
Of Elected Members of Jamaica Legislature.
would The Jamaica GLEANER of the 21st ulto, publishes the following article reproduced from the TIMES There has been fresh trouble in For strengthening the BLOOD Jamaica during the disease the readers Half the People of ty the representatives of the people Are Liable to Arrest who that grant of the new Constitution would satis official majority, is petulant outburst ade which כה We must remember, DAIRYLEA Richer Creamier con ia them materials BRITISH TRADE AND INDUSTRY.
London. Slowly, very slowly, the world struggles back towards norma lity in trade. But the process though slow is sure. On the whole there is no relapse, and though the rate of time provement snail like this is in finitely preferable to alternate boom and slump. And the interesting thing about this progress is that it wou seem to co on independently of politics. Not that we would decry politics, for a wise policy can be most helpful to the process. At the moment writing two most important moves have been made in the political test Recommend for Removing the Humors of sphere towards trade and appease.
ment. This month has witnessed not Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, only the presentation of the Experts Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Reports on reparations but the opening of the conference between the Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and DisBritish and Russian Governments.
While awaiting with what patience we eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
may the upshot of these political moves, which we all hope will lead to An llerative recommended for purify.
final settlement, we will turn once more to the consideration of that ing and enriching the BLOOD.
natural recovery in commerce which is going on, as we said, independently of politics and governments.
The Board of of Trade has issued its For Sale at all Drug Stores figures for British overseas trade during the month of March, and with these in hand we are in a position to And in Large Quantit es by consider the figures for the first quarter of 1924. It may be said at JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy once that the trade returns for this quarter make a favourable comparison with those for the corresponding AGENT period of last year.
The total value of British overseas KESKOSKS SEKSS SS Sassooloses 3xxsssets trade, then, during January March, 1924 was 5344 millions, an in crease of 464 millons. This Fellowmen Of The equal to the substantial percentage of nine and a halt per cent. In imports DAIRYLEA Negro Race the inerease was over ten per cent, and in exports per cent. The exEVAPORATED MILK pansion in the re export (or entrepot)
SALUTE AMI wade trade, however, was the most notable feature, the increase in this item is the concentrated wholesomeness of the purest fresh dottle milk being nearly thirty seven per cent. In view of the numerous labour disputes It is exactly the same milk which SENATOR COPEALKOHOD AL KAM which have interfered with trade dur.
LAND when Health Commissioner of New York called ing the last three months (railway, tram and bus strikes) the first Behold The Dawn Of New quarter figures must be regarded as This is a picture Start, of the can: quare satisfactory.
THE BEST however, that this year being Leap Free and accepted order of Year there was one working day IN THE Itheopin and African Rignts. The more. An interesting fact about the order at carries the awakening increased imports during the first of the Hidden stories of quarter of this year. 28 millons)
is that 19 millions of the advance Sterilised Itheopis. purely Negro Organ WORLD Unsweetened is due to raw ization, the order that has mule EVAPORATED 131 konks over, it his inade men of millions of this. Part of this increase cther Races.
is accounted for by prices Ask your grocer cotton)
Come and be one of the Chelas. particularly in the case of for DAIRYLEA DAIRY MEN Yourself are presumably League of the Ancient Divine teachings. It but as these imports are presu CASTRATIVE ASSOCIATION. The Evaporated Milk Ancient Itheopis, it is the order the export side of the account will is a Mystic Masonie Order of not made unless orders are in view we may expect later in the year that Hiram of Atyssinia, Niurod the show a corresponding expansion.
David, The World Most Safe. Guarded Milk.
Mighty and all the Ancient It is obvious that a clearer indicaItheopian Priests, bearing the tion of the position of trade can be full traditions Rome and Egypt twen quarter and quarter than be of cleaned by making comparisons bewith ceremomy of the ancient tween month month This Magi in the temples of Kings View rather strinkingly enfore.
IF YOU WANT TO BE when Itheo ia was in her Glory.
ed if we consider the returns for the This means that the full and month of March alone. These returns correct teachings of our foreparents have to be read in the light of the is in our hands once more: accept dock strike, whose effects were the Ancient Wisdom, gain the probably felt more during last month Knowledge, so that you may than in February, while the strike TELL YOUR SECRETS Laravel the Divine understanding. was actually on. As we have pointed This order revealed the Mysteries out before, the Board of of Creation, the building of the statistics of Trade TO THE RIGHT MAN trade are three special Temples Jerusalem the Mysteries of from ships documents, Happy in Friendship, Business, etc. Spells of all the Rosy Cross, the Pilgr mage authorities for clearence. This means which to the Customs Kinds Released and Broken, Medical Preparations Journey to the Valley of Sharah that they do not reflect current in and Egypt. It is your heritage by that for Conjured Pains, Sufferings birth right, seek it, and help solv? dustrial activities. If a dock strike their arrive, LOVE APPLES IN ALL FORMS the Itheopian Problemn, concentrate on when the ships the solution which will bring back cargoes cannot be discharged. Never. it is posterity to your children, theless the importers deposit with High John the Conqueror, Adam and Eve.
yours and theirs by divine rights go ments, and though the goods lleve the the Customs their shipping docu.
cus All kinds of highly appreciated roots and herbs. to it, the time is now.
sometimes The order was cbartered and holds, the figures trom the bins. com rotting in the ships Call, or if out of town, write.
organized into a body of welllading are know Brethern who have assembled CASH OR CREDIT together behind closed doors which returns of imports into this country.
is called Temples, to organize The converse applies to exports. Will Credit You, It Matters Not Where You Live men and women who have March, 1924, then, is influenced by fully read their thoughts to the February strike, and discloses a ALEXANDER become Neophytes of so exalted an set back. Not only are imports higher order.
in comparison with February last and 99 Downing Street.
Brooklyn, After taking into deep considera March 1922, but total exports tion the necessity of linking our cluding re exports) are over milwomen to the sublime principles of Hons down on the month and are this our noble exalted order, the millions up on the year. In per cenPotent and Exalted Master and tages the decline in exports for the Supreme board of directors have March, 1924, as compared decided that the Supreme Grand February last is ten per cent for Temple and the Supreme Head exports and four per cent for reQuarters of the o. of exports.
Rs should undertake to organize th The principal increases in exports Why throw away your old, but no a woman division of the Free and last month were in cotton yarns and Accepted order of Itheopia and doubt interesting, books when you African Rights which should be manufactures, and in food and drink can have them neatly bound at of A, Rs. now invite all ablc decrease of as Chapters of the 11 million and one milion pounde in value respectively. There was minded mer sad women to join nearly two and a halt mil THE WORKMAN this peac loving order se help lion pounds in the value of coal ex solve the problem of struggling ports and over one and a half millions humanity.
exports of of vehicles, including 93 CENTRAL AVENUE For further particulars locomotives, ships and aircraft. It de State Territorial District Grand liges that accounts for the chief see the falling oft under these two headOpposite Cecilia Th. atre Master. house No. 5, 21st Street dealine in exports, for nearly every Guachapali, or Anoon P, other item shows an improvement.
merchant MILK Convince rising prices NEW YORK, USA in the Council will be disappointed.
On March 12 our Kingston Corres.
pondent described the scene as the ON BOOTLEGGING CHARGE.
House rang with cheers while the Governor, Sir Leslle Probyn, read Mr. Federal Officers Instructed to Thomas despatch. In view of the fact that the reforms promised by Prosecute as Accesso ies al the British Government went even Who Maka or Sel Any Sb farther than the recomendations st ince Used in concoctig of the Wood report, there was cer. lilegal Alcohɔ ic Bava ages.
tainly every excuse for enthusiasm.
Mr. Wood had suggested that, in order to balance substantial conces Federal prohibition officers here are heten Chicago cable despatch states that sions in other directions, the power cursing new trouble that are piling of the nine elected members to veto financial measures should be abolish on them through new interpretations od. In the draft Constitution, how. by Washington of old laws. new how booklet hit them between the eyes of ever, this right was retained, leaving to day. If the laws as set forth are the present power of the Governor to ente override the decision of the Legis che enforced, half the people are liable to arrest as accessories to bootleging.
lature in cases of paramount importance as the main constitutional section of the edict instructs check on the activities of the un local officials to prosecute persons or Unfortunately companies which make or sell any within the first few weeks of the ses substance, article or material which Weeks of the sea the buyer sion, the sion, the Governor has found it the buyer might use for, or in the necessary to exercise that power, and concocting of any illegal alcoholic apparently the result has been a beverage, unless the seller makes sure the substance, article or material is Dew against the Constitution on the part of the elect: not used for such a purpose.
ed members, and a hasty cry for the Under this ruling, Samuel Insull restoration of the two Chamber Les might be Indicted or prosecuted be islature which the colony enjoyed cause the Poeple Gas, Light and sixty years ago.
It is perhaps un Coke Company sells gas used for necessary to remind these members heating stills by moonshiners, ac of the circumstances in which the people of the colony themselves asked to local Federal attorneys.
who decided it it would be well not to ed for a repeal of that system. It is enforce the letter of the ruling until a enough to suggest that the new Con specific instructions were received stitution gives them the most gen. from the Prohibition Department in erous of opportunities to prove their Washington. The corner grocer may fitness for an even greater measure find himself branded as Scofflaw it of responsibility he isn careful to whom he sells his The present political crisis began dry fruit, sugar, grapes and fresh small communities in the troples illegal production of cordials. in a manner characteristic of all truit. Under the latest Washington ruling, dry fruit may be used in the purely personal note. On April the elected members expressed dis Should the home however borrow satisfaction with the management of his wife wash boffer to cook up the the State railways, and asked that brew, the manufacturer who made the Major Thomas, the Director should boiler and the hardware be removed. That their complaints who sold the boiler become acces.
were not entirely without founda sories of the brewer and should be tion is suggested by the fact that hailed into court and punished for within the last few days Sir Leslie their misdeeds, the revised rulings Probyn himself has asked the Colo, declare.
nial Ortice for a Royal Commission, les Even the match manufacturer may and in the meantime has granted be prosecuted in connection with the leave of absence to the Director Not unnaturally, however, he refused citizens who started the fire under the home brew.
to accede to the peremptory demand for the removal of a responsible These regulations are effective May Government official without enquiry. said Major Owen, State Prohibi whereupon the elected members took tion Commissioner. We are not going to try to enforce them until we have THE EXCEEDINGLY STUPID more specific instructions.
COURSE of voting that the Director salary should be struck off the Estimates moved and is now located at 93 The WORKMAN Printery has reAs the Colonial Secretary indicated Central Avenue, opposite the yesterday, it is clear that nothing Cecilia Theatre.
must be done to prejudice Major Thomas position until a full re port has been considered and, it prospect of British rule disappearing only to safeguard a contract between in Jamaica. At the same time, while the Government of the Colony and the new system of administration is one of its servants, the Governor had on its trial, it is the clear duty of no alternative but to declare this es every Government official to help tosentially personal matter to be one of wards its success. At the best of paramount importance. and to give times these hallway Houses between his casting vote against the motion a Crown Colony.
Nevertheless, as a sign of their pro AND RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT test, the elected members rose and are a transitional and unsatisfac.
left the House, a performance which tory business it is difficult to forget they repeated on the following day that the ultimate executive power is when the Ralway estimates were vested in one man. But they are of presented for consideration.
Had the greatest value, first as a means на the incident ended at this at this stage the of testing the ability of the people ente most that could have been said of to govern themselves, and secondly it was that it provided an illustration as a training ground to propare their of the noed of the elected members representat representatives for when gentle instruction in the complete self government arrives procedure and and discipline of Parlia such an Assembly is to be success ment. Somewhat unfortunately, tul in peace practice, the first essential Is however, only a a quarter of an hour continuous and consultation after the people representatives had between its official and unofficial withdrawn the Governor saw fit: to elements, for the responsibility lles direct the official members to vote equally between the two.
Every a sum of more than 300, 000. No time that the Governor is compelled doubt in doing so he was strictly to enforce his overriding authority within his rights, but his action in another blow is struck at the conmediately aroused a storm of proteste tidence of the people in the new or Hard things were said about the new. der.
Constitution and about the Govern, hand and a little maderation on the Go bew. der. With a little tact on the one ment officials in general, and, in spite other, such a situation other, such should be of the fact that Sir Leslie Probyn rare indeed. Se far as Jamaica is term of office comes to an end in a concerned, the first guarantee which few weeks time, the elected mem Its people should furnish bers apparently drafted a telegram peal for continued preference in to the Colonial Secretary urging his British Markets is their ability and early departure in the interest of their willingness to conduct their safety, Town affairs in a manner worthy of There 18. no need to take too se. the trust that has been reposed in riously the excited talk as to the them. Masonic Itheopia, and is Lucky, Happy and Well overseas of compiled are handed to duly included the for the day when 31100 for a little (in. 10and friendly its with Book Binding!
known their ap In the


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