
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1924 PAGE SEVEN MORE MEN GET JOBS President of Mexico 08 Interesting West.
hewly Love House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH As Mechanical Division (Continued from page 2)
Repairs More Ships.
landing place at Cocos Bay. On OBREGON DENIES THAT MUR. board were Clarence Doyle (the The Mechanicle Division of DER OF MRS. EVANS WAS Engineer) Donatien Paul and the Panama Canal at Balboa bas WORK OF THOSE FORCES Charles Gumbs. The launch been increasing its force, both had reached ber moorings in gold and silver employees, Cocos Bay, and the party on during the month; which is due SAYS NO MYSTERY. board were being taken into a to repairs to ships, the volume row boat, manned by one Victor of which has increased considHendrickson when the launch Assassination at the Sane Time caught fire as the result, it is beerably. Over two hundred sil.
ver men and about sixty gold With Cummins Affair Only lieved, of the engine back firemen have been added to the Coincidence.
ing. It appears that the major.
force. It is learnt, bowever, ity of the party had already got that the majority of these men into the boat when the backare temporarily employed for Washington, August The firing and consequent conthe purpose of handling repairs Mexican Embassy announced flagration took place. Eforts at on the Pacific liner Columbia and to day that Francisco Ruiz and extinguishing the flames proved and the Peruvian cruiser Almi Alejo Garcia had confessed to futile and one of the men, Paul, rante Grau. While several of the Inspector General of Police received burns about the face the employees will be discharged at Puebla that they were the and hands. The launch despite when the repairs to these two slayers of Mrs. Rosalie Evans. the strenuous (and one might ships are through an appreciHerbert Schoenfeld, the ada frantic) efforts of those e able number will be retained American Chargé Affaires at It cost 900 and was launched cerned was completely gutted, permanently.
Mexico City, telegrapbed the It is likely that the extraordiState Department that he had in September 1923, by the build.
nary work will be continued for it received a note from the Mexers, the East End Foundry at least one year.
ican Minister of Foreign Affairs was not insured.
carrying the same iniurmation.
British Consulate Notice.
OBREGON DEFENDS Agrarians. Registrar of Supreme Court Mexico City. August The British Consulate General The truth will out, said Presi and Registrar General.
at Panama would like to get in dent Obregon in an interview touch with Samuel Abraham, late this afternoon. The wild char.
No. 14341, British West Indies ges that the murder of Mrs. MR. WILLIAM SAVARY Regiment in connection with bis Evans was the work of agraripension.
ans haye proved false. Three iznorant criminals are guilty in Church Services.
the case wbicb moved the Mexi It is officially announced that can Republic Mr. William Savary, Barrister. Continued from page am surprised at the attitude at Law, has been appointed 10 created post of of the press which bas failed to Registrar General and Barrister Seventh Day Adventist Church of STREET CALIDONIA ROAD science when the truth made known and the demand up duty from January 1925. near Isthmian Park. PANAMA that the authorities judge the St. Mary College and and Mr. Savary won scholarship at Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabcriminals with the utmost rigor law at Gray Ien studied bath School; 11. 15am. General Worship He was of law as this press has been un called to the local bar in 1905 30 Spanish Class; tiring when treating of other ana bas practised Young People Meeting; p.
cases which have been less grave. with much success.
his profession ilis strict Vespers. The coincidence toat the Sunday Evening 30 Preaching name of this unfortunate lad: presentation of cases and the accuracy and clarity in the Service. cordial invitation is extendhas closely connected which thoroughness he ed to all.
with tae Cummins affair, gave a exhibited on all occasions won singuir aspect to the case.
for him golden opinions, and in More ver, the assassination of 1915 he was appointed to the Seventh Day Adventist Church a won an advanced in age is a post of Assistant Crowa Prose 3rd, STREET BROADWAY, COLON disgra e sincerely lamentable cutor, an office which he held and bs ben felt by all public until the creation of the post of Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbatb ufficials and the greater part Crown Counsel about a year a.
School; 11. 15 am General Worship of the Mexican family. 30 Young people meeting He has acted as Solicitur5. 30 pm Vespers Esemies are trying to use th General on two occasions.
Sund evening 30 pm. Preachin cast against the present GovernThe cost carries with it a Service You are cordially invited to met, trying from the tre. Do ice salary of 1, 000 per annum attend these services and bring your 10 es ablish mystery around the friends, He practised his profession ne in order to damagite with his uncle, Hon. Sir Henry prestige of the Government They had tried to incline the na Alcazar, Kt, Union Pentecostal Assembly tional conscience against the 25 CALIDONIA ROAD also COLON agrarian party because this poGospel Meetings Sunday 11 a.
litical and social party is the one BRITISH GUIANA most presand 30 Sunday School 3p. m; ent Governmeat.
Thay bave Monday 30 pm, Tuesday 30 tried to throw the entire re: New Postage Stamps Thursday 30 sponsibility on this party, wbich, Elder GREENEDGE Pastor unless it had been cleared up, would have given Dew points of Suggested.
fr. com of uniatentional chaBaptist Church TIME FOR ISSUE NOW Colon 11 a. and 15 Supplied. Fortunately the truth bas Chorrillo 11 a. Des on Stewart OPPORTUNE. 15 Pastor Witt; p. YU.
come to light showing sadaess in the spirits of those wno rejnced Corozal Road 11 Pa tor Witt; 15 Deacon Yearwuod in the tragic end of the unfor Since 1912 British Guiana has tunaw woman as they thought been jueging along with a posRed Tank 11 a. Deacon Yaar.
they had tound a mystenous tage stamp of uninspiring design woad 715 Mr. Elliott.
sec et to humiliate the admin says the Daily Chronicle The Empire 11 a. and 15 istration in their own country. time has surely arrived for a De con Linton.
Fortunately the truth, with an new issue preferably a pictorial Pueblo Nuevo 11 Teach eloquace superior to intrigue one such as Jamaica has depict: Bishop; 15 Mr. Harris.
ana perversity, has demonstrated ing certain scenes typical of New Providence 11 a. tn. Supplied to all the world that Mrs. Evans the colony which might help to Gatun 11 CAN BE HAD AT Supplied.
was killed by three miserable bring British Guiana before the criminals without any Uther eye of the public. Designs might reason than to rob her of th th, be invited by local artists, San Miguel Baptist Church money which she carried and to be approved by a specially Sunday 30 o clock morning prayer that justice will soon probogace selected Committee.
It possible to 11. 30a. Divine Service. PreacherIf a pictorial issue is objected Sister Stuart; p. Sunday suppose that an organised party o pultical character could bave to, there is an excellent desiga school. Superintendent; 30 ILS Jiud such a crime, but in the excuted by the late Capt. Carrol Gospel Service, Preacher Bro.
remots case of having acceted which carried off Frst Prize in Webley.
this laea, suspicions should have a competition organised by the Monday 45 Believer meeting.
1alten upon the groups autago. Philatelic Society. This nistic to the pres nt Administs: design, as well as others that Tuesday 5, 30 Junior tration which is most uniecily won special mention in the comS. E, and 45 Senior class.
petion were recently reproduced Wednesday 45 Bible instrucThe Agrarriaus wil dot be Joureal.
In a widely read English Stamp tion and pra ver.
disar Lea, contra y un S: SOCKS T, C, FRANCIS Clerk in charge.
The reluctance of the Govrepor.
ernment to change the issue is no doubt influenced by a ColoTHE CHURCH OF GOD.
France Honou. Black nial Office Circular deprecating Sensational Death In Labor Candidate For Colon and Streste. Gospel meetTroops, unnecessary issues; but there neck and shouting flounder, uld be no such objections in Demerara.
flounder, flounder. Many perings at 11. 30 a 30 SunPresident.
day School at pm.
our case, owing to the unusually sons hearing his cries, rushed Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON In building a monument to long lapse of time that has ocout to render any possibde asthe honour and glory of her cured since the last issue. The The American Federation of The village of Lime on the sistance but before the old mar at 11. 30 a. and 39 Sunday School at p that boe policies are post dictated emisibly in other deterrenta but thrown into a state of contusion he dropped dead on the road organicotina ted the bonited States black troops, Franea has shown question of cost of new Plates is Essequobo Coast Demerara, was could give them any explanation Labor, the most powerful labor Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings or governed by outsiders, in this would easily be covered by a few days ago by the peculiar performed on the body by the Follette for the next President of post has Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH manse who have done all within 68 been proved by the Barba death of an old fisherman, a bisericen no the deceased man a press dispatch received here.
cluding American orders, the District and the fish the United States, according to Now Providence. Gospel Meetings at 11 30 a. and 30 Sunday their power to discredit them.
dos Victory issue.
popular figure of the district, School at pm. Our Black Sharpshooters, It seems a pity that more in named Smith but known to the throat Exchange.
The document indorsing Mr Sis. CAMPBELL LaFalette candidacy, it is said, ad General Achinard, in ded: trest is not shown by Govern residents as Old Joe It is icating the monument at TAKE NOTICE ment in these small matters, and understood that the old fisher Genouaces both the Democratic Red Tank, Cenal Zoue. Gospel meeting Rheims to them the other day, that there is not an official col. man went out with his net to on Thursday night 30 m, Sun conducted themselves like good All contributions intended for and Republican platforms; that ction stamps, day School at pm.
properly pursue bis calling and his first publication in the Workman on the Republicans curtly rejected Sis, GRAY Frenchmen, showing themselves mounted, at the Post Odice, as catch was a small flounder. This Saturday trust reach the office not Labor desires while the Demo our is done in other parts of the Em he put into bis mouth to give later than mid day Thursday crats evaded them; that both Panams, Arosemena Street, House 25, site. tighting well for pire. It was solely due to the him luck. Continuing to throw Democrats and Republicans are San Miguel Gospel weetings at France, because she treats them personal efforts of a private in et, the founder appearently morally bankrupt and dominated Rent Recept Books In Span by politicians, and that neither 11. 30 am, and 30 Sunday with huma ity aad jis ise, oa dividual that the stamps of Brit slipped down his throat and Old School at p. Meeling op ne same footing wisa her other ish Guiana are being exhibited Joe realising his plight rushed ish and English for Sale at The Coolidge or Dawes, Davis or Bryan Tuesday evenings 15 children. Exchage. at the Empire Exhibition at all. wildly around pointing to his WORKMAN Printery. are acceptable to Labor.
Elder BAILEY, Pastor Order Books cter Secretary and Treasurer For Friendly Societies The Workman Stationery Store of


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