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THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1924 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West. Fleet Gring. Continued from page 2)
bad The service may The Woman Exchange CPAIN ENOUT Under the caption Odds and Ends. the Trinidad GUARDIAN comrrents on the transfer of their Governor to Jamaica, as follows: It is a bit of most unwelcome news that Sir Samuel Wilson is to relinquish his rost as Governor of Colony to take up that Governor of Jamaics, Some time ago there was a rumour that the Governor of British Guiana waº to be transferred to Jimain, and after the people of that Colony protested against the change it was stated that no such changela ever been contemplated exigencies of the demand that an administrator of Sir Samuel Wilson training, ability and tact is a necessity in Jamaica at the present tim, but it must be admitted on all sidles that it is in every sense of the word unfortunate for this Colony that at this juncture it should be forced to lose the services of a Governor whose term is not completed and who has in hand several matters, in the considera cortant cf which he has spent mneh tine and care. The water supply scheme for the Colony, and the Agricul tural Banks scheme, to mention only two of the many important matters which his knowledge and experience would have safely launched, are lik ly to ssuffer be cause the grip he had on their and figures will be there Sir Sumuel Wilson came to the Colony at a very trying time in its history, and it is mainly due to his efficient leadership that the administration of the Colony has weathered the bad times as well as it has. facts no more.
ANA ALBOA EST EER REWED The Milk Supply Be Prepared BARBADOS Whether it be for that Pain Presentation to Mr. Continued from pego Dance, Garden, Party, You can stop excru: George Challenor the Jamaica Herald of the 2ist ciating pain instantly Wedding or other social funcif you will only apply ulto. yet from the appearguce of a detachment of the Kingston SLOAN LINIMENT Th9 Weekly Illustrated of tion, it is the classý Dress that cent date says fantry Volunteers jn Harbour. St.
Sloan Liniment is very pleasant function took small company of the Jamaica puts the real thrill in the pain greatest enemy, place at the office of Mesats Militia Artillery at the No. Two and is backed by 40 years Bryden and Son yesterday Railway pier, and later the arrival occasion.
of success the world over.
efternoon when Mr. Cball, nor of the Fife and Drum Corps from It is an invaluablo romwas presented with a very hand ody for some coffee and tea set, the Camp, one could easily notice, on You have our assurance for gift of bis many admirers for Monday morning that some thing Rhe Sciatica bis excellent performances unusual was about to happen. And Sore Thr Bechache batsman in the West Indies so it was; for it was on that day carefully handling every detail Sprins Bruse team of 1923, bearing the follow that His Chest Paies Safed Excellency Sir Leslie which goes to make up Good ing loscription: It penetrates right to Probyn after filling the GEORGE CHALLENOR.
the seat of trouble, role of Governor of Jamaica for Dressmaking.
warms and soothes the FIRST IN WEST INDIAN the last six years left for England nerves and tissues, ban STYLE AND WORKMANSHIP ishing pain.
THRD IN ENGLISH BATTING in company with Lady Probyn.
AVERAGES 1923 Try it now.
At about 10015. His Exoelleney At all druggiate and arrived at the No. Railway pier PRESENTED BY dealers.
where the Caimito, the boat BARBADIAN ADMIRERS.
SLOAN The presentation was made which was to bear him home to DRESSMAKERS by Sir Chandler, Kt. England, lay anchored alongside: LINIMENT who in the presence of Hurriedly he bade farewell to the No. 141 Central Avenue Panama, a group of Mr. Challenor many friends and officers who Priends and admirers referred had come to see him off and then the excellent batting disANN THOMAS, Proprietress.
certs of life cannot be a true gentle Island as he was sure he ha few minutes later the Caimito He who thinks only of the compay of this gentle man who may mounted the gangway. Scon, in, his be termed an asset to the trail followed Lady Probyn, and a man set many an Englishmen who lifted anchor and glided swanlike witnessed or read of bis fine cricket to find out somthing out of the harbour. As she started about Barbados, and thought if on her course the Hon.
he could be persuaded to go to Capetown, which is at present in Wembley and show hlinselt at the harbour boomed out the usual the West Indian and Atlantic Court, he would prove a great salute of seventeen guns attraction Sir William cor clu The crowd that had gathered, ded a very facetious sreech by watched the entire ceremony with reminding Mr. Challenor that the possession of this handsome intense interest but in unbroken trophy, in the nature of an heir silence. Not a shout went up from loon, entailed the responsibility the assembled multitude, not a of having an heir to hand it on to greating, not a cheer. They just and this he said, reminded bim of a tradition in Mr. Challenor simply looked on in silence.
family that when his father and Immediately after the departure of uuele (Robert and George) Sir Leslie Probyn, COL Bryan.
were young men both being Colonial Secretary was sworn in at unmarried (as was the case at present) there was a discussion Headquarters House to act as Govas to which of them should get ernor until the arrival of Sir married so as to preserve the Leslie successor, family tree and they decided to Mr. Hall read the Dormant draw lots as to who should, and as Gaorge was not at all wishful Commission under the Royal Sign of doing so, he told his brother Manual and Signet empowering that it the lot fell on him ho Col. Bryan to acts as Governor and would clear out to Venezuela.
But, to day proceedings be Com. Pringle, ad.
thought solved the question ministered the oath of office, for the present generation (Cheers. Mr. Jackman then read BRITISH GUIANA SECTION some extracts from the statistics of Tour illustrative of Mr.
Challenor exploits and the gen Attracts Large Crowds At eral batting averages of the Wembley.
English cricket season in which DO YOU WANT Botoaly was be third of all the. direct West India cable from bea en by two of the professional London, dated June 19th, states An Economical Fresh Milk? Eng ish cricketers, but above all that the British Guiana section amateurs and quoted some figures at the Wembley Exhibition conshowing that playing in 35 innings tinues to attract large crowds of Fill one third of a Glass with forbis side bis average was over 51 visitors, this section being reper ions. That the total runs hit by garded as one of the best at BRAND him 1967 just a little less the Exhibition.
The Kaieteur ST. CHARLES the 2000 mark, coveted by Falls entrance is considered the all batsmen, the next on the side most attractive and striking at UNSWEETENED was some 800 runs behind him. Wembley, The British Guiana then add ice water and you will have He found that George had Band is receiving made a great recep: ntories, and just falling short tion in the tour of the provincial cities in the north of England.
of his 100 on two other occasions, the best, purest and safest fresh while coly other men bad done so At Bradford last week end once only. Mr. Jack man then crowd of over one hundred thousmilk in the world quoted extracts from leading and assembled to greet them English papers written in the thus breaking all previous records.
bighest terms of Mr. Challenor batting performances, and closed by wisbing bim continued success extension of his tenure for another and expresing the wish that he year has been generally approved.
West team four years hence and acquit the Hon. Jackson, Colonial himself no worse (Cheers. Secretary, the Hon. Sir William Mr. Challenor thanked the Chandler, LL. President speakers for the very flattering of Legislative Council, took the allusion to bis cricket perform oath of office for administering ances and the subscribers for the the Government of his native coun.
very handsome presentation made try. On Mr. Jackson resumption to him as well as Messers Bry of health the reins of governement den Son for the trouble taken will be promptly transferred to Of every description in getting it out free of charge him.
and said that words failed him to give expression to his feelings then and if be bad felt Death of Popular Dentist.
similarly when on the cricket field be could never have done DESPACTH so well as be bad.
The death occurred suddenly Mr. Emtage called for three during Saturday night 31st ultimo cheers for Mr. Challenor which of Mr. Moses Gittens, the wellwere heartily accorded him.
AT THE known and much respected dentist of Swan St. Barbados. By his Governor Goes on Leave of death the poor has lost a true Absence.
friend in pain or adversity; his kindness to all classes was recognised on Sir Charles Brien, Gov il she has already coidea and through ernor sailed by the s, Cavina himself. He leaves one daughter for England on the 29th ultimo on and a son, his wife having prede.
three months leave of absence. ceased him about three years ago.
Sir Caharles, with his been Barbados over six years, and should have ben leaving The premises on Broad Street, Barbados finally as Governor on Bridgetown, known as the Ice this occasion. but so pleasant have Establishment were recently sold been relations between Governor at the offices of Messrs. Yearwood IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS and people during these years of Boyce, to Mr. Evelyn as caminte as well as plenty that the agent, for 10. 000.
Supra could Trinidad depende principally upon condensed milk for its milk suply and it is essential that this should be of the bighost nuiri.
ment value. Good cow milk is scarce despite the knowl dze that a stock of milch co be made a good in yastmert. The retall fresh milk trade is almost Indian and it is rare that mik hun bought in the street is of the required standard quality.
Ad alteration by water is an old trick and beavy penalties have called to suppres: it. In the fircumstances the fresh milk supply cannot be depended upən and in turning to the tinned supply it is necessary that it should be maintained at ih greatest percentage of butterfat.
The Legislative Council at its last meeting approved of the standard of butter fat being returned to the pre war per cent. There are many brands in the market which are over 10 per cent. but several are only a tritie over per cent to which the milk was reduced owing to war difficulties.
ST. CHARLES were TOURIST RESORT EVAPORATED MUS ST, CHARLES CREAM The 20:33 JOB. PRINTING As a tourist resort Trinidad and Tobago has been a revelation to hundreds of visitors scenic charms of the Island, its natural beauties and wonders, attractive cosmopolitan life and seductive climate, have been repeatedly, acclaimed and tourist have asked the reason for the lack of ouside advertisement of our beautiful Island. It is regrettable that no sustained effort has been made 19. advertise and populariza Trinidad as tropical health resort in the United States, Carada and the United Kingdom, as is done by Jamaica. The latter Colony has a dednite advertisiog organisation which is charged with the responsibility of keeping Jamaica attractions before the eyes of the tourist world, Trinidad has gained much by the annual tourist excursions run by the different steamship lines but the passengers oply stay ashore for a couple of hours and leave with a totally inadequate esti mate of local conditions.
DONE WITH NEATNESS AND WORKMAN PRINTERY poor If cannot give up heart and soul when am worshipping. always consider that have not worshipped been in just.
ADVERTISE Rent Receipt Books In SpanIsh and English for sale at the Workman Printery, ܘܟܕ.
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