
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1924 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD referenceſio made to the alleged In breatment of Jamaicans in Cuba, cory of such a debate Iranslated in Bpanish is available for members of Congress is Havada.
It is asserted that some of the members of Congress feel that this charge of ill treatment, la not justibed, sod that so the elected members in Jamaica are dissatisfied with the treatment meted out to their labourere to Cuba it would be best that the Immigration sbould of se.
Ball One TRINIDAD Exodus To America Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Totters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affoctions and Dis USOS caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
TO BE CHECKED BY NEW IMMIGRATION LAW borning structed For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacs AGENT tourist be Isuded REMEMBER!
JAMAICA Readers of the Herald will remember that some friction arose as a result of the acquisition of this property when the Reconstructing The Streets deal war in its early stages.
The prime mover in the matter Of The Metropolis. was Mr. B. Thompson, then chairman of the Parocbial Board and be thougbt it an excellent WILL TAKE TO YEARS. thing to purchase this property which is to be cat up for settlero.
Suggestion to Replace Pre wers sent Overhead Wirrs By idoss in procuring this properly of Mr. Thompson chiel Underground System.
supply could give, and it is in this direcLion be benefits are being alA BIG IMPROVEMENT. ready derived. Water ta bave been orected in diderent spots have proved boon to Ibe good deal of speculation be peasantry who live in that, and been going around recently as to carrounding wben the work of reconstructing the streets would actually comPeople on donkeys, and drays bence the delay owing to the are now flocking to Belle Plain recent riot, etc. having been to get water, and were it not for somewhat lengthy.
tbls the situation in that section of the island would be appalling. Glenner representative went on to make inquiriee Into the matter yesterday morning Opening of Gore we are officially informed that the work Ice Plant.
will commence on Wedoesday Oburch Btrec. which will be first to recon The HERALD of the 21st ulto, It is at present in says: tended to do the main streats Mesbro Gore Ltd. scored Grat and afterwards extend to another big success yesterday the less teed thoroughfares. when their ice plapton West This will give us the advantage Street was dedicated by Right of baving tbe principal streets, Rev. Cecil Decarteret, Churcb Street, Dake rept, Lord Bishop of Jamaica King Street, Harbour Street, etc. done early so that they may From early evening yisitors be ready, it possible, for th began strolling into the build.
BORSOD 180, these ide, and at about 4:30 o clock streets carry easily the greatest Mr. Gore the chief factor of the volume of iraffic and will thus company and the motor foron afford the best test for how the behind this kigantic enterprise, is likely up welcomed these who bad under the strain of Chinatown gathered and abowed them bekry work.
around the entire plant. Tbe parts were then conducted to In regard to the time the where a well prepared table scheme he likely to occupyin is awaited them. Here they sawa more to definite novel. On a sideboard statement. Street building is were three large blocks of loe alow work and it is likely that and Inset were golden fruitor the reconstruction of the streets blowing (wers It was truly.
at present under consideration pleasing spectacle to bebola, will involve two or three years Toen everyone gatbered Jaboor.
around the table and Mr. Gore How far the work will bw asked His Lordship to offer up proceuded with is als Deces. prayer sarily somewhat indefits as His Lordship said that before bis naturally depends on bow be offered up prayer he should far the money at present voted like to compliment Mr. Gore will pan out 11 19 boped. of on the great work he had done cours, to be able to extend it to in 80 short a time. It was no the streets of Kingston and wonder, for Mr. Gore was its environ at any rate, all alwsys prompted by the same those with any pretensions to motives which caused bim importance and even if the (Mr. Gore) to invite His Lord mooey at present on hand would ship to bless their efforts in not permit of this is should be that Direction. He asked God qolle possible to obtain a furtber amount If the early work proves and pronounced the benediction. SUCCESR as it is confidently toast was proposed by His anticipated that it will.
Lordship to the prosperity of KUGGESTION POR UNDERGROUND the company and heartily drunk, after which three cheers were WIRES given.
It bas been suggested that Mr. Altamont Da Costa whilst the work of re making the in a well worded speech comstreet is being done there would plimented Mr. Gore on dis new be an excellent opportunity to replace the present system venture, and wisbed bim every euссеев.
overbead wires for tramways, light, telepbone, ele. by bygThe visitors then indulged in tem of underground wires. In chat. pagne, and otber nice the first place this would lm tbingo bat were plentifully mensely improve the appearance provided.
of the city by doing away with unsigbtly medley of wires. poles, trolleys, etc. Labourers in Cuba place of wbich we could have a pleasant treelined viata aloog REASON FOR ATTEMPT THAT each thoroughfare, which is Impossible obtalo boder WILL BE MADE TO BAR THEM present conditions.
FROM CUBA Then, too, the underground system which bas bien success Some weeks ago the Herald fully adopted in mans prominent announced that complications eities in America, Eigland and were iikely to arise as a result elnewbere, is even more safe and of the protests that were being officient than the overhead one. made from time to time conAs regards cost the work in cerning Jamaica labourers in the street themselves would be Cuba.
De very small matter while they We then referred to a proposal are being relaid, the only on that was likely to be brought siderable outlay would be the before Congress, in Hayaoa, re placement of the present which would bave the eltect of wires by the special wires stemming the side of Immigraneeded for underground sys tion from this island 10 Cuba.
As a matter of fact one memAt any rate, the idea oonstitut ber of Congress bad resoluing as it would do an immensetion which was to have been Improvement to our streeta, is brought forward in this connecwell worth consideration. tion, but for some reason the matter was delayed.
The idea, however, has been Boon to Peasants revived and several people are asking what bas been the reason for the attempt that is to be PEOPLE IN LARGE DROVES FLOCK made to ban Jamnion labourers TO BELLE PLAIN FOR WATER from going to Cuba From what a representative of this journal bae learnt on reliable Already signs are sot wanting authority it would appear that to show what profitable Ing on each pogon e debate takes rootment the purchase of Belle place in the Legislative Council flerende rere. here on this question, sad The GUARDIAN of the 14th ultimo anys the American Consul, Mr. Baker, states that the new Immigration Law of the United States becomes effective on July 1, 1924. AL shough the American Consulate 18 not yet provided with of the new law, yet it is under tood that the Colonial possessions in the western hemisphere, except Canada, will be included with Europe, in the quota system.
As soon as definito Information on this point is available it will be made publio.
It is also understood that all inmigrants to the United States both from goota and non quota coantries, will have to be provided with special Consular visto, which will be valid for four months from the time of insne.
Regulation of of the quotas will depend on number of visés issued and not. 40 hitherto, by dates of arrival in the United States. In Any one month only 10 of the total tomigration visés will Preferences within the quota will be granted to persons skilled in agriculture, and to relatives of American citizens. No immigration visée vill be issued to persons comiso under the excladed classes in the Immigration Law.
Government officials, members of their families, and servants, etc. and persons visiting the United States temporarily for business or pleasure, or in trao sit to other countries, CAD apparently order the new low, have their passports viaed As a present The American Consulate bers, will not for the time being, until receipt of definite instructione from Washington, visé papaporta of persons intending to settle ta the United States, unless lo clear that they are booked to salt on steamers which will arrive in the United States before July 1st It is stated that since the inauguration of the issue of passports on June 29th, 1916, BO fewer than 13, 630 bave obtained passports, and the percentage of this number that bave returned to the colony is negligible. From January 1st to date sons left Trinidad, and allowing per for persons who have gone on holiday to the Wembley Babib tion and to other countries, 1, 254 have gone to the United States or roughly 228 per month. Agato in this case a very small percent age represents persons going on holiday or for business rencon.
House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISE ol Order Books 1, 732 to Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies Fourteen Year Old Boy Hangs Himself, CAN BE HAD AT The Workman At Port of Spain on the oth ulto, Albert Wilfred Lucien, 14 years old, a promising student of St. Mary College and son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Loelen of Abercromby Street, was found hanging by ble neck from a rope fastened to a beau in the garret. He was discover ed while the body was yet warm by the mald, Sarab Williams, but died after he was cut down by Sapt Bergent Bylvestre It is stated that he was fond of acrobatics and may have been attempting some new feat, as there was no reason to suspeo.
sulola, he being in good health and boring a few days previous Is been pressed by Dr. Polonele eligible for ADG (Oondgood po 7)
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