
Fellowmen Of The Negro Race Nine Year Old SALUTE AMI Deputy, and Three Dagger world were sitting RUM THE MORE YOU DRINK diskutya and piele, the Ancient at new of Magiin 11 REMEMBER since Mysteries ALKOHOD AL KAM Behold The Dawn Of New Star, Free and accepted order of Itheopia and African Rights. The order that carries the awakening of the Hidden Mysteries of Itheopia. purely Negro Organization, the order that has made Kings, Princes, Potentates, the over, it has made men of other races.
Come and be one of the (Chelas)
of the Anciert Divine teachings. It is a Mystic Masonic Order of Ancient Itheopia, it is the order of Hiram of an Abyssinia, Nimrod Itheopean full Priests bearing Masonic ithe of traditions Itheopia, Rome and with Egypt, of the auient the temples of when washinler Gio Kings This means that the full and correct teachings of our foreparents is in our hands once more: accept the Ancient Wisdom, gain the Knowledge, so that you may unravel the Divine understanding.
This order revealed the Mysteries of Creation, the building of the three special Temples of Jerusalem the of the Rosy Cross the Pilgrimage Journey to the Valley of Sharah and Egypt.
your birthr ght, seek it, heritage by the Itheopian Problem, concentrate the nostri solution which will bring back posterity to your children, it is yours go to it, the time is now.
FL The order was chartered and organized into a body of know Brethren who have assembled together behind closed doors which is called Temples, to organize men and women who have fully read their thoughts to tecome Neophytes of so exalted an After taking into deep considera.
tion the necessity of linking our women to the sublime principles of this our noble exalted order, the Potent and Exalted Master and the Supreme board of directors have decided that the Supreme Grand Temple and the Suprme Head Quarters of the o. of to a woman division of the Free and organize Accepted order of Itbeopia and African Rights which should be known as Chapters of the o. of Rs. now invite all ableminded men and women to join this peace loving order and help solve the problem of struggling For further particulars see State Territorial District Grand Master, nouse No. 5, 21st Street Guachapali, or Ancon Box 992.
help solve was are both comes well.
PA JE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1924 THE SALVATION ARMY for the great time on han det hen Fist Fight Suspends how regrets that not been able to do all that he set out to do, but he feels that to wish to PROCEEDINGS OF ITALIAN New Divisional stay would be to inte fere with a PARLIAMENT.
acceptance of the Master Officers will. cable despatch from Rome Neither Staff Captain nor Mrs. dated May 30th st tes that a Morris take to themselves any of reference by Signer Giunta, FOR BRITISH NDURAS. the credit for what they have Nationalist to the accomplished in the past but give Socialists as that gang is the all the glory to God to whom it Chamber to day caused a general recent issue of the War belongs.
exchange of firsticuffs between Cry. the official publiention of real Salvation army family members of the Right and Left.
the salvatian Army in the West are the Morris s, Katie and Discussing the return of the Indies, publishes the portraits Walter, the two eldest, are both old standing rule, Signor Gianta of Staff Captain and Mrs. Corps Cadets looking forward to declared he felt himself a represenMorris, who have just been appoint the lay when they will become which capacity he wished to retative of the old Fascismo, in ed Divisional Officers for British Oificers, Honduras. Commenting on the are following in their footsteps call the impositions, insults and appointment the War Cry saya. and taking part in anyt:sing that violence sustained from that He pointed toward the These Salvation gang To be able to write children will no doubt be a Captaio and Mrs. Morrisoivos comfort and help to their parents tollowers of former Premier Nitti a great benches where the Socialists and us great pleasure for this is another evide. ce of advance in in their new field of labour.
the West Indies Territory. The The prayers of all, we are sure, General Benoivenga, newly Staff Captain has the honour of will follow Staff Captain and Mrs. elected on the Opposition ticket, being the first the Morris, the Divisional rusled to the centre of tha moment, the only West Indian Officers for British Honduras Chamber followed by Giovanni Divi ional Officer, and who Amendola, Fasciat. general shall say what the future holds exibla Fuller Jewelry Store in this connection.
the General fell to the floor We believe that the announce and after which the sitting was THE MORE YOU WANT this appointment, suspended, brought great pleasure to all!
When the session was resumed.
GIFTS THAT LAST the President of the Chamber, The scene during the Field Ses.
sion, when the commissioner me Signor Rocco, deplored the inci: dent and urged calm and maderi known, will not ensily be for NOT THE tion Signior Giunta resumed his On sale in every Saloon on the None can way that this recogni. Newest, Largest, left the ball in protest.
who ddress, but the Socialist Deputies Isthmus.
tion is not well deserved for all know that Staff Captain and Oldest, Smallest, Mrs. Morris have been loyal, British Consulate Notice.
faithful officers through all the but probably the most widely twenty nine years the known The acting British Consul at Staff Captain went to his first Colon, would be glad of informaappointment as Cadet at Albeit Jewelry Store tion as to the present whereal outs Town; and Captain Hylton (now of Mrs. Leonora Martin, a native IN PANAMA Always ask for them.
Mrs. Morris) went to Falmouth of Jamaica, whose last known as Lieutenant in 1897.
No street address address, Mount Hope, Staff Captain and Mrs. Morris necessary Canal Zone.
Jam cans, but that makes no difference to them when the call for service in other courtries.
Bark in 1980 the Stoff Captaia left his native land for Barbados and since then he has seen service in British Gciana, Grenada, St. Lucia, Panama and again to Jamaia, and when the call came for British Hondurus, he cheerfully and unquestionably raised his land in salute to his Commissioner and said Thank you, sir. By his side stood his faithful partner who, though surprised, immediately followed her husband example, It would take a great deal of space to say all that we could of the faithful labours of these com rades in all parts of the Territory, but as they are so well known everywhere, we feel that this is not necessary, but there are a few years of their service.
things we ought to say of the later For five years, Staff Captain and 18. Morris were in charge of Panama City Corps, and during that time great advances were made and wonderfull victories schicved.
When they bade farewell, they left every branch. While there, a Corps a Corps in a healthy cur dition in Cadets Brigade was started and eventually there were thirty three names on the Corps Cadets koll, and every Wednesday night at their own special luss the greater number of the e would be present.
The Young Corps flourished in every department and on Sunday afternocus would be seen well over two hundred children in eighteen well Companies. Last organized year over Ten Pounds were spent in Junior Prizes and this brought over tweaty new comers to the Sunday School.
Durirg tbat five years. Panatoa City saw great changes in con mercial life and a great deal of emigration went on, but in spite of over one hundred comrades being transfered to other countiis, the Soldiers Roll was left standtring ing at a much bigter figure than before.
The Stafl Captain took a special interest in the improving of the Corps buildings and together finances with which he paid off some standing debus 218 well as putting in a good deal of repairs and renovation work.
The result of both the Harvest Festival and Self Denial Campaigns were very gratifying and the targets for each were more BE singled out for public popularity is more than a measthan doubled.
honor a man must have proved ure of success. It is proof posiStaff. Captain and Mrs. Morris his quality. And to be chosen by tive of finer tobaccos. which are great believers in Open Air millions, even a cigarette must means better taste.
fighting and in Panama City a have made good.
great deal of this was done and And better taste is the sole reason So Chesterfield swift rise to they delight to tell of the souls for Chesterfield huge sales.
who have knelt at the drumhead.
Hospital visitation, War Cry selling and systematic work of all kinds, helped to bring at out this success in spite of the great slump that took place on the closing down of the Canal work.
CIGARETTES Our Comrades have only been at the Central Hall, Kingston, for nine months, but during that tine they have had many evidences of the help of God. The Staff Captain bad his plans laidi Copyright, 1924, Lipgett Myers Tobacco Co.
order. humanity COOLIDGE NOMINATED FOR People 1924 28 Republican Presidential Tern.
According to Associated ress news received here by our con temporary the STAR HRRALD the Republicans have nominated President Calvin Coolidge as cane didate for the Presidency of the United States, 1924 28 term, and Brigadier General Charles Dawes for Vice President.
gathered Such popularity must be deserved To day is the time God gives to meWhat shall its record and meaning be, Profit or loss for eternity, For this God day?
If it be used for profit of all, Nothing ill spent, whatever befall, It will leave memories worth recali Through future days, If it be wasted by fault or shame, Nought can its moments of worth reclaim; Now and forever must there be blame For wasted day.
Guide, then, Lord, that each day Shall be well spent with nought to repine; Blessed with Thy favour and grace divine, well lived day, Fred Scott SHEPARD.
Chesterfield They Satisfy millions Advertise in The Workman IT PAYS


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