
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1924 PAGE THREE American Girls Fight WEEKLY LONDON LETTER Now On Sale Ho Ro Co Famous Products Pain Enemy Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine The Workman Printery Dentist Howell The two Such popularity must be deserved faith To Get Picture of Prince One Thing at a tionally may contribute largely of Wales, to the barmony and economic Time.
progress of the world. What LAUGHS AND RAISES Regular Assortment of the League of Nations and its Labour and Health offices have HAT TO GIRL WHO SAYS SHE London IS CRAZY ABOUT HIM Correspondent done in pooling and correlating writing under date July says. information for international use The Conference on Repara the Prince hopes to see done for In the London Express of July SUCH AS tions bere has been anticipated science and industry by annual hopefully though its difficulties power conferences.
15 appears the following interbave not been minimised. The esting article:great danger that the most The Prince of Wales had an experienced people bere sre The Air Pageant.
eight bour day at Wembley yes.
SLOAN Liniment is proclaimed the world over as most anxious to see avoided After the Naval and Military terday which will surely go being Pain greatest enemy.
the overloading of the con Tournament at Olympia one of dowo in bis memory as the day Multitudes of people use and Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, ference and the confusion of the the jolliest of London annual on which American girls fougbt recommend it.
issues placed before it. There events the Air Force gave their for his photograph.
Rheumatic aches and pains are painful precedents in post annual pageant at Hendon He a peach. etc. etc. etc.
instantly obey its command la both war bistory for those certainly one of the most That was the verdict in the and disappear.
errors, but even so there re thrilling of yearly spectacles.
mains the temptation Advertising Convention Coafer.
It penetrates right to the intro. On this occasion the event had sore spot. No need of rubbing.
duce by virture of their inherent an international aspect, since ence Hall, The wives and It does its work thoroughly.
importance questions such as several French aces contributed daughters of the 5, 000 buainess Give it a trial.
security, inter Allied debts. the most effective item to the like publicity men forgot all One bottle will convince you.
about fathers and husbands.
position of Czecho Slovakia and programme, The races and com.
They only remembered of Poland, and other problems. petitions such as the picking up that At all druggists and dealers.
they had their cameras with 93 CENTRAL AVENUE This would almost certainly of message bags by swooping them. As soon as the Prince SLOAN jeopardise a conference which aeroplanes were mest thrilling will have rose to go there was a rustle of quite Panama City.
sufficiently and the aerial acrobatics filled LINIMENT voile and ninon and spongeoard enough a nut to crack in onlookere with alarm for their. PAIN ENEMY)
cloth and marocain as an excited be study of reparations in the consequences and admiration wave of womanbood surged out.
ight of the Experts Report. for their unfailing success. Five One thing at a tim; and were aeroplanes of the Snipe pattern side the door from which the TAKE NOTICE.
reparations placed upon a satis performed together complicated Prince was to begin his wak to the Indian Pavilion.
FOR SALE factory and detinitive basis these and daring evolutions with the other problems might be settled precision of a platoon of Guards, He came out, fair and slim, with a soft hat pulled down over The WORKMAN News. seriatim as they would certainly flying at one time in perfect live his eyes, and there was a de OXE ESTEY ORGAN HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA aper can be had at the fol not be settled were they all upside down and rolling back into lighted gasp as the adoring orthodox position in complete lowing places: 17 SCOPS CANAL ZONE Two The only effective scheme, in unison.
women discovered that even a squadrons of prince can trip over a mat. Then lately in use in the Wesleyan Office Hours 10 to p. the view of those in London bombers did air drill with thetr click, click, click went the Methodi Church. In good orler.
The Variety Store, 76 Street most competent to express an tips almost touching and the Chorrillo.
cameras. to 6pm opiolon, is temporarily to detach final spectacle was the rescue of.
Reasonable Price.
reparations from these other a tramp steamer from an armed Say, said an enterprising DAILY Lindsay Place, No. 2, imponderabilis and to deal with merchant cruiser.
American Girl in a yellow frock; Also 4)ft. Boards, Street, San Miguel Can them in the light of the unique vessels were practically of full you take photographs?
Well take hold of my camera Apply to Specializes in all the branches March, Barber, 55, Cali opportunity presented by the size, with smoke issuing from and get me on the same film as KISSOCK BRAHAM.
Experts Report. The play of their funnels and looking most of Dentistry denia Road.
Internal politics in various realistic. The attack on the the Prince of Wales. ll stand countries has led already to the tramp was observed by a Seagull right there by the door, and wben he comes out shoot!
loss of much valuable time, and amphibian, and its wireless it is well to remember the message quiekly brought up Who could refuse? The Experts significant warning three Fly catcher single seater scheme was quickly cop. ed.
against delay and against fighters. By this time the Girls banded their cameras over attempting to apply their plan cruiser had manoeuvred to sink to any trustworthy looking male in anything but its entirety. As the tramp, but its mission was standing near and crowded for Germany, it is difficult to see frustrated by the three aeroround the door.
how, even with her strong planes which flew over and over old ll say that just fin!
nationalist parties, she should the cruiser, firing machine guns.
You re sure you got him in the do anything incredibly foolish Next five torpedo carriers arpicture as well? Sare now. 10 reject an offer of the rived, dropped their torpedoes, Well, that film goes right back scheme. She is given an oppor. and in another moment the to New York this week, and it ll tunity of wioning universal cruiser was blown up amid make all my friends sit up.
good will revindicating her good clouds of smoke.
It was worth coming over just and recovering her to be in that pciture.
national status by a method Two Centenaries.
wbich would also serve to relieve It just like being in a fairly Ferchi apprubensious and clear Two interesting centenaries tale, said a charming young the way for some sound measure bave just been celebrated here.
girl from West 97th Street. It of continental security.
The Royal National Lifeboat sure is. You English people can Institution maintains over 240 understand what it feels like to White Power lifeboats along the British coasts come for the first time to a counincluding three steam and 40 try where kings and princes The programme of the World motor boats and many are the and princesses are real. We only Power Conference to participate heroic rescues ađected by them.
know them in the nursery.
in which experts from most In fact, 58, 500 lives bave been When was going to the countries of the world came to sared through the agency of this Albert Hall the other night a gold the Exbibition at Wembley, remarkable institution which coach drove up with a lot of sounded rather technical, but the papers here the world and which depends oppressively was the first of its kind in fairy like guys in white wigs standing up behind, and out were quick to grasp the romance almost entirely upon yoluntary stepped the Lord Mayor of Lonunderlying its aims.
Dame contributions.
don in red and gold, and a man Nature has given to her children with a brown fur hat carrying a The other centenary is that of a few of the secrets of elec: the Royal Society for the Preven.
sword big enough for the giant tricity; there are almost limitless in Jack and the Beanstalk. Well, possibilities yet to discovered be ered. tion of Cruelty to Animals the HESTERFIELD swift tell you, it took my breath As it is, the harnessed power activites of which through its nuo rise to popularity was away, think Eogland got of the Victoria Falls or of the merous inspectors have brought fairyland beat. Say now, no accident. Smokers were upper waters of the Nile, the punishment through the Courts you re sure that photograph will ready for a better cigarette come out all right?
rush of the mighty rivers. of to those infringing the laws of and in Chesterfield they South Americ. or the mountain bumanity and have done invalThe The Prince ploughed his way torrents of Norway and Sweden uable educative service.
found it.
nd Swi zerlend pay yet swing Institution has its enthusiastic like the Lifeboat through the camera barrage with no protection but three commisthe great centres of industrial Bionaires who cried, Pathway, production to wholly new places voluntary officials in every town on the map. Coal and oil were and village and both are in every conference; per sense of the word national organ.
He went to India. Here the but the great White power isations which deserve and get American crowd was reinforced by hundreds of English girls.
and its potentialities provoked national (as distinct from State)
After over halt an bour in India those visions which a generation support.
may yet see materialised.
be walked through the blazing CIGARETTES Bun to the Hull Corporation The British Empira is notori WILKINSON building, followed by the same ously rich in its great natural admiring damsels. He then went rescurc s, and it is significant Contractor to luncheon.
that the first world conference on the potentialities of Dame and Builder Ja little more than an hour Nature should have been held at time be millions!
was tramping the an Exhibition which shows in House No. 20 grounds again, bis shoes white extremely graphic form how with dust, the crowd at his heels these are being used, and should 28th NOV. STREET, cameras in front, behind and on Ligrett Myers Tobacco Co.
bave been mainly promoted, each side of him. He toured SAN MIGUEL with the ready assistance of Ceylon and Hong Koug, At four and Box 411, Panama, R, many foreign scientific o clock he visited a garden party technical organisations by a at Jamaica. Here he bad tea and British Association of Electrical Plans and Specifications Free a special brew of rum punch made herself from an old plantation receipe:has the giant strength of the First Class Workmanshlp One of sour, two of sweet, Removed.
tides which beat on her shores, Guaranteed.
Tbree of strong, and four of and to use them for the generaweak.
tion of electricity is certainly not beyond the dreams of Dr. VASQUEZ, Surgeon This means one part lime juice two granulated sugar three rum, Dentist and Dr. STANLEY engineeres. They may yet be a four water. It was served with Mechanical Dentist have regreater asset to Britain industry than even her coal. The a dash of bitters and ice.
Why throw away your old, but no moved their offices and is problem of power may offer a LIBERTY HALL There was a burst of laughter as the Prince left the garden now located in cool and com doubt interesting, books when you solution of many troubles 29 Street, Panama modious quarters at onemployment, trade depression, party, 125 can have them neatly bound at insufficiently developed agricul ENGLISH CLASSES Isn he perfect; m just Central Avenue, were they ture; it becomes a question for by Day and by Night are crazy about him said a girl will be pleased to meet their statesmen with vision.
voice. The Prince beard ber, numarjus patrons.
THE delegates to the coole reminded 89 now opened for the looked up, laughed and raised de Prince of Wales Summer his bat 93 CENTRAL AVENUE hem in his extremely able Then be went on looking rather car, and the cameras still went, speech on the opening day, are For particulars apply on the spot to tired, still followed by the crowd snap, soap, snac.
in touch with fundamentals and The next mail to American Opposite Cecilia Theatre their deliberations may resalt in BARTON, LL.
He disappeared through the Amusements Park te his waiting will be exceedingly heavy.
a policy which applied internaPrincipal please!
Chesterfield CIGARETTES They Satisfy Book Binding!
Private Academy WORKMAN


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