p. 1


cash Haggard.
JAMAICAN COUPON LABOUR CLERK DEFEAT ON SOCIALIST BILL Necessary in Cuba Says Not Guilty of EmbezzleDelegation of Sugar Men ment Charge.
Dntch West India Cable In the Ancon District Court last By Pressing Radical Housing patch fresh Watana kilalatid muursedia menormer series coming home, West Indians Made Public Ву coupon clerk at the Administra Measure Through House of August hith, Saya: The British Governmentſis on tion Building at Balboa Heights, British Chargé Affaires at Commons, Says Attorney General. absolute prohibition of the emmi bezzlement charge, by o jury that sidering restrictions even was found on an Havana, Cuba gration to Cuba of British West deliberated but 20 minutes after delayed cable dispatch from London dated July 27; day when a message to Congress Them bezzlement preferred against Committee Circular of London, gives in a nutshell the Indian labourers, it developed to hearing the evidence in This was of the The following article taken from the West India states that an early general election loomed as a prospect by President Zayas was made of to day with indications that the Labour Government plans public along with a Cuban Grev Cunningham, Two weeks ago a facts in connection with the unfortunate situation created to stake its existence on a measure that is said to contain Book dealing with the alleged ill. jury rendered a likewise verdict in in Cuba among West Indians:the only socialistic element that the government has so far treatment in Cuba of Brttish West one of the cases, the remaining one Indian negroes who came in thous bring dismissed by Judge Walling During fhe last few years repeat ca as a member of the crew of the produced, and Premier MacDonald will go before the coun ands each autumu to cut sugar ford on morion of District Attored representations have been made Cuban gunboat Baire. Cuban try if he is defeated on that measure.
ney Martin, following the verdict by the British Legation at Havana Government Guards seem also to in Thursday case.
It was intimated by Attorney General Sir Patrick. Correspondence has been car.
to the Government of Cuba re have been employed by estate Hastings, speaking at Wallsend this evening. The bill on pied on since January, when the the issue to himself, and not West Indian labourers in that the plantations rather than pay Cunningham was charged with garding the treatment of British owners to drive their workmen off which he hinted that the government will stand or fall, is Beibach rucarerard e resorting accounting for, of seven commis Island.
known as the housing materials bill. which calls for the and otherwise abusing Jamaicans aud May of this year Cuban were them their wages, two hundred, in How serious the situation has this way, having been turned off fixing of prices of building materials by the government that they were subject to hardships become is revealed by the publica the Candelaria Estate alone, in and authorizes the expropriation of factories if manfacu in the Quarantine Station at San The Government witnesses from tion in this country of the corre August, 1921, and rendered home.
turers refuse to produce at assigned prices.
tiago de Cuba and had been paid the Collecter and Auditor office spondence which has taken place less and starving. All over Cuba in illegal paper notes instead of at Balboa Heights, testified in this year between Mr. Godfrey labourers were provided with BITTER FIGHT FORESEEN regard the regulations governing Haggard (H. Chargé Al vouchers, which legal opinion There is bound to ensue a bitter fight on this bill such It is estimated that sixty five issue of commissary coupon books. faires. and Señor Carlos Mandei showed were worthless, and to this day there are many thousands of as the House of Commons has never seen in modern times, thousand Jamaican negroes come It was brought out in court that de Cespedes, the Cuban Secretary the Attorney General predicted. He declared that the only to Cuba annually, and it is under. Cunningham has been employed for Foreign Affairs. The outstand. dollars owing in wazee, which the stood that way sufficient building material could be obtained was for men recently told President Zayas teventeen years and aus Fiesaing conditions at the quarantine sta ingat many other instances of illdelegation of sugar for the Panama Canal for over ing subjects of complaint are the labourers have no hope of recoverthe Government to step in and work the factories, if it that their migration was necessary clerk iron 1922.
at de treatment furnished should fail in breaking the owners ring, which, he said, if the cugar cane was to be cut.
of firearms, too often with fatal According to the evidence, Cuoresults, by Cuban guards against aimed at keeping up the pricesA British note on June 25th, howIn his reply, the Cuban Secretaever, announced that there is a ni gham account was checked unarmed British West Indiaos; ry of State for Foreign Affairs Stressing the inedical character of the measure with its definite prospect of the restriction after the time in which he should the apparent lack of interest in returns an answer to the various feature of no compensation to the owners in case the gov or Prohibition of immigration from have tid for the books had been arresting and prosecuting men allegations, stating that the quarernment should take over the factories, the Attorney the British West Indies to Cuos passed; but at the same time he guilty of such trials as have taken antin condi have been greatGeneral threw down the gauntlet to the opposition parties at an early date. President Zayas who destroyed the coupons place; together with the maltreat ly improved, and that in the Congress with the flat assertion that if the bill was passed it would authorizing similar action by the evo, when he had not made entry the estates. ich hº detached from them, ment of British West Indians on Taylor and Roye cases, trials for be the first writing of socialism on the wall. Hint that the Cuban Government.
homicide have been initiated.
his roll for As regards the treatment acThe protests of the British corded to West Indian laboures on Labour government had planned deliberately to ride for a The Cuban Grey Book declared sal. ry.
value of the books from his Government not having produced the sugar estates, the Cuban Note fall on what it would consider a good campaign issue came quarantine hardships have been when Hastings went on to make the pill harder for the remedied, that instructions have the Distr. ct Attorney said the rules ments of the West Indian Colonies financial crisis of 1921, pointing In putting the case to the jury the desired result, the Govern: attributes the trouble to the Liberals to swallow with the declaration that the Liberals for foreigners and Balyse ehate ctity require that Cucoingham should with a view yetube restricting or out that previously Cuba hadia would be scared to death to throw out the government during the financial depression of have accounted for the books is prohibiting, by joint action, the Allies, double her sugar pro.
order to cause of the ATTACK CONSERVATIVES.
1920 were cane labourers paid May but he had not done so up to further emigration of a coloured in rarer In a fighting speech the Attorney General took a shot (Continued on page labourers to Cuba.
duction without guarantees. The non payment of labourers at the Conservatives, asserting that they were trailing far The instances of maltreatment treated as altogether exceptional, behind the Labour Government in any sort of social policy: BRITISH SHIPS WILL ALWAYS BE ling: No fewer than forir unaumed badly. bit, At present nithe Note cited by Mr. Haggard are appal and confined to estates that were He predicted that the Labour government would come British subjects been fired on back after a general eļection with 300 seats in the House and killed by Cuban puards during appear to be satisfied with the continues, immigrants MOST POWERFUL AFLOAT.
instead of the present less than 200.
the past two years, while no treatment they receive, because The Attorney General predicted that Labour would convictions have been recorded they continue coming to Cuba in win a half or three quarters of the seats now held by Says Commander of Repulse Speaking at Navy Day against the aggressors. Thus, in ever incres sing numbers. If Luncheon.
April, 1922, Charles Sadler was Cubac production were to be Liberals, while the Labour party also would gain from the shot whilst lying on the ground by limited for lack of workmen, the Conservatives.
a uniformed sergeant of the Cuban price of sugar would be sent up The time is over for making friends said Hastings, and Du ch Wet Ind a cab e cis to conditions of the disarmament police, who continued to act as a from shortage of supply, thus Mr. MacDonald has asked himself the question whether he patch from Halifax, onted August Conference at Washington, Britain policeman though accused of affecting the consumer in the 12, says Canadian sin: Canada ould not be able to send ships nurder. At Miranda, in March, British Empire. Nevertheless; the has not dune as much as he can do without a real majority. We stand on guard for thee with over to do this work. If the trou 1923, Oscar Taylor, a solitary Cuban Government professes itself Whether the Liberals can avoid taking up the challenge great gusto, but we stard en guard ble was in the East it would be unarmed man, was shot dead by ready to discuss immediately with thus flatly hurled at them by the goverment spokesman at the lowest cost per opta of many months before ships would three Cuban guards through the Grean Britain the best means of is a question being asked in political circles.
any country except Bolivia, so reach this side of the water and door behind which he was crouch. restricting or totally prohibiting declared Major General Thacker, pui haps never. All Dozinions ing Next month, Lockeley Roye, the emigration of British West Ceneral Officer Comman ing the were faced with this problem, said who was not ill, refused to take a Indian laboures to Cuba, and goes Kirkland Gets Jail Sentence Continuous Showers Cause forces of Halifax Military division Commander Parker, and the big second cup of medicine proffered on to state that it has recomand Fine.
Slide on Tramway Line. No. 6, at the Navy Day lunch question was what was to be done to him in the quarantine station mended to the Association of Sugar eon held by the Halifax Rotarians about it. He cited a number of by a Marine Gurd, wboſ there. Estate Owners and Planters that It would not be amiss to say that considerable amount of ear at the Green Lantern yesterday. statisties of the expenditure of upon, after beating him with his they should accord to West Indian the misfortune of the steam and mo gave way from the will with the greatest Commander Parker of various parts of the Empire on rifle, shot him dead. Roye ag labourers, ship Colombia, now lying in Bal overhangi Ig the Panama Electric Repulse was the other speaker of Naval Defence. If Great Britain gressor subsequently enjoyed com. good will, the same treatment boa drydock undergoing repairs to ompau y track between Chorrillo the day and spoke for the navy spent 12. 40 per head per week for plete immunity, and visited Jamai received by natives of the Island.
her huil which was pierced when and Balvoa and caused suspension generally. He compared the navy defence, 86. 00 of which wa: spent she struck rock off Cano Island the Tramways service for over as the man with the big stick on the Navy; Canada spent 40 Prince of Wales Sails or so ago, have been two hours last Thursday moruing. Despite the protection qualities of per cent. capita on defence, 26 Atlantic Shipping Suffer by For somewhat contagious. in that Work was started almost in the League of Nations he believed cents of which was for naval de Three Day Storm since the arrival of the good ship mediately after the first car was the navy had still its place. The fence. Australia spent 00 in The Prince of Wales is reported at Balboa, misfortunes have at held up as in naval 90 to have left Southampton on the tended many who have not only The slide was caused by the surance of the Empire. Your cents and South Africa 20 cents.
ventured to med il with her contiguous showers of raim which Minister of Defence has said, Speaking of the British Navy gen: Several ships are reported to 23rd, on the Berengaria, for belongings but those who attemp. have been falling every day during added Commander Parker, that erally, Commander Parker said have been badly battered in a the United States. The Prince steal, take and carry this week, the Navy is the best form of io that capital ships will never three day storm, during the early left Londoa by automobile, them away. be this. on Wight Percival Kirkland has been Fined For Vagranncy times he has said that before, and mated that the most powerful ocean. More than fifty passengers and then boarded his ship early handed down a jail sentence of 100 Judge Blackburn fined wonder what he is going to do fighting ships afloat would always are reported injured on the white in the morning without hardly Blickburn in the Balboa Magis vagrancy last Thursday mornin day dad fined 25 by Magistrate John Smith, five dollars not about it. That is not my busi be British. The Repulse Com. Star Line steamship Arabic, which being noticed. Phe Trince will ness, it is yours. The speaker mander said that the wonderful arrived in New York a few days visit the United States semi oftrate Court lust Wednesday for Smith, who claimed to be on the then predicted that if something expression of interest in the ships ago, owing to gigantic seas which ficially.
stealing sx or locks and some lombian, was picked up by or were not done, the day would of the Special Service Squadron swept the ship. wireless message wire rope clamps, National Assembly Kirkland had taken these from Ancon Boulevard. He stated is be no Canada to sing. He was not that of curiosity but Nordfarer, en 10 ite to San Fran.
policeman while walking along some time come when there would shown in all parts of the Empire picked up from the Danish steamer a lot of the ship material piled up cout that we had walkede dron stressed the importance of constant much deeper and more subsiantiate the ship bridge and Washed the the first ordinary sessions of the Deputies from the interior for Cisco, said that near the drydock at Balboa. He Buenaventura, Colombia, the survey and review of lines of com He cited an instance to iliustrate National Assembly which will was pointed out to a policeman Light before and was on his way munication between the various this by telling of a maa in western Captain overboard.
open in this city next Monday, by watchman on duty. The to seek work with a lumber Dominions and he stated that in Canada who brought his five of have arrived and credentials will policeman followed him Railroad Statiou ac Ibox, balted company in Balbos at the time of case of war, it was most important six children forty miles to see the keep the lines of communication, then be examined and repreto the his arrest. As the distance fro that Convoys should pass in and ships.
Trafalgar did not win the war sectatives installed.
him and discoverd the stolen Buenaventura to Balboa is abou. out of Halifax and be given ab Touching upon the work of the against Napoleon, but it kept the Two contested seats will be property.
400 miles Smith story did not solute protection.
Navy, Commander Parker said lines of communication open and settled, one for the Province of Kirkland had previously served make the intended impression on BRITISH SHIPS.
that the duties of the Navy was enabled the victory of the fol Panama and the other for the terms for stealing the Judge, hence the fine Commander Parker said that due not primarily to win war but to lowing year, Province of Chiriqui, 18 month


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