
The Salvation Army Field Session.
Journal ing here.
in a few The Workman BOOK STORE such a COMMISSIONER BULLARD, MA JOR WALKER, and the Officers sembled for YIELD SESSIONS were given a very enthusiastic Welcome on Thursday night in the Hall at Criotobal. The Hall was packed with a large number of salvationists and friends and quite a large number at the windows and doors. On the platform were Commissioner Bullard, Major Walker, Major Mrs. Bux (Start Officers) the Field Officers were Adjt. Mrs. Wiggan (Colon) Adj.
Jacobs (Panama City) Ensign Purser Lieut Gayle (Cristobal) Capt Ferrell Cadet Maxweell Tom (Silver City) Capt Mrs. Haughton (Port Limon) Capt Barnes (Bocas) Capt Walker (Paraiso) Capt Floyd (LAS Cascadas) Capt Wormdall of the Seamen Home.
Major Bax opened the Meeting by outlining a song composed by the Commissioner, which was taken up heartly by the congregation. The Songsters of Cristobal and Colon rendered songs that were enjoyed by all. Capts. Walker Ferrel rendered a sweet Duet which was appreciated.
Addresses of welcome were given by Captains Haughton Barnes Adjt Jacobs.
Major Walker in His powerful and eloquent style took hold of the Audience as he told of the good news he had brought from afar namely, Jamaica, and the wonderful scenes of Salvation he had witness, and also the good news from heaven, God 80 loved the world that he give his only begotton Son ete.
The Commisioner rose amid cheers and gave a very interesting address He took the audience rapidly from one phase of Salvation Army Work to another laying emphasis on the great work of saving souls. After over 40 years in the work he found himself with a very strong passion for souls and was ready to do all in his power to lead men and women to the Saviour God came near in the Prayer Meeting. large number of Salvationist consecrated themselves, and many Binners sought Salvation.
To God be the Glory.
Minas as is of cane.
was immediate prospects of the PA BIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1924 Brazil Rank in Produc Fuller Jewelry Store DL TRICT COURT OF THE. The best Tonic in the World ton of Cane Sugar Cristob: Division GIFTS THAT LAST VIGOR TONIO TAKES FURTH PLACE AND RONALD JOHNSON NOT THE This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend FOLLOWS IMMEDIATFLY VS.
AFTER THE ISLAND OF CUBA. Newest, Largest, ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, CARMEN JOHNSON Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Remarkable Progress in Some Oldest, Smallest, Notice of Pendency of Sult a run down constitution Localities Need Improve but probably the most widely It promotes digestion, improves the appemest in Others.
10 CARMEN JOHNSON, tite, nd gives tone and energy to the whole system known Defendant Jewelry Store DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or The International Sugar times a day.
You are hereby required to enter for March says: Brazil now ranks IN PANAMA your appearance in the office of the fourth among the contries producing clerk of the above entitled court, at cane sugar; that is to say it follows No street addressCristobal, Canal Zone, in an action for JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
necessary divorce filed against you by above Immediately after Cuba, British India named plaintiff, and to answer the and Java, its output for 1923 24 being complaint therein on or before the 17th estimated by its Ministry of Agriculday of June, 1924.
ture at 644, 200 metric tons. recent DR. HOFFMANN And you are further notified that if commercial report gives some partie partie Has removed his clinic to complaint above required, the you fail to appear and answer the said ulars regarding conditions in that plaintiff judgment against country which are worth summarle No. 39 Central Avenue. En by default and demand from the CALL IN AT It is polnted out that the the relief prayed for in his said com sugar industry there is the trance between Lº Mascota plaint.
is remarkable (Sgd. CAMPBELT chien chiefly for its particularly wide and Chong Kee Store.
Asst. Clerk District Court.
geographical distribution. It is proDate May 15th, 1924.
duced in every State, although in relatively small quantities in Public Information.
as Amazonas and Parana, Per TAKE NOTICE nambuca. Geraes and Rio de Liberty Hall, 29, St.
Janeiro the largest producers together This Spacious and ComThe Life and Law. Soc! ely amounting for over half the output of the entire country, while the No. 93, Central Avenue modious Hall suitable the northern The nomination and Election State of Alagoas is for Concerts Dances.
heavy producer, a of officers of the above named is also Sao Paulo The possibilities Apply on premises Society for the ensuing term, or expansion of the industry are great, takes place on June 10th.
owing to the favourable conditions Members are hereby advised ASSORTMENT OF of climate and soil, and to British Consulate Notice. to be out in time.
areas of land suitable for the growing NOTE. The reorganized LiterThe acting British Consul at ary class, is under the manage GOOD STATIONERY As a whole however, the position Colon, would be glad of informa ment of our worthy Chaplain, of the Brazilian sugar industry is not tion as to the present whereat outs Charles Dodson, and operates SOUVENIRS, financially strong. In fact, mill opera of Mrs. Leonora Martin, a native on the first and fourth Tuesday tors who are not heavily compromised of Jamaica, whose last known of each month, at p. sharp Members are advised to make Mount Hope by obligations assumed between 1917 address, much of this golden opportunity.
and 1920 920 are an exception. Generally Canal Zone.
these debts represent purchase of equipment made at a time when the of the business were excellent exchanges also fav.
ware ourable; but the resumption of more arable normal conjpetitive conditions in the world markets and the sensational ma fall of miles exchange since 1920 increased the burden of these obliga sa tions to a point at which the solvency of otherwise ane sound concerns seriously threatened. However, the sosiy rood returns of the 1922 23 crop have.
enabled the industry to make a substantial advance toward recovery, and equal profits should Te establish the sugar interests on a still more solid footing. The large produce houses Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo have tended to gain control of sugar uninas in their territories by the system of advances and loans the industry has been accustomed. Encouraged by the the sugar interest have made persistent efforts to obtain Government aid for their business.
agitation the project for the establishment of a caixa de assucar, or sugar tund, became a law on January 7th. 1922. This law authorized the Federal Government to purchase sugar for the purpose of maintaining the price, but the provisions contained in it have never been put into execution bcause of the objections it raised.
Though remarkable progress bas been made in some localities much remains to be done before the sugar industry of Brazil is equipped on the same scale as is that of Cuba Hawaii. The majerity of mills now operating are in need of more modern machinery that will enable them to utilize to greater advantage and with greater economy the cane which they and moreover to increase their operations. But the development of the sugar (as any industry in Brazil) is strictly limited by AN transportation Present conditions are such that there can be no great industrial expansion except in areas so near the coast as to altogether or or nearly independent of railway transportation. Both the Campos and Pernambuco zones suffer from the lack of rolling stock to carry their crops and other localities are hindered only to a lesser degree.
med increase was NEWS ITEMS.
another year of brokerage in מר to which on crops to example of ople of the valorization of coffee After long of slides On Tuesday, May 27th, Commis sioner Bullard gave his interesting illustrated Lecture on Japan, in the Baptist Church, Colon.
In spite of the large seating capacity of this building, it was far too small for the crowds who wanted to get inside. dense mass of people blocked every door, and stood outsdde.
The hymn Jesus shall reign where er the sum. was thrown on the sheet and was taken up most heartily by the congregation.
The Rev. Mr. Gregory, of the Bible Society, led with prayer.
The congregation was then given a great educational treat, as alide after slide was put on the sheet wees Every side of Japanese life WS shown also numerous views of the country. Every slide was coloured, and were very pretty. The moet striking set were the recently taken photos of the great earthquake. The buildings were shown standing in all their glory, and the next slide would show it all crashed to the ground, and on fire.
There were many of these sliders, showing the dead and dying, by hundreds.
The Commissioner had nearly 150 slides, and the lanters was well worked by Major Bax.
One striking slide showed tho reception at the railway station when the late General Booth went to Japan.
Large platforms had been erected, and over forty thousand Japanese gathered to welcome hlm.
The lecture was interspersed with selections by the Salvation Army Songsters from Cristobal and Colon, and two very fine renderings by the Baptist Choir.
Qulte an unusual item was introduead in the form of a monologue, wher Adjutant Jacobs recited in a loud voice, the jovely hymn, ll cherish the old rugged Cross. As he recited, Major Bax beautifully played cha tune on the Concertina, anatre ment he plays very fine, and at the same time, Commissioner Bullard put in about twenty slides Illustrating the words the Adjutant was reciting. The Item brought a round of applause, and was quite refreshing grind, of industry facilities Such popularity must be deserved RM. WILKINSON Contractor and Builder the big stars of baseball know this.
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