions, would have given a better oldest fraternal or secret order This order is uncoubtedly the account of themselves. They have been quick to adjust themselves to known to man, its doctrines are what is best in many of our States. based on love, unity and trath, to esoteric, and its principles are system, and they have adhered to it. the day peculiar to Rosae Crucis Long ago they adopted the budget Meetings are held every Thursday, laws that are even all over the world.
superior to the laws of some of our The following parties have States. So that legislatively it can acquired the full mystic rites of be said that they have done more this primitive order and were dul than could be required of them, and installed into their respective they merit in that regard ap offices proval by us in the United States.
Tom Dr. Ross, Worthy As to their judicial do Master; Richard Thompson, not think there is more upright or Deputy Master; William Alexanintelligent State Supreme sent state eme Court in der Budd, Trea urer; Percival the Union than the Supreme Court of Ellis, Chaplain; Peter PemberPorto Rico. It recelves the confidence ton, Conductor; David Titman, of the bar and the people, and never Precentor; John St. Louis, have heard a criticism of it from a Archivist; Mrs. Betsy Alkins, member of the bar or the Legislature. Matre; Mrs. Keturab Thompson It is a model.
Priestest World Watching America Anastaci Thompson, Colombr. In my opinion it would be one of Asst. Colombe; Miss Beatrice Miss Bernice Alicia Thompson, the finest things that Congress could Ellis, Herald; Mrs Theresa St.
do, and it would reflect credit upon Louis, Torehbearer; Miss Felicia us, to grant the request of the Porto Belefante, Guardian; Mrs, Linder Ricans. The eyes of the world are Sealey Medallist; Mrs. Gertrude upon our record in governing Our Cottle, Organist.
dependencies. We are to determine, by what we do, their opinion of the United States. We proclaim beliet in Rent Receipt Books in Spanself government as part of our Amer Ish and English for sale at ican system, and we ought to practice The Workman Printery NTS be can be island are Panama Grand Lodge Amenotep No. 57 Ww They have full apSuch popularity must be deserved.
systemicht or IG to popularity was no accident.
Popularity doesn come Smokers were ready for a better ready made.
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