
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 21 1924 PAGE FIVE The Week Program Charge Cooke, be Bk. une 25 been in the re ATLANTIC SIDE CANAL ZONE NOTES Panama Wesleyan Methodist Church CRICKET LA BOCA PARS.
OPENING AND DEDICATING Crec le Meets Wanderers (By the Seribe) on Mount Hope BaseI visited the Wesleyan Rally of OF NEW PIPE ORGAN, ball Park To morrow, the Months at the Clubhouse last Saturday evening. did not intend AMERICA THEATRES CECILIA The new pipe organ erected in so to do but while downstairs holding Wanderers C. oder the cap. confab with Secretary Neely and the Wesleyan Methodist Church during the week by Professor tainey of Reid (Bocas) is Mr. Charles Reld on religious mat. Sunday PADDY THE NEXT BEST understood to be preparing the ters, a lady presented Thursday Barues, will be opened on Sunday me a lacing of the season for the Creole ticket for the month of April. proa Rally 22nd June at o еlock by Mrs.
June 22 THING with Mae Marsh June 26 in a friendly match to be tested, before paying for it. on the Jopson the wife of BM Vice Consul. The Dedicatory Sermon played on the Mt. Hope oval around was born October THE FACE IN THE FOG Monday tomorrow. Captain Reid will be and it was incumbent on me that Friday will be preached by the Rev.
assisted by Hamilton, Joseph, should secure an October ticket, 14 June 23 with Lionel Barrymore Kissock Braham, SuperinJune 27 tendent of the Panama Coloa Barnett. McDonald, Circuit, a short address will also Roberts, Clarke, Sambleton, any.
THE KID with Charlie Chaplin Tuesday L. Clarke, Wilson, Saturday be given by Robinson, A. Gayle. This naturally brought a suspenJune 24 and Jackie Coogan Affaires, Hon. Mr. Ford.
June 28 The Creoles on the other hand are sion of my end of the conversation.
The following is the programme confident of the victory and will then, armed with the ticket, wendthat will be readered: Wednesday THE GIRL LOVED Sunday be defended as follows: Gited my way upstairs, handed the June 25 with Cbailes Ray lovocation. Rev. Br.
June 22 tens. Capt) Mocto, ticket to old man Moulton, ham Phillips Peters, o Clarke, and, and was confronted by Thursday Motley Forteau. Em dozen well composed ladies. Advane THE SNOW BRIDE U locking Organ. Mrs. Jopron.
Monday manuel, Thorpe, Jefferies, ing further passed behind a row of Dox logy. Congregation.
June 26 Baptiste, Pounder, with Alice Brady June 23 chairs decorated with nearly a dozen Dedicatory Prayer. Rev.
Myers, Archibold.
of some of headquarters Bhim prettiest Friday SNOWDRIFT Tuesday girls, including Miss. Cicily Camberl5. Hymn No. 4, Wesley Hymn Richard Harris Passes and and Miss Louise Simmons.
June 27 with Charles Jones June 24. Congregation.
Lenn, Pea 150. Rev.
Away, Saturday Teacher McCarthy was on the op.
FLOWING GOLD with Milton Brabam BD.
Wednesday Offertry posite side trying to clinch something June 28 Sills and Anna Nillson Richard Harris, aged 50, a on another man brains; probably it Hymn No. 22, Wesleysa Hym.
native of Montserrat, passed Book was the necessity of organizing a. Congregation nway at his late residence, in Boy Improvement Society; although, 109. Sermon. R:v. Brabam Hudson Lane, between 6th he might have preaching to his and 7th Streets, on Saturday 10. Anthem. Awake up my Glory morning last, the 14th, after a of Mr. Hesler James of Colon, the partner about the grand achievement (Barnby. The Choir, short 11. Address. M, Charge Deceased was an active member on the question of illness of eight days. bullder of the Wesley pipe organ, or after the lateer had been converted country, one fifth of which is in the into Christianity.
temperate zone and comparable to Paraiso News Affaire attending the of St. Ann Catholic Friendly Panama Wesleyan Organ Recital on the south of England and 12, Vote of Thanks. Rev.
Society, No. 2, and was interred the 24th to hear Professor Lip It was Self Denial! week and the Zulu country at times it was 97 in Braham D.
with the full rites of the Society, scombe Barnes, came to old lady among others was told of the shade. In that country he suc The repsesentative of the Paraiso 13. Bn dietion. Rev. J, K, Braon the same eve. ing.
about 60 Billiard Club has issued a challenge bom The Funeral was well attended, the latter conclusion for the reason the need of the Army for funds to ceeded in establishing Brother McCarthy was scan carry on the work. She was poor and stations with 200 officers. There are to the pool players of La Boca 14. Reccessional. Mr.
and the procesoron Wandled by uing the pages of the Workman, and had nothing. but that solo pady, and people in the country, others are halt frm which decision they will be and a points hall Lawson Royal. he. went to an employer During the Offertory Prof. LipeDeceased is survived by a combo Birdes will reader selection brother and daughter, both in counts of these two sons of Jamaica. requested work at six pence a day: caste or coloured that is, people atle to determine who are the she worked for a week, got the Dutch immigrants of 250 years ago from mixed marriages between beteer players.
on the orgso this city.
Right in front of the two gentemen money and was led back and shown and religious refuges trom France stand in the way to impede the It is hoped that nothing will were Mr. and Mrs Smith.
Mrs. the selt denialtable on which she.
Baptism Celebration Would You Like To Smith had just finished reading from depositer her earnings. her all in all. who went there without their women arrangement of this match.
a copy of the same paper about That is very interesting. It may be and made wives of the Hottentots.
With such players A very fine Reception was given Go To Africa? Professor Barnes and the Wesley the true Christian way, but there are se men composed the pioneer group caller der, Warner, and organ, and said she surely would like exceptions to every rule, and if it that was expected to take Zululand Beckles and others, the Paraiso at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
to see the Professor and the organ were in place of the Colonel for Jesus.
lads will have to extend their selves Frank Dunkley at Summit to (Through The Courtesy of and also to hear some music from would have decided not to accept that The Zulus, the Colonei said, is the opinion of a few who toist their Friends and Relatives in the Function Haskins News Agency) the latter with the former operat. poor old lady mite and to let her nother rich nor poor all the land of the times a wide experience alone of their first mon Master. have the Gospel belong to the are not taken that line.
The subject of fthe headline ing.
Carl. Earl who was baptized by Would You Like To Go To Africa away from the different families who Dan the Promoter when ques. the Rev. Muloare at si.
together with other talks by Col.
Just then my mind eyes retros Then there was the story of how occupy various section. They wear tioned as to what he thought of the Peter Church, La Boca, on the Smith of the Salvation Army rected the home dormitory and had a husband hammered his wife head but little clothes around the middle outcome simply smiled and said Morning of 15th inst.
an officer who dedicated his life to a vision of my bed. It was with regret with stick in protesting her joining sections of their bodies; are tall one time is the greatest teller. most delightful time was Vangelical work in Africa and has that the October girls had not yet the Army; one blow of which stick, man who attended meetings regularly spent in partaking of the good beco steadily at it for 33 years. started to circumnavigate the hall; the Colonel said, would have shat being feet inches tall. and some things provided for them, some have, from the day of his arrival for this reason missed the op tered the skull of an English lady but of them were decorated with rings very fine Toasts and Speches were been the subject of very much portulity of supporting my month due to the hardness of the Zulu of honour, equivalent to the given by the Gentlemenin general, interest and attraction at the October.
Cross, for bravery in the battlefield.
skull on account of constant exposure Choss for Miss, Wilhel Johnson rendered Atlantic end of the isthmus, both in two fine Solos which were uplifting Culon and Cristobal.
in that climate, not using hat and so the women are minus rings to in to the Community, The girls of our Girls Friendly on, she bore those unmerciful blows dicate marriage. They fix their hair TEE MAN, HIS MANNER AND Society have acepted Secretary without material damage to her hedd; about twice a year. For pillows the Thos) present were Mergers natives used pieces Walfer, Toastmaster, Radlin, SUBJECT.
Neely offer of the use of the Club. but fell later by constant hammering which they made groovers in whier Crmpbil, Morball, Henry, As advertised, with an expecting house Library. This is a very good on other parts of her body.
they fit the back of their necks audience awaiting him Small, Woo, Allen, Lewis, with step and know the good Rev. Mulwith their heads stuck out Titus, James, Beckford, evident interest, the Colonel, at care and the President of the Society, The Colonel is certainly a convinc. The men kept several wives and it woro: stere: once attractive and of a genial Mrs. Mulcare, will shower inspira ing speaker and revealed much work is said that a Westerman, Geo certain Zulu had 40 Marshall, Henry Marshall, Ivan Titus, bearing, was on time at the Silver tion on the young girls so that they done by him and his co workers in ot them producing about 170 children.
Harold Titus, Frank Titus, Clubhonse Cristobal on Thursday may learn to love literature wherein the pioneer work of converting native Here the Colonel amused the aulience Allan Titus, Allaa MeMillo, Alfred evening last, and after a deserving is to be found material that will help sons into Christianity.
by saying If one wife makes a man and well suited welcome accorded them in taking on life important Beckford, Js Leach, Hubert Miller. Continued on page 7)
Mrs, Dennis, Cain, Marin the name by Mit liliffome of the gathering responsibilities.
then twisted it the other way If one James, Radlin, Titus, fford Bynoe of the of them makes a man so unhappy, SLOAN Liniment la pro Colon Independent Lewis, Rapoe (from La Boca) claimed the world over with Colonel Smith of the Salvation Salvation Army what will ten do?
being Pain greatest enemy.
Misses: Mildred Westerman, Sybil, suitable preliminaries, was soon Colonel delivering what later proved Army save his lecture at the ClubIn starting their work in the glory Multitudes of people use and Westerwan. Wilhel, Johnson, Lilian the of God. the Colonel said they took recommend it. kins, Iri Newoo, Cat cha McMillan, a very instructive, appreciative house last Tuesday, special care of the children.
and touching lecture, that part of auspices of the Athenaeum. The lec They Rheumatic aches and pains Catherine McMillan, Carmen Wade, instantly obey its command Almira Marshali which under the conditions proved ture was really not on Africa but and disappear.
to be one and a half hours longe of the Army among the Zulus AMONG NATIVE AFRICANS upon right and wrong, and was confined his work in the in LECTURES ON HIS WORK began first by touching upon sin The Parents beg through this the Creator.
The natives despite the fact that Col. Smith first It penetrates right to the medium to render thanks to all sore spot. No need of rubbing.
friends and relatives who par.
one of the type of Salvation Army and Hottentots, native tribes of South converts, understood that God meant a god of It does its work thoroughly.
anin orators like the incumbent of Chief Africa. His story was an interesting thunder ticipated with them in honour of Stations wrath, lightening Give it a trial.
their little sen, of Affairs of the work on the isth one, but what seemed to me in with over 200 officers.
sickness, etc.
pioners One bottle will convince you.
mus and Central America at the compatible with what would term At La Boca Clubhouse last Tues, had the natives well gathered around At all druggists and dealers.
present time, Major Bax, and that as true Christianity, is the Colonel Organ Recital. Smith, them they succeeded in getting two famous wartime Four Minuter aceptance of a weeks earnings from day evening Colonel came and knealt by Major errace.
an eighty five year old Zulu woman, known as the Livingstone of the converts who themselves to SLOAN (Continued from page 1)
Salvation Army gave an interesting stone and offered lecture on his experience as pioner Christ; that was 32 years ago, and LINIMENT 13. Chorus. Achieved is the gloThat Col. Smith audience on bers of the local branch of the Salvation Army worker among the those two are still with the Army.
rious work. The Creation. Haydn Thursday evening, June 12th, 1924 Universal Negro Improvement native Africans in Africa. The lecture as officers. The workers now had The Choir.
at the time and place afore stated Association, Liberty Hall, 8th was held under the auspices of the to start to read and sing in Zulu 14. Organ Solo. Saxon March so as to covey the substance of their was soon down in Africa and Street and Hudson Lane on Tues. La Boca Athenaeum.
mission to the natives.
Rent Receipt Books in Span (Bogette. Mr. Dottin.
following the good geatleman in day evening last, the 17th inst Solo Peccatis The spacious by His Worship the Mayor of auditorium of the his wanderings in and about the lon. As a result of disorderly Clubhouse was filled to its capacity work in a gold mine in another part The two converts lett next day to Ish and English for sale at the. Stabat Mater. Rosint Mr.
Dark Continent, your reporter sir Workman Printery.
prefer others to testify; the with an anxious gathering when the of the country and in a few months hose at the Pacific end sally conduct on their part on 16. Organ Solo. Variations) Lead Colonel the rostrum, after previous 12 more Zulus Find hearing him this week will be in a ficer, Some rebellious men now Kindly light. Sandon) Mr. Edgar positiou and will willingly do, between this branch and the one Panama City Corps, Rev.
The long standing dispute companied by Adjutant Jacobs of the they returned The pioneers at Witt od time had to turn to industry the joining the started to protest against their wives Smith, more to credit han feel have be the Central American Stadium the Southern Baptist Mission on the building of houses. etc, and those turning them wiem necessary cloth ins (Vanderpool. Mrs. Arlain.
Army refused to 17. Vocal Solo. The silent voice.
words to express.
decided by 1st Isthmus, King, 18. Vocal Solo. The lost chord To state that the Colonel handled Municipal Judge is famouth of the of the La Boca dhe bie nepresentatice houses, the Colonel said, were his buse by the help of God and are standing etc. The Army officers then had to subject in a masterful manner latter, His Honour and other Gov. Neely, Secretary 19. Chorus. Sing, the Lord. The and that it was listened to with er missioner Bryant and other Salvation Army officials accompanied Major Bax, officer in charge of the today. Here he gave out a good sug 50 to Dearborn and get donation of (Sullivan) Mr. Graham.
clothing from the British settlement.
gestion Don ask the Lord to help rapt attention, would be to use Creation. Haydn The Choir.
the Isthmus, Adyou if you don try to help yoursell The supply secured proved insuf20. Vocal Solo. Jerusalem (Parker)
phraseology, too common to do officers of the branch to Liberty jutant Jodobe and moreJacobs cher first make your plans and when you ficient for the demand but was Miss Armstrong.
justice to either the subject or an Hall on Monday evening last for tain Floyd. Rerds Neal and Ander can do anymore than ask, and He however distributed and worn by the Commemoration 21. Organ Solo formally son of Panama.
to a subject thºt is calling forth them in possession of the premises. The chair was occupied by Rev. days were set aside for meetings, will help you. Sundays and Wednes natives as siven: one man may set March. Clarke) Mr. Samuels.
pair of while such heated discussions and atten Officers and members of the losing wilt. The Panama City Corps choir About this time the wife of one one woman may get. petticoat. Elijah. Mendelssolm Prof.
22. Vocal Solo. It is enough.
tion at the present moment of branch who happened to be prethe world history: the Back To sent at June Pole which was Sing When the Tide comes in and of the early converts received a let another a blouse, and so on. few Barnes.
the Chairman introduced the Colonel Africa movement.
on at who gave wonderful summary of ter from her husband, reading thus days after one of the men appeared Rejoice Oh resorted to violence, creating a blacks the Zulus and Hottentots. His You the Government officials and His work. amonga de tu mature matrican God bring peace and joy to me and a meeting wearing nothing but daughter of Zion. The Messiah. want you to do the same as myself. pair of leggings and a white collar: Handel Mrs. Olga King the in the vicinity, The 24. Organ Solo. Taccato (D Evry)
Officers and Members of great opathorities were summoned lecture covers in a nutshall his 32 You know you are my wife, paid (of course, the midle sections of Local Fined.
police two cattle for you; so and do as natives are covered) while one fine Prot. Ocean. Barness do. Of course, our correspondent as looking lady of 60 summers appeared 25. Chorus.
Hallelujah to the scene and 15 persons placed years experience among them. The under arrest, seven of whom were Beginning with the great dimen sumed that the letter was writen in with skirt the waist buttoned Messiah. Handel The Choir.
Fines of 10 and 15 were in dismissed and the remaining eight sions of the vast continent he inform Zulu language. The wite got convert around her neck.
26. Vote of Thanks.
flicted on eight officers and mem fined as above stated.
ed upon the temperature of the ed, and is now a Salvation Army of (Continued in next Issuo)
Victoria wood into behind.
Go Pain Enemy sball, other under He made over 10, 000 established numerous and After the PAIN ENEMY)
15. Vocal Pro Boyke.
16 ndious evening With this Christ. The of for of Clubhouse, going


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