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coe then mo 81 WHO ARE THE LEADERS?
THE CELEBRATION OF CA EMANCIPATION DAY PANAMA AND JAMAICA BOY SCOUTS JOIN long Indian sections have been celebrat. Attorney Carrington by the new Treaty between the two disting templesmente he heathered new and extra high level from last Colombia Minister with four NEW WORK ON CANAL ZONE CITY ROADS Postage Stamp Now In Begun. Labourers Made Start Under Armed Guards Use on Zone.
In Panama Not Countenanced by on the 30th of June 1924. the delayed work of reconstructing. To Sail for England and Denmark jooked of Well Thinking West Indians.
Taft Agreement between the streets of Kingston was commencet Republic of Panama and the on Nionday morni under rather to Attend International Fete.
United States of America was conditions.
years abrogated and will be substituted men who had hoped to obtain for early morning crowds of Enthusiasm in Seontdom took a ing Emancipation Day, August 1st, is when apparently under unfavourable and has already been signed.
and St. Andrew Corporation and adverse conditions. In Jamaica, for DIES AT DEMERARA.
anxiously awaited the hour when contingent of Boy Scouts, on their death Simultaneously with the abroga they should be taken on.
instance, the day is celebrated by of Attorney Walter Cerrington, tion of the Taft Agreement is el. They were a noisy, though tional Jamboree in Wembley, Eng Panama and Colombia have driven way to the Imperial and Interna. During the space of a fornight Jamaicans and regarded by the which sad event took place at fective the use of a new issue of orderly crowd, and if there was land and Copenhagen, Denmark, the last nails which have clinched Government as a legal holiday in Georgetown, British Guians, 25th United States postage stamps with any inclination on the part of any arrived at Colon on the Sixaola, the friendly ties of the two Central commemoration of the day when May last, Dr. Carringtortiles from Canal Zone stamped across the oco suppressed by a reminder Victoria the Good authorized the the results of a paralytie The contingent was met at the America Republics. the receiving bolition of slavery in that Island contracted bere during the latter face. The new issue of stamps, in ir ma bystander that twenty. docks by County Commissioner of diplomatie representatives from part of 1918 1, 2, 5, 10, 12; 15; 30; 50 and 00 eight of the particirants in the Barham, District Commissioner, each other.
which affected 255, 290 slaves.
Desides over 50 thonsands of old Isthmus in 1905, during the early due stamps in denominations of por sentences of twelve months Bourne, Honorary Secretary Panama Envoy Extraordinary Dr. Carrington came to the denomination as well as postage uprising which took place but ree werks ago, were undergoing Bolt, District Scoutmaster Professor Nicolas Victoria Jaen, people, runaways, children, etc. construction days of the Panama and 10 cents, cent postal cards each.
the slave owners being paid over Canal, and opened up law office Spalding and other high and Minister Plenipotentiary to five million pounds by the British in Colon. He led a prosperous bus and stamped envelopes in denomi.
So they stood (or sat or lounged Seout officials. All the Scouts Bogota, Colombia, has arrived at ness career on the Isthmus, prisci nations of one and two Government for the liberation of pally in the Cat al Zone where he cents, about) and waited patiently; but then marched to Slifer Park and that place and was enthusiastically.
the use of supersedes Paama ther was patience that was to be through Bolivar Street these human beings.
did most of his practice ur windo. At about 20 o clock to their received by both Colombia and Co.
la Barbadoes and other British He left the Isthmus in 1920 and Stamps in Canal Zone post offices, the ciglaer came out and a quarters at Camp Bierd, lombians.
West Indian islands the day is also went to England where he was according to a circular issued by dress the er wd.
Through the instrumentality of same degree of truch recognized and commemorated for admitted as a student in the Mid the Director of Posts on the Zone.
die Temple, This canim bringe to All Panaman postages stampes Zane asking for bush pay do you intend District Commissioner Iar characteried the reception of Direction the same reason, Four shilings a day sab, four ris of the Pacific end, Mr. Heald, Jose Maria Gonzalez Valencia, It appears however. as if the poor health, however, halted his other stamped, paper surcharged stillings a day nothin less than Superintendent of the Panama Colombia first Minister to Panconditions attendant upon the day studies and forced him to return Canal Zone have been Railroad granted the Jamaica boys ama, on his arrival here. Doctor celebration here are extra difficult. here. He gain left here in 1922 drawn from sale from July 1st, but The answer went up from the free transportation over the rail Valencia arrived in Colon on the for Barbados.
The day is not recognized here as the circular allows that they shall crowd like one resounding moan.
road to Panama City Dr. Carrington a legal holiday for West Indians, old at the time of his death, until and including July 31. Stamps sah, me si work was 50 years nevertheless be valid for where, on. Stuyvesant on the first of the postage All ri began the engineer, Although the Canal Zone Goverit. He was a native of Barbados and of the old issue in the hands of he solitary voice interrupted him. Me wi work for three shillinge arrival, they were met by a contin. month. glad welcome was exree. one gent of fifty Scouts headed by tended the Envoy in Colon by Gov.
ment grants their West Indian a gradunte of Howard University, District Scoutmaster Butcher. The ernor Arosemenn an other officials.
July 1, and employees the afternoon of the day Washington, DC. At the time of public after until What that?
boys were afterwards shown Doctor Valencia then received apff, without pay of course, when his death he was an American August. may be either used for is willing to work for tree around the city by local Scouts and pri priate greetings from the Co.
citizen and is survived by a widow postage or exehanged for other Shilling a day sah.
they can be spared from their in New York and a cousin, Attor This ie the answer came in later motored to La Boca, Canal lombian, Colony, of that place, after work. Then there is not in existence ney s. Crnington, a member stamps of the new issue but shall faller and more certain to. es. It Zone, returning to the city in time which he embarked on a special authorized approved or of the Canal Zone var, in this citv in ne case be redeemed for cash, was no less than thirty men to board the 10 train back to the train prepared to take him to the Cependable system by which funds sooscocca speaking Capitol, accompanied by Doctor may be raised and All right, said the engineer, windy city.
disbursed, program, to include among other is good condition which have not by the want six, or, eh, well about Today both contingents leave Julio Vengoechea, Doctor Harry programs arranged and executed, things the raising and distributing ben specially printed Struntz, Castro, Federoco. of you to start work at these shores on board the appropriate purchaser, will be exchanged for an for the proper carrying out of the forms of exercises, etc. should be equal number of envelopes of the Twenty men were accordingly will participate in the grandeurs represented a committee to Oriana for England, where they. Calyo and several others day exercises.
made to precede each year new issue or for postage stamps, pieked out, supplied with picks and In view of the existence of these celebration. It is well to keep before exchanged for postage stamps escorted to the foot of Church of Wembley and from there to the distinguished Colombia diplo conditions, it would appear as if the people the importance of the orly the face value of the stamps Street where they started opera Denmark where they will attend mat on his arrival here. On his ar tions.
the International Jamboree. rival at the Railroad Station in the published dissatisfaction of the day, but where conditions are in a on the envelopes will be allowed in As for the others they stood This journal wishes the boys a Panama he was greeted with a West Indian Committee with the measure diametrically opposed to exchange. Likewise postal cards of manner in which the day has been its celebration, it is but right that to the old issue may be exchanged for disappointed, surprised and half pleasant voyage across: and it is shower of Viva Colombia from but there celebrated heretofore, is apparently proper working plan be adopted, new cards or postage stamps, drawn up behind them a squad its sincere hope that the Panama an immense and gladdened throng justified.
which would minimize dissatisfac provided the cards are unsoiled and of about thirty armed poliormen, boys will make their visit to their of Panamanians and Colombians.
If it is thought advisable to tion that often times throw a cloud in good condition. Stamped they kept to themselves points of destination as profitable Minister Valencia was then escorted celebrate Emancipation Day here, over what should have been a envelopes and postal cards which have been renting them in wanily, as possible for themselves and the to the Central Hotel by an enthuunder present conditions, a definite pleasant affair.
have ben specially printed for the hung their heads and afterwanis community who have se generouslysiastic crowd representative of the purchasers will be recognized as the order of the police, contributed to make the trip a two governments in question. He is valid until the stocks thereof have dispersed.
accompanied by his charming wife.
As stated before, digging was date, but will not be or barrier blocked the way The programs of the Panama professional life.
of all traffic and armed police Reverend Nightengale at Barbados.
Rotary Club are always interesting Wednesday the 9th: Boys day After August 1, mail matter guarded the streets from the sce to the Corporation and at times most beneficial for the iu sport. This day is set aside to with stamps than those of the new Such, briefly, are the conditions good of the community at large. develop the spirit of play and to issue affixed shall be treated as under which the work of re. The Barbs. dos Advocate just! But Rev. Nightengsle is not only Their Boys Week program enable the public to see what the unpaid and returned to the sender, constructing the streets of Kings to hand reveals the fact that the confining his help to Church work.
which begins tomorrow, as given Boys Work Organizations are ac. il known, or otherwise disptached will cost the tax payer large who left ere a short time ago to with Panama, and he is len ving a on was started work wlach Rev Arthur Nightengale, His thoughts are still linked up out by the Chairman, Mr. Andrew complishing. To focus the attention as unpaid according to Section 39 sum and which is to go dowo spend a well earned vacation in his lasting impression on his countryJohnsten, is a commendable one of the publie upon the boys as the and 41 of the Canal Zone Postal in Jamaica history as one of native home, Barbados, has not men in his praise for the young worthy of special note not only by medium through which all Guide. Stamps other than those of the greatest achievements of been corfining himself to rest alone Republic of twenty one summ rs the age. Jamaica HERALD. but is unselfishly and willingly In a published article in the same boys but by girls and also parents problems of society can eventually the new issue shall not in such helping the local and guardians. find a solution.
cases be cancelled. However, as Committee on Emanci pulpit. preachers on the paper the Reverend Gentleman wrote, in part, as follows: THE PRORAM Thursday the 10th. Boys day noted above, stamped envelopes and pation Day Celebration.
The Rev. Gentleman preached Throughout the world, Panama, Sunday, the 6th: Boys day in out of doors. The object of this day postal cards, specially printed, shall at the Evensong at st. Ambrose the young Republic ef twenty one is known, today, to be church. The purpose of this day is is to emphasize the necessity of continue to be recognized as valid With reference to Emancipation Church on Sunday the first and the most healthy country in Cento foeus the boys minds upon the life in the open.
until the present stock have been Day Celebration on the Isth delivered a very interesting and tral and South America. Less than religious faith of their parents and Friday the 11th. Boys day at exhavsted, though such mus of Panama, the West Indian practical sermon for intereşt the parents in the religions home. This day is set aside as a envelopes, and postal cards Committee, acting in the interest Freived the thanks of the Rev. fifteen years ago, malarial, black water, yellow and typhoid fevers, of West Indians residing on the O Branrh, Vicar of the Church with cholera, raged with devastatlife of the boys.
means to emphasize the home as used after July 31.
Mhmus, decided at their meeting on behalf of the congregation. ing effect and caused the Isthmus.
Monday the 7th: Boys day in the greatest institution for characThursday night, as follows. The Rev Branch extended a hearty of Panama to be known as a The use of Panama school. The object of this day is ter building and to interest fathers sureharged Canal Zone. in Zone record as being entirely out of assured him that the pulpit of St. veritable pest hole in which ostives stamps, West Indian Committee goes on welcome to Rev. Nightengale and to cultivate a greater regard for and mothers in their boys.
post offices, yielded the the school as the greatest institution Saturday the 13th: This day has Government approximately from tion Day Celebration; and further posal daring his short stay in victims to plague and pestilence Panama sympathy with the Emancipa Ambrose was always at his dis and immigrants, alike, fell easy This article recourfted the trying for the building of sterling man. for its object the development in 20 to 35 thousand dollars per ram. the committee refuses to have bados.
days of the French Canal Com hood and good citizenship. the boy of a respect for the ideals num, it is said, which is equal to of the first of August purport large audience, Rey. Nightengale visitors to the sthmus, in face of anything to do with On the 8th before an unusually pany, and continues. Present day Tuesday the 8th: Bays day in of his country and the opportuni. 40 per cent of the postal revenue ing to be an Emancipation Day occupied the pulpit at the Cath, the perfect sanitation which industry. The purpose of this day ties which await him; to cultivate from that source. The system has Celebration will be to help the boys to find a in the minds of the citizens at large been in force for the past 17 years dral and surprised the audience prevails, imagine the miserable in the masterly manner in which health conditions which existed in purpose in life and visualize before the idea that the boy is the founda when it replaced the use of United own vlees ana failings before you selected from Acts 2, 11. as late as two decades ago are able Make it a habit to assail your be handled his text. which was the past. Those who knew Panama them the opportunity of rising to tion stone, either strong or weak, States stamps in the Zone post of. assail the vices and the highest places in business and upon which a nation is built.
failings of with specialreference to the to appreciate the triumphs of others.
seasons modern civilization, as seen there.
who meet a Rotary Club Program for Boy Week. been consumed regardlesend the commented at the foot of church buildings a OPORAV even are fices.
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