
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1924 SOCIOCSOCS:SSSS Dr. Duvol Rayo injection THE WORKMAN THE WONDER OF OUR DAYS SMOKERS STROLLERS CIGARETTES Save Your Empty Packages Something Good Coming NEXT WEEK Private Academy You are hereby notified and required to filed therein ainst you by ant to answer the complaint therein on or you are that if you fail to appear and answer the said complaint as above required, the plaintiff will take ju ment ainst you by default and demand from the Com CAMPBELL Asst. Clerk District Court 11.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applied Dr. Duvol, an eminent WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all matters physician and surgeon of the Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited Faculty of Paris, a practitioner All copy for publication must be OF PO Box 74, Panama in the hospital of London and written on one side of paper only, and Brussels and a member of the Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Academy of Medicine of France, desirous of slemen, has, One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica.
the Six Months.
sufferings of his 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
store after a series of Three Ce.
We do not undertake to return rewhich lasted approximately fifty experiments One 25.
jeeted correspondence.
years, given to the world a most Liberty of bo Press the palladium of our rights JUNIUS efticient remedy for Blenorragia (Gonorrea) in the form of his SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1924.
marvelous injection RAYO wbich is also an excellent remedy for all irritations in the THE CHIVAS AND THE JITNEYS urinary passages.
This marvelous remedy can Quite a considerable stir is being made in this city truly be described as the Wonder with regard to the operation of the chivas and the jitneys of the present century. Its use does not cause that sensation of which seem to be working along divergent economic lines.
burning irritation and contracThe chivas (or omnibuses) are the latest entrants in the tion which is generally expefields of vehicular traffic and, until they made their appear.
rienced in the use of other ance, matters presumably went well between the peasantinjections.
owners of jitneys and the big wig proprietors of service DR. DUVOL cars.
Merborictiol Ointment The steady and constant increase in the number and utility of the chivas has given some cause for alarm, and For the prompt and positive the jitney owners have commenced to feel that they are cure of all kinds of erysipelas, destined to be supplanted by the former. While the eczemas, itchings, itchs, and all illness of the skin, whether of majority of impartial patrons may not be particularly intersyphilitio origin or produced by ested in the subject, it is none the less true that the situa any microbe.
tion threatens to become rather serious.
Sure and effective remedy to The trouble is the resuit of industrial conflict of ideas.
obtain the dissappearance of the The jitney owners are peeved over the general principle of EDUARDO VALENCIA spots on the face and other parts the bus drivers soliciting patronage along the regular of the body, produced by carate road routes of the city and the Zone. This they define as Sole Agent for Panama and Canal Zone.
or any other cause.
irregular and unfair competition, as the buses, more or less, Sold in all Drug Stores carry capacities three times as great as those of the average SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSCWOSK SY0X50 DR. DUVOL MEDICINE CO.
jitneys. In view of the fact that the buses all carry considerably larger numbers of passengers than the jitneySt. Bartholomew s, Church cars, the feeling of antipathy against the bus system runs FOR SALE NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF LAS CASCADAS.
high and has almost become acute.
Matine, Litany and address at 11 a.
It is believed that the patrons of the Electric Church School p.
Tramways Company have also been eyeing the bus SALOON, GUOCERY and LIBERTY HALL TO BENJAMIN SHERMAN: Evening Prayer and Address pm.
service with the green eye of disapprobation, for RESTAURANT 29 Street, Panama enter your appearance in the otice of the MULCARE Priest in charse Court of since the introduction of the latter the former bas Stecke state. Det er som de tion for divorce St. Jude Mission, Summit.
been experier. cings ricus financial reductions in gen Situated at business centre ENGLISH CLASSES Morning Prayer, Litany, Holy Euchar.
oral revenue all rou es urban and suburban. In House can be leased or rent by Day and by Night are before the oth day of November ist and Sermon at 10. 45 a.
erder to make up these financial deficiencies the com itles secure.
now opened for the Church School and Confirmation Clase pany resorted to the business like expedieat of placing For further information p. Summer the rellet prayed for in her said Evening Prayer and Address 3p.
their own buses on certain lines to serve as feeders to the apply to Cars on the main routes. To a certain extent, the Com For particulars apply on the spot to MULCARE Priest in Charge.
pany has been successful althoug it cannot be stated th 11 BARTON, LL.
the private owned omoibuses have lost any trade threby.
New Providence Post Office Principal, boa Church Services. St. Simon Mission, Opinions are various with those concerned and among Morning Prayer, Litany and address at those who are interested in the vehicular embroglio. Some Rent Recept books in SpanAMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Church School p.
assert the Electric Tramway Company contention to be ish and English tor Sale at The Advertise in the Workman IT PAYS.
that the operation of private owned buses along the WORK 114 Printery. MULCARE Priest in charge.
direct road rou es is ejudicial to its rights and privileges St. Paul Church, Panama as a duly formed and registered corporation. Others a. Holy Communion Wesleyan Methodist maintain that the practice of traffic soliciting as adopted port to the system, not because they wish to oust the tram 10 sm, Mating Panama 11 am Mr. Johnson by the operators of the buses is distinctly unjust to the car or the jitney, but because they wish to give first con 10, 30 Holy Eucharist sermon. 30 m, Rev. J, Kissock Braham ji ney business, while others stoutly insist that the omni sideration to their personal interests.
Rector. Colon 11 a. Mr: Airall buses have as distinct and legitimate a right to do business But what sort of a competitor is the omnibus. How 12. 30 Holy Baptism. 30 Rev. Surgeon.
La Boos 11 a. Mr. Lindo as the other two.
does it prejudice the business interests of either the jitney 3p. Church School The only fair and logical way to view the whole situa service or the tramways service? What unfair advantage 30 Choral Evetsong sermon 30 Mr. Johnson.
Preacher The Bishoy.
New Providence 11 a. Mr. Mark6. NIGHTENGALE.
tion is through an impartial and open minded perspective. has it over its rivals? Or is there, really, any rivalry.
What are the facts in the rcunstances? When these are The omnibuses carry passengers between the extreme Rector Parriso 11 Rev. Kissock They Brabam (Holy Communion. learnt then the whole question will receive equitable points in the city at five cents (American) fares. 30 m. Mr. Fuller.
treatment. Biking the cake on one side only will create sometime. ali do not) collect an additional five cents St. Alban Church, Paraiso Empire 11 a. Rev. Surgeon nothing but unwholesome results.
when taking passengers from the city to La Boca or to the CANAL ZONE (Holy communion. The first faci that should be learnt is that the jitney cars suburban villages. In all it may cost a passenger ten 11 Matins and Address. Catechist operate on a tixed price schedule or tarif between limit cents to travel from the Panama market or a city store to Salvation Army Hall.
one zone is fifteea cents American money, If the destina. This is five cents less than a jitney fare in only a section 30 pm. Choral Evensong and address sections or traffic zones. The fare within points in any La Boca or to Las Sabanas, Pueblo Nuevo or Juan Diaz. p. Church School and Confirma LA BOCA CORPS Catechist 30 am Prayer meeting.
tion of a passeuger lakes bim rom within the limits of one within the city limits. Tae fare in a jitney from Panama P. NIGU TENGALE, 11 am. Holiness meeting.
traffic zone to within the limits of another, as is more to La Boca or to Las Sabanas is never less than thirty or Priest in charge p. Open air meeting.
generally than not the case, he has to pay two fares which perhaps twenty five cents. It will be seen, then, that the 30 Salvation meeting.
the majority of ji ney drivers insist upon as their rights fares are three to one in favour of the jitney. If therefore, St, Matthias Mission BENNETT Ensign.
and which the passenger is legally, if not morally, oblige as has been stated, the capacity of an omnibus is three LAS SABANAS to pay. Prior to four years ago there were no such regula umes as great as tha of a jicney the final economic calcu Taen there is the tions and the fare for a reasonably continu bus journey lations will be found to be ufty fifty.
The Salvation Army within any two points in the city was ten cente Ainerica, monopoly of tourist trade enjoyed by the jitneys and ser. 15 Even song and Address, Sight seeers and pleasure seekers wishing to PANAMA CITY CORPS. NIGHTENGALE, money. The change, therefore, has taken a serious effect vice cars.
Services for Sunday 31st August are upon the travelling community, whose personal interests take in the nistoric and interesting views of the juntry as followeare sacred to themselves and who will, economically, find the omnibus and the tram car of very little service Prayer Meeting; 10 am.
welcome the advent of a more favourable means of trans to them. Here is where the jityney as a commoa carrier is king.
St. Peter by the sea, La Boca Children Directory Meet! ne Benior portation. American Episcopal)
United Open Air Meeting at 24th Street, Another fact is discovered in the distance of the The Tramways Company stands in a class all alone and 11 mm Holiness meeting: Subject: 11th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Certain The Name underneath the aster tramways terminals from some of the more important and need not fear competition from the omnibus.
Holy Communion 20 a Comdt Martin. p. Youag People rising villages in the suburbs. Busioess and other matters classes of people have never ridden in an omnibus in Panama For males Communicants only. Company Meeting and Brigades call the residents of these villages daily into the city, and or in the Zone, and doubtlessly, never will. This reserves Holy Baptiem 30 am.
open air meeting. at Street Calithey find the tramways practically useless to themselves. to the tramways a patronage strictly assured. Besides Matins, Litany and address. 11 a.
donia. p. Overcomers Brigade at The omnibuses have rushed to their rescue by establishing this, the general patrons of the tramways base their pref. Church School 18 Street Central. Conquerors Brigade regular runs to and from the city, thereby offering a facili erence for the street cars on the ground that accidents are Choral Evensong Sermon 30 at Avenue 30 Salvation ty that the tram car service is not, at present, able to give, less likely and more compensative. In the whole history of Monday: Girl Guido meeting, 5p. Meeting Subject: The Ingratitude and Meeting of the Daughters of Cruelty of Friends. Commandant Tue residents at La Boca, though living ou the Balboa Pa the Electric Tramway Company in Panama, there has never p.
Martin. warm welcome awaits you.
nama route ex pericoce sone amvunt of difficulty in travel been known to be a single death resulting from an accident Wednesday: Mid Werk service, 30 Special Notice Friday, September line in the traincars in inciement weather such as has been with the street cars by collision, derailment or culpable Confirmation clase after. 12th Young people Rally of Flowers pevailing tor the past few weeks. he omnibuses run neglect of any of its motormen. But in the event of such Thursday. Meeting of Girls Priendly Sunday, 14th Children Fruit Offering ning between Lu Boca and Panama take their passengers accidents occurring damages if the responsibility of Society, p. Meeting of the sympathy and whole hearted coMonday, 15th Demonstration Not so, with exactly to the door steps so that the inconvenience the company be proved, are collectable.
the Brotherhood of St. An operation of all is earnestly solicited.
drew, 30 m.
in getting around in wet and stormy weather has been the small jitneys and omnibuses which are usually, or almost Friday: Meeting of Girl Guides, p. m, WILLIAM MARTIN, thereby reduced to a mininum.
always, owned by people of the peasant stock.
Choir practice, p.
Commanding Officer.
Incidentally it bas en shown that the introduction All things being considered, the three means of transJ. MULCARE Rector, of the omnibus has been a matter of sheer necessity. Ia portation under discussion are all commendable, and each Union Pentecostal Assembly this connection it is well to understand that this system bears a ligitimate tenor in its sphere. Neither is really of transportation is now almost universal. The motor competitive with the others. Each has its advantages and St. Barnabas Church, Empire 25 CALIDONIA ROAD also COLON Gospel Meetings Sunday 11 machine factories in the United States and Europe are disadvantages, and since, in the final analysis, the public 11 a. Matins and address and 30 Sunday School p. m; daily sending out advertisements all over the world, com must be left to select the system most desirable, it will Church school, p.
Monday 30 Tuesday 30 mending the ownibus for its economic value in vehicular always occur that each will receive its fair quota of 30 Evensong, and address Thursday 7, 31 traffic. The public, everywhere, have given generous sup patronage right here on the Isthmus as happens elsewhere. JT MULCARE Priest in charge Elder GREENEDGE Pastor Pieet in charge.


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