
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1924 PAGE THREE Interesting West. mitte el aged the cati strig Now On Sale Ho Ro Co Famous Products Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Hair Dressing, The Workman Printery The Diocesan Centenary Police Strike Thieatened ed of erlargening the bus roup of islands around. The acess to the ground ground at Harriso Callegr. It cate of the celebration will be on and posted notices on it to the was agreed to seek Legislative Fred Jaly 25th, and in order (Continued from page 2) effect that hen forto it would authority for raising a loan of to make it as general in charac.
only be opened by his orders. 14. 000 for the purpose.
ter as possible Bill has been The utruly lem nt amongst introduced in the legislature acknowledge the letter of th th Inmates tore down these for proclaiming the day a Public Association Regular Assortment of The Cathedral Organ. Holiday throughout the island.
The Mayor said it would be posters, and aming themselves with sticks assumed a threatendone in due course Already a campaign of Tract ing atitude towards the Super.
inte dens when he remonstrated The same paper of date, the people gezeralls of the nature Serials, intend to inform the 30tb, Jane, says: Water Supply For Suburbs. them.
and importance of such an event, Toe Authorit were not fed of The City. SUCH AS So much progress has been is in operation, and it is believed of the occurrenca and on turmade in the work of putting up by this time every house in the caylist Mr. We Gowdey the new organ for the Cathe Island has been visited and one Visiting Justice, Roco na ied dral, that it has been the or two of these messages of inIMPOTANT DECISION COME by Lleutenant Godard, privik ge of some to hear it. The struction been deposited for ite BY THE KINGSTON AAD ST. and a squad of police, opened at Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine Churcu warden most fittingly information of the household ANDREW CORPORATION quiry at the institutioa into experieced this pleasure on whether great or small. Spec:al tue cause of the outoreak.
Tablets, Shampoo, Fridas last and so far as tone, arrangements have been made As a result of the invastiga TO TAP THE MAIN, tion six inmates who were the volume and appearance go, he by the Bishop and bis Clergy ringleaders of the movement etc. etc. etc.
is satisfied that every taxpayer for the celebration on this particwith an open mind will feel ular day and in which the gratif:d with the outlay Pipea Trinidad have agreed to particices Diocese of British Guiana aid Commenting under the above were coevicred; but we undercaptions the GLEANER of the stand that the institution is beautifully ornamented in in gold 10 inst, states that the King not adequatily proyided with the form the ur per partition on each pate; but the celebration wil of three sides or the instrument continue for one year, and in th:s ston and St. Andrew Corporacoeans of carrying into effect tion have come to an important the sentences passid on these and being all within the building connection there is to be a Mission its fullest tones re given to the Special conducted decision with regard to prov recalcitrant us fortuastes.
ing Rollington Pen, Jackson 93 CENTRAL AVENUE congregation gathered win throughout the island by special Town ard other districis with Proposed Purchase of It is a structure of magnificent divines of the Church selected water.
their known beauty standing from the base in Bogland for Land.
to within two or three yards of Panama City.
missionary qualifications. This For some yea 1st the resi.
the roof. It is blown by elec Mission will start early in the dents of these districts have trical power but for ease of coming year and is expected to been clamouring for a proper The GLOBE of the 27th Jane, star su ply. There are some last, states that at a meeting of emergency there are two hand bring about a tremendous revival bellows available at the back. in Church lile generally.
in districts. TAKE NOTICE.
hava water, while others bave question of tha purchase of the Dentist Howell none.
30 acres of land, on Roebuck petition was sent to the Street, known as Weymou b, The WORKMAN NewsCorporntion by residents in the was before the Board. Meers districts asking that they be Carrington Sealy, solicitors for HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA paper can be had at the folThe Clergy of the Anglican given an adequate water supply, lowing places: ply, the Vestry suggested the purCANAL ZONE.
body is moving with commend Says the GLOBE of the 18th It can now be stated that Com chase of the whole property able activity in the matter of to. It was runoured that the mittee of the Corporation was not o ly would tho Vuty than Office Hours. 10 to p. The Variety Store, 76 Street celebrating with befitting diguity Police had gone on strike. It gone very tally is to the subject ba possessed of land on wh ch to Chorrillo the Centenary of the creation of would apprear that following matter of ibe ptition and erect the proposed con grade to 6pm the Anglican Diocese in Barba upon murmurings of discontent, recommended that inains should schol for girls, but the comDAILY Lindsay Place, No. 2, dcs. Perbaps it would be more when the 62 guard failed to be laid down in those portio missioners of Halth would Street, San Miguel.
coreect it we say of the West make its appearance to relieve of the districts which at present able to acquire a pirce fo the Indies seeing that at that time the guard stationed at o clock have none, and fach resident purposes of a drain and the op. Specializes in all the brar ches March, Burber, 55, Cali ths Diocese of Barbados included this morning, the natural concluwho desires to tap the main portunity would also be affo di of Dentistry donin Road, Trinidad, British Guiana and thesion drawn was that the men bad should pay the sum of In gone on strike!
this way it is hoped that each resident in the district will have Is is true that when the reveille some water and with the aug.
was gounded at 30 a, m, none menting of the Kingston supply of the men in barracks responded that of the districts will corresand at 45 when the men for pondingly increase The Corduty should have been falling in poration as a whole have agreed pone appeared.
to the recommendation of the An investigation revealed the committee, and their decision fact that the men were diswill have the effect of encoura.
satisfied with the treatment ing new buildings being ercc peted out to them in respect in the districts.
of their Petition to the Executive for better wages which they were led to understand should Ho day in Honour bave been dealt with by the House of Assembly yesterday but which was not even mentionOF VISITING BATTLE CRUISER ed at that sitting.
SQUADRON Mr. Inspector Goddard arrived on the spot at an early time and His Excellency the Acting Counselled the men to return to Goyernor has issued the followtheir duties aad await the report iog proclamation: of the Police Commission which was still sitting This they Where is His Majesty Special Service Battle Cruiser Squadron agreed to do and the Guard was which is touring the Enpire to mounted an hour later than the show the Flag ia al parts of regulated period.
His Majesty Dominions is due Meanwhile the men stationed to arrive at Kinuston on the 26th about the City vacated their posts. 194 and made for the Central Sia.
And whereas representations tion, thus leaving parts of the have been made to me that the town unguarded, but a few proclamation of a public boliday remained to the end preferring during the visit of the Squadron to await developments.
would give great stisfaction to Lieut Goddard then proceeded the inhabitants of this loyal to the Harbour Police Barracks and ancient colony.
on Bay Street where he beld a Now, therelore, by virtue of similar interview with the same the power and authority in me bappy results, the men resuming vested by section of Law 11 of their duty on the understanding 1895, do hereby proclaim and that they must await the report especially appoint that Monday of the Police Commission which the 28th day of was still sitting.
July next ensuing be set apart and In Its issue of the 20th inst. observed as a Paulie General the same paper says: Holiday throughout the island of Jamaica in honour of the SINCE the flutter created in visit of His Majty Spcial the City on Wednesday last by Service Battle Crui er squadron.
reason of the rumoured strike of Given under my hand and the the Police and the prompt settlement effected in less than an Seal of sind this bour after, there has been no ho 7th day of July in the fitte nth further development and the year of His Majesty regn, noque Domini, 1924.
men are pursuing their duties as if nothing had occurred. We think By Come and, the men are to be commended CHAS. DOORLY, for the prompt manner in which Acting Col nial Secretary.
they submitted to the counsel of their chiefs and returned to duty; this action of theirs should go a BARBADOS long way in securing for them a favourable entertainment their Petition now under conRebellious Outbreak at the sideration.
OPULARITY isn luck. there make good! There are loads of the spot WILKINSON ordinary cigarettes smokers INMATES ATTEMPT TO INlight. Popularity, today, means want something better!
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Lastyear brokeallrecordsforthe ter taste that why men are and Builder number of Chesterfields smoked. turning by thousands from other Why? Because Chesterfields cigarettes to Chesterfield.
The ADVOCATE of 17th June House No. 20 says: The mutinous state of the 28th NOV, STREET, inmates of the Lazaretto, wbich SAN MIGUEL quite recently was the subject of special legislation was, emphaP. Box 411, Panama, R, sized by the following occurCIGARETTES rence on Wednesday last.
Mr. Davis the newly appoint millions!
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day of Julsoress achty Broad of Such popularity must be deserved Chesterfield They Satisfy


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